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Stealing the thunder / players like to solo


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I'd be curious to know how many of these "good semaritans" that just want to "help" all the rest of the poor helpless players with their godly awesomeness would actually want to "help" if the mob locked to the first platyer that damaged it, thereby denying them a chance steal the loot the first guys was trying to get.


Er, that's exactly how the system works at the moment.


Frankly I fail to see how anyone needs help.


And yet on a regular basis I see people dieing to normal packs of mobs.

Edited by Hessen
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I'd be curious to know how many of these "good semaritans" that just want to "help" all the rest of the poor helpless players with their godly awesomeness would actually want to "help" if the mob locked to the first platyer that damaged it, thereby denying them a chance steal the loot the first guys was trying to get.


It does.


I don't know how you read that in what I posted.


I don't need help. I find that many become dependent and weak by having help. This game is one of the easist MMORPGs on the market today. Frankly I fail to see how anyone needs help.


Your premise is that it hurts the player's skill by helping them, because they don't get the practice they need. With the countless amounts of golds that a player will face in their gameplay, especially by max level, one can only assume that if being helped is actually detrimentally affecting them that this is happening every or nearly every encounter. Otherwise they would be getting that practice from all of the other encounters with golds that they face by themselves.


Or do you suggest that being helped one in every twenty fights (being generous) greatly outweighs or nullifies the practice gained from the other nineteen?

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Your premise is that it hurts the player's skill by helping them, because they don't get the practice they need. With the countless amounts of golds that a player will face in their gameplay, especially by max level, one can only assume that if being helped is actually detrimentally affecting them that this is happening every or nearly every encounter. Otherwise they would be getting that practice from all of the other encounters with golds that they face by themselves.


Or do you suggest that being helped one in every twenty fights (being generous) greatly outweighs or nullifies the practice gained from the other nineteen?


I can see your point and will conceed to it.


For me, I usually have my own metrics that I am measureing myself against. It's what keeps the game interesting for me. I sometimes I time how long it takes to take down one of those "world spawn" gold mobs. I sometimes I vary the rotations. Sometimes I put my companion on passive. Things like that. I do what I can to test my limits so that I am more of an asset in group situations (when I group which I will admit is rare).

Edited by Urael
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Yep. Same here. I help people fight any enemy, not just the tougher ones. If I see you in a pack of three regular enemies, I'll still fire off a few shots and throw some grenades. I'll then /salute when they're all dead, just back on my speeder, and head along my way.


This is actually more annoying than someone helping with elite mobs (assuming that no help is actually needed). For example, a player pulls a group of four linked mobs expecting to get quest credit for four mobs. The because someone else rides by and takes a few pot shots at them before the player can tag all four of them, that player only gets quest credit for two of them and then has to spend extra time killing an extra group of mobs to get credit for the two that the "helpful" player stole.


At least when people help on the elite mobs, provided that they at least wait until the person they are helping tags it, they aren't stealing it even if the "helped" player finds the help annoying.

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I'd be curious to know how many of these "good semaritans" that just want to "help" all the rest of the poor helpless players with their godly awesomeness would actually want to "help" if the mob locked to the first platyer that damaged it, thereby denying them a chance steal the loot the first guys was trying to get.


I am being a good samaritan*. I'm not "helping;" I'm helping. The enemy does lock to the first player that damaged it and I don't get any loot from it and nor do I care. This means that I stand absolutely nothing to gain from helping someone kill an enemy other than the personal satisfaction I get from being a good person. I get no loot, no XP, and usually no thanks. I am legitimately attempting to help out my fellow human being kill something that takes a while to kill, progress through things more quickly, and actually develop a community. This game may as well be a single-player game until you get to 50 otherwise. All of the planets may as well just be instanced off if everyone gets upset about interacting with others.


To me, part of playing an MMO is seeing other people run around the worlds. Part of this MMO is the faction portion. I have pride in my faction and intend to assist other members of my faction (with the exception of Jedi with red lightsabres and bad skin problems) because that's what I should do as a member of the Republic. I don't understand how others expect a community to form when they push away every aspect of social interaction while coming to the forums to complain that there's "not enough M in this MMO."

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This is actually more annoying than someone helping with elite mobs (assuming that no help is actually needed). For example, a player pulls a group of four linked mobs expecting to get quest credit for four mobs. The because someone else rides by and takes a few pot shots at them before the player can tag all four of them, that player only gets quest credit for two of them and then has to spend extra time killing an extra group of mobs to get credit for the two that the "helpful" player stole.


At least when people help on the elite mobs, provided that they at least wait until the person they are helping tags it, they aren't stealing it even if the "helped" player finds the help annoying.


Then the other players should use their brains. I'm smart enough to realise what's happening and I stop and wait for the other player to attack. I can tell because the enemy's health bar will turn grey for a moment, which is when I attack because the other player will get credit. I also avoid using AoEs and attacks like Explosive Round in order to not initiate combat with the other enemies before the other player. I usually only use Hammer Shot, Full Auto, Stock Strike, High Impact Bolt (as long as Supercharged Ion Cell isn't applied), and Ion Pulse/Fire Pulse/Gut (when applicable). My companions' AoE attacks are always off as well. As a Trooper, I actually have to pay pretty good attention to avoid stealing kills.


Other people don't seem to have the same kind of situational awareness or foresight. I see it all the time in other situations as well.

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I personally don't like it when someone jumps in and starts fighting something I'm already battling. Their intention could very well be to help me, but I view it as either:


1. They don't think I'm capable enough to win the fight, which is really none of their concern.


2. They are trying to rush me out of the way so they can get to what they want (ex. - that particular boss is spawned by clicking something). This seems the more likely to me, as it fits well with the "get out of my way, I'm in a hurry and I'm more important than you" attitude that is so prevalent in MMOs.


For me, it's not about "thunder" -- it's that I use tough fights as learning experiences. It gives me the opportunity to push myself and see just how much I can or can't handle. I get to try out different strategies and combinations of powers. If someone interrupts that, even with good intentions, I don't learn as much as I could have otherwise.


I want to know what my character can handle so that I will be a better player. That has come in quite handy in group missions where the team *almost* gets wiped, but I (or other players) can finish things off and salvage a fight.


^^^ This.


I play both groups and solo. I enjoy being helped occasionally when I need it, and I enjoy helping other people (I've called myself the buff fairy. I will buff just about anyone I encounter on my server if they stay still long enough for me to do so.) I've encountered people in the middle of a fight I'll throw a buff at to try to help them out, or occasionally a Force Shield (as my Sage) if it looks like they're dying. If I reach an area at the same time someone else is and suspect we're doing the same quest, I'll throw out a Group request so we can do it together and not fight over spawns or mobs. If I watch someone die, I'll try to res them so they don't have to wait on a cooldown.


But I don't jump in on someone else's fight. If they're solo'ing, they're doing it for a reason, and it's not my business to intrude on their experience unasked.

Edited by AlixMV
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To each their own, but personally I would leave them alone since I know how much it pisses me off when people interfere with my fights. Would be hypocritical for me to assist others and then yell at them when they assist me.




Again when a play types in "he211231213" you gotta help that poor fella.

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