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Planets that would be fun to visit


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of the 460ish planets in the Star Wars universe we have barely visited 40ish in movies and games. So hopefully we get to visit some of these planets in swtor soon. Though here is a small list of world I think they have to add in this game.


1. Csilla this world is the homeworld of the Chiss who happen to be allies of the sith this would be an excellent world to visit since it really is fascinating


2. Ziost would be a very good world to visit in is a major world of the Sith Lords one of the 10 worlds that is strongest in the dark side of the force


3. Talus, Tralus, Selonia and Drall these worlds are all in the Corellian system so it makes perfect sence to have them in it especially since Corellia was supposedly invaded by the Empire I dont think they would only invade one planet in a Star System


4.Generally add all the homeworld planets the playable Races thats are in swtor into the game that aren't already done into the game. So that would be Rakata Prime,cathar Ryloth, Alpherides, Mirial and since the Zabrak never had their homeworld listed in any mention i'm aware of this would be one you get to create


5.Kuat and Sluis Van these are two world that make most of the major capital ships in the Republic if I were the Empire I would go after these two planets


6 Finally last but not least Borleias if the Empire wanted to invade Coruscant they have to take this planet first since it is the biggest staging planet for assault on Coruscant

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2. Ziost would be a very good world to visit in is a major world of the Sith Lords one of the 10 worlds that is strongest in the dark side of the force.


This planet seriously needs to be put in-game, along with Korriban it is considered a Sith Holy World, yet the only depiction of it is almost as old as I am,

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Despite its destruction 300 years prior to the game's timeline, Dantooine should be a part of the game if for nothing more as a tribute to the jedi of the Old Republic.


It wasn't destroyed in that sense, Surik re-established it as a major academy for the rebuilding Order, it could easily be a place where a lot of KotOR franchise nostalgia could be used, something I feel this game is missing and no, Revan and a few statues don't count.

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OP, Star Wars Empire at War / Star Wars Empire at War Forces of Corruption Expansion had more than 40 planets in Galactic Conquest mode. ;):p


But I'd find (in no particular order):


  • Dathomir (Can't recall if it was TOR's "Old Republic" or the one prior to Order 66, but anyway, at one point a massive Jedi training station / starship that used to orbit Dathomir was found (by Luke?) at one point during the Galactic Civil War era. Would be great to make that a hub for Republic players or an OPS for Empire...can't recall what made that place crash ot the surface... ;)).
  • Naboo
  • Kashyyyk
  • Mon Calamari (Dak)
  • Bespin
  • Dantooine
  • Mustafar (seeing it in it's prime before gravitation pulls transformed this world into a huge volcano would be insane! It was once such a lush world...)

Edited by Eillack
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Vjun. Who wouldn't want to visit a big dead rock with constant Acid rain showers? It would be an interesting place for Imps, especially since it was a Sith world during the timeframe we are playing in.


Just a thought BW ^^^^^^


Kamino. It was intriguing in AOTC, and should be just as interesting here. A Kaminoan Jedi? Hmmmm....


Dagobah. Maaaaaaybe. What would we do there?


Cato Neimoidia. I'm not sure that the Neimoidians are members of the Republic during this time, so it could be a Sith controlled world.


Endor: Seeing Ewoks? You could be!


Ruusan: I know...no significant historical events until about 1,000 years before the rise of the Galactic Empire, but still.....


Lehon: We owe it to ourselves to return to this planet after the events of KOTOR and TSL. I think we do.


Ryloth: For those of you with a weird fascination with Twi'leks, this is the planet for YOU! If they do decide to do this, I hope BW remembers that half the planet never sees a sun and is constantly dark.


That's it. Remember when you suggest a planet like Bespin, remember that Cloud City may not even be around yet, which would make Bespin inhospitable to most sentients. It is a giant Gas Planet without any known landmasses, like Jupiter in this solar system.

Edited by DarknessInLight
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I think that wookie planet would be cool, have companion quests for wookie companion would be neat or maybe an achievement in the shadow lands and have an achievement for the challanger or a title for the achievement say shadow shaman or something like that
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I'm sick of going to Kashyyyk in video games because those stupid Wookies can't handle their own affairs.


"Oh noes, the furry little critters are being enslaved by Czerka Corp."

"Oh no, now the big scary Confederate Droids won't leave the smelly animals alone."

"NO! Now the empire is launching the stupid mammals into space with the skyhook."


Really, it's one thing after another with that planet, and I for one am sick of having my characters in various games being whisked away to the jungle to sort it out.


On topic, I wouldn't mind visiting Katarr, Ossus, Steness (I think that is how it is spelled--darkside dragons, oh yeah), Thule, Or this Malachor III, where Darth Thanaton has so many pressing issues to attend to, apparently.

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I created a guild on Jung-Ma called, "The Historians". We basically explore every inch of every planet and look for Datacrons and Codex. I think if we included Kashyyk, Dantooine, and Malachor V (Btw wasn't completely destroyed, it was split into 5 big chunks) we would find alot of interesting and historical places. Not to mention how much fun it would be to explore the Shadowlands and the Ruins of the Jedi Enclave.
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Empire at war forces of corruption had 55 planets in galatic conquest mode. Many of them would be cool to visit.


Dantooine: Nice farm planet would be good for Jedi.


Ziost: planet very strong in the dark side maybe a empire only world.


Mon calamari: I would like to see a water world kamino or Manaan could also work.


Utapau: thought this planet was cool in Episode 3.


Sullust: A volcanic planet would be cooler than mustafar cause sullust has Sullustians that live there I believe mustafar has no natrual spiecies.


Fondor: capital ship making hub and city like planet.


Yavin 4: Really cool place to vist in TOR time.

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of the 460ish planets in the Star Wars universe


460? whaaa? where did you come up with that figure? the galactic empire alone had 69 million star systems meeting the requirements for Imperial representation, and 1.75 million planets considered full member worlds... there have been thousands of named and used planets in the EU and according to canon there are around 3.2 billion habitable star systems in the galaxy...

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of the 460ish planets in the Star Wars universe we have barely visited 40ish in movies and games. So hopefully we get to visit some of these planets in swtor soon. Though here is a small list of world I think they have to add in this game.


3. Talus, Tralus, Selonia and Drall these worlds are all in the Corellian system so it makes perfect sence to have them in it especially since Corellia was supposedly invaded by the Empire I dont think they would only invade one planet in a Star System


4.Generally add all the homeworld planets the playable Races thats are in swtor into the game that aren't already done into the game. So that would be Rakata Prime,cathar Ryloth, Alpherides, Mirial and since the Zabrak never had their homeworld listed in any mention i'm aware of this would be one you get to create


talus was in SWG. My characters all lived there. It was a beautiful planet. I would love to see it in TOR


Iridonia is the Zabrak homeworld. It's been mentioned in a lot of material, including KOTOR. This planet is the one I want most because Zabraks are my favorite race.

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