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Legacy Names no longer unique


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Look. Every MMO requires uniqueness. You can't have 2 players with the same name. Legacy should be just as protected. It is what makes you connected to your characters. The fool that proclaimed that my $15 a month shouldn't get me this is wrong. I live in a country where being unique (or a poser or a 1 of tens-of thousands of "individual" goth chicks) is your right. Apparently he comes from a land where individuality is frowned upon or even punished. In my country you can even change your name to a crazy, meaningless symbol if you like, JUST to stay unique.


Your first name is still unique ( maybe with a few @-or um() or += in them ). Your legacy name is not unique today sorry , or ever again on this product , very sorry ?





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Still waiting for Sir Copperfield to chime in on this issue :D


Seriously, IMO this is a cheap move. Had it been done to first names, I doubt it would have been such a big deal to people.


It isn't a back-breaking straw for me but I'm certainly not happy about it either.


This just adds to the growing list of lttle things done to alienate me from wanting to continue playing.


But I thought he quit a second time after no one worshiped him?

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This is correct. This is a change made exactly for the preparation of server mergers.

Well, some players will feel it like a grief.


As such I'd urge you to add legacy name change and if you really want to do it well:

  • Allow players to have distinct legacy names on their characters
  • Or add a separated and distinct last name for all their characters.


BTW why you guys, once again, come down with a feature that nobody asked for, without providing the most asked one being the two I mentioned.


Check the suggestion forums, there are the most viewed/requested topics.

Edited by Deewe
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Look. Every MMO requires uniqueness. You can't have 2 players with the same name. Legacy should be just as protected. It is what makes you connected to your characters. The fool that proclaimed that my $15 a month shouldn't get me this is wrong. I live in a country where being unique (or a poser or a 1 of tens-of thousands of "individual" goth chicks) is your right. Apparently he comes from a land where individuality is frowned upon or even punished. In my country you can even change your name to a crazy, meaningless symbol if you like, JUST to stay unique.


Umm CO and STO and very likely Neverwinter will all not require unique names and trust me naming policies are not at all the reason they have had trouble with their games. They have a unique account wide @name that can be toggled on or off.


The reality is that most people will have still have "unique" names it is instead those people who have really generic or really popular names that are going to be facing duplications. But I con't care seeing fifteen Skywalkers is no better or worse for me then seeing Skywalker, Skyewalker, Skaywlker, etc...


Your rights are not being infringed by this, you still have the right to take your money else where, so you're no victim here.

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Well, some players will feel it like a grief.


As such I'd urge you to add legacy name change and if you really want to do it well:


If you read the patch notes or the first post you'll see that they are offering a free legacy name change some time in the future. Probably when F2P goes live.

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Look. Every MMO requires uniqueness. You can't have 2 players with the same name. Legacy should be just as protected. It is what makes you connected to your characters. The fool that proclaimed that my $15 a month shouldn't get me this is wrong. I live in a country where being unique (or a poser or a 1 of tens-of thousands of "individual" goth chicks) is your right. Apparently he comes from a land where individuality is frowned upon or even punished. In my country you can even change your name to a crazy, meaningless symbol if you like, JUST to stay unique.


did you just use human rights to justify keeping a unique surname ingame srsy :captain picard 3 hand faceparm:

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No in all seriousness I think I have worked it out , or have a cunning plan . Okay bear with me on this , so we have lots of locked origin servers right ? and the game is going F2P soon , add the fact we have had over 2 million people try the game. Are you with me so far , hope so as here is the great bit , why not , instead of just having 25 SWTOR servers make some new named servers for phase 2 of the server transfers and then the inactive accounts can keep their character names and their legacy names ( there are at least 1 million of them btw people ).


I really think you should read and do the paragraph above , as it will cause you less headaches in the future , on the other hand it will create another backlash of users that have characters above and beyond the magic 8 , maybe to have to change their names.


The choice is yours chose wisely.



merge the remaining locked servers into their various categories ( 1 for each for the 2 regions ) and rename these servers so that the unsubbed accounts , when they come back can keep their names and legacy names. simple .





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Guys, its just a legacy name, like your surname. Who says it has to be unique, and if you make one that eveyone else is going to choose its not BW's problem.


This is done for a practical purpose, the help with server merges.


Why do some people just have to complain about everything. :o

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why have end game gear if everyone is going to have it to


why make a toon at all if somebody else is going to make one of them too

That is not even a remotely close argument for this.


Because end game gear wasn't promised to be unique to US to build our "family" in the game for that server exclusive to us only!


Because toons are not exclusive only to one person, everybody makes them. They are required to play the game.


That was a stupid argument that you just made to help defend the fact that you are with this whole thing. The fact of the matter is simple: We WERE promised by bioware that Legacy was unique and nobody would ever be able to take our name. Why are they changing this? I don't know. Whiners finally got to them? Probably.


I see it as a major defection from another one of their bold promises, perhaps the most unique thing about the game, and also, a blow to some people that believe in people keeping their word. At least they had the Legacy thing right....until now.

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That is not even a remotely close argument for this.


Because end game gear wasn't promised to be unique to US to build our "family" in the game for that server exclusive to us only!


Because toons are not exclusive only to one person, everybody makes them. They are required to play the game.


That was a stupid argument that you just made to help defend the fact that you are with this whole thing. The fact of the matter is simple: We WERE promised by bioware that Legacy was unique and nobody would ever be able to take our name. Why are they changing this? I don't know. Whiners finally got to them? Probably.


I see it as a major defection from another one of their bold promises, perhaps the most unique thing about the game, and also, a blow to some people that believe in people keeping their word. At least they had the Legacy thing right....until now.


well said.

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That is not even a remotely close argument for this.


Because end game gear wasn't promised to be unique to US to build our "family" in the game for that server exclusive to us only!


Because toons are not exclusive only to one person, everybody makes them. They are required to play the game.


That was a stupid argument that you just made to help defend the fact that you are with this whole thing. The fact of the matter is simple: We WERE promised by bioware that Legacy was unique and nobody would ever be able to take our name. Why are they changing this? I don't know. Whiners finally got to them? Probably.


I see it as a major defection from another one of their bold promises, perhaps the most unique thing about the game, and also, a blow to some people that believe in people keeping their word. At least they had the Legacy thing right....until now.


ok the the question asked was why have them now they changed it not what did BW promise us or anything else you rambled on about it was quite simply why have them if there not unique


i'll give the same answer as before but in a different format


for poops and giggles (dam filter making me use words like poop)

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That is not even a remotely close argument for this.


Because end game gear wasn't promised to be unique to US to build our "family" in the game for that server exclusive to us only!


Because toons are not exclusive only to one person, everybody makes them. They are required to play the game.


That was a stupid argument that you just made to help defend the fact that you are with this whole thing. The fact of the matter is simple: We WERE promised by bioware that Legacy was unique and nobody would ever be able to take our name. Why are they changing this? I don't know. Whiners finally got to them? Probably.


I see it as a major defection from another one of their bold promises, perhaps the most unique thing about the game, and also, a blow to some people that believe in people keeping their word. At least they had the Legacy thing right....until now.


They are changing this because the number of servers is going to be shrinking immensely after the forced transfers hit. The logistics of asking every single player that will be forced to transfer to come up with a new legacy name means that you'll see far too many silly names (a trend that increased substantially after the last round of free transfers), so it is better to bite the bullet and allow for non-unique legacy names.


The chances that your name is going to be the one that a bunch of players want is slim unless you've picked a name that is based on a Star Wars character or a name the includes words like death, shadow, dark or star.


The reality is that this is just a vanity name, I wish it was more, but it isn't. I wish we actually had surnames for each and everyone of our characters instead of this half-assed system. But oh well.


You'll get a chance to change your legacy name if you're so worried that someone is going to copy you, wait a few months until things die down and then change it to something even more unique.

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ok the the question asked was why have them now they changed it not what did BW promise us or anything else you rambled on about it was quite simply why have them if there not unique


i'll give the same answer as before but in a different format


for poops and giggles (dam filter making me use words like poop)



That still doesn't make sense..

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Legacy name no longer unique....BAD, BAD, TERRIBLE!


I disagree completely with how this is done. While its good that the guy who made up some goofy Legacy name now gets to change it, I don't think it was the right way to do it.


IMO, They should unbind the First name, with the Legacy name being bound to you. EXAMPLE: My character 'Liam Lightstrider'. By unbinding the First name instead of the Legacy name, BW would be accepting the fact that there might possibly be another person in the galaxy with the first name 'Liam'. Yeah, I guess the same argument can be made about the Legacy name, but seriously...it makes more sense to me to have a galaxy of more 'Liam's' than 'Lightstrider's'.


Just my take on it.


This makes a lot of sense to me. Letting people have whichever first name they want would have probably made a little more sense than legacy names.


But then, of course, people would still complain about that...

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I'm not a fan of this at all, i would be much more upset if someone took my legacy name than my first name. Names are names, you get it first or you pick something else, that is the way of the world.


They're doing this because of the server transfers, in which a large number of players (myself included) lost or had to alter their original legacy names because the names were already taken on the new servers. We got screwed, and this is BW's way of trying to fix it.

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This makes a lot of sense to me. Letting people have whichever first name they want would have probably made a little more sense than legacy names.


But then, of course, people would still complain about that...


Plus you don't get the legacy name until ~lvl 30 so you would have no "unique" way to identify players for account issues like griefing and such. I'd still love to see surnames simply decoupled form the Legacy system so each character could have their own surname regardless of the account owner, but I think I've killed that horse with feet to the head.

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