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Ebon Hawk PvP Shout-outs


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A good start to attract PVP'ers is to make a guild rule to remove the exploit bug from all your members. At this time, if what you say you only have 6 members. Then the members in your guild exploiting is at 100%. Unless that's what you want out of guild, i'd say that's a horrible way to start.


Smash - MVP


The guild has 13 members. Two of which currently use the relic. Currently, take note of that word. If you want us to play fair, at least be respectful. The unneeded trash talking of your guild in Rateds and Regs is extrememly unattractive. The relics are being removed, however, we hope that MVP will curb the unneeded insulting, especially outside of the match. We are okay with some banter inside the match, but carrying it on into different matches and onto different factions is a different story. I can only speak on my behalf as I am not the guild leader, but I personally don't use the relic unless I encounter someone else in the match using them.


Hope this helps for you to understand.

Edited by Luckeyduckey
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The guild has 13 members. Two of which currently use the relic. Currently, take note of that word. If you want us to play fair, at least be respectful. The unneeded trash talking of your guild in Rateds and Regs is extrememly unattractive. The relics are being removed, however, we hope that MVP will curb the unneeded insulting, especially outside of the match. We are okay with some banter inside the match, but carrying it on into different matches and onto different factions is a different story. I can only speak on my behalf as I am not the guild leader, but I personally don't use the relic unless I encounter someone else in the match using them.


Hope this helps for you to understand.


That's precious. Play fair and be respectful. Is that rule 2 behind rule 1: exploit if possible. Yeah if your going to knowing and openly exploit then your going to get called out for it.

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For regular warzones I don't think class balance is really a big issue, but at the highest level there are obvious problems; I imagine progression PVE is similar (though I could be wrong).


Not as much as you would think. All of the DPS are balanced to within 8% in terms of their maximum output if you discount the double SA relic, and Vigilance/Vengeance is the clear outlier. If you discount Guardian DPS, the margin shrinks to like 6%, which is easily close enough that I would consider things "balanced". Tanks are largely balanced in terms of damage taken, though shadows are hyper-spiky and guardians take a bit too much damage. Healing is beautifully balanced in PvE and almost couldn't get any closer. We're essentially at the point that I would take any class in top-tier progression PvE, so long as the player is good.


PvP balance…not so much. Some specs are just really really bad in PvP, which is unfortunate. Frankly, I'm not sure that situation can ever be rectified due to the nature of rock-paper-scissors balance in the face of 19 pure DPS specs, 3 pure heal specs, 3 pure tank specs, and a half-dozen-ish hybrids.

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That's precious. Play fair and be respectful. Is that rule 2 behind rule 1: exploit if possible. Yeah if your going to knowing and openly exploit then your going to get called out for it.


You can talk all the **** you like, bud. Doesn't help you when it comes to ranked. Hope you guys enjoyed the losses :p


But, regardless, the relics will be gone, and hopefully ranked will return. And ************ will decease, slightly.


*Edit* Just played against MVP in regs, and you guys still complained about the relics. Yet... no one had them. What's going to happen tomorrow? Blame class balance?

Edited by Luckeyduckey
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This isn't my thread, but I really have to say that there are way too many folks hijacking this thread. The intent of this thread is for shout-outs to those in the PvP community that deserve it. It should be kept clean and positive in my opinion.


Those of you with grievances against other guilds, please take it to another more appropriate thread. There is a thread dedicated to the bugged relic, for example. ;)

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Xaverri :)

This ^

Indeed. Always fun to see how it feels on the other end. :)




I keep telling myself I'll make a shout-out post, but then I remember I am terribly lazy at trying to write down everyone's names and put it off... I'd feel bad if I forgot people :\

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I keep telling myself I'll make a shout-out post, but then I remember I am terribly lazy at trying to write down everyone's names and put it off... I'd feel bad if I forgot people :\


I just remember you as "gun," since that's the marker I generally put on you :)

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Since Sindol posted nice things in the hate thread I figured I would post hate masquerading as shout outs in this thread. ;)


Big shout out to MVP for your 7-8 man super Q in tier one pvp. It truly is a wonderful experience that I'm quite thankful for. In fact, I would say it's THE highlight of my day, congratulations! :rolleyes:


Oh, and thank you for saying "GG" at the end, that makes it ALL better! Because we know how competitive a game it was right?


Yes, I'm done. No more.

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Since Sindol posted nice things in the hate thread I figured I would post hate masquerading as shout outs in this thread. ;)


Big shout out to MVP for your 7-8 man super Q in tier one pvp. It truly is a wonderful experience that I'm quite thankful for. In fact, I would say it's THE highlight of my day, congratulations! :rolleyes:


Oh, and thank you for saying "GG" at the end, that makes it ALL better! Because we know how competitive a game it was right?


Yes, I'm done. No more.


Thank you for the hate shout out! We love to queue together and demolish other players. We would love it if you would do the same and make the games more interesting. If you are unable to find 7 other friends and pvp together then please feel free to apply and join us in bashing other players. (Only if you are a good pvper of course)


Good day!




Cyraz Solac'Tar


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Thank you for the hate shout out! We love to queue together and demolish other players. We would love it if you would do the same and make the games more interesting. If you are unable to find 7 other friends and pvp together then please feel free to apply and join us in bashing other players. (Only if you are a good pvper of course)


Shout out to this guy!

Because superqueues on a RP server to demolish and bash other players makes you a |337 PvPer.



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Oh, and thank you for saying "GG" at the end, that makes it ALL better! Because we know how competitive a game it was right?


Yes, I'm done. No more.


I love the GG from the 8 man superqueue after a blow out. Even more so when the Superqueue doesn't play objectives and just camps for kills. Great... you got 75 kills and couldn't get through the first door in Voidstar, so we had to play the full damn match.

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Shout out to this guy!

Because superqueues on a RP server to demolish and bash other players makes you a |337 PvPer.




Don't know where I posted that I am a I337 PvPer.... If you feel that way then thank you






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Sometimes, they might mean GG even if they rolled you. especially if they're appreciative that you stuck the thing out and didn't rage quit.


We actually do say GG with no sarcasm intended. I would think that is prefered to the LOL scrubs that other people post when they beat pugs.

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We actually do say GG with no sarcasm intended. I would think that is prefered to the LOL scrubs that other people post when they beat pugs.


Your intentions may be in the right place. But you have to realize that running 5-7 players in a learning environment (10-29) is extremely frustrating for those on the opposite side. You want to run your super Q in 55? Fine. It's expected. But it would be best if you allow those who are just starting pvp to get a grip on how it works before you slaughter them. It's a huge turn off for new players to be rolled the very first time they queue up. Saying "GG" at the end of a steamroll match only fuels hatred of your players.


At the very least keep it to a 4 man pre-made as that will nullify any complaints against you.

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Your intentions may be in the right place. But you have to realize that running 5-7 players in a learning environment (10-29) is extremely frustrating for those on the opposite side. You want to run your super Q in 55? Fine. It's expected. But it would be best if you allow those who are just starting pvp to get a grip on how it works before you slaughter them. It's a huge turn off for new players to be rolled the very first they queue up. Saying "GG" at the end of a steamroll match only fuels hatred of your players.


At the very least keep it to a 4 man pre-made as that will nullify any complaints against you.


Let me make it clear. A bunch of us old MVP just came back to the guild and rolled new toons. The only reason we were in the 10-29 bracket was because we are leveling up. Look for some of us in 30-54 now until we hit 55 again.

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Let me make it clear. A bunch of us old MVP just came back to the guild and rolled new toons. The only reason we were in the 10-29 bracket was because we are leveling up. Look for some of us in 30-54 now until we hit 55 again.


No, let me make it clear. This is the kind of crap that killed PvP on this server to begin with.


While most of us realize what guilds like yours are really all about, some don't. The steamrolling, triplecapping, superqueueing, use every bug and exploit to your advantage mentality wears very thin on a RP server. From what I've seen and heard, there has been a slow but steady increase in activity since the PvP guilds left, so don't expect the red carpet to be rolled out for your triumphant return. Eventually, players get tired of it and stop PvPing altogether, and then you'll be whining about not having any "competition" again.


In short: do yourselves and everyone else a favor while you still have lowbies, and re-roll on a PvP server. The only reason you're back is because you feel like you can steamroll here. The POT5 experiment was a failure, just like I predicted it would be, with so many guilds returning to their original servers where they can go back to being at the top of the heap.

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Let me make it clear. A bunch of us old MVP just came back to the guild and rolled new toons. The only reason we were in the 10-29 bracket was because we are leveling up. Look for some of us in 30-54 now until we hit 55 again.


I have no issues with seeing MVP tags in lowbies, I understand you are leveling toons. Where I draw the line is running super Q (5+ MVP players in a match) in the starter brackets. Again, I expect this kind of behavior from PvP guilds in 55 but NOT anyplace else. It's already a shady enough tactic (which I no longer take part in) without your guild abusing the queue system when fighting against people who are just starting out.

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No, let me make it clear. This is the kind of crap that killed PvP on this server to begin with.


While most of us realize what guilds like yours are really all about, some don't. The steamrolling, triplecapping, superqueueing, use every bug and exploit to your advantage mentality wears very thin on a RP server. From what I've seen and heard, there has been a slow but steady increase in PvP activity since guilds like your left, so don't expect the red carpet to be rolled out for your triumphant return. Eventually, players get tired of it and stop PvPing altogether, and then you'll be whining about not having any "competition" again.


In short: do yourselves and everyone else a favor while you still have lowbies, and re-roll on a PvP server. The only reason you're back is because you feel like you can steamroll here. The POT5 experiment was a failure, just like I predicted it would be, with so many guilds returning to their original servers where they can go back to being at the top of the heap.


I am sorry, we disagree. What kills pvp is no competition. You believe that the best way to learn to pvp is to play against other sub par players. In reality what makes a good pvper is overcoming large obstacles and learning to better understand objectives and how to do them correctly. Guilds like us left because we quit the game not because we wanted more competition. There is plenty of competition here on Ebon Hawk when people stop complaining and actually put together groups to combat the pre mades.


Apparently you have it all figured out! We are only here because there is NO COMPETITION! Right? Right???? NO! You don't really know everything... What a shock! We are back on this server because our friends and other characters who we NEVER transferred (see you being wrong about your other point) are on this server.


Also... exploits and bugs? You serious? We do not take advantage of exploits or bugs. The biggest compliment you can give us is to accuse us of doing so. For it shows how much better at pvp we really are then you.


Once again I challenge you to put together a group and queue against us if you wish to even the odds and make the games more fun. Until then I would rather Queue with my friends and all play together then to worry about what you think.


And since this is supposed to be a Shout Out thread.... Shout out to Regulators for some good close matches last night. You guys are always fun to go up against.

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I have no issues with seeing MVP tags in lowbies, I understand you are leveling toons. Where I draw the line is running super Q (5+ MVP players in a match) in the starter brackets. Again, I expect this kind of behavior from PvP guilds in 55 but NOT anyplace else. It's already a shady enough tactic (which I no longer take part in) without your guild abusing the queue system when fighting against people who are just starting out.


We queue together and if we end up in different games we do not leave and re queue. We finish the separate games and then re queue together again. We just really like to play together, and nobody can convince us that what we are doing is wrong. You can do exactly the same thing and that makes it an acceptable way to play.


Sorry if it bothers you that our friends happen to know how to play the game and communicate.

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