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Legacy Names no longer unique


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When Legacy was first announced there was all sorts of excitement in the air... I could see it and hear it in the voices of the devs as they described it, keeping it secret for the most part...


Because of the way that the names would be unique my friend and I spent many many many sleepless hours rushing to get to the Legacy naming so that he could get the name that he wanted... We had waited for years for this game... played beta, followed all the streams and announcements... and he took off a week from work .... and yea he forced me to play almost in my sleep to get to just that point to get the name and then we could slow it down...


The name was just that important...


The hype continued after the fact with the Legacy unveiling... and then later at the Guild Summit when it was announced that they were working on a way that people could share a name for marriage, friendship, or whatever but before they could allow such a thing they needed to develop a way for a "divorce" or separation... That is what the hold up was on the shared name and it seemed like they were spending a lot of hours on this...


Then all of a sudden with no announcement, no explanation... no nothing... With this update names are no longer unique.




If a company wants their fan base/consumers to get excited about the things that they find exciting and they work to get the momentum going they cannot then turn around and just make such a drastic change without saying a damn thing.


How I feel about this particular change is irrelevant.


How I feel about how this change was handled... well since the people that matter didn't ask, to them it is obviously irrelevant.


It's going to be very difficult to get excited about the next new exciting thing when watching a team of people talking all excited about their plans and how awesome it is... It will be hard to not wonder if this team is really dedicated and really excited or if they are just really good at sales.

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Ok I agree with the unique-ness of the legacy names. But I am an original player from the beta of the game, I had an extremely unique Legacy name that I loved and took two character to 50 with it. When they condensed the servers I lost that legacy name because someone who more likely than not, had it AFTER I had it on my original server had it on the destination server. I was pissed. I'm glad I'll be able to get my Legacy name back, in fact, ecstatic!! THANK YOU BIOWARE!!
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Bioware and EA have ruined what could have been one of the greatest games of 2011/12. They have harmed the IP's potiental for any new MMO by a developer who knows what they are doing. First forced transfers, now Legacy names are no longer unique. Granted first names being non unique may have been a better case, they could be designated somehow until legacy was established. Instead they opt for this. I have no hope for the future of this game. F2P won't save it, hell i dare say its a lost cause. I'll never buy anything that has Bioware or EA on it, whether its PC or PS3 again.
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This is obviously, so obviously, done to accommodate the self-entitled people that are going to come in when the game goes F2P. They didn't want to pay the sub and didn't play but when F2P kicks in they're going to come in and ***** and moan as if they own the place, this just means that they're going to get to pick whatever name they want, whereas before they'd potentially miss out on all the good names because we all payed subs to play the game, they didn't. Bioware/EA doesn't care about us because they're listening to them because it's new revenue.


Sad.. Sad indeed.

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For all of those who say "I don't want anyone else to have the same Legacy name as mine". I disagree. For those who transferred, this is great news. No it won't be unique anymore, but at least you could have your legacy name back before you transferred. Life has meaning again. Great news.
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For all of those who say "I don't want anyone else to have the same Legacy name as mine". I disagree. For those who transferred, this is great news. No it won't be unique anymore, but at least you could have your legacy name back before you transferred. Life has meaning again. Great news.


Amen. My Legacy Name has more meaning to me than my character names. I was forced to change mine upon the transfers. I am excited to get it back soon.

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because of transfer i was finally was able to change my legacy name to what i want and it will not be changed for nothing.

I do not agree with any one else being able to use my legacy name for they are not part of my legacy.


If they are going to be able to use it then we the original owner of said legacy name should be notified that someone is wanting to use your name and we should be able to say yes its ok or HELL NO ITS NOT O***K!!!!

This game is suppose to be built on a Journey we all go on and if some one else has your name then your journey is now someones else. So Legacy names will NOT be Unique any longer, and that will make this game none unique.

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because of transfer i was finally was able to change my legacy name to what i want and it will not be changed for nothing.


Because of transfers I was forced to change my Legacy Name to something that I did not want and I cannot wait to change it back.

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If that were the case then the logical step would've been to make first names non-unique and tied to a unique legacy name. First names are by far a greater point of contention than Legacy names ever were.


This. As if only one guy in the galaxy would be named "Bob".

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It doesnt really bother me..and it is a weird move. It seems to me Bioware didnt think out the legacy name concept if they have to do this because of mass transfers. Transfers are a common concept in MMO's so as with everything they have done so far, it seems they are slowly showing they just didnt have the expertise to design this game to run smoothly at all.


The other possibility is this is really being done for F2P so every loser douche who comes in can grab any name they want..and you wanting to distance yourself from their bad behaviour will have to pay a fee to change your legacy name.


Thank god I can hid my legacy name because its staying hidden now so i dont pay that price. By the way if that happens, I fully expect the game to eventually go Pay to Win as well....and thats when I exit but this its just kinda annoying. Not sure why Bioware is doing this stuff when they are desperate to retain subs.

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It does go against everything they've said about 'your' legacy. That is maybe the most disappointing thing about this whole bit of news. Bio going back on their word. It kills trust and everything they say has little to no meaning for they are continually backtracking.


They said "more frequent content updates" - failed; they say "you will be known by your legacy name" (more like you may now be known for someone else's legacy, and all the good/bad therein) - fail.


I wish I hadn't subscribed again after hearing this. I cannot, will not, give this company/game good reviews when asked by peers. They are too untrustworthy and their recent (past 2 years) trend in producing disappointing content (ME3, DA2, past 4 months of swtor) cannot be given high praise.



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First of all - If first names were not unique, how do you send credits or an item to a specific character via email?


Second - Everyone is aware that Legacy names are not unique any more. Why then would anyone assume that someone with your Legacy last name is necessarily you? Especially if what the person is doing is directly contrary to your usual playstyle, preferences, and personality.


Third - Why would you automatically assume that everyone on your server is going to have the same name as you? That's paranoid. Yes, you may have someone else use your Legacy name, but maybe it means just as much to them as it does to you. And maybe the person who uses it will be an upstanding citizen in-game. Why the outright negativity and suspicion?


Fourth - My guild, for example, uses Mumble with a password required to enter. Even if my microphone broke or I was playing from a different computer, I would log into Mumble and type it into Mumble-chat if I had a character I needed someone to invite to the group. Even if I couldn't log on to Mumble, I'm quite certain they would either deny me entry until I could confirm my identity or at least verify I knew the entry password for the server.


Aside from a false sense of entitlement, I genuinely fail to see why this is getting blown this far out of proportion. BioWare has invested millions of dollars to make an enjoyable game. They ask you to pay a small monthly premium to access it (which will be optional soon enough). And everyone is losing their minds because "my Legacy name, which didn't even exist when the game first came out, will no longer be unique to me".


Get a grip.

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First of all - If first names were not unique, how do you send credits or an item to a specific character via email?


Second - Everyone is aware that Legacy names are not unique any more. Why then would anyone assume that someone with your Legacy last name is necessarily you? Especially if what the person is doing is directly contrary to your usual playstyle, preferences, and personality.


Third - Why would you automatically assume that everyone on your server is going to have the same name as you? That's paranoid. Yes, you may have someone else use your Legacy name, but maybe it means just as much to them as it does to you. And maybe the person who uses it will be an upstanding citizen in-game. Why the outright negativity and suspicion?


Fourth - My guild, for example, uses Mumble with a password required to enter. Even if my microphone broke or I was playing from a different computer, I would log into Mumble and type it into Mumble-chat if I had a character I needed someone to invite to the group. Even if I couldn't log on to Mumble, I'm quite certain they would either deny me entry until I could confirm my identity or at least verify I knew the entry password for the server.


Aside from a false sense of entitlement, I genuinely fail to see why this is getting blown this far out of proportion. BioWare has invested millions of dollars to make an enjoyable game. They ask you to pay a small monthly premium to access it (which will be optional soon enough). And everyone is losing their minds because "my Legacy name, which didn't even exist when the game first came out, will no longer be unique to me".


Get a grip.


No no no!!! Use of logic and reason is NOT allowed!!!! :p


But, I agree. There are those that will complain no matter what is done. :D

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They should let a person know if your Legacy name is about to be taken, IE can this person use your name. Yes or No. The people in the forums that are happy with it can tick yes. The people who put thought and effort into finding a name can put no. Maybe this should be an option given to founders. Something needs to be done with legacy names, hopefully Bio will address it in a democratic manner. There are many people who dont access the forums that are not happy. So we have to give them a voice also. Lets hope the Founders get some protection from new players who dont pay fees from taking a lagacy name.
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First of all - If first names were not unique, how do you send credits or an item to a specific character via email?


Second - Everyone is aware that Legacy names are not unique any more. Why then would anyone assume that someone with your Legacy last name is necessarily you? Especially if what the person is doing is directly contrary to your usual playstyle, preferences, and personality.


Third - Why would you automatically assume that everyone on your server is going to have the same name as you? That's paranoid. Yes, you may have someone else use your Legacy name, but maybe it means just as much to them as it does to you. And maybe the person who uses it will be an upstanding citizen in-game. Why the outright negativity and suspicion?


Fourth - My guild, for example, uses Mumble with a password required to enter. Even if my microphone broke or I was playing from a different computer, I would log into Mumble and type it into Mumble-chat if I had a character I needed someone to invite to the group. Even if I couldn't log on to Mumble, I'm quite certain they would either deny me entry until I could confirm my identity or at least verify I knew the entry password for the server.


Aside from a false sense of entitlement, I genuinely fail to see why this is getting blown this far out of proportion. BioWare has invested millions of dollars to make an enjoyable game. They ask you to pay a small monthly premium to access it (which will be optional soon enough). And everyone is losing their minds because "my Legacy name, which didn't even exist when the game first came out, will no longer be unique to me".


Get a grip.


Funniest thing is, most of the players that are complaining that their Legacy name will no longer be unique are the ones that have Legacy names that are common enough that literally anyone could possibly think of them and use them without ever seeing there character in-game (even though they keep giving examples where other players see their name in-game and then decide to steal it). Names like Skywalker, Vader, Solo, Helmet, Lonestar, Starfox, Firefox, Umadbro, Noobkiller, Eatlightsaber, etc., which are not even unique in the first place are not worthy of being kept unique to those players.



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They should let a person know if your Legacy name is about to be taken, IE can this person use your name. Yes or No. The people in the forums that are happy with it can tick yes. The people who put thought and effort into finding a name can put no. Maybe this should be an option given to founders. Something needs to be done with legacy names, hopefully Bio will address it in a democratic manner. There are many people who dont access the forums that are not happy. So we have to give them a voice also. Lets hope the Founders get some protection from new players who dont pay fees from taking a lagacy name.


How many times are you going to post this? It doesn't become a better idea the more you post it. Anyway, never gonna happen, nor should it.

Edited by HarleysRule
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They should let a person know if your Legacy name is about to be taken, IE can this person use your name. Yes or No. The people in the forums that are happy with it can tick yes. The people who put thought and effort into finding a name can put no. Maybe this should be an option given to founders. Something needs to be done with legacy names, hopefully Bio will address it in a democratic manner. There are many people who dont access the forums that are not happy. So we have to give them a voice also. Lets hope the Founders get some protection from new players who dont pay fees from taking a lagacy name.


Again, no. That is not a good way to do it. Read above responses to that suggestion.



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