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Ebon Hawk PvP Shout-outs


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This is a shout out for all people/guilds that took part in ranked pvp tonight (7/3). Inconceveable, Project mayhem, Silent councel, Pax, and Berserk. These were some incredible matches lets keep it up! -Mustaine. Edited by Lithdox
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Pax is trying really hard to get into the ranked game. last night was a bit of a test, going in with some people who are not even in partisan. This was a bad Idea. Hopefully soon we will be able to bring in a full geared 8 man but right now we just are not there yet.
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I would like to give a shout-out to Rané and Zero from Shadow Consortium. It is always fun to play with you guys. And of course to dance before the warzone starts.

Thank you for not minding that I apologize all the time.


And a shout out to you, Am'iris for being such an awesome healer <3 And to Thaeya for her healing.... and... That's all I am thinking of right now. b(^_^)z

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Here is a list of shout-outs to those that have transferred away. I learned a lot about what not to do while you guys were here. Even though it could be very frustrating at times, I still walked away with some new knowledge after almost every match.


Or, I could just list you because you were fun to play with. (in no particular order)




Holly - For showing me that even though I was in cover on my scoundrel in huttball; I could be lifted and lept to for a score. I haven't done that since.


Bay - For letting me into your group for a few matches on my scoundrel. I had a good time running with pocket heals.


Alexis, Dizeren, Peb - For being terrifying node guards. Usually if I found that one of you were guarding I could pretty much rule out trying to take the node. I could also pretty much guarantee my death.


Nadir - For some good, close matches when we were against each other. Also, you killed Pesmerga so +1.


Incorrect spelling of Scorchkitty - I always used to focus on just you because you had "Kitty" in your name...I apologize that you seemed to have quit shortly after that.


Pelican/Braddok - For allowing me to join you for a pre-made of stealthers :D You were also the first person to invite me for a ranked match.


Spooner/Texmex - For being a pain in the *** to kill, and making death dealing look easy.


Roean - Excellent scoundrel healer...then you went darkside :mad:


Faerie & other Merc Crosshealers - For being impossible to kill...on a merc no less.


Sno/Source - For utterly astounding me on how well you played Operative, this actually caused me to shelve my scoundrel.


Kallistratos - You confused the crap out of me...I thought you were a vanguard until you used a shotgun. :eek: Only pre-2.0 Dirty Fighting scoundrel I know...miss seeing you around.


Silvershadow(s) - Back before the Assassin tank nerfs you were the toughest 'sin I EVER fought. I had a friend who thought that all shadows/assassins were easy kills, up until you held off half the team on one door during VS.


Lakas & Laraine (sp?) - I miss these two...I could always count on Lakas to leap to me whenever I started beating on Laraine. Pocket heals/tank ftw!


I'm sure there are others I missed but my memory is equivalent to an 80 year old man with Alzheimers.

Edited by jackrunip
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Shout out to me.


I said I would stop trolling, and I'm a man of my word. That post up there has stood for over 6 hours and I haven't said a word, which is a testament to my ironclad resolve. That post makes my mouth water like a big, juicy steak smothered in bacon and unicorn tears.


Yay me!

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Shout out to me.


I said I would stop trolling, and I'm a man of my word. That post up there has stood for over 6 hours and I haven't said a word, which is a testament to my ironclad resolve. That post makes my mouth water like a big, juicy steak smothered in bacon and unicorn tears.


Yay me!



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Shout out to me.


I said I would stop trolling, and I'm a man of my word. That post up there has stood for over 6 hours and I haven't said a word, which is a testament to my ironclad resolve. That post makes my mouth water like a big, juicy steak smothered in bacon and unicorn tears.


Yay me!


*tugs on the leash a bit* Down boy, down! Not yet.... we must bide our time.... *throws Theron a juicy steak*

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Had some good games against Core yesterday. Nice to see you guys out in full force : D



And we'll continue to be out in force. :) Great games. Other than the exp bonus weekends, PVP has been pretty ok IMO.

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Shout out to the 30-54 Bracket. Played a ton of games today across my alts and had a blast... I think my operative was the most fun I've had in a long long while. Though my merc is fun as hell too. Keep it up, can't wait to face you guys in the 55 bracket!


Also, Dashto, Averth and crew, good games for the 2-3 we came across your pub toons, had fun!

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Shout out to the group I just had ina huttball game, Can't remember your names (I was Jalistia), but thanks for a fun match and the pulls to the goal line. Since hitting the 55 bracket, I've had alot of fun in Huttball, even starting to like it now!
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Props to Amalek for being my smashing buddy today (yes I cheated on Kraith and no we didn't run into Thaeya).


How... how dare you... I thought.... what we had was special!?!?!? *Runs away crying with arms flailing*


On other news, I'd like to give a big ol' shout out to Badria. Glad to see you back and glad to see you still healing like a boss! Can't wait to see you at 55 :D

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How... how dare you... I thought.... what we had was special!?!?!? *Runs away crying with arms flailing*


On other news, I'd like to give a big ol' shout out to Badria. Glad to see you back and glad to see you still healing like a boss! Can't wait to see you at 55 :D


Healing like a Voss, yeah cause those Voss healers sure know how to lay the heals down.

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