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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

New to the game - pessimism all around!


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SWTOR is great


1) for people who only play a few hours a week, and who are looking for fun leveling and a good storyline.

2) hard-core SW fans who don't care much about PVP or raiding

3) Alt-aholics who can figure out how to stagger their alts so they aren't all doing the same content over immediately


The reason for the negativity on the forums is the nature of forums. Only a small amount of people actually playing the game read the forums, and only some of the readers post. It wouldn't astonish me to find out that less than 15,000 people make up 95% of the posts on the forums.


The ugly reality is that the game does very well (aside from a few bugs) all the way to 50, and then you have a choice between PVP that has not been done correctly or raids with lots of bugs...and that is pretty much it. There is very little meaningful end-game content. There are lots and lots of posters who were very positive about the game until they leveled their 2nd or 3rd toon to 50 and realized why people were complaining.


However, the play experiences of others should not impact your own in any significant fashion. I certainly don't care a single iota if people like the game or hate it, if they sub or quit, or if they think it's great or mismanaged. The only consideration I have is "am I getting my money's worth out of this?"


Right now , I'm not, because there's nothing left to do that I'm interested in (no, going after stupid pets is not interesting). PVP is not good, space is a joke, and I've run all the FP and OP's i care to run. At this point, I could get more for my money with some random Steam game for $15.


But my experience has zero do with a new player's experience, and it shouldn't. I've never understood people who read MMO forums to figure out whether to play a game, since all MMO forums are filled with negativity.


On the other hand, I do not appreciate the semi-sanctimonious tone of those who still think the game is the most wonderful MMO evar. if it fits your particulars, great, I'm happy for you, but the loss of subs should indicate that the game is not doing well. The F2P transitions should indicate the game is not doing well. Layoffs, server consolidation, pallet-swap new gear, vague promises of new content that never materialize, and "events" riddled with bugs and lackluster rewards do not bespeak "doing well".


Will the game survive? Yeah. But that isn't really the question. The question is , will it ever live up to the ridiculous hype it was subjected to, and that answer is no, because Bioware and EA haven't undertaken to listen to the customer base.

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... pallet-swap new gear, ...


Sorry for quoting you LogicalPremise, but I just wanted to comment on that one specific thing that others have brought up as a problem.


A while back the players complained that the gear that was being developed for high-end play was not in line with the Star Wars universe. This garnered the Devs attention and they stepped into the forums asking for suggestions. They took the players suggestions on board and said things would be different but that they needed time to change. The change would not be in for 1.3 or 1.4 because of the turn around time needed but it would be done.


I believe this recolour of the existing set is a step in that direction. We aren't getting new gear in 1.4 because they scrapped whatever they were working on for 1.4. They are currently preparing gear that is more in keeping with the Star Wars universe.


Again, just my thoughts on why the gear for 1.4 is just a recolour.

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Not me, of course. Just around me, it feels.


I was watching this game pre-launch a while back under the forum username Kanith, but I noticed a lot of stuff got changed including what seems to be a dump of forum users. Interesting.


Anyway, I took a stroll on the 15-level trial and enjoyed myself so much I bought the game for the standard $15 and have been strutting my stuff around the Jung Ma PvP-RP server. While activity hasn't been exploding (coming from a guy who played WoW for some five years before quitting in 2009) I have enjoyed the small bit of interaction between characters on the server. There is one thing I've noticed, though:


Everyone seems so pessimistic. Perhaps I missed out on the real fun-time bash that was early Old Republic, but on the whole I am indeed having fun playing the game. There is enough life to not feel like the worlds are completely empty, but also not overcrowded so I don't feel "small". I'm just curious where all the dire vibes are coming from. Personally I'd like to cruise through the story, sidequests, and join a nice RP guild and settle down. What's with all the naysayers?



Severe lack of content.

Lack of innovation.


Which also leads to far less players on servers which means its harder to enjoy. Listen getting into SWTOR is great but chances are you won't stay. 1-50 is great. After that not so much.


This game had 2.1 million sales. After the very first month 400,000 people quit. Today they probably have somewhere around 600,000 subscribers which means 1,500,000 people have left. I think it speaks for itself.

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Not me, of course. Just around me, it feels.


I was watching this game pre-launch a while back under the forum username Kanith, but I noticed a lot of stuff got changed including what seems to be a dump of forum users. Interesting.


Anyway, I took a stroll on the 15-level trial and enjoyed myself so much I bought the game for the standard $15 and have been strutting my stuff around the Jung Ma PvP-RP server. While activity hasn't been exploding (coming from a guy who played WoW for some five years before quitting in 2009) I have enjoyed the small bit of interaction between characters on the server. There is one thing I've noticed, though:


Everyone seems so pessimistic. Perhaps I missed out on the real fun-time bash that was early Old Republic, but on the whole I am indeed having fun playing the game. There is enough life to not feel like the worlds are completely empty, but also not overcrowded so I don't feel "small". I'm just curious where all the dire vibes are coming from. Personally I'd like to cruise through the story, sidequests, and join a nice RP guild and settle down. What's with all the naysayers?


9 months after release and we have LESS PvP content than we did at launch. Enjoy the game, but don't judge people who have seen how Bioware works.

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Most of the pessimism is on the forums. If you read the forums it seems like the game is the worst thing ever in the history of everything. But if you just play the game, you almost never hear any pessimism.


Another good point. I rarely see people complaining on the game. It's only during my rare visits to this forum that I see people whining all over the place.

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Not me, of course. Just around me, it feels.


I was watching this game pre-launch a while back under the forum username Kanith, but I noticed a lot of stuff got changed including what seems to be a dump of forum users. Interesting.


Anyway, I took a stroll on the 15-level trial and enjoyed myself so much I bought the game for the standard $15 and have been strutting my stuff around the Jung Ma PvP-RP server. While activity hasn't been exploding (coming from a guy who played WoW for some five years before quitting in 2009) I have enjoyed the small bit of interaction between characters on the server. There is one thing I've noticed, though:


Everyone seems so pessimistic. Perhaps I missed out on the real fun-time bash that was early Old Republic, but on the whole I am indeed having fun playing the game. There is enough life to not feel like the worlds are completely empty, but also not overcrowded so I don't feel "small". I'm just curious where all the dire vibes are coming from. Personally I'd like to cruise through the story, sidequests, and join a nice RP guild and settle down. What's with all the naysayers?


TOR has lost such massive amounts of subs, shutdown such massive amounts of servers (more on the way), is listed as the #1 mmo fail of all time because of the incredible money spent, and now its going F2P because of such monumental fail to keep from shutting down entirely.......................its very difficult to be optimistic.

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TOR has lost such massive amounts of subs, shutdown such massive amounts of servers (more on the way), is listed as the #1 mmo fail of all time because of the incredible money spent, and now its going F2P because of such monumental fail to keep from shutting down entirely.......................its very difficult to be optimistic.


Still running at more then half a million active subscriptions, and headed for a freemium dual access model, which even pessamistic analysis of Freemium MMOs shows at least a 2x increase in active accounts results from such a business model change. In most cases, the market analysis says 2x to 4x boost in active accounts. Further, monitization of the "free" side of the active account base is generally accepted/proven in the industry to provide between 10 and 15 dollars in average monthly revenue per account. So things are much more positive then your severely negative opinion supports.


Are you going to post this same dismissive "failure" declaration in every thread today? If so, some actual facts to support opinion is deserved IMO.

Edited by Andryah
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TOR has lost such massive amounts of subs, shutdown such massive amounts of servers (more on the way), is listed as the #1 mmo fail of all time because of the incredible money spent, and now its going F2P because of such monumental fail to keep from shutting down entirely.......................its very difficult to be optimistic.


It may be difficult for you to be optimistic, but the only thing we, the players, can do if we want this game to rise again is to give constructive feedback to the developers and, just as importantly, have a welcoming, solid and positive community where we actually invite people to come and play with us. What is more attractive to a newcomer? A community that might have been bigger in the past, but still stays positive and active, or a community that just hates on the game they're playing and declares it a "fail" or dead every chance they get, highlighting drops in subs and concurrent users? No, it's not up to the player base, but we can atleast try to help as much as we can, right? You don't have to be optimistic, but you don't have to scare people away either.

Edited by Trenter
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TOR has lost such massive amounts of subs, shutdown such massive amounts of servers (more on the way), is listed as the #1 mmo fail of all time because of the incredible money spent, and now its going F2P because of such monumental fail to keep from shutting down entirely.......................its very difficult to be optimistic.



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Still running at more then half a million active subscriptions, and headed for a freemium dual access model, which even pessamistic analysis of Freemium MMOs shows at least a 2x increase in active accounts results from such a business model change. In most cases, the market analysis says 2x to 4x boost in active accounts. Further, monitization of the "free" side of the active account base is generally accepted/proven in the industry to provide between 10 and 15 dollars in average monthly revenue per account. So things are much more positive then your severely negative opinion supports.


Are you going to post this same dismissive "failure" declaration in every thread today? If so, some actual facts to support opinion is deserved IMO.


your so called facts are so very wrong while this one tidbit I'll give up to you (but no more becasue you are just fishing while moving slowly now :D) ONE HUNDRED EIGHTY-NINE SERVERS SHUTDOWN>>>>>>>>>>>>FACT!

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Not me, of course. Just around me, it feels.


I was watching this game pre-launch a while back under the forum username Kanith, but I noticed a lot of stuff got changed including what seems to be a dump of forum users. Interesting.


Anyway, I took a stroll on the 15-level trial and enjoyed myself so much I bought the game for the standard $15 and have been strutting my stuff around the Jung Ma PvP-RP server. While activity hasn't been exploding (coming from a guy who played WoW for some five years before quitting in 2009) I have enjoyed the small bit of interaction between characters on the server. There is one thing I've noticed, though:


Everyone seems so pessimistic. Perhaps I missed out on the real fun-time bash that was early Old Republic, but on the whole I am indeed having fun playing the game. There is enough life to not feel like the worlds are completely empty, but also not overcrowded so I don't feel "small". I'm just curious where all the dire vibes are coming from. Personally I'd like to cruise through the story, sidequests, and join a nice RP guild and settle down. What's with all the naysayers?




OP, stay away from the forums. They are filled with the most wretched scum and villainy. They whine, cry, complain and bash all day long. You fix what ever it is that they were complaining about, and then it continues all over again. Wash and repeat. They are never happy. Let them die off and go away, it'll be a better place for it.

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OP, stay away from the forums. They are filled with the most wretched scum and villainy. They whine, cry, complain and bash all day long. You fix what ever it is that they were complaining about, and then it continues all over again. Wash and repeat. They are never happy. Let them die off and go away, it'll be a better place for it.


Ok, well. I'm still waiting for the fixes that will bring back the massive amount of players lost that caused 189 servers to shutdown. Where are those fixes?

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Ok, well. I'm still waiting for the fixes that will bring back the massive amount of players lost that caused 189 servers to shutdown. Where are those fixes?


They won't happen. Do you know why? No matter what SW:TOR/BioWare does they won't come back. This generation of gamers goes like this: If it's not easy mode or perfect day-1, they don't buy or they won't resub. They expect instant gratification and perfection. I hate to see what happens when they get employed.

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Everyone seems so pessimistic. Perhaps I missed out on the real fun-time bash that was early Old Republic, but on the whole I am indeed having fun playing the game.


If you are still having fun, that is all that matters. I know it can be difficult at times, but you just have to rise above the negativity. Put peeps on /ignore if you have to, but more importantly, find other players that enjoy the game and play with them.


However, this type of negativity is not unique for any MMO during a content drought, and we are currently in the biggest content drought this game has seen. So don't be surprised that peeps are a bit edgy and irritated. There hasn't been anything new to do for months aside from that small world event a month ago.


Anyway, I took a stroll on the 15-level trial and enjoyed myself so much I bought the game for the standard $15 and have been strutting my stuff around the Jung Ma PvP-RP server.


Another thing to consider is the server you play on. For some reason, Jung Ma is not doing well at all. It's pop has been steadily dwindling since the server merges. The server I was forced to transfer from (Ajunta Pall) actually had a much healthier population and vibe than Jung Ma currently does. I'm still a bit puzzled as to why BW destroyed a perfectly healthy server community in the way they did. It's strange, but it is what it is.

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They won't happen. Do you know why? No matter what SW:TOR/BioWare does they won't come back. This generation of gamers goes like this: If it's not easy mode or perfect day-1, they don't buy or they won't resub. They expect instant gratification and perfection. I hate to see what happens when they get employed.


So because nothing will bring the "kiddies" back, they won't fix any of the 4649995 problems in the game, because, why bother... Is what you're saying? Yes, that sounds much better.

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They won't happen. Do you know why? No matter what SW:TOR/BioWare does they won't come back. This generation of gamers goes like this: If it's not easy mode or perfect day-1, they don't buy or they won't resub. They expect instant gratification and perfection. I hate to see what happens when they get employed.


Oh come on lol. They DID buy it, Bioware simply failed. Don't blame the players for not liking it, it's arguably the most lackluster MMO in a decade with the only redeeming quality being VO's. APB had more depth and exploration than this game does.

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So because nothing will bring the "kiddies" back, they won't fix any of the 4649995 problems in the game, because, why bother... Is what you're saying? Yes, that sounds much better.


Why try to save a 3/4 sunk ship? Just let it be scuttled. The management has deemed TOR as a failure in terms of longevity, and there's no point keeping something up that nobody's interested in anymore. That's EA corporate for you! I didn't say it was a good reason, but it is a reason. The players are just as guilty as the developers. The TOR community was pretty fail from the beginning. For every good player (skill or friendly-ness), you encounter 100 morons.



Oh come on lol. They DID buy it, Bioware simply failed. Don't blame the players for not liking it, it's arguably the most lackluster MMO in a decade with the only redeeming quality being VO's. APB had more depth and exploration than this game does.


I wouldn't say they failed. The hype train just caught up with reality is all. That and people expect way too much just starting off. And EA rushed the product. I don't blame BioWare---I blame EA. And contrary to all the fanboi's/girls out there, BioWare was owned by EA when Mass Effect 1 launched. I bring this up because say that this is a recent thing for BioWare. It isn't. It's just bad policy making on behalf of EA.

Edited by CaptianFordo
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They won't happen. Do you know why? No matter what SW:TOR/BioWare does they won't come back. This generation of gamers goes like this: If it's not easy mode or perfect day-1, they don't buy or they won't resub. They expect instant gratification and perfection. I hate to see what happens when they get employed.


Wait, this game isn't easy mode?

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I liked the community before it left. Can't really stand the people that play now (there are exceptions, of course)


I know exactly how you feel... beyond my guild and raiding groups, I can't stand anyone on my server. They are such keyboard kommandos.


Wait, this game isn't easy mode?


At least we don't have auto-attack! You should have seen the threads on that day-1. Hahaha... maybe that's we don't have a population of 3 million Chinese gold farmers? :p


I went there. :cool:

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