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The medal system ****s healers...


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best fix IMO is let the medals get repeatedly earned. That way for every 75k healing I do I get another medal. So when I heal 300k I dont feel like I was wasting my time.


Other wise I can just respec and farm it up like everyone else...our sides just going to get rofl stomped.


lol....as if ur heals are that overpoweringly important.....most warzones ive been in dont even have a healer on my side yet we still win......


heal a lot and make urself feel warm and fuzzy or triage and dps so u can clean up medals....omg....a choice....bioware is making u choose.....omgwtfbbq!|?!?!?!

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then stop complaining about medals.....


geez the sense of entitlement is strong as a mother in this thread


either heal ur *** off and be the best healer or triage and help do some dmg and clean up on medals......its ur choice but u do have the option


I agree, the issue is being punished for excelling at what you do. Not quite sure why you dont seem to understand.


If I DPS I average 5+ medals a game.

If I heal I average 3.


Do you not understand that this is obviously one sides?

Do you not understand that this encourages folks NOT to heal?

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As a combat medic, I respectively disagree, there are plenty of opportunities to get medals. If all you do is sit back and heal then yes you deserve 2 medals, but if you fully utilize your char and play defense, then you will be surprised, I usually rack up the most medals in my matches.


A gripe that is legitimate, however, is healers don't get MVP love. I've found that it is not the case that people don't want to vote for healers, but they usually don't pay attention and vote for the first number they see (usually damage)


The way I've rectified this issue is as soon as the match ends write "Healer Love Plz" and people will realize that they should consider those who keep them alive. :)


u are wise beyond your years

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lol....as if ur heals are that overpoweringly important.....most warzones ive been in dont even have a healer on my side yet we still win......


heal a lot and make urself feel warm and fuzzy or triage and dps so u can clean up medals....omg....a choice....bioware is making u choose.....omgwtfbbq!|?!?!?!


You are really making the argument that heals arent important in pvp... yet Im the moron. :eek:

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I agree, the issue is being punished for excelling at what you do. Not quite sure why you dont seem to understand.


If I DPS I average 5+ medals a game.

If I heal I average 3.


Do you not understand that this is obviously one sides?

Do you not understand that this encourages folks NOT to heal?


do u not understand that a healer and do both and average 8+?

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You are really making the argument that heals arent important in pvp... yet Im the moron. :eek:


they arent as important as u make them out to be and healers in this game werent intended to only heal and not dps like other games......adjust or get left in the dust

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Oh I understand I can be crap DPS and a Crap healer and get rewarded more than being a good healer. I just find it amusing that you think thats a good thing.


if ur crap at both then that sounds like a personal issue.....jsut because u can do more than one doesnt mean u have to suck at them both.....and if u'd play any amount of warzones yet u would have seen this being accomplished already.....or ur entire severs sucks but i find that hard to believe

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they arent as important as u make them out to be and healers in this game werent intended to only heal and not dps like other games......adjust or get left in the dust


Sorry your arguments are just silly.


As a healer your job is to keep people alive. If folks are dying you keep them up. In warfronts this is happening constantly. By stopping to DPS I am letting people die, this makes my team weaker and eventually ends in a loss.


Suggesting otherwise is just hilarious and makes you look stupid.

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Sorry your arguments are just silly.


As a healer your job is to keep people alive. If folks are dying you keep them up. In warfronts this is happening constantly. By stopping to DPS I am letting people die, this makes my team weaker and eventually ends in a loss.


Suggesting otherwise is just hilarious and makes you look stupid.


ur inflexible i get it.....its cool stay close-minded and watch everyone else pass u by.....its the sign of old age

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Sorry your arguments are just silly.


As a healer your job is to keep people alive. If folks are dying you keep them up. In warfronts this is happening constantly. By stopping to DPS I am letting people die, this makes my team weaker and eventually ends in a loss.


Suggesting otherwise is just hilarious and makes you look stupid.


i jsut said that sometimes we dotn even have a healer so if a warzone can be won with no healer then u can triage while dpsing


u cant keep everyone from dying...ppl are going to die....and u dont have to keep ppl topped off so u DO have time to dps


o and maybe u arent the only one healing....there are so many holes.....come down off ur healing pedastal and adapt like the rest of us

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i jsut said that sometimes we dotn even have a healer so if a warzone can be won with no healer then u can triage while dpsing


Yeah atm everyone is dps speced with a very few exceptions as its easier to level this way. Most war fronts dont have a healer at all. That however is far from the optimal setup for real pvp and if you go against a group with 2 good healers with 0 unless they are complete mongoloids you will lose 90% of the time.


Anything can be done any way one chooses, that doesnt mean they should be done that way.

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I posted this in a diff thread, same topic.




I usually get 4-5 medals on most maps. 6-7 on the 3 cap point map.


2.5k Heal, 5k Heal, 75k Healed.


Killing blow, 10 kills.




On 3 cap map, add 1k Defender, and 3k Defender in.


Occasionally if you find a brave soul to 1v1, you can easily get the assassin medal.



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i jsut said that sometimes we dotn even have a healer so if a warzone can be won with no healer then u can triage while dpsing


u cant keep everyone from dying...ppl are going to die....and u dont have to keep ppl topped off so u DO have time to dps


o and maybe u arent the only one healing....there are so many holes.....come down off ur healing pedastal and adapt like the rest of us


You seem retarded. Or you're just very stubborn and are incapable of understanding what it's like to try to keep people at 20% from dying while having to snipe a KB to get a metal. It's stupid. As I already mentioned, as a healer I'm doing A LOT already, now having to snipe killing blows and 1v1 someone for a metal is downright stupid and wasting my specialty. It's sad that I gain the most metals in a way that doesnt help the team win. Does that make sense?

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Im sorry but you are just plain dumb, i have gotten 9 medals many times tossing out heals and some dmging spells every so often its not hard dude lol get the 10/25 kill medals - 2 then get the 2.5k heal medal - 3 the defender and warden medals - 5 both the 75k heal/dps 7 you can easily get the killing blow - 8 and the assasin 1v1 - 9 easy peazy m8
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  • 2 weeks later...


I do agree there should be more medals, specifically objective based ones.


I'm thinking:



Carrier Killer (Kill the ball carrier)

Touchdown (Score a point in Huttball)

Unstoppable (Score 3 points in Huttball)



Control Freak. (Take a turret, or kill "n" players near a turret control, OR kill a player who was attempting to take the turret?)



Saboteur (successfully blow open a door in Voidstar)

Bomb Disposal Unit (disarm a bomb!)

Raider (extend the bridge)



P.S. I think my medal names were clever.


constructive and supported!

Edited by theMornox
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I've led healing the last 10 games and haven't gotten a single MVP vote..


Nice try, though.


That sucks. I usually get at least one. Still, that adds I think 2 commendations vs 5 for a medal.


I agree with a lot that's been said in this thread in support of healers, but I am firmly against extra medals for objectives. Can you imagine how many (more) people would never pass in hutball if you got a medal for scoring? How many would try to cap the point at alderan instead of fighting off the one enemy there who keeps shooting people in the backs?


Here is my one simple solution to this:

Kills made by people you are healing count for you.


Not damage, because then healers would get the 75k and 300k damage awards easier. But the killing blow, 10 kills, 25 kills. This would make it so I am rewarded while still healing, but keeping the distribution of medals fair.


As it is right now, I try to toss out a couple of crappy aoe's each match just to count as 'hitting' to get tagged for the kills. If I try to heal *and* dps then people die around me. If I just heal I turn a small squad into a rampaging death machine. I'd rather focus on just healing and being support instead of gaming the system for medals.

Edited by Annoron
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That sucks. I usually get at least one. Still, that adds I think 2 commendations vs 5 for a medal.


I agree with a lot that's been said in this thread in support of healers, but I am firmly against extra medals for objectives. Can you imagine how many (more) people would never pass in hutball if you got a medal for scoring? How many would try to cap the point at alderan instead of fighting off the one enemy there who keeps shooting people in the backs?



Signs of intelligent life on the PVP forums?



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If your doing a good job of healing, you will get bonuses at the end when people vote you MVP, its quite a nice bonus.


Oh if only they voted you... 95% of the time I play wzs I'm top healer, and 60% of the time I get 0 votes.


I get more stuff when I stay as half top healer, half dps dealer.


And that is not amusing.

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They can do what they do in Warhammer. If you are healing someone who kills someone you get credit for a kill. It made it so you were healing people who were stomping face rather than boosting up your total healing by spam healing a level 12 who can't face his enemy.
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I've led healing the last 10 games and haven't gotten a single MVP vote..


Nice try, though.




Same here its unbilevably how bad healers have it in this game.


Firt healing is severly underpowered. Good marauders pulling 300-350k plys 50-80k self heals getting 10-12 medals for that. Aoe sage or sniper pulling 400k+ pulling 10-12 medals as well.


I can barely do 200k vs any worthy opponet which doesnt let me free cast.


Even if freecasting you cant break 300k cause as healer u get better botlering stats as low lvl than @ 50 , in theory u have better survivability but in reality only by a margin.


In the end after countless frustation , esp in pugs that none cares to protect , you end up haveing 5-6 medals tops and none votes you for mvp , instead everyone votes for the 300k dps


Best solution quit this retarded game or reroll to a marauder sniper get medals get the fun as well.

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If your doing a good job of healing, you will get bonuses at the end when people vote you MVP, its quite a nice bonus.


keep in mind that most people don't vote, and if they do, they don't look at specifics, just whoever is higher on the list

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Few suggestions for the badge/MVP part of warzones.


1) Stop voting healing as top priority, and this is coming from a guy who heals.


2) Start voting for Obj points. Shows that the player is playing the WZ how it should be.


3) Add badges (as a previous poster said) for scoring in Huttball, assists (passing to a player who scored), game saver (killing a ball carrier within 15 meters of the scoring zone), gate Crasher (being the one to plant the bomb on a door in VS and it actually go down because of it), "You shall not pass!" (for being the person who disarmed the bomb in VS) There can be more, those are just ones off the top of my head.


4) Make a player have to contribute a certain amount to the game before they can be voted MVP. Not sure how to actually implement this, but I grow tired of the guy who had the worst overall stats get voted for by a player who would be the obvious choice, simply to sway votes in their direction. I've actually witnessed these low stat players get MVP a few times because the top 2 people voted for them trying to skew the votes and it backfired.

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You seem retarded. Or you're just very stubborn and are incapable of understanding what it's like to try to keep people at 20% from dying while having to snipe a KB to get a metal. It's stupid. As I already mentioned, as a healer I'm doing A LOT already, now having to snipe killing blows and 1v1 someone for a metal is downright stupid and wasting my specialty. It's sad that I gain the most metals in a way that doesnt help the team win. Does that make sense?


funny how the bads who cant multitask wanna call me retarded. as one poster stated already u dont have to have the killing blow to get credit for the kill....assists count as kills towards ur 10/25 medals. so u just have to tag someone once. seems pretty hard. at least one healer has already commented to how he racks up 9 medals per round fairly easily. But of course if it still seems to you that dps has it that much easier in warzones, you are free to make the decision to reroll dps.

Edited by heinywb
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