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Developer Update: Class Changes and Balance in Game Update 1.4


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BioWare should have left the Overload skill alone it was fine the way it was. This skill allowed my Assassin to knock away any enemies from me even those that were attacking me from behind, and now it only targets those enemies in front of you that really puts PvE only players like me in a real bind when attacked by a large group of enemies when solo. So now players like me get screwed cause the PvPers complained gee I thought this game was STORY driven which put more priority on the PvE aspect of the game than on PvP. Luckily this wont be a game breaker for me but it will make life for PvE players like me more frustrating.
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Read the following very, very carefully:


Rocket Punch is not going to stun the target, it's going to root it. "Immobilize" is Bioware's term for a Root, which is where you can perform actions but not move your character. You're thinking of "Incapacitate," which is Bioware's term for Stun.


for a melee attacker this is the same result.

you root then move away a little. possibly create more distance for a longer period than with a simple knock.


BioWare should have left the Overload skill alone it was fine the way it was. This skill allowed my Assassin to knock away any enemies from me even those that were attacking me from behind, and now it only targets those enemies in front of you that really puts PvE only players like me in a real bind when attacked by a large group of enemies when solo.


tbh, the delay on overload caused by the animation was far worse...

you can simply flick the camera around for the knockback (after maybe moving to one side of the group attacking you).

Edited by WobblyBits_X
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They should make different skill sets for PVP and PVE so that PVE doesnt get screwed over by all of this nerfing. PVP and PVE should never intersect.


Edit: If you insist on having the same skills and having PVP nerfs affect PVE then maybe you should look into buffing the classes that are under performing instead of nerfing the classes that can hold their own?

Edited by Tuscad
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I play Merc and youre being a bit dramatic. Its a minor nerf.


Its a huge nerf to any GOOD merc PVPer, any anyone that PVP's with or against me knows that my rocket punch is 50% of my game play.

And let me add, how many times do you go on the PVP forums and see people complaining about mercs having 2 knock backs? now thing of this, how many times to you see post about people complaining about too many stuns in the game?

This is a STUPID change made without thought.

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In addition, while Overload and Force Wave make for great escape abilities, they have done so previously at a cost to the overall PvP experience. What we want for these abilities is to create distance between you and your target(s), but what frequently occurs is a bad experience for incidental nearby enemies that aren’t your intended target(s).


This is ... simply ridiculous.

Edited by Gawlron
removed some stuff that just didn't need to be said.
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Its a huge nerf to any GOOD merc PVPer, any anyone that PVP's with or against me knows that my rocket punch is 50% of my game play.

And let me add, how many times do you go on the PVP forums and see people complaining about mercs having 2 knock backs? now thing of this, how many times to you see post about people complaining about too many stuns in the game?

This is a STUPID change made without thought.


how many people are immensely frustrated by resolve being filled instantly in huttball making the carrier immune to all attempts to stop him?

its all a tank (or mara) has to do in a match - grab the ball, wait on the catwalk till somebody stuns, home free.

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how many people are immensely frustrated by resolve being filled instantly in huttball making the carrier immune to all attempts to stop him?

its all a tank (or mara) has to do in a match - grab the ball, wait on the catwalk till somebody stuns, home free.


What happened to the original development team? Can we have them back?

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I play a Sage.


I liked having Force Wave completely surround me. It has always been pretty easy to walk to where I needed to be.


I don't PvP, but I played healing Priest in WoW, which is the same class (where's that "twist on healing" Jake Neri talked about?). And these PvP buffs sound critical for the ability to escape.


I'm not happy that you nerfed Force Stun for PvP at all.


But good job on not nerfing Force Lift -- that would have been infuriating.


I agree I loved that Force Wave/Overload nailed all opponents in a 360 arc around you. It came in handy when solo and surrounded by enemies. So PvE players like me get screwed because PvPers complained (which they never stop doing). This game as BioWare keeps saying is supposed to be Story driven which to me puts a higher priority to the PvE aspect NOT the PvP aspect of the game. This revamp of the Force Wave/Overload skill is really going to hamper my Assassin and JC since I dont do PvP at all. And having a knockback skill that only targets those in front of you and not all the way around you can make a fight where you are attacked from the front and the rear at the sametime which almost all melee classes are when solo can make the fight much harder than it needs to be. I am not saying that all the changes are bad however this one really screws over PvE players who use Troopers, Bounty Hunters, Inquisitors, and Conculars as their main characters.

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I'm a little concerned that Balance/Madness specs don't seem to be getting as much compense for the nerfs. Really just the heal and the force speed reduction. For PvE, the lost of the 30m stun is significant. As is the PBAoE Knockback.


I think Containment should reduce the cooldown of Force Lift as this is our only ranged control now.

Edited by Master-Nala
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how many people are immensely frustrated by resolve being filled instantly in huttball making the carrier immune to all attempts to stop him?

its all a tank (or mara) has to do in a match - grab the ball, wait on the catwalk till somebody stuns, home free.


thats why knock backs are BETTER get them OFF the catwalk, stun will only slow them down... as a PVP in huttball i would rather the other team knocked off rather than stunned.

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*sigh* Again, this demonstrates how Bioware hates Sorcs.


Overlap going cone, and electrocute going in a range of 10 mts. Why not make this 4 mts and put us on the face of our dear mobs or PvE bosses already like if we were a melee class? I use often these two skills, one for getting rid of unwanted adds, and the other to help tank and spank gold mobs. Now I have to enter the 10 mts range to use electrocute, like if we were a meleee class? hello devs? this a ranged and squishy class!!


Maybe I should start using force speed..but...hold on...how can we heal when most of our healing skills requires us to be inmobile and channel? this is useless at best.


The only thing I like from this update is the new heal, but it says in the description: "moderate heal" so it is like dark heal (wich would make it useless) or near dark infussion?. If it were like dark infussion, then it would a great help, specially when I have to use 2 consumptions to regain force leaving me without a good chuck of health.


Seriously devs, what do we sorcs/sges did to you to deserve nerf after nerf? did a good sage/sorc won against your dear maras/sents on PvP so you unleashed another nerf to a class wich it's squishy at best?

Edited by metalfenix
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With the buffs to force speed playing huttball against a team of consulars/inquisitors will look like a SEC vs. Big 10 national championship game.


And what happened to the pyro nerf they talked about?

Edited by vladunk
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I agree I loved that Force Wave/Overload nailed all opponents in a 360 arc around you. It came in handy when solo and surrounded by enemies. So PvE players like me get screwed because PvPers complained (which they never stop doing). This game as BioWare keeps saying is supposed to be Story driven which to me puts a higher priority to the PvE aspect NOT the PvP aspect of the game. This revamp of the Force Wave/Overload skill is really going to hamper my Assassin and JC since I dont do PvP at all. And having a knockback skill that only targets those in front of you and not all the way around you can make a fight where you are attacked from the front and the rear at the sametime which almost all melee classes are when solo can make the fight much harder than it needs to be. I am not saying that all the changes are bad however this one really screws over PvE players who use Troopers, Bounty Hunters, Inquisitors, and Conculars as their main characters.


mercs are hardly affected in pve by this, jet boost is completely unchanged...

and as for overload, i cant imagine it being only frontal is any worse than effectively being able to be interrupted.

the number of times i have been sent flying through the air after the animation started by a merc or sniper knock is amazing.

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Some love for PVP Madness Sassins would be nice. Adding some of those new damage reduction stuff to the Mad tree and a lil buff to thrash (make it reduce dmg taken or wutevs) to keep it in line with the new Voltaic Slash should do it nicely. Edited by Retardachu
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Well, to be fair we dont know the extent of the NEW sorc ability, and it is a new ability with a new stack, or so it appears.


And it is an instant cast heal, costing NO FORCE, if i remember right. I'm sure it will still respect the GTN. I think thats great. It looks like they are gonna change the skill trees so you can put points in the new ability. I think the changes to sorcs are good, not great.


But I am gonna love the buff to force speed :D


Oh, and I never played a merc/commando, but im glad they finally have an interrupt. I want to know whose logic it was that DIDNT give them one to begin with; and EVERY other class has one.

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For all the discussion of impacts, the same, core, issue remains.


WHEN??? The PTD is still down, so none of the proposed changes are being play tested by the community. If it was ready, you could simply say "Going to the PTS on xx/xx/xxxx, and, based on play testing, going live within X weeks." But nada. You've been promising stuff for MONTHS, without ever actually delivering on any of it.


Let's try this:


Will the development staff please give us a hard date on when the PTS server will be returned to service? Can you?

Edited by Borgbunny
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It actually does make up for it. There are bosses who are exclusively internal/elemental (Zorn & Stormcaller for example). This coupled with the fact that Shield/Absorb is a much better tank stat than Defense (which Shadows and Vanguards have the highest in the game) makes us far from the "worst" tanks. This isn't even taking into consideration our strong cooldowns (resilience makes life so much easier), the fact that we are the #1 threat generator (single-target and AOE) and [in tank specs] we parse higher than the other two by far.


Our sole, sole weakness is when a boss is nothing but energy/kinetic. But even then, you'd be surprised how comparable the parses are.


The problem with your "numbers" is that they do not reflect specific fights. I mean, you throw a Shadow on Toth and of COURSE they will spike harder than a GUardian or Vanguard. We're not kinetic/energy tanks. We are internal/elemental tanks. Each fight needs to be parsed separately and then evaluated in a larger picture.


The fact is... the low armor doesn't really matter if you organize your Ops properly. Play to your tanks strengths. Not to their weakness.


just like when 1.2 hot and all the sorc healers said, its all good sicne we have another healer to keep us up while we consume...


playing to weaknesses is a byproduct of PvP changes that never took PvE into account. when you say we parse higher, I assume you mean threat and not dps (becuse PT take the cake on this one too), but never when tanking on my shadow was I unable to maintain threat without a proper gaurd on sosmone.


Every fight is going to vary, but the only fights i prefer shadows are on firebrand and jarg.... for everything else I prefer a PT or a knowledgable jugg... for healing.



and the fact that you think armor doesnt matter when talking about mitigating damage is lulz.

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Okay i really have to know how Merc's keep getting buffed every patch.. Can Sorc's and Merc's change leads please. Cause whoever the Merc lead is has some dirt on someone.


Overload was probably the only thing keeping Sorc's viable in huttball. Being able to protect themselves and keep people off their ledges. So now we have to try and run to the side of someone while turning into them and then hitting overload. In that amount of time everyone else just hits their knockback and we are gone. The knockback radius on Overload is to short to knock people on angles. If you are going to nerf a knockback it needs to be evenly. I remember a Dev saying the reason Merc's didn't have a interrupt was because they had such a OP knockback. Now you give them an interrupt and another stun but leave their knockback just as OP as it was before? Ohh and grats on your new heal from doing nothing more than casting tracer missles.


"Jet Boost and Concussion Charge behave similarly, but they are limited to the Mercenary and Commando. Changing them has a less effective impact on the game, and those Advanced Classes play better with a stronger ability on a longer cooldown."


Let me explain how idiotic this statement is:


1. "Jet Boost and Concussion Charge behave similarly" - Exactly so nerf them evenly.

2. "but they are limited to the Mercenary and Commando" - Uhh Overload is limited to only Sorc/Sages. what was this meant to say?

3. "Changing them has a less effective impact on the game" lol, see number 1.. they work the same.. so they effect the game the same. Except these don't have animation lag like overload has. making it better than overload and a longer pushback. so it actually has a more effective impact on the game.


Sorc's being a 30 meter class now can only stun in a 10m range? So i'm going to now run 20 meters to stun someone for 4 seconds. sounds legit.....yes, i know it will still work on melee.


Sorc's are already the redheaded stepchild of PVP and you are just making it worse.


We have the lowest armor value, no defense increases, no burst, and long heals. The pluses we had to stay alive were the interrupt, stun, bubble, and the overload. You have now taken 2 of those away in most situations. Why not just take the bubble and admit you don't want the class around anyone. You already drove most of the player base away. Man up and just change everyone to Mercs.


Please do us all a favor and take the "Balance" portion out of this update.. it's not balance its further pushing the unevenness.

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losing the knockback on rocketpunch is only a minor inconvenience... and only really for pve use.

in pvp the extra stun is actually an improvement.


Yeah you don't know what you're talking about.

I gave up the highest skill in my pyro merc tree so I could buy Rocket Punch. It's essential for kiting for a merc.

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BioWare should have left the Overload skill alone it was fine the way it was. This skill allowed my Assassin to knock away any enemies from me even those that were attacking me from behind, and now it only targets those enemies in front of you that really puts PvE only players like me in a real bind when attacked by a large group of enemies when solo. So now players like me get screwed cause the PvPers complained gee I thought this game was STORY driven which put more priority on the PvE aspect of the game than on PvP. Luckily this wont be a game breaker for me but it will make life for PvE players like me more frustrating.


:mad: YES!! I am SO sick of having PvE nerf'd patch after patch because of PvP!



-If you need to make changes to PvP, make changes to PvP! Why is that such a hard thing to get through your skulls?!


-If one ability is working fine in PvE, but is causing problems with PvP, CHANGE IT IN PVP!

It's maddening to see just how brainless the dev's are handling this!

So I'll say it again....


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:mad: YES!! I am SO sick of having PvE nerf'd patch after patch because of PvP!



-If you need to make changes to PvP, make changes to PvP! Why is that such a hard thing to get through your skulls?!


-If one ability is working fine in PvE, but is causing problems with PvP, CHANGE IT IN PVP!

It's maddening to see just how brainless the dev's are handling this!

So I'll say it again....


what change are you talking about?

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:mad: YES!! I am SO sick of having PvE nerf'd patch after patch because of PvP!



-If you need to make changes to PvP, make changes to PvP! Why is that such a hard thing to get through your skulls?!


-If one ability is working fine in PvE, but is causing problems with PvP, CHANGE IT IN PVP!

It's maddening to see just how brainless the dev's are handling this!

So I'll say it again....




Quick question to you poster.


When do you use Overload in PVE that requires you to scatter mobs in all directions rather than push them one way or the other. Because the only use of the all round overload is to scatter in PVE . This change allows you to be more tactical with your knockback and group mobs up for aoe etc... + knockbacks arn't a massive part of PVE compared to PVP so of course the changes should focus on PVP.



Nothing your 10s reduced Force speed cant handle to get away from things im sure..



This is why this type of thread before things are on PTS is a little annoying. no one really knows the impact until you see it.

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