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The Empire had Coruscant...


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However they were stupid enough to drop it. They could've ended the war right then and there by onliterating the planet. But no, the Empire decided to release it. Not that I have anything against the fact that they gave it up (if they had destroyed Coruscant there would be no TOR), but it was a good chance to achieve galactic domination. They could've at least wrecked it a LITTLE bit...
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However they were stupid enough to drop it. They could've ended the war right then and there by onliterating the planet. But no, the Empire decided to release it. Not that I have anything against the fact that they gave it up (if they had destroyed Coruscant there would be no TOR), but it was a good chance to achieve galactic domination. They could've at least wrecked it a LITTLE bit...


Have you played Republic-side? They did wreck it. And that is how they won the war - they held it hostage.


But they would not have been able to occupy it / defend it successfully long-term, so they parlayed that into a very advantageous peace treaty. In any case, the Emperor had decided the war should end.

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The Empire would have suffered massive losses if they had tried to occupy Coruscant. The Republic Navy is the strongest in the Core worlds, the planet has trillions of citizens capable of fighting a guerilla war against the Empire on a world that is entirely made up of urban sprawl.


The Empire bombed a few priority targets and left because if they had stayed, they could have lost the entire war. Attacking Coruscant was a gambit that could have gone to hell by destroying the entire attacking Sith fleet (This happened to Naga Sadow's fleet which attacked Coruscant during the Great Hyperspace War).

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the empire dosn't want war to end, we can see this clearly with the sith code


Peace is a lie, there is only passion.

Through passion, I gain strength.

Through strength, I gain victory.

Through victory, my chains are broken.

The Force shall free me.


the very first line, peace is a lie, they never want peace. you notice they gain victory through passion, and strength, it says nothing about wiping out their enemy's, think of it this way a good hunter would never kill off alll his/her game, or then there would be nothing left to hunt, instead what is needed is good management of your game reserves.


the darkside would have nothing to feed on if there was no war, so the sith never want peace, its highly likely that only really high ranking members of the sith order, such as the dark council really understand this, and the rest of the empire think they are fighting a war they can and will win

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However they were stupid enough to drop it. They could've ended the war right then and there by onliterating the planet. But no, the Empire decided to release it. Not that I have anything against the fact that they gave it up (if they had destroyed Coruscant there would be no TOR), but it was a good chance to achieve galactic domination. They could've at least wrecked it a LITTLE bit...


Having the capital city or in this case world doesnt mean you win the war. and corusant was wrecked. remember that they had nearly 3 decades to do reconstruction and it is still a mess

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I thought the attack on Coruscant was more of a shock factor attack, rather then a try and take the planet attack.




Imagine Coruscant as New York and Washington DC rolled into one.


The enemy captured the planet city and threatened the lives of 1 trillion Republic citizens as well as the heart of the Republic in return for vast swathes of the galaxy. If they'd just bombed the hell out of it their fleet would have been decimated as the Republic fleet launched their counter-attack.


So they held it hostage and made it clear that they would destroy much of Coruscant if the Republic didn't sign their treaty. They simply didn't have the numbers to hold the planet.

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Having the capital city or in this case world doesnt mean you win the war. and corusant was wrecked. remember that they had nearly 3 decades to do reconstruction and it is still a mess


this game takes place 10 years after the sacking of Coruscant not 30... the Treaty of Coruscant was in 3,653 BBY and the game's story starts in 3,643 BBY.. so they only had a decade to rebuild not 3

Edited by Liquidacid
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The Empire didn't hold onto Coruscant because Coruscant is surrounded by other Republic controlled worlds, it would be a bad tactical move. It would take the Empire longer to transport reinforcements and supplies than it would the Republic and thus the Empire's forces there would be cut off and would eventually get decimated. The Empire did the best move possible with what they had by holding it hostage and gaining, retaining territory (I don't agree with the treaty though). Edited by Tuscad
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I asked a similar question around almost the time the game came out, I think. I realize that conquering the planet may have been impractical, but why didn't they just annihilate the surface? Considering all the trouble the Republic had to deal with from the war even when they were just sacking the Capital, destroying the city might have well been a true deathblow to the Republic. Lord Malak did it Taris, and one Sith soldier threatened to do the same to Coruscant during the Jedi Civil War.
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I asked a similar question around almost the time the game came out, I think. I realize that conquering the planet may have been impractical, but why didn't they just annihilate the surface? Considering all the trouble the Republic had to deal with from the war even when they were just sacking the Capital, destroying the city might have well been a true deathblow to the Republic. Lord Malak did it Taris, and one Sith soldier threatened to do the same to Coruscant during the Jedi Civil War.


They did enough damage so that ten years after skyscrapers are still being rebuilt and basic infrastructure still needs repairs. They did a number on Coruscant. But Taris notwithstanding, demolishing a city the size of a world would take time and resources. The strike was largely symbolic, and for leverage during negotiations. As it is, the occupation seems to have lasted weeks or maybe months. The timeline is not very specific.

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As a few people have already mentioned, it was a bad strategic move. Great tactical strike, but long-term occupation would've been impossible/allowed the Republic to surround and destroy the occupying fleet/army while also rolling back the Empire's other accomplishments. As a short term terroristic strike, it allowed them a stronger hand at the negotiating table, netting them systems they hadn't conquered.
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Also, leaving Coruscant damaged but repairable almost forces the Republic to put a lot of effort into repairing it. Trash the planet as much as Taris, and there'll be a new capital next year. Leave enough standing, and the Republic can either declare they can't rebuild their capital or can put time and resources into doing so.


Also, from the strategic point of view, it means the Republic has to put more effort into defending other major worlds from the same sort of attack. And not destroying Coruscant also makes it less likely the Republic will put together a strike to level Dromund Kaas.

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Also, leaving Coruscant damaged but repairable almost forces the Republic to put a lot of effort into repairing it. Trash the planet as much as Taris, and there'll be a new capital next year. Leave enough standing, and the Republic can either declare they can't rebuild their capital or can put time and resources into doing so.


Also, from the strategic point of view, it means the Republic has to put more effort into defending other major worlds from the same sort of attack. And not destroying Coruscant also makes it less likely the Republic will put together a strike to level Dromund Kaas.

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Bear in mind at this point the Empire's plan is not exactly going to snuff. The Republic is battered and bruised but its still holding on. Imperial victories are becoming increasingly expensive. (Alderaan, Bothuwai, the breaking of the blockade, etc...)


So the strike on Coruscant was to bring add an extra chip to the bargaining table.


Destroy Coruscant and you have the odds of victory up in the air. Plus the Republic might very well go all out and blitiz your worlds. You might win, but the cost would be exorbitant.


Occupy Coruscant and it might end up being the Stalingrad style war. It'll suck in troops, resources and equipment to hold an entire planet. It'll end up being a bloody, brutal grind-fest.


This logic plus Revan's influence may have coerced the Emperor into the treaty. Plus the fact that Sith routinely betray each other, may have made him want time to take a breather and reassess his allies.

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However they were stupid enough to drop it. They could've ended the war right then and there by onliterating the planet. But no, the Empire decided to release it. Not that I have anything against the fact that they gave it up (if they had destroyed Coruscant there would be no TOR), but it was a good chance to achieve galactic domination. They could've at least wrecked it a LITTLE bit...


Play pub and you'll see...

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