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This is not Star Wars


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Meh, that arguement is like saying that Star Trek is only The original Crew.


Star Wars is the EU.


The difference between Star Trek past the original crew vs. the EU is exposure. The EU is not as well known as the extendted Star Trek universe.


If LUCAS wouldn't keep such a tight rein on things and be more like Rodenberry was, Star Wars EU may have taken the same tact as Star Trek TNG and beyond. :cool:


The similarities are that both Lucas and Roddenberry were both good "idea" guys who were both terrible writers.


One of them had the humility to realise his strengths and weaknesses, the other is Lucas.

Edited by CosmicKat
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The similarities are that both Lucas and Roddenberry were both good "idea" guys who were both terrible writers.


One of them had the humility to realise his strengths and weaknesses, the other is Lucas.


and one is a billionaire while the other is broke and worm food

Edited by Liquidacid
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The similarities are that both Lucas and Roddenberry were both good "idea" guys who were both terrible writers.


One of them had the humility to realise his strengths and weaknesses, the other is Lucas.


This is so quoteable! I got a good chuckle from this. :D

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Couldn't disagree more with the OP. One of the few things, I think, BW did right with this game was set in the Old Republic era. I personally find it to be a much more intriguing and interesting time period, as well as allowing the devs to be far more creative with new content.

I agree with what it "should" allow the developers to do, but...zombies and giants seem to be all the more creative they've been able to get so far.

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There is no causal link. Not even a funny joke because Rodenberry was also quite well off before he passed.




You're slippin' man. :p


well off compared to what? you? sure... for someone who created an IP known the world over? not even close... come on his legacy is now owned by CBS... that's just sad


and while Lucas may rule his IP like a cranky Tyrant he at least managed to keep control over his own creation... Roddenberry lost his control over ST before the first episode of TOS aired and let producers mangle it from the get go

Edited by Liquidacid
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I agree with what it "should" allow the developers to do, but...zombies and giants seem to be all the more creative they've been able to get so far.
And what would they add in the movie era with even more restrictions to the lore?
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well off compared to what? you? sure... for someone who created an IP known the world over? not even close... come on his legacy is now owned by CBS... that's just sad


and while Lucas may rule his IP like a cranky Tyrant he at least managed to keep control over his own creation... Roddenberry lost his control over ST before the first episode of TOS aired and let producers mangle it from the get go


If the Phantom Menace was the result of retaining control... here's hoping someone with more talent, like my cat, gains control of the IP soon.

Edited by CosmicKat
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If the Phantom Menace was the result of retaining control... here's hoping someone with more talent, like my cat, gains control of the IP soon.


It wasn't my favorite movie either but it grossed over a billion dollars in the box office alone... come back when your cat creates something on that level


besides if the price for making those movies and being a billionaire is a few people making post on the internet saying you have no talent than I too would say bring on the hate...


while you're hating on the prequels Lucas is doing backstrokes in an Olympic size pool full of 100 dollar bills while hugging a JarJar doll ... lol

Edited by Liquidacid
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It wasn't my favorite movie either but it grossed over a billion dollars in the box office alone... come back when your cat creates something on that level


besides if the price for making those movies and being a billionaire is a few people making post on the internet saying you have no talent than I too would say bring on the hate...


while you're hating on the prequels Lucas is doing backstrokes in an Olympic size pool full of 100 dollar bills while hugging a JarJar doll ... lol


That's a disturbing image.

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It wasn't my favorite movie either but it grossed over a billion dollars in the box office alone... come back when your cat creates something on that level


besides if the price for making those movies and being a billionaire is a few people making post on the internet saying you have no talent than I too would say bring on the hate...


while you're hating on the prequels Lucas is doing backstrokes in an Olympic size pool full of 100 dollar bills while hugging a JarJar doll ... lol


My cat actually made Avatar, so joke's on you.


Of course, being a cat, he traded the rights to James Cameron for a catnip mouse.

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I definitely agree with the OPs friends: this is not Star Wars as the general public knows it.


Is it Star Wars? Of course it is. It fits with the extended universe, has most of the hallmarks of the star wars universe (sabers, blasters, space, aliens etc) and kind of looks the part too.


However, if you are a Star Wars fan who has only really seen the movies and played some computer games, then this game simply does not fit with your expectations of the Star Wars universe. In fact, its downright rubbish, for the following reasons:


1) Art style. The original movies (4-6) were gritty and felt more realistic. It wasn't a future full of squeeky clean corridors and smart uniforms (star trek....). There was a real sense of being on the frontier, so whilst there was some awesome tech, there was also a basic lifestyle. The art style of TOR completely distances itself from that original feeling to the universe.


2) Locations. Again, much of the original movies, and even the newer movies, were set on massive planets and you got a real feeling for the sheer scale of where you were and a good feel for the wilderness. Again, that is almost completely lacking in TOR. Most planets feel linear and too many of them are set on cities. It does not feel like I'm in the same universe.


3) Epic Battles. The original films were full of epic battles on an epic scale. Even within those battles, the outcome wasn't often decided by one singular person, but more often there was a feeling of a community coming together to overcome an obstacle, fighting for the common cause. There is none of that in TOR. In TOR, we are our own miniature army. There are no fights with epic scales, only epic creatures.


4) Player journeys. Every single star wars movie is ultimately about character growth. Granted, Lucas was rubbish with dialogue but never the less he portrayed the growth of most of his characters. Most people were and remained ordinary people, but were part of something larger. Luke went on his journey from iritating teen to wise jedi master. Solo went of his journey from self-centred smuggler to cheeky nice-guy following a cause. Leia went from spoiled brat to someone calmer and wiser. That does not happen in TOR in my experience. There doesn't seem to be any character growth once you've left your starter planet.



Anyways, your view may vary and its all just opinions, but personally I only watched the movies (recorded off tv on tape, then vhs, then dvd, then blu-ray....) and played most SW games and I don't feel like I'm living my Star Wars experience. In fact, there are precisely 2 moments in the entirity of the game where I've felt like I'm playing Star Wars:


1) Acquiring my lightsaber on Tython and the following fight

2) Warlord Kephess when you kill a bomber and have to use the bomb on the warstrider.


Thats it. The rest has been too generic to feel star warsy.


I agree with point #3.

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Hmh. Playing SWG I always thought its some reskinned DND variation with quite a silly ruleset. Everything was melee. Even when playing rifleman you had no chance whatsoever to kill anything before they were at melee range. You also had that weird division of professions, like melee: swords (1-hand), 2-handers, polearms, unarmed and then the basic brawler. Ranged was just as bad.


Most of the game experience was to get buffed -> put on green armor (ME HULK SMASH) -> go as fast as you can spinning in the middle of animal lairs and destroying them to make money until the buff wears off. Having some "iconic" characters doing a cameo in various places didnt really help. Specially in the beginning when there was no space component.


Atleast this game has blasters and rifles and they work as you would expect the ranged fight to work in a star wars universe.


Uhm, the point (which I forgot to add :p) was that despite all those faults people still seem to like SWG.


Tera-kasi was the single best thing I've ever seen any star wars mmo implement as a class.


In swg you had an actual bounty system for the bounty hunters. There was conflict between the sides in swg.


What this game lacks is conflict between the sides. You meet in ranked warzones. That is the extent of the conflict right now most players can experience. Given that PvE players are a majority of the gaming MMo universe you can expect this to be rather boring and lacking long term playability.


The most fun I had recently outside of warzones was killing people on Nar Shaddaa looking for things for the short weekly mission.


You need more conflict points.


I've never seen such a controlled environment as this game. Lets talk switching sides? Why not make lightside and darkside points matter? Act horrible enough and you suddenly are the bad guy. Let us have some control over the world. Open up the game. This way gets rather boring.

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First of all


1-3 is trash, anyone who says otherwise is under the age of 13 or not a star wars fan at all.


Second of all, SWG was set in the GCW era, and we all know how that turned out.


Nobody could play jedi, sot hey *****ed.


Then everyone coudl play jedi, and everyone *****ed.


GCW era while awesome does not let everyone play the 'iconic stuff' in star wars.


In an era like this people can roleplay pretty much whatever they want, do whatever they want. It's WIDE open.




And if you REALLY want to get them interested in the era, get them a copy of Knights of the Old Republic to play on their PC, i's like $5 on steam. It's their choice if thy want to play the incomplete game KOTOR2 or not.


I thought attack of the clones was good. I agree about 1 and 3 though :D

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In a nutshell, yes it is, more so than the limited movies we have watched..........The expanded Starwars universe has PLENTY to offer, if your friends cant be bothered to find out or (god forbid) read a book then to be honest this game aint for them. Star wars is MUCH MORE than the original movies, thats like saying the Rolling Stones are a pub rock band :)
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As i am in a playing mood here you go.....:D




Back on topic, i think some of you are missing the point, Star Wars is the movies and without the movies there would be no Star Wars. this is what people have come to know as Star Wars. If you was to ask anyone in the street what their favorite character is from Star Wars they would not quote KOTOR they would pick a character out of the movies.

All book and games that have followed are based on the theme of Star Wars as they are based in the Star Wars universe but that universe is has been created in the movies.


My personal views are that this game is very much Star Wars but i am trying to put forward an argument from the point of view of someone that does not believe that this game is Star Wars as they know it...i guess.


Fair enough. For some Star Wars fans, and I use that term loosely because this includes fans with limited experience in the Star Wars realms and timelines, this is not Star Wars because the iconic movie timeline is not the subject at hand. However, I would argue that those fans are more casual in the Star Wars fandom and not necessarily the target audience of this game.


For the more devoted fan, the fan that has read multiple books spanning different timelines and played Star Wars games of various ilks, this is very much Star Wars and intriguing in the sense that it allows for new stories and further lore with out compromising what has come before. I would argue that these Star Wars fans are the true audience and while the more casual fan may not like the games setting and may not be likely to stay subbed, the more devoted fan would be the exact opposite.


In short, it is a matter of degree depending on your fandom. However, to assert that this is not Star Wars is not to accept the myriad of content in print and or games that most definitely adds to Star War lore and the continuing and ongoing stories.

Edited by Rafaman
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Sounds to me like your friends are a tad close-minded on the topic. The simple truth is that the type of stories you can tell during that time period are extremely limited. Placing the game in the far past (or books in the near and far future) allows for freedom to tell the stories that people want to tell without them plowing into a plot line from the original movies. Choosing a far past time period was one of the few things EA/BW did right. Edited by RobNightfall
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Sounds to me like your friends are a tad close-minded on the topic. The simple truth is that the type of stories you can tell during that time period are extremely limited. Placing the game in the far past (or books in the near and far future) allows for freedom to tell the stories that people want to tell without them plowing into a plot line from the original movies. Choosing a far past time period was one of the few things EA/BW did right.


At the same time this can give them a creative license to create a story that has no baring on the Star Wars story. therefore, they are free to make their own story just in a Star Wars universe without the Fans rioting saying they have perverted the star wars legacy.

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Lucas is creative, Lucas is smart, Lucas is rich because of these things. If I were him I wouldn't let just any retarded yahoo with a crayon and a roll of toilet paper write stories about my creation without exercising any control over it either.


And again... this is a decent adventure MMO, but I have yet to feel like I'm playing a Star Wars game when I play it. I don't see how any true Star Wars fan can say this feels right to them, and that's coming from someone that has two book cases full of EU books.

Edited by bahdasz
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The trouble is with fans nowadays they think that if anything that has Star Wars in the title must be Star Wars because it is has Star Wars in the title.


Believe it or not but Star Wars IS episode 4-6 and this is the root or foundation of that universe and without it all other forms of it are irrelevant.

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The trouble is with fans nowadays they think that if anything that has Star Wars in the title must be Star Wars because it is has Star Wars in the title.


Believe it or not but Star Wars IS episode 4-6 and this is the root or foundation of that universe and without it all other forms of it are irrelevant.


How is that a trouble? I can acknowledge KotOR as being a superb Star Wars experience while still looking at the OT as the foundation of the Star Wars IP. I have a hard time seeing your issue with all this.

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A fan is someone who plunges into the less mainstream aspects of a franchise such as the EU books, comics, games and so on. Just because someone liked the Star Wars films does not make them a Star Wars fan. I thought the Star Trek remake was a okay film but it doesn't make me a Star Trek fan.


Also, The Old Republic area is quite highly regarded amongst the Star Wars fandom (helped, of course, by BioWares own Knights of The Old Republic that made it more mainstream) I actually know people who hate the films but love the KOTOR games yet they won't read any of the Star Wars books or play any of the other games.


To blatantly write off a game because you think it's not Star Wars is a silly idea. Star Wars is more than the films and in many cases the EU even exceeds the films. The Republic from this era is by far superior to the Republic we were shown in a film.

Edited by Cailahan
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