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  1. It is simple logic really: your server has five people on fleet, which means you have less than a thousand on the server. Does it make sense for the server to be open? Nope. That's where the thought needed to be done. Also, you had no problem then rerolling on a new server, so what is the problem now with all the double xp weekends and xp boosts? I've been a "founding member" of several other games and you will never see an incentive like what you are suggesting given out anywhere.
  2. Jennifer Hale, any voice she does for Star Wars.
  3. Foot-in-mouth is a terrible disease that plagues many internet users. We must flag and report their insolence.
  4. First of all, your signature... Genius. Next, you couldn't be more right with your analysis but I would say it applies to gamers in general. I work at a high school and I have kids in my classes that literally all they talk about are their games and how much they play, then come back being complete jerks about everything else they are talked to about. Granted, I am a gamer myself and I spend my free periods at work (which is a lot since it's finals week!) on forums and stuff, but these kids literally think they are awesome because they are the best kid they know at COD or they have WoW guilds that complete heroic content. This idea of "I am awesome and everybody else sucks" spills over into real life and they are just not pleasant to talk to or work with.
  5. I am curious if many of these people that complain have ever played MMOs before SWTOR. Every MMO I have ever played has the same end game progression: grind quests or dailies, raid, do other dungeon content. The only difference I can see is that content in SWTOR gets recycled more and released less often.
  6. Great point. Also if we want to talk about failures of this game, EA/BioWare can't win because you get the players complaining when the release gets pushed back and the same players complaining when they rush release the game or content and there's either not enough or it's buggy.
  7. There are much better things that would generate a lot more revenue that EA/BW should focus on implementing. Everybody likes new content and cool looking gear. Spend time and resources on that, release something every 3 months, sell for somewhere in the 1000-2000 range. I can't see a lot of people spending $120-$160 to level ONE character to 55 since the general consensus from the "GIVE ME A LEGACY TRANSFER" crowd is that transferring 12 characters at $15/character ($180, which is money a lot better spent since you're getting 12 characters that you've most likely spent time on rather than end game with a single character you just create) is too much money. EDIT: I could maybe bypass my belief about this being an MMO and leveling is a necessity if the option was granted to people with a high legacy level (maybe 40-50).
  8. Stupid idea. First of all, this is an MMO. Don't like leveling? Don't play. Then there's the fact that we already see "new" players and bad players at the later levels of 35-45 so allowing them to instalevel characters to max level will increase the amount of bad players at max level. All around bad idea.
  9. Sith Inquisitor, the cult on... Nar Shadaa? One response you can give is "I love surprises!" and the guys voice is hilarious.
  10. Massachusetts player on Shadowlands.
  11. Well one of the biggest issues people had with this film (and I do mean people who how to criticize and not say stupid things like "HAYDEN CHRISTENSEN RUINED DARTH VADER LOL") was the dialogue. This is one of the major factors as to why the prequel trilogy are so far behind the original trilogy and why many people discredit George Lucas since he pushed to have a larger role in the dialogue writing. Personally I feel that the dialogue is the sole factor that ruined the prequel trilogy and more specifically ROTS (since it had the storyline and potential to be the best film of the franchise) .
  12. Sure, this game will never be WoW, but it is an MMO and WoW might as well be the king of MMOs since it has functioned in a pay-to-play state for nearly a decade. This is why people including myself are using it to compare the different policies. If players are so concerned with "keeping their legacies together," why are leveling characters on multiple servers? The legacy system has always been server-wide, period. It has never stretched over an entire account. It's really unfortunate that you had no choice where to send your characters when they did the merge but I'm sure it would have been a lot more infuriating for the player if game just closed because of its failures rather than force a transfer for free. Chances are, if you were playing with your friends before the server merges, you were still on a server with them after. If you had new friends starting out at any time, you probably should have done a better job recruiting them to your server. Players already started the trend of "breaking out their legacy" by leveling characters on a different server. The solution is simple: want a cohesive legacy? play on one server. BW/EA has made this game heap-loads better from even this past summer. It seems to not matter what they do to improve the game, they never get support from their fanbase, because it is not exactly how the players want things. Paid character transfers for such a low price is a huge improvement and it benefits both parties. Players get keep transfers in case they made characters on a different server and BW/EA profits to keep the game running and potentially adding more benefits. For every person (and I use that term lightly) who complains and threatens to unsub because there is no legacy transfer, many more people will use the service implemented. I don't encourage anybody to abandon the work they have done on their characters but it is simple really. Pay to transfer your characters and if it becomes to expensive, don't bother doing it. Even if they add a legacy transfer how reduced do you think that cost will actually be? If it is $15 to transfer a single character and let's say you have twelve characters that will be $180. Do you really think BW/EA will give you a legacy transfer cheap if they have the opportunity to get $180 out of you?
  13. Didn't Darth Nihilus devour the Miralukan homeworld?
  14. Well in WoW prior to MoP, druids and paladins were the two most overused classes because of the points you made. Progression guilds did not use strictly these classes despite there being many more of them then other clases. Being able to fill every role does not make that class the best for that role.
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