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Everything posted by Xelent

  1. Just wanted to send a shout out to all those involved in both the Pub side and Imp side for the night of fun pvp on Oricon. Originally Lost Order set out with a goal of accomplishing the kill 30 Imp Guards achievement, but knew that pvp was more than likely inevitable. The amount of give and take, the push and pull was fun to not only be involved in but watch. Hopefully this will become a weekly event. Thanks again all. P.S. There is an achievement for killing 500 players in warzones while they are partying with their party jawa. This is an impossible achievement without the help of all those who pvp on both sides. Lets party more shall we? Oxo Vanguard The Lost Order
  2. That's precious. Play fair and be respectful. Is that rule 2 behind rule 1: exploit if possible. Yeah if your going to knowing and openly exploit then your going to get called out for it.
  3. I'm aware that many guilds have issue queuing for ranked with the current, quite ridiculous, Absorb Relic bug. <Game Genie> will not be using this Relic in ranked Arenas, and I ask other teams to do the same. At the very least, make an agreement with the opposition over the use of this item before the match. Will not be using it in "Ranked" pvp. That's yet to be seen. Because we all see you with in regular warzones, so why wouldn't we assume you'll us it in ranked. Game Genie Powertech starts with a K.......
  4. A good start to attract PVP'ers is to make a guild rule to remove the exploit bug from all your members. At this time, if what you say you only have 6 members. Then the members in your guild exploiting is at 100%. Unless that's what you want out of guild, i'd say that's a horrible way to start. Smash - MVP
  5. MVP did rated arena's twice on Saturday. Both times against the new guild Gladium which yes indeed had the "bugged" relic equipped in all 4 of the players. After pleading in general/say chat for them to play fair, the pleads went unheard. Unfortunately until this bugged is fixed there is just too many players taking advantage of this bugged item to consider ranked PVP at this time. Smash - MVP
  6. All I have heard from everybody that uses this relic is "everybody else is doing it, so why I shouldn't I?" This is historically the most common excuse for decisions people make. While I understand that tanks would already have this relic and may be unaware of the bug.. or even be aware of it and still use it since it is however applicable to their class. There is a large # of healers that use this and dps. These people obviously know the bug and thus using this relic is a blatant exploit by definition. I as well as the rest of the MVP guild will not use this relic and simply request that other guilds have the same respect for the gameplay and players to do the same. This is a personal choice everyone makes, and thus tells a lot about the player/person and the guild that allows the use and abuse of a bug such as this. That's really all I have to say about it. Look forward to some clean pvp soon. Please Bioware just fix this. Meanwhile we will continue to run the bear minimum warzones just to collect our dailies and be forced to move on to other projects... not to mention the inability to now have a fair ranked arena fight. Smash - MVP
  7. How using the in game bioware approved emote of /spit is somehow against in game rules is beyond me. And again... I do think people have different ideas of what role playing is. I do not see our actions any different than some of the npc conversations & actions that take place during regulare pve questing. I'd imagine by now if their was any "wrong" doing going on I'd have recieved a warning from bioware stating so. I know I have been reported various times... but I am not using a loophole or any such thing. There is no reason that anyone playing the game straight up breaking no rules should have to curb their in game antics to please those of different intentions. I by no means try to win people over, i don't even expect one to agree with it. But to accuse one of trolling and then intentionally troll that person in the process is ironic and hypicritical. And again... i did not start this as a flame post. Was simply giving my opinions on mistakes that I believe are made in Huttball. Thanks to the unknow <Team One> member this has turned to a flame post. But instead this has become about something totally different. But I think it's run it's course. I don't expect people to understand my "roleplaying" antics... and anybody who has ever PVP'd with or against me I highly doubt can say that I personally do such things as /spit, etc. etc. However, Dark Asylum is a group of people, that as a collective has decided their well be no self inflicted guild rules that will define exceptable behavior. As the Guild GM I guess the burden of that price falls on me..... This thread is dead to me now... thanks for all your helpful insight.... thanks for your trolling and your very own a**hat behaviour while condemning others a**hat behaviour. See ya out there... good times
  8. Lmao... another example.. thankyou for proving the point. Unable to have anything intelligent to contribute you must resort ot simple playground insults... thus making you no better than what you have accused me of being. Although I do my antics in game in a fantasy world...where as you have resorted taking my "fake" persona and attacking me in a very real life forum. And yet you don't see the irony in any of what you continue to post.
  9. role-play [rohl-pley] Show IPA verb (used with object) 1. to assume the attitudes, actions, and discourse of (another), especially in a make-believe situation in an effort to understand a differing point of view or social interaction: Management trainees were given a chance to role-play labor negotiators. 2. to experiment with or experience (a situation or viewpoint) by playing a role: trainees role-playing management positions. So lets see in real life I have a loving wife 6 daughters, a step son, and a niece i care for. I am a respected manager of a multimillion dollar company. I am genuinely a caring and generous person by nature. So using the deffinition of roleplaying, i believe i am just that. In game i am a blood thirsty, evil bounty hunter, that shows no remorse in killing others, and even will purposely atagonize opposing players. This allows me to have a persona that is really the exact opposit of my real life personality. Please do tell me oh wise one... how this is not role playing?
  10. lol.. believe me the honor has been all mine. A simple helpfuly huttball posts that brought out all the whiners has been priceless. And yet you can't stop your self now... now you and 2 or 3 buddies are having some sort of wet dream about how smart you are looking trolling a supposed troll. To see you stoop to what you hate the most is really priceless. So thank you kind sir.... thank you
  11. And here you are yet again, being your typical arrogant self, thinking that you know anything at all about my intentions or though process. But like you do in the cantina's you are all feeding off of each other pathetic attempts to sound so smart because you can "Roleplay". And really you need to question your own logic here. Supposedly i'm desprate because i keep responding, but how many times have you resonded now Mort? Dredd
  12. We don't hate anybody either. Silly indeed would be a good description of us, along with many other words. But we have fun. There is over a 100 guilds on either side, all playing their own way, with people who enjoy the same type. What is silly to one is fun to others. For example: I find those who stand in the Cantina 24/7 flirting with toons of the opposit sex being played by real life people of the same sex silly. I find guild that condone hacking and in game manipulation silly. In reality we laugh while we are losing, we have fun even while getting focus fired, especially in the level 50 bracket. We play hard regardless the level... just suprised at the hate some show on the forum while condemning the supposed same thing we do in game. Hypocracy I say!!! Lol... anyhow I did not start this flame thread, but if somebody wants to use this huttball thread to vent about me or the guild then I'll respond. I nor any member of Dark Asylum are govern'ed by any self imposed guid rules. And if we were breaking in In'Game rules then report us. The majority of us have all been in a main stream guild at one point or another and found it lacking, and thus created Dark Asylum. Good times dredd
  13. Because you roleplay a certain way does not make it the only way. We have fun watching our characters, we have fun other people react to our characters... this is what gives us enjoyment. The fact that it seems most of you that have attacked me on here are unable to seperate or distinguish between the 2 shows your lack of depth. I never claimed to be good a pvp, It is you who claims I claim this. I am but a creation of what you make me. And my character evolves to become this. The concept is rather original and perhaps beyond your capablilities to fathom. The fact is you focus on rediculous items and try to make these into huge issues. Your a bit of a drama queen, which is why i can see you RP the way you do. Trying to make the most monatonous task as ordering a drink into a huge ordeal. I suggest you take a long look at yourselves... the irony is i don't attack any of your for your roleplaying antics, I don't attack anybody on here for there skill level... and yet the real trolls are the very people that can't help but to attack something because it is against what they find socially acceptable. So yes... keep bringing it on. The fact of the matter is anybody I quest with or pvp with we have fun. For you to think for a second that you know me as a person is arrogance on your part my friend. I'll look for you at the Cantina my friend and laugh my *** off as your advances are turned down by make believe women. And I will rellish every moment that i am focused in a WZ as afterall that is the point. Get over yourselves. I'm sure in your inner circle of Carebears your are all legends. I gotta go role play my doosh bag now... i'll check back later. Dredd
  14. Lets examine this closely shall we? #9 /spit or /laugh at a losing team Mmmm. We are an evil Imperial guild. We simply use the emotes that bioware has provided us. The idea is to be hated, not to be liked. That is kind of the theme of Dark Asylum. We are good people roleplaying evil toons. #10 profane trash talk in /say Last time I checked Bioware has provided a filter. Use it. It is not my fault you choose to listen to our rhetoric. #11 have poor sportsmanship If poor sportsmanship is we hate lose. We play to win. Never give up (you won't ever catch Dark Asylum members mass guarding a turrent regardless the score). Then yes call it poor sportsmanship... i call it competitiveness. #12 any of the above when you are queueing with an 8-man ops group for lowbie warzones So we should not que together as a guild then? We don't do anything that any other larger guilds are doing, but yet we get the hate. And finally.... my favorite Until your guild can show some respect for your opponents and conduct yourselves like human beings, you have no right to come to these forums and tell others how to play the game (and for all your guild's arrogant chirping, your huttball basics are dubious at best). Lmao... I have no right to come to these forums... Serioulsy??? I have to be a Carebear in order to have an opinion. The only good thing that came from this post is that now Dark Asylum is aware of Team One... and now we look forward to every pvp wz that we see one of you in... which by the way is a good thing. A healthy rivalry. Once 8 of your 600 lowbie toons hit 50, come play with us in the big kids' bracket sometime, will you?[/QUOT And then there is the all you roll is pre50 toons accusations. When for the longest time all we had was pre50 toons. We are fairly new yet. We are just now getting enough 50's to pvp in the 50 bracket. What are we not allowed to pvp in pre50, but must level our toons through pve to 50 because your feelings get hurt?
  15. I never said I think Siberwing hacks. But there are quite a few guilds that do.. and those guild are the ones that truely destroy the integrity of the game. Dark Asylum doesn't destroy the integrity of the game... in fact it enhances the game experience for many. Even if we are hated, that is not nessasarily a bad thing for the game overall. Every member of Dark Asylum knows what it means to have the tag name... we are an Ultra Dark Guild, we play evil, we are an evil guild, made up of real life good people who are playing evil toons. It's alot of fun for those of us that do this, but it is not for everybody. That much is certain. Just at the point that you can't please everyone. The most important is how the members in the guild feel, not members in other guilds. The guild wants to provide a fun place to be evil that's what we do. Anyhow... and again to clarify I don't think Siberwing hacks... indeed playing siberwing, and honorable mention out to to teamone is a highlight of pvp for us. We enjoy the rivalry that is there, which by the way is only there because Dark Asylum goes out of it's way to create rivalry's. But please bear in mind that while our toons my role play a part (even spit, boohoo, etc.) during a wz.. this does not mean we have no respect for the player or guild it is a part of. In fact, the simple fact that I or other members have taken the time to interact with your toon either positive or negative should tell you that you have earned our respect. Try to have fun with it.. i think you will find being evil can be good Dredd
  16. Oh keep it coming. You sound so pathetic. OMG there we go again. He's using the emotes that bioware intended us to use. He beat my team... blah blah blah. Think what you want... your entitled to it, and i'm sure in your little 'I love everybody" fake world your just beloved. Acting like 12 yr. olds.. wow. The only people I see acting like 12yr olds are the ones that get on here and whine. It's a game.... grow the f up. Hate the game not the players. Sounds like you have some sort of issue you might wanna join an RP therapy group somewhere for whiners. But please... so keep the comments coming. If you ever took the time to get to know any of us you would know that we are a bunch of fun guys and gals enjoying every aspect of the game and having fun. Honestly we could care less if you wanna whine. Dredd
  17. This is SWTOR not Carebears 4.0. Dry your eyes and play. OMG somebody used the spit emote in a pvp match... WOW you sound like a couple of sissys. Like there is some sort of PVP online honor code that must be followed. Next time I see you i'll be sure to /emote boohoo for you. Honestly you sound pathetic! We could all be HappyHappyJoyJoy.. or we can create real in game rivalry's which apparently is working... and we at Dark Asylum are happy for it. An in game bad reputation is better than no reputation at all. And furthermore, we don't, have never, and will never endorse cheating/hacking within the guild. So take a long hard look at some of your guilds and members in your guild before you start tossing stones. -Dredd GM Dark Asylum
  18. Then don't participate. It's a fun, harmless, unique way to be involved in somthing that means something to alot of people. I suggest educating yourself on the concept at Lightitupblue.com to get a better picture. Believe me I have no expectations that many people will show as the concept does not appeal to many. I even imaging there will be a few trolls that'll show to crash the experience. But the simple fact that you are even responding to this post means the Light It Up Blue concept did indeed raise awareness... if only yours. Dredd
  19. lmao.. is all i can say. This is a game on a roleplaying server. If the members of dark asylum so choose to play their characters a certain way it will not be curbed. They all pay there $15 a month like the rest of you. Manners in a mmo... seriously. Feel free to hate, focus, etc. etc. to any Dark Asylum member. We're used to it, and honestly we kind of like it. Just try to remember we are roleplaying a toon, and in person are quite different. We are not all baby killing siths in real life. Yes we have various pre50 toons as we are a younger Imperial Guild. We don't have loyalty to just one toon, we play what makes us happy at the moment. We do have plenty of 50's that however do pvp, and yes we get our *** handed to us 80% of the time (most of us are still in recruit gear). We do not claim to be the best... simply having FUN. Try it sometime. Dredd GM Dark Asylum
  20. A simple no response is sufficient. Not need for trolling. At 9pm cst going to get a screen shot to post on the Lightitupblue.com site. All those with Autistic family members be sure to include them in the event, I know my son will be watching. The event will end at 9:05pm with a non competitive pvp match. The idea is not to win anything but make as much blue as possible, spam you laser aoe's, lighting, and saber strikes. Thanks. Dredd GM Dark Asylum
  21. Get yor blue crystals and Light it up blue in April for Autism Awareness Month. Lightitupblue.com Dredd
  22. Lol.. ain't that the truth. Apparently there people are reacting before they get the idea of the concepts I have presented. If you know your going to die get in their pit.. don't get in there pit for any other reason though. I don't believe I insinuated in any way that that was a good idea unless you were out of options. Mmm. Seems that all these forums are is so people who have nothing better to do can get on and try and tear apart an "orignal" though or idea that somebody posts... and in the process........ well anyways... good feed back IF you trying to score and not out of options.
  23. I guess I should have clarified this a little more. These dont's are a rule of thumb for new and beginner huttball players. Obviously experienced players play by another set. These are meant to be basic dont's for new players.
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