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Your next/first alt will be......


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NEXT alt....after my other 10..lol...will be an Imperial Agent on DWC. I've heard some good things about the storyline there...so I want to give one a try....only that and the trooper were classes I didn't try in beta.


My other characters:

DWC: (my main server)

Mercenary (main)






Ebon Hawk: (To take a break from Sith PvP)



Tarro Blood: (my Republic server, haven't played them much)

Jedi Knight

Jedi Consular




Altitis....yes...in spades

Edited by Thunder-God
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I currently have to Mains. The main I play paired with my wife is a Gunslinger. The main I play solo, when she's not available, is a Sage.


My first main alt will be either a Sorcerer, Assassin, some form of Sith Warrior, maybe an Agent or Bounty Hunter. In short, I still haven't decided. I change my mind every time I think about it.

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made my 8 toons on day one of ega, playing a bh at 30 who is my main. but ive already gotten an assasin to 11, and a few of my others have gotten a few levels. thats the beauty of this game. if i start to get tired of the bh for a bit, i can jump onto the next story/toon...
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Ehh.. probably none. Perhaps I'll roll something on empire side once I'm done with my Trooper, but the game starts feeling really repetitive at level 30 or so. I think I'll just play my Trooper and then move on to a new game :)


I did try playing a Knight and a Consular and they were both really dull. I guess I'll try a Sith instead.

Edited by yomanaaiton
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