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Legacy Names no longer unique


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So just any random player who likes my legacy name can copy it now... great idea here :/. This is crap. I for one like one legacy name one player, if you lost your legacy name to the transfer... oh well... so did I. Then I used my imagination to chose a legacy name I like even better. If you lack the imagination to create your own unique name I feel sorry for you. Hope at least they'll still que a warning that says that name is in use before allowing you to chose the name so at least the decent people who still want a unique name can chose something else.
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It's pretty fun and interesting to play, but oh, man...finding a name that is not taken is proving difficult, lol. I really missed out by not playing GW and having my legacy-type names move over from there.


Really? Legolas was taken already? :p


I did not start playing until launch day +2 and I have so far gotten every name I want. I use a first name last name format. I am using my Legacy name from here as my last name component, and favorite common first names that I like to use in MMOs. So far... 100% success.


I find the naming approach in GW2 refreshing and flexible for an MMO.

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If you lack the imagination to create your own unique name I feel sorry for you.


Kind of always true in this game though..... it's just the consquences may be different now.


Hope at least they'll still que a warning that says that name is in use before allowing you to chose the name so at least the decent people who still want a unique name can chose something else.


I agree, this would be a good feature to have for those that insist on uniqueness, but then they are also going to have to be quite creative to avoid someone selecing it AFTER they do.

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Really? Legolas was taken already? :p


I did not start playing until launch day +2 and I have so far gotten every name I want. I use a first name last name format. I am using my Legacy name from here as my last name component, and favorite common first names that I like to use in MMOs. So far... 100% success.


I find the naming approach in GW2 refreshing and flexible for an MMO.

haha, yes that was taken. :(


I've had to take a new approach, as I've always just gone with single names, but it's all good. Of the stable of the dozen or so names I've used in every mmo up to GW2, all but one were taken. A least I picked the noble story choice for Lord Caligari. ;)


I've come up with some new names, so maybe next time I'll have more to choose from.

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Legacy names are already not "unique". There could be quite a few people with your legacy on different servers. Should "mega servers" or cross-server instancing become a thing, you might find yourself playing with someone with the same legacy anyway.


So really, I don't see why this is a such a big deal. I feel worse for people that had an attachment to a particular name that ended up being forced to change it because of the server merges.


However, I do believe a unique modifier would be good to have. I've noticed other games have a way of doing it differently, I.E. TSW lets you create whatever first name and surname you want, but a unique nickname. GW2 gives everyone a unique display name.

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Can't believe anyone would seriously be annoyed at this.


So you're slightly less of a snowflake. That must really hurt.


The point is this. Say I have come up with a very unique name that stands out to me. Then, some newb comes along and goes, nice name I think I'll take that for my Legacy! you "what?! no you cant!!" him "sorry.bro...they aren't unique anymore but I like that name. It's mine now."


If I come up with the name Zin'luthious and someone likes it, they can just take it now. It's not MY legacy anymore. It can be shared with thousands of other players.


That wasn't the point of Legacy! They said from the start Legacy names will ALWAYS be unique no matter what changes. Now this? idk...I don't agree with it at all. Legacy is supposed to be something of YOU, your uniqueness to the game, what YOU thought of. What cool name suited your characters. Now someone can come along and just because they want to be a dick decides to take your name. BAM not your Legacy anymore.


I want to be The Zin'luthious Legacy of MY characters that I formed and made the decisions surrounding myself in my head the way I saw fit while playing not be just another little bo peep in the pile of tons of players running around with the same Legacy name. That's not unique...


They DID say Legacy names were always going to be unique to us. No changing, nobody else can have it. Why are they changing this? This saddens me. A lot...

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I can see why this would upset some people , but I just want to say that, while this isn't something I ever thought was needed, I support the decision to make this change. It was easy enough to think of a unique name before the server combining, but with populations the way they are now, this will make it easier for someone to get a name they really want, rather than settling for some random name they don't like or some weird spelling of the name they want. I don't really see how this will cause any real problems. I mean, yeah, someone else could share your legacy name, but what are the odds that even if they do it will cause a great deal of problems for you? More important for each player to get a name they really like, in my opinion. If you don't want someone sharing your name, you can still pick something totally random or strange so that it's less likely someone will share it. I mean, in real life, how many of us are the only ones we know (plus our families) with the same last name as we have? It's more realistic this way, really.
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Personally, I welcome this change to the Legacy system. I lost my LN when I transferred over to a new server. I have yet to run into any character sporting that particular LN. With this change, I can once again have my original LN (which happens to be my last name - my way of injecting myself into the SW story).


As for those who decry the change as it pertains to RP, the way I see it is that I have met several folks who have the same last name as I do, yet are not related to me. I actually met a guy back in '76 or so that had the same first and last name as myself and was born the same month and day (different middle name and was born a year later). I was born in Georgia and I think he was born in Maine. Anywho, kinda neat.


At any rate, you can RP (at the very least with yourself ... and don't say you don't play with yourself. No one will believe you) anyone you may run into with the same LN -


"Ah, JoeBob'Swindlefoot "LN", that's the side of the family we don't really have anything to do with"


"Hey you! Are you from Hoth? Any relatives there? We may be related"


"Look, JHst'saff and Henry got married"


You know, or whatever. RP it up, have fun with it.

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What the **** is the point of this? Why not make character names not unique also? Lets have multiple people go by the same name? How hard is it to make up something new, you did it for your character name in which there are far more then there are legacy names.
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lol, well that's in game already it is just "I'm Spartacus" "I'm Spartaacus" "I'm Sparrtacuss" and so on...


Thats what I'm talking 'bout!


Seriously...I share a RL last name with millions of people and I don't get all sensitive about it and call all of them up asking them to change there names!?!?!!


If i want someones "Unique Legacy Name"...I'll take it using alt codes!!! So now they've made it easier to be a Jackson or Johnson instead of using Johnsoooon or Jac***kkson, big deal!!!


You still have a unique first name...DOH! No you don't...because anyone can steal that too by adding a special character using "Alt codes".


No one has a unique never used name in RL so why is it so hard to believe you may run across the same named toon in this virtual world??????!?!?!!?!!?!? :rolleyes:

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for all the people saying my legacy name is my rep i have two questions


it wasn't that long ago you where playing mmo's without a second name tied to all your alts how did you manage back then?


was it not your first name thats always been unique from the dawn of mmo's that your rep was based on?

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Seriously...I share a RL last name with millions of people and I don't get all sensitive about it and call all of them up asking them to change there names!?!?!!


Except you fail to see the point being made repeatedly throughout the thread. As it stands unique legacy names - and yes, thay are unique, since even changing a character to an ASCII one to "fit" your name in still has the uniqueness of said ASCII character - enable you as a player to establish a reputation across your server and to keep tabs on the reputations of others.


As a former denizen of Space Slug, I can tell you that there were a few people who became known for their poor behavior and subsequently earned a less than stellar reputation server-wide. Yes, they could try to be sly and hide their legacy name, but all you had to do was ask to see the legacy before you sent a ginvite and your bank was safe from the aforementioned character.


This is not hard to see, and framing the argument as you do as one of pure vanity is skirting the issue. It has less to do with vanity, and more to do with the ramifications of changing a system that up till now allowed for a great method by which to establish, build upon, and monitor the reputation of toons.

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I'm simply amazed that this decision was made without even the slightest input from the community...


I just hit the cancel button. It may seem like an overreaction to some, but it really is the last straw for me. Limited appearance options and now you can't even have a unique last name??? Unreal. Does BW even play mmos?



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This is not hard to see, and framing the argument as you do as one of pure vanity is skirting the issue. It has less to do with vanity, and more to do with the ramifications of changing a system that up till now allowed for a great method by which to establish, build upon, and monitor the reputation of toons.


So do what human beings do... adapt.... establish a different method. It's not like Legacy name was a golden method to address your challenge, it's just one method.

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Thats what I'm talking 'bout!


Seriously...I share a RL last name with millions of people and I don't get all sensitive about it and call all of them up asking them to change there names!?!?!!


If i want someones "Unique Legacy Name"...I'll take it using alt codes!!! So now they've made it easier to be a Jackson or Johnson instead of using Johnsoooon or Jac***kkson, big deal!!!


You still have a unique first name...DOH! No you don't...because anyone can steal that too by adding a special character using "Alt codes".


No one has a unique never used name in RL so why is it so hard to believe you may run across the same named toon in this virtual world??????!?!?!!?!!?!? :rolleyes:


I love it when people compare real life to a video game and think that it actually has some type of merit. Please...stop. You can sit there and roll your eyes all you like, it does not make people go "Wow! She's right!!!" Instead, it makes people look at you and go, "Wha...???"

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LOL!!! I've read most of this thread and my conclusion is that, "Yes, everyone feels that no two last names should be the same." Even though in RL there name is as common as my neighbors!


Again, this game is not real life. It is fantasy based off Star Wars. There was only one family of Skywalkers. There were only one family of Solo's. This is a fantasy game. stop trying to compare it to real life. Real life does not apply here.

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Except you fail to see the point being made repeatedly throughout the thread. As it stands unique legacy names - and yes, thay are unique, since even changing a character to an ASCII one to "fit" your name in still has the uniqueness of said ASCII character - enable you as a player to establish a reputation across your server and to keep tabs on the reputations of others.


As a former denizen of Space Slug, I can tell you that there were a few people who became known for their poor behavior and subsequently earned a less than stellar reputation server-wide. Yes, they could try to be sly and hide their legacy name, but all you had to do was ask to see the legacy before you sent a ginvite and your bank was safe from the aforementioned character.


This is not hard to see, and framing the argument as you do as one of pure vanity is skirting the issue. It has less to do with vanity, and more to do with the ramifications of changing a system that up till now allowed for a great method by which to establish, build upon, and monitor the reputation of toons.


No I see it correctly, as it stands you have a unique first name and a unique last name....now you only have a unique first name.


If I pug with you I have you on my friends list by your unique first name not your legacy name which is making you unique and allowing me to know that your reputation as an awesome player still exists. I have little need for your legacy name because of this.


I rarely even allow my legacy title or last name to be shown, so it means nothing to me because I let my unique first name speak for me.


Now if my friends list used your legacy name as a unique way to find you or your alts to play with I would be on board, but because it doesn't I don't see an issue with more then one "L2P" last names.

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Again, this game is not real life. It is fantasy based off Star Wars. There was only one family of Skywalkers. There were only one family of Solo's. This is a fantasy game. stop trying to compare it to real life. Real life does not apply here.


I'm sure there were more then one set of "Skywalkers and Solo's", but that's the boring part of books and movies. Did George say in any of his books or movies that no body else had the same last name? LOL!!

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It does not bother me that somebody else will have the same legacy name. In fact when they allow us to one time change it, I actually might do it and make it the way I always wanted but could not.

There is plenty of players especially on RP servers that I think like this change... And by the way with ancestry going back for millenia, who knows how many Skywalkers or Solo's families are there in the galaxy far far away.

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It's so hard to be original, isn't it?


"Oh hey, I want to use this name that I saw in a book/movie/tv show/video game... Oh, darn. Some other unoriginal person has already claimed it. WAHWAHWAH Bioware, why can't I be unoriginal too? I want to use that name someone else got before me. WAHWAHWAH."


And Bioware caves to this person's whims instead of manning up and saying, "Well, sorry. You got beat to the punch. Why don't you try something original?"

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