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Everything posted by Annoron

  1. If I drop cyber, pick up biochem, power it up and make my stims/adrenal/medpack, and pick cyber back up will I still have all my unlocked purple recipes?
  2. The class in 140 pvp gear that grabs the pvp ground buff, pops a pvp stim, pops their trinket, pops a surge adrenal, and if they have one pops a dps cooldown, and then hits someone who is debuffed to take extra damage with their hardest ability. That one does 8k damage a shot. Every three minutes. With help from their team. Sometimes. But probably not even then.
  3. Sentinel / Marauder apparently is not OP
  4. I think they took them out when they took out everything in illum as well.
  5. Survival: If you get focused by multiples, you drop like a stone without a tank. 1v1 you should be fine long enough for someone to get on your attacker. Pop your defensive shield early and often. Pop your dodge whenever you feel like you will be taking burst or focus fire, it's especially fun to block sniper shots. If you do get focused by multiples, use vanish. Have these abilities on easy to reach hotkeys. I set up my left bar for cooldowns and bound them F1-F12. Stay near the back of the fight as only fools rush in. Try to remember to have your hots ticking on yourself. Don't be a hero (unless you are sure you can win) and stick with other people. Liberally use your trinity of control to escape enemies: dirty kick, flash grenade, and whatever our ranged slow is. The ranged slow lets you kite melee classes super well. Don't CC and fight. CC and run. Use your instant hots / emergency medpack / kolto pack while you move. Only stand still for the big heals if you can take a beating or are being ignored. Moving really screws up melee. Against range, if you stand near pillars you can easily scoot to the side to break line of sight. If you can see your team but not the enemy and heal, you are doing it right. DPS: DPS is secondary to healing, always. But getting 2 badges in a warzone sucks, so here are a few tips. Lob your grenade into groups as every person you damage counts as a kill if they die eventually. Use your vital shot (dot) on enemies trying to cap. They can't cap while dotted and the dot ticks sometimes get killing blows. Launch your freighter flyby whenever you think you can hit someone, or even just to zone the enemy out of an area. At 50 with gear this will get you your 2.5k damage hit and massive overall damage if it hits people. Blaster whip is great for building upper hand stacks to use for healing. If everyone is 75% or higher with hots ticking help focus someone down, drop some CC's, or start spamming tab-vital shot. If you see a guy with a sliver of health, in range, and not being focused, do try to take him down. For medals I usually get: 2.5k heal, 5k heal (stack pvp buff + relic), 75k heal, 2.5k hit, killing blow, 10 enemies defeated. I sometimes get 300k healing if I have a tank guarding me and we are in the thick of it. I often get 75k done, 25 enemies, and 1k defender points. Most of my damage comes from freighter flyby and vital shot spam in healing intesive matches. Comming into your Own: When you get emergency medpack you gain mobility. When its ticks grant upper hand it feels even better. When you get emergency medpack, and then the talent to spam on the near dead you feel like a god among men. For anything 'extra', I took the 4% reduced damage taken and 15s reduced dirty kick cooldown talents.
  6. Or... just have snares have an effect on those movement skills. I hate landing my 50% slow and seeing sorcs zoom past me faster than a speeder.
  7. That sucks. I usually get at least one. Still, that adds I think 2 commendations vs 5 for a medal. I agree with a lot that's been said in this thread in support of healers, but I am firmly against extra medals for objectives. Can you imagine how many (more) people would never pass in hutball if you got a medal for scoring? How many would try to cap the point at alderan instead of fighting off the one enemy there who keeps shooting people in the backs? Here is my one simple solution to this: Kills made by people you are healing count for you. Not damage, because then healers would get the 75k and 300k damage awards easier. But the killing blow, 10 kills, 25 kills. This would make it so I am rewarded while still healing, but keeping the distribution of medals fair. As it is right now, I try to toss out a couple of crappy aoe's each match just to count as 'hitting' to get tagged for the kills. If I try to heal *and* dps then people die around me. If I just heal I turn a small squad into a rampaging death machine. I'd rather focus on just healing and being support instead of gaming the system for medals.
  8. bountiful > rich > abundant In order of quality of returns, cost of mission, and skill required.
  9. I took slicing for the augments. With cybertech I can fill a lot of slots. I'm up to 300 slicing since I brought my laptop into work and sent my minions off on slicing missions throughout the day. I think I've made roughly 20k credit profit doing this for 8 hours. It's good, and it's nice I can do that. I think it only seems ground breaking because I'm running missions in the 43-48 range. Slicing missions my level don't make nearly that profit. It's roughly 100 credits profit for a 10 minute mission. Nothing. You're comparing things out of level. I'm sure it's more than fair at high levels for its profitability.
  10. I loved your stuff man. Even had you make me some custom pieces! Shadow Hand here with my wow guildies.
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