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What do you consider most important in warzones?


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Some people think that highest damage or highest healing is the key to winning a warzone, to pick an example I was on my assassin in a rated group and we got huttball. We won the match but they kicked me after the game because I only did 69k damage, I'm guessing they forgot that they told me to be on offense and that I also scored 4 goals but whatever...


The most important trait in a warzone to me is "situational awareness", you can do the highest damage in a warzone but if you lose because you didn't see a movement switch coming it's not gonna count for squat.


For example we were fighting civil war and winning by holding snow and grass, the other team was hitting snow hard so everyone on my team was there cept for one defender at grass. As we kill the enemies off I notice they're not coming back so unlike the rest of my team that was trying to kill a guard and a healer I took off to grass and yes, they were moving on to attack that while the tank and healer was keeping my team busy. A tank and a healer is not a threat, you don't have to all be there to kill them, when the situation is under control, move on because you know the enemie is going to.


Situational awareness can apply to all the warzones, knowing where go for a pass in huttball to knowing who the next pass is going to go to. Knowing when they might have a stealther on their team in Voidstar and keep an eye on how many enemies is attacking each door. Knowing when to go for the least guarded node in Civil War or Novare Coast and so on.


So what trait do you think is the most important?

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Agreed. Knowing what is going on like if you are defending in civil war and all of a sudden it is you and 6 other people standing around chances are they are hitting your other node. Keeping AOE's on the door in NC and inside the bunker in NC preventing the caps. Running ahead of the ball carrier in huttball. Its the small things that help win warzones, yes you need dps to burn people down but it does not take much to take a quick look around and see if anyone is trying to cap or seeing people peeling off a point in order to attack another.
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Another important thing to consider is "when to cc, when not to cc and where to cc". Far too many time do I see the ball carrier in huttball with white bar and I'm powerless to do anything cept watch him walk to the goal line.


Trying to take the door in voidstar or node in civil war or novare coast? Not a trace of cc, just people standing there doing nothing...

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The most important trait in a warzone to me is "situational awareness", you can do the highest damage in a warzone but if you lose because you didn't see a movement switch coming it's not gonna count for squat.


This is a great point that I think most seasonsed SWTOR PvPers are aware of. From my own experience, the most damage I have done in any WZ was with my Shadow, not my Marauder. In fact, my Shadow frequently has higher DPS numbers in WZs than my Mara. Why? Because my Mara quickly kills what he attacks.


My Shadow does more aggregate damage, but it takes him longer to kill things. When my Mara targets something, it dies, pretty fast. My Mara may not be #1 on the DPS chart for each WZ, but he is always tops in Kills per match. So end match DPS can be an inflated stat at times. For this reason, I think Kills and Objective tallies are better stats to judge a WZ performance by.


However, Huttball is a bit different. Killing opponents in Huttball can actually be detrimental to your team. In Huttball, I usually just judge performance by the Objectives stat, unless I know someone was on their DPS toon holding down Mid.

Edited by DarthOvertone
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I agree with OP, People being not only aware of the situation but also the job of their class. It's been real bad on my server with this issue....People just run around with tunnel vision going for high damage or whatever and don't think about what's best at that situation in the game or even what's best for the team and it's very frustrating.


I personally blame the PvE crowd coming in to farm the relics and not willing to put in any effort other than their fun in running around like dolts :(

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My kills and dmg totals because at the end of the day my pleasure is at that really matters.


Yeah their are alot of you unfortunately, it's the dumbest thing to. It's a team sport not death match. But thank god for friends so I at most will only get 4 of you a match.

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Objectives, objectives, objectives. Last I knew the conditions of winning a warzone were based on objectives, not chasing someone off a node in civil war to secure a kill only to lose it to a ninja.


Understanding resolve is also a pretty big factor I think, it drives me absolutely up a wall when I see a Vanguard or something cryo grenade a ball carrier with an empty resolve bar only to near max it in one cc in huttball.

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You know OP, people like that make me facepalm. I've played many warzones throughout my time on TOR where I have sadly seen things like that happen. People going for kills and heals and not after objectives at all. There was one huttball match for example, where three people on our team had 50+ kills but we lost 0-3 because no one actually tried to score. Many times in voidstar, I've seen people just killing and healing away, and we can't even plant on the first damn door. Just last night I was in one of those warzones. Again, three or four people had high kills and high damage/healing, but very low objectives, we lost of course. There was another guy on our team who basically told them off after he saw the scoreboard.
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So yeah, definitely objectives are the most important, and winning of course. Also would like to mention another thing about that awful huttball match, not only were they not trying to score, the people they were killing were not even the ballcarriers or anywhere near the carriers, that's why we got three goals scored on us. It just goes to show what happens when you have people on your team that only care about kills and having top dps scores. Think of it like a team sport, and the guy who thinks he is the team, and is in it just for himself, that's what players like that remind me of.
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It depends. Situational awareness is important, but if one side is completely destroying the other to the point you can barely get out of the respawn, all the awareness in the world won't help you.


Well that's just class/skill/gear difference, no amount of situational awareness will save you there, all I'm saying is if two equal teams meet the team with the most situational awareness and willingness to go for the objective will win rather than the ones that want to rack up damage and kills.

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The most important trait in a warzone to me is "situational awareness", you can do the highest damage in a warzone but if you lose because you didn't see a movement switch coming it's not gonna count for squat.


This is definitely one of THE most important traits one can have. As an example, every time I get into Denova, I usually attack the south node with my teammates. When enemy team arrives, I always count how many they have. If they have only 4-5 or so, it usually means they're going to attack the node closest to our spawn. So, I always check and move to intercept if I see red tags streaking along far away.


Also, I keep an eye on everything I can on the field. Node every few seconds for ninja cappers if I'm defending (Just a quick glance is all you need), the chat bar so I can immediately move to defend other objective, enemy healers, where the Huttball is at all times, etc.


And unfortunately, most people I see are incredibly blind :rolleyes:

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As an example, every time I get into Denova, I usually attack the south node with my teammates. When enemy team arrives, I always count how many they have. If they have only 4-5 or so, it usually means they're going to attack the node closest to our spawn. So, I always check and move to intercept if I see red tags streaking along far away.


On the other hand, if you're going to one of the northern nodes, take a look at the other side and see how many are on the way to theirs. If more than 2, let south know.

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The thing that ticks me off is this:


Your team has 2 nodes. There are 2 or 3 guys guarding the unattacked node. Your team loses the contested node, and the 3 people stay there at your 1 base. As if the other team is going to send 3 people over for the triple cap.


And in NC.....you spawn on the east side. Your team is fighting to maintain control of the west base. You die at the west base and as you are running back to the base, you pass the same 2 or 3 people guarding east. Just standing there relaxing.


I think its lack of strategy like this that frequently causes a loss on NC or CW.

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