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Ebon Hawk PvP Shout-outs


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It is very rare of us to leave against anyone except a <Game Genie> Premade. Let me list the numerous reasons we leave against them.



-A Novare Coast we played against them they capped before we could even GET to the bunker with predation on, we later figured out this was because they /stucked as soon as the doors opened, to get to the south hut instantly.



-In the same Novare Coast, our East Bunker was being capped and I looked in the corners, behind me, everywhere, no character model in sight and no light(and yes I know about corner capping, as I said, I checked the corners). I can only assume that he was invisible on my screen... Which brings me to my next point.



-Voidstar, a certain scoundrel in that guild a lot of the time when he's capping a door he is invisible on my screen and I have to use an AoE to stop him from capping the door because I cannot target him.



-Voidstar, they get across the bridge instantly with the use of /stuck.


-Huttball, we've seen the same person who scores the ball instantly get to middle and get the ball again.



-We don't leave against this guild every time, sometimes we play them, and sometimes we beat them. Though there are also times when there are close games with them and members of our premade "magically" get disconnected from the game. Maybe it's a coincidence, but I've only EVER seen members of our guild disconnect when we are playing against this guild.



So long story short, these guys exploit every chance they get. I'll also say that on the server we came from, we only spotted someone exploiting one single time(Them scoring 6 goals in one shot to the goal line.) I am not a person who lightly accuses of exploits by any means, because I know what various abilities do, such as predation, a stealthy at the goal line that someone leaps to, operative roll, etc.



However, I have seen numerous times with my own eyes, that which can not be denied that this guild exploits to the fullest of their ability every chance they get. From this we can surmise that even though they claim to want competition that they really do not, what they want is to rule this server with an iron fist, which from what I've heard, they have done. They are probably the reason that the PvP on this server is in the poor state that it is in.



If you don't want to respect <The Watchmen>, that is fine, however, I can't see how anyone on this server can respect this other guild when regardless of their skill level, they exploit constantly. I don't know how you guys have put up with it for as long as you have, just taking it as they exploit in most games to win unfairly, disrespecting everyone else by doing so. That being said they do have some decent players and we'd probably play against them a lot more if they could play without abusing/exploiting.



Also, we reported one of their members for teleporting across the map in lowbies yesterday with lag spiking. Pretty sure he's going to be banned. All I can say to this guild is look forward to more of us reporting you when we see this sketchy crap. Look forward to it :).


Good luck with bans in this game, they don't happen, you can't prove GG hacks, or cheats, its impossible, because no one cheats, or hacks in this game, its...lag...mmmaright?

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I think you should get your eyes checked, Ser Ezio.


None of the instances you've cited is due to /stuck. Scoundrel roll > predation. But you knew that right?


I will say your accusations are pretty novel - most repeat the tired litany that our shadows hack and exploit. I think it's a pretty telling fact that you came over from Jedi Covenant with your tails tucked between your legs from LD50 and when you came here looking for a noob stomp since it's full of carebear RPers, you get slammed in the same manner.


Guess it wasn't as easy as you thought? Maybe you should reevaluate your play and figure out where you're doing something wrong like everyone else who is rational does.

Edited by VtTethias
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It is very rare of us to leave against anyone except a <Game Genie> Premade. Let me list the numerous reasons we leave against them.



-A Novare Coast we played against them they capped before we could even GET to the bunker with predation on, we later figured out this was because they /stucked as soon as the doors opened, to get to the south hut instantly.



-In the same Novare Coast, our East Bunker was being capped and I looked in the corners, behind me, everywhere, no character model in sight and no light(and yes I know about corner capping, as I said, I checked the corners). I can only assume that he was invisible on my screen... Which brings me to my next point.



-Voidstar, a certain scoundrel in that guild a lot of the time when he's capping a door he is invisible on my screen and I have to use an AoE to stop him from capping the door because I cannot target him.



-Voidstar, they get across the bridge instantly with the use of /stuck.


-Huttball, we've seen the same person who scores the ball instantly get to middle and get the ball again.



-We don't leave against this guild every time, sometimes we play them, and sometimes we beat them. Though there are also times when there are close games with them and members of our premade "magically" get disconnected from the game. Maybe it's a coincidence, but I've only EVER seen members of our guild disconnect when we are playing against this guild.



So long story short, these guys exploit every chance they get. I'll also say that on the server we came from, we only spotted someone exploiting one single time(Them scoring 6 goals in one shot to the goal line.) I am not a person who lightly accuses of exploits by any means, because I know what various abilities do, such as predation, a stealthy at the goal line that someone leaps to, operative roll, etc.



However, I have seen numerous times with my own eyes, that which can not be denied that this guild exploits to the fullest of their ability every chance they get. From this we can surmise that even though they claim to want competition that they really do not, what they want is to rule this server with an iron fist, which from what I've heard, they have done. They are probably the reason that the PvP on this server is in the poor state that it is in.



If you don't want to respect <The Watchmen>, that is fine, however, I can't see how anyone on this server can respect this other guild when regardless of their skill level, they exploit constantly. I don't know how you guys have put up with it for as long as you have, just taking it as they exploit in most games to win unfairly, disrespecting everyone else by doing so. That being said they do have some decent players and we'd probably play against them a lot more if they could play without abusing/exploiting.



Also, we reported one of their members for teleporting across the map in lowbies yesterday with lag spiking. Pretty sure he's going to be banned. All I can say to this guild is look forward to more of us reporting you when we see this sketchy crap. Look forward to it :).


This is one long quote lol. You keep saying people are using /stuck to achieve these goals, here is how /stuck works. When you are in combat regardless of what position your in and you type /stuck it will kill you. When you die you get sent to the respawn area. When you use /stuck outside of combat your toon shifts like a milimeter over. So in no way can /stuck be used to commit anything you have suggested. The way to prove if /stuck is being used is turn on show victory messages and it will say (name) has been defeated by kill target.


The Scoundrel accusations are funny. The novare coast, you understand that they can roll off the top ledge land about 3/4 of the way their with pred? That is one global and they are 3/4 there before you even hit the ground. They use another global to roll again now they are inside the bunker and you are now half or 3/4 of the way to the node. They are capping and get off maybe 1-2 ticks before you even get there unless you straight away check the corners.

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I think it's about time to refresh our memories:


Special Note - It seems many people are taking this thread the wrong way. This is not a flame thread and it is not used to say who is the most skilled, or least skilled. Many are taking some things too seriously, and im a bit of it as well as Im trying to keep this thread on track, but please keep things respectful. This is a community thread for the pvp community, not a thread for the skilled to boast and flame others. Nor is my list a list of the "most skilled" but the most active that i have seen or spoken to and will update accordingly with time. Thanks for understanding, and please ignore the flame/disrespectful posts from any party, including my own. Should have named the title Shout outs, not call outs, as i see now that can be extremely misleading.


In that spirit, hat tip to *-matter for some helpful advice regarding relics in PvP.

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I think you should get your eyes checked, Ser Ezio.


None of the instances you've cited is due to /stuck. Scoundrel roll > predation. But you knew that right?


I will say your accusations are pretty novel - most repeat the tired litany that our shadows hack and exploit. I think it's a pretty telling fact that you came over from Jedi Covenant with your tails tucked between your legs from LD50 and when you came here looking for a noob stomp since it's full of carebear RPers, you get slammed in the same manner.


Guess it wasn't as easy as you thought? Maybe you should reevaluate your play and figure out where you're doing something wrong like everyone else who is rational does.


Well let's see, in that game there were two scoundrels, yet the speed at which the bunker was being capped indicated there were at least 4 people capping on the bunker, try again. Also, pretty sure I stated I know how predation/operative roll works, respectively.


It's ok though, it's not like I'd expect the guild I'm accusing to actually admit they exploit even though they know they do. Even though I've heard many stories of how several of your members have been banned for exploiting in the past. But of course, I'm sure now you guys don't exploit right? ;) It surely must be the greatest of coincidences that all of this sketchy stuff only happens when we play against your guild.


The invisible cap thing must also be a great coincidence, even though I only have this problem with one particular scoundrel in your guild and only him, amirite ;)?


As I said, I only once ever accused someone of exploiting on Jedi Covenant server in the entire time that I played there, I don't accuse lightly. So hey, keep trying to discredit me all you like, I'd do it too if I was in your positions. It is funny though that you name your guild after an old cheat code, and have had several bans in the past for exploiting, yet you sit here and vehemently deny these accusations.


Btw I like how shortly through your post you stop trying to actually argue my points and instead resort to ad hominem attacks.

Edited by NamikazeNaruto
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The invisible cap thing must also be a great coincidence, even though I only have this problem with one particular scoundrel in your guild and only him, amirite ;)?


There's a bug with the Scoundrel/Operative group stealth that will occasionally, under proper circumstances, render a character completely invisible except for particle effects and the nameplate. The only way to get rid of it is to either die or use a stealth ability (which not every class has, believe it or not). Not gonna argue morality of it cause I've never seen it happen but for accident. But there it is.


and have had several bans in the past for exploiting, yet you sit here and vehemently deny these accusations.


I believe there was only 1 or 2 banned for ToS violations waaaaaaay back like... right after voluntary server transfers. The rest so infamously referred to as 'being banned for hax' were banned for poor behavior and conduct.




Also, shoutout to Project Mayhem for being awesome!



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Big shout-out to <The Watchmen>, as they are one of the most talented pvp guilds i have seen on this server. They play all real, no cheats or anything and they still have extreme talent. Also i would like to shout out to Wrecks, as with his smash he is able to do incredible damage while tanking at the same time. In fact i think <Hex> as a whole is pretty talented and needs a shout-out! With some of these people i am really growing to like pvping. :)
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I think you should get your eyes checked, Ser Ezio.


None of the instances you've cited is due to /stuck. Scoundrel roll > predation. But you knew that right?


I will say your accusations are pretty novel - most repeat the tired litany that our shadows hack and exploit. I think it's a pretty telling fact that you came over from Jedi Covenant with your tails tucked between your legs from LD50 and when you came here looking for a noob stomp since it's full of carebear RPers, you get slammed in the same manner.


Guess it wasn't as easy as you thought? Maybe you should reevaluate your play and figure out where you're doing something wrong like everyone else who is rational does.


i'm curious. Where did you hear that LD50 steamrolled them and that Watchmen quit that server to come here? As far as I know, most of the core watchmen group had quit the game back in September of 2012. There's like 4 core Watchmen from the original JC server on EH.

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We later figured out this was because they /stucked as soon as the doors opened, to get to the south hut instantly.


-Voidstar, they get across the bridge instantly with the use of /stuck.


-Huttball, we've seen the same person who scores the ball instantly get to middle and get the ball again.


As highlighted in several posts above, the infamous /stuck cannot be used for any of the applications you have cited. If you're going to attempt to blame losses on anything other than being outplayed, please make sure that you fully understand game mechanics such as these.


- I've only EVER seen members of our guild disconnect when we are playing against this guild.


- So long story short, these guys exploit every chance they get.


- Can not be denied that this guild exploits to the fullest of their ability every chance they get.


- We can surmise that even though they claim to want competition that they really do not.


All of these wild accusations are founded solely on opinion, to which of course <The Watchmen> are entitled, but they should not be preached as fact on a public thread. Especially one of this nature.


I've heard many stories of how several of your members have been banned for exploiting in the past.


Keyword highlighted for emphasis.


I can categorically deny that any <Game Genie> member has ever been suspended from SWTOR for violation of the Mod, Hack and Cheat prohibitions outlined in Bioware's Rules of Conduct.


Any suspensions received were as a result of improper social conduct or a violation of Naming Policy, and none of these have occurred since the turn of the year.


Again, if you'd like to discuss any of these topics further, this is not the place to do so. Feel free to PM me on these forums or over Enjin (user name Peyton), or in game to any of the characters listed below.


I look forward to facing <The Watchmen> in many more matches, hopefully lasting their full duration, in the future.

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As highlighted in several posts above, the infamous /stuck cannot be used for any of the applications you have cited. If you're going to attempt to blame losses on anything other than being outplayed, please make sure that you fully understand game mechanics such as these.


Oh really? Words taken from your own guildie.


This is one long quote lol. You keep saying people are using /stuck to achieve these goals, here is how /stuck works. When you are in combat regardless of what position your in and you type /stuck it will kill you. When you die you get sent to the respawn area.


So if you were on defense phase in Voidstar for example, and the bridge just went down, you wouldn't be able to /stuck on defense to die, and instantly get sent back to your respawn point across the bridge? If you know there are two ticks or less on the door, you can use this to make sure you stop the enemy from capping. You won't even have to worry about the enemy team AoE slowing you or anything like that. Here, you are deliberately avoiding and exploiting certain game mechanics. I recall that was one of my examples cited.



Aside from that, please forgive me if I'm not infinitely knowledgeable in the use of /stuck, as <The Watchmen> has never used /stuck to win a warzone, unlike some other guild we know ;). If it wasn't /stuck I'd love for you to explain to me how all the other examples I cited happened. Since you know... I just don't understand how mechanics work in this game :(.



Particularly, why in Novare South was being instant capped as soon as the doors opened, by 4 people, and we didn't have get a chance to get to the bunker before it was already capped, when the team had one operative and one gunslinger for rolls. Also wish I knew why only one certain scoundrel turns invisible half the time when is capping things, on my screen. As I said, surely the fact that suspicious things only happen when we play your guild must be the greatest of coincidences.



All of these wild accusations are founded solely on opinion, to which of course <The Watchmen> are entitled, but they should not be preached as fact on a public thread. Especially one of this nature.


Wouldn't of posted anything here if a couple of people, a <Game Genie> member included weren't calling out <The Watchmen> here, on a public thread. I have the right to defend my guild and make it known why we do what we do when certain people are trying to villianize us. Just the same as members of <Game Genie> had the right to come here and defend themselves after I posted my accusations.



i'm curious. Where did you hear that LD50 steamrolled them and that Watchmen quit that server to come here? As far as I know, most of the core watchmen group had quit the game back in September of 2012. There's like 4 core Watchmen from the original JC server on EH.


It's because he doesn't know what he is talking about, he was just trying to get a rise out of me, and it was transparent.

Edited by NamikazeNaruto
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/hug to Dizeren, Amber-may, Alecia, Toshirou, A'zrael, Sindol, Fiama, Naads, f'in Bay, the ever-eloquent Merope, Luddott, Aunty-matter, the erudite Peyton, Sir Hibar, and everyone else Nillard pwns on a regular basis.


So focused on me, yet I still don't know who you or any of your 16 listed toons are. Maybe sit the next few plays out champ?

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So if you were on defense phase in Voidstar for example, and the bridge just went down, you wouldn't be able to /stuck on defense to die, and instantly get sent back to your respawn point across the bridge? If you know there are two ticks or less on the door, you can use this to make sure you stop the enemy from capping. You won't even have to worry about the enemy team AoE slowing you or anything like that. Here, you are deliberately avoiding and exploiting certain game mechanics. I recall that was one of my examples cited.



You also realize you can simply jump off the side off the or the middle and die right? no exploit there its called suicide.

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You also realize you can simply jump off the side off the or the middle and die right? no exploit there its called suicide.


Oh... so this is the justification for exploiting. I suppose on the second set of doors when it explodes you can also jump into the abyss as well to respawn on the third set of doors. All this is surely how Bioware intended, and definitely makes it ok for you to exploit. :rolleyes:

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Oh... so this is the justification for exploiting. I suppose on the second set of doors when it explodes you can also jump into the abyss as well to respawn on the third set of doors. All this is surely how Bioware intended, and definitely makes it ok for you to exploit. :rolleyes:


Less QQ, more pewpew and better play.


Keep your exploit whining to ticket reports with BioWare, pl0x. We don't need that **** here.

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Oh... so this is the justification for exploiting. I suppose on the second set of doors when it explodes you can also jump into the abyss as well to respawn on the third set of doors. All this is surely how Bioware intended, and definitely makes it ok for you to exploit. :rolleyes:

I don't want to be involved in this lovely argument, but... You can respawn in the next room ONLY IF you have an ally in there. If you die after the door explodes, you will can see that the medcenter location changes as a teammate enters the next room.


So yes, it certainly works as intended. You can proceed to justify ragequitting now.

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I don't want to be involved in this lovely argument, but... You can respawn in the next room ONLY IF you have an ally in there. If you die after the door explodes, you will can see that the medcenter location changes as a teammate enters the next room.


So yes, it certainly works as intended. You can proceed to justify ragequitting now.


I've already made justifications for leaving, because a certain guild seems to have the attitude that any exploits they can use are ok. The fact that they claim to want competitive matches when they exploit like crazy in warzones is hilarious to me. If it helps you sleep at night thinking that Bioware intended for you to be able to /stuck to avoid being slowed and CCed to keep you away from the person planting the bomb... if you think that is truly what they intended, then I don't know what I can tell you.


However, you now understand why we leave games against <Game Genie>. I don't care if you agree with me or not, but if you keep trying to talk crap about my guild on these boards, I will keep defending my guild. If you guys stop trying to talk crap on us all the time on the forums, then I will stop talking about how <Game Genie> loves exploiting, poaching from guilds to make sure said guild can't grow strong, crashing ranked games when people try to form ranked teams together for kickball in order to gear up, intimidating random members of our guild via spitting/hate whispers, even having sent spies into our guild at one point, all for the sake of making sure that you all never have any competition you have to deal with. So stop talking crap about my guild, and I'll stop talking crap about <Game Genie>.


Less QQ, more pewpew and better play.


Keep your exploit whining to ticket reports with BioWare, pl0x. We don't need that **** here.


Acting as though I was the one who started this whole argument when I was not. I was merely defending our guild from all the people here who started talking crap about us. As I said, if u guys stop making negative comments about <The Watchmen>, then I'll stop posting :).

Edited by NamikazeNaruto
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