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Players with only 1 character


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I played WOW that way.. I had a max level Warlock for the longest time and that was it.. Then countless nerfs against the lock forced me to make a Paladin.. I wanted an OP toon for once.. That entire process took about 4 years to decide to make my paly and get him to max level..


So here we are in SWTOR.. I have a max lvl Sentinel, max lvl gunslinger, and max lvl shadow tank.. 3 characters maxed and already working on 4th..


I think you are missing out on a lot that the game has to offer.. The stories are actually pretty good.. I thought the gunslinger story was just a kick in the pants.. At times it was to funny to actually take seriously.. The Sentinel story was also good.. A bit more serious, but to be expected.. You are a Jedi.. The Shadow story was also more serious.. I actually liked the story for my Shadow better than for the Sentinel..



The Sentinel kills the Emperor and gets the title of 'Master' at the end of his story.. The Shadow?? Get's the title of 'Master' early in the game for killing some sith that was creating a Jedi pleague.. Then they get a seat on the Jedi council for exposing the 'First son'.. One of the 'Children of the Emperor'.. I think the Sentinels got jipped..



My wife made a trooper, so I have seen that story.. Meh.. Not bad, but I wasn't impressed.. So to get my last buff, I am making a Bounty Hunter.. Besides.. I will get Blizz.. Nothing meaner than a Jawa tank that shoots rockets..


No.. I am not just about leveling alts.. All my toons are geared.. Yes some more than others.. Sentinel is in Rakata/blackhole.. Shadow is all blackhole.. Gunslinger is mostly all Rakate with a blackhole piece here and there..


I raid 3 or 4 times a week.. Sometimes more.. My guild is very active.. If we are not raiding together, then we are leveling toons together.. Or we are chasing datacrons.. We are always doing something.. Even random HM.. Not to mention PVP..


I am sorry you are bored.. I would suggest rolling an alt.. But then I might also look at your guild if you aren't happy with your activity level.. I will admit that this game is much better while in a group.. My wife also plays so.. That helps as well.. :)

Edited by MajikMyst
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At least 2 people in my guild don't want to make an alt for reasons as your own - they just don't like having alts.


It's not common in mmos, but those people exist. Me personally - I'm an altoholic, especially here where every alt has a story to tell.

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I can relate to the op's post.


However as already mentioned your missing out on content by not leveling other toons, but thats your choice to skip.


One thing do blow in regards to legacy and the leveling of alts, if you dont do it you miss out the other classbuffs.

From a soloist(solotoon) perspective you will gimp your toon heavy that way.

Besides its always nice to be fully buffed after a pvp-death, or in pve, you will suddenly offer all buffs to your party, thus makeing yourself abit more "desirable" than those who dont offer it.

Example part is 4 Jc. 1 tank, 1 heals and 2 dps.

if everyone was soloist they would miss out on the endurance buff from (trooper/bh) crit from smuggler&agent + mainstat bonus from SW/JK, as you can see missing out of those buffs can lessen your playing experience quite abit overall.


I think that the legacy "unlocks" class should be buyable for a "fairly pricey pricetag"

(note I have unlocked all 4 on my toon 2 of the classes I just pushed myself to 40'ish to get it done, cause the class really isnt my thing, story + the buff was my carrot.

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To the OP:


In City of Heroes I have at least a dozen characters on a couple different servers (that's 12 characters per server). But that game really caters to making alts. For example with scrappers (melee dps) you have 8 different primary power sets and an equal amount of secondary powersets. This makes for a huge number of combinations of just scrappers. Let alone tanks or controllers, etc. I know people who have 36 characters on more than one server, so hundreds of characters.


For this game and also for LOTRO I wanted to have all the crafting bases covered, so I made 6 characters, 5 having one of the crafting skills, and one who just has gathering skills. This way I can make any gear my other toons need and can send extra mats to the different alts that need it. Even just having a GTN mule sitting on the Fleet has it's purposes too. Even if I just had a Jedi Guardian with Artifice to make lightsaber hilts, I would still need armor, armoring and Mod mods, etc. and my companions might need gun barrels. Plus making my own augments saves lots of money compared to buying them on the GTN.


Also different classes do things differently. I would always want to try something different just to experience the other game style.


Having just one character doesn't make sense to me. This would increase the likelihood of getting burned out on the whole game quickly. Like you said, you are thinking of unsubbing. Try a different class, experience the different class story line. Fully enjoy the crafting system.

Edited by UberRod
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At least 2 people in my guild don't want to make an alt for reasons as your own - they just don't like having alts..


For the longest time.. One of my officers was a single character player.. The other officers and myself hounded him.. We affectionately made fun of him as we all went on raids on our alts and he couldn't because he didn't have one..


We finely converted him.. He made an alt!! He has two 50's now.. The funny thing is, all he talks about is his new character.. It is as if his old one doesn't even exist now.. Oh he still plays his old one.. But he loves his new one much better for the time being.. He is already talking about what he wants to make next..


My guild has given birth to two new 50's so far this week.. A shadow DPS and a trooper healer.. Got a commando DPS that will hit 50 later today.. :D

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In most mmo's I have one or maybe 2 toons at most, main reason most mmo's offer nothing different for each class, you might have a starting area then your dumped into the world to do the same quests over and over.

Here in Tor with each class quest are a different story I have been playing them all, and each one has been fun and different, yes the world quests can be the same, but I try to mix things up the the best I can, and I have found some different dialogue, with different classes and different responses.

This has been the first game I have done this with, and for me it has been fun and has kept me playing.

I do have a toon I consider my main toon, the one I raid with and pvp with, I do not plan on raiding with all the toons just doing the stories is all.

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I would like to find out if there are other people who only have 1 lvl50 character and dont want to create more? Or am I the only one left in this game?


I have to say.. my patience for updates is running out so im close to /unsubbing atleast for a couple of months


I, by no means, am an altoholic. In fact, when my friends and guildmates were making alts I stubbornly stuck to one character and played him to the bone. But the post confuses even me. Eventually I made an alt. To this day I only have two alts; when most of my guild has all their character slots filled.


Only ever having one character... ever... just one... one super-main character... yeah, I guess it is a playstyle but it is a minority playstyle. You could probably count on two hands the number of players who only ever have one character since launch.

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Reading some of the replies made me think why I play so many alts.


Thruth is, I am not sure ;)


I enjoy character creation, giving them backstories, looks that go with it (if I give a scar I make up from where did they get it etc.). I like the freshness of starting the first planet - even if I know it by heart. I like giving my characters personalities and this perticular mmo gives me more choice then others - I can bu rude but charitable, bloodthirsty but also kind (I don't skip conversations by choosing 1,1,1,1, lightside or 3,3,3,2, darkside).


I do get bored after a while (reaching level around 20 or so) but eventually get back to them when I have nothing better to do on my 50s :p

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don't like making too many alts, I don't have the time really to do so... in fact I'm just leveling my first alt to 50. It's not that I'm not enjoying it, but my work really limits how much I can play. If I start making alts I'll never do any endgame content.
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i made 8 characters at the start as i followed this game since 2008 and had names in mind for all my characters, so come launch i wanted them before anyone else did, i was extremely happy that i got nick for my knight without needing any á í or such crap (even got to keep it when transfers hit as my server was a destination one :D)


but i have only ever gotten 1 character in the past to max as i have found the leveling process to annoying.


yet with TOR i have 4 at 50 and only 1 has no endgame armor, the story does make a difference and the legacy bonuses for class mission and FP WZ ect meant i could skip some planet missions i had done to death.

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In every other mmo i had only one character and was focusing on maximizing gear/skills as most as i can. In SWTOR i already devoted a lot of time grinding for gear ( PVE and PVP ) , trying to get all the pets , even collecting some vehicles. Although I watched most of the cutscenes while leveling 1-50 , I have started skipping every cinematic post 50. While trying to create a alt just for the sake of it , I noticed that story isnt appealing to me at all anymore and just started skipping. Besides , it just felt like like im beating the same singleplayer game again....


So I will refrain from making alts ( like I always have ) because its just not my playstyle.

Edited by krystianswtor
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Only ever having one character... ever... just one... one super-main character... yeah, I guess it is a playstyle but it is a minority playstyle. You could probably count on two hands the number of players who only ever have one character since launch.


thats why im concluding this game is for people who like to have many characters... something i havent noticed while starting my journey.. now i feel rick rolled

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In most MMOs I've played, I get one character to max level, and have a bajillion alts that never get there. In previous games, I just make a new toon and mess around with them to give myself a change of pace. In this one, I feel like the story will keep me going. We'll see, I don't even have my "main" to 50 yet due to lack of free time.
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thats why im concluding this game is for people who like to have many characters... something i havent noticed while starting my journey.. now i feel rick rolled


I don't know about MANY characters. I have three, that's less than half of the available character slots, yet I am still logging in daily. Doing ops, HM flashpoints, crew skilling, and having a grand time.

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I'm usually just like you. I get invested in terms of emotion and time in one single character, and I *identify* with that guy. Playing more seems weird, like cheating on my wife.


But I was forced into it on TOR by accident.... My original toon at level 41 was on a dying server. So I re-rolled in hopes I could get into more pvp and heroics. My plan was to never play the original again; I just changed wives. Next thing I know, my original toon also transferred to the same server.... And I was a bigamist. Once I started playing both toons though, not only did I find I enjoyed the differing stories, I reeaaaaaally enjoy the different play styles. Sometimes I'm in a ranged mood, sometimes I'm in a melee mood, and sometimes I just like healing people.


So, I don't know if I'll ever be an alt-holic.... In the case of SWTOR at least, it really is worthwhile playing an additional toon. Start with a toon in the other faction, and in a class that's completely different from your own. You'll enjoy it.

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As a severe Altoholic, I somewhat envy those who can roll one character and be happy with it. OP, you are going to have to remember, that you would be suffering for content in any game under a year old if you only played one character. This problem of yours is specific to your style of play, not the game itself.
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