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Do you have a rival?


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Other than the healer like many have said... but that should be obvious. I normally just wait for people to target me first since I can be pretty annoying at stopping objectives. Being easy to spot too (marauder in an inquisitor chest and 2 vibroswords) :eek: it usually doesn't take long before someone wants to single me out. At that point.... I've found my rival and go out of my way to make them regret it. :D


I also like picking on other marauders for 2 reasons...

1. Most of them are bad and I like making them aware of it.

2. Some of them are beast and I like the challenge. It's always a learning experience.


Exactly, but not exactly. Like you, my main is a Mara. And like you I rolled a Sage/Sorc to try a different style. I don't really have any rivals with my Marauder, I just do my thing. But I have noticed how many people will follow my poor little level 16 Sage all around a WZ, far far away from objectives, just to get a kill. I'm sure 1/2 think I'm a healer, which I'm not. But the other 1/2 are level 40-49 Maras and Juggs just looking to take out the caster. My point being, a lot of these fights are really really close, which they shouldn't be between a level 16 sage, and a 47 Mara. I.E., these guys aren't very good. So I've started writing their names down for my "Marauders I plan to kill 1v1 with my Sage once I'm 50" list. Sadly because they are bad, I probably won't see many of them in WZs when I finally get around to 50 with my sage. I could hunt them with my Mara once they hit 50, but not much sport in that.


So no rivalries, but I plan on starting some.

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My rival is anyone wielding two sabers. I was an Arsenal Merc for the first 5 months of the game. PvP was always fun but sometimes it got painful when a Mara would constantly pick on me due to my Arsenal-ness.


Now that I have switched to Pyro and I'm in fully augmented WH, I make sure to repay the pain. Maras no longer eat me for breakfast. But when they do, I at least break their teeth on the way down.


Sa basically, any Mara. Or anyone with an Elite Warlord title. I like to go after them just to see how I stack up.

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Exactly, but not exactly. Like you, my main is a Mara. And like you I rolled a Sage/Sorc to try a different style. I don't really have any rivals with my Marauder, I just do my thing. But I have noticed how many people will follow my poor little level 16 Sage all around a WZ, far far away from objectives, just to get a kill. I'm sure 1/2 think I'm a healer, which I'm not. But the other 1/2 are level 40-49 Maras and Juggs just looking to take out the caster. My point being, a lot of these fights are really really close, which they shouldn't be between a level 16 sage, and a 47 Mara. I.E., these guys aren't very good. So I've started writing their names down for my "Marauders I plan to kill 1v1 with my Sage once I'm 50" list. Sadly because they are bad, I probably won't see many of them in WZs when I finally get around to 50 with my sage. I could hunt them with my Mara once they hit 50, but not much sport in that.


So no rivalries, but I plan on starting some.


LOL... good point. It is funny how many people will chase a sorc/sage 18 miles from an objective to get a kill but rarely does anyone try that with a marauder.


The nice thing about my situation tho is that I'm constantly playing with another sorc so it's like double the slows, KB's, stuns, etc... People either focus us like crazy or get so annoyed that they ignore us... either way it works out pretty well for the team most of the time.


Getting focused by double lightning spam is super annoying. :D So people usually target us...

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If you are above a certain skill level, then experience usually allows you to immediately take note of good players. In most cases, good PvP players can usually, almost immediately recognize another good player by even just looking at how that person simply moves around.


Add to that a small warzone population + similar gameplay time zone, and you are bound to find at least one or two people in the opposite faction whose name you come to naturally memorize. The more often you play with in a certain player pool, the higher the possibility of repeatedly meeting that someone your instincts tell you to be careful of.




Then, after that, you are supposed to hate their guts....and do everything to kill that person in the most humiliating manner possible. That's PvP. :D

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Perfect thread for me!


I have a rival, although its more one-sided atm ... I cruise Outlaw's Den regularly on The Bastion w/ my 50 Juggy and will always run into a 50 Shadow "Omo" on a daily basis ... whether it be while we are both riding around or she's stealthed or even sometimes I find her afk stealthed. I say one-sided rivalry because so far I've never beaten her in 1v1 matches ... its frustrating, but at the same time, helps me to become a better pvpr.


From our battles and my observations, I think shes a 31/0/10 kinetic shadow (combat technique/ slow time + uninterruptable pebbles) that is probably WH gear w/ 21k hit points who knows how to play her class spec very well. I think the shadow is a perfect weapon for places like Outlaw's Den as you can always surprise attack first as well as vanish and re-engage when you chose to - the class does take skill to play well ... im looking forward to the day i get my first true win against her! She never says a word, but i know she has a sense of humor bc she'll dance on my corpse if i linger haha!


Omo, if you're reading this - props to ya! And look forward to our future battles!

Edited by Himeji_Endless
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Every Single Leaping Lanny Poffo on Canderous Ordo. I hate these wanna be Superfly Jimmy Snuka's.




That made me laugh and grin at same time!


Today Im playing my vastly under geared Trooper (full recruit gear).


So im in PVP doing my Daily and my under geared self (big whooping 12k hps) is playing pure support mode (yeah im really going to run out head to head with recruit gear on).


Enter ACW and my side rushs middle (and one goes left for that turret).


Now let me say it was a freaking epic battle over mid and I wish every wz played out like that. Huge fun.


But one butt head jugger targets me and leaps in and then intentionally stands on me (trying to exploit the LOS like a loser). Im already engaged with a different group so I die (lol, doesnt take much when taking damage from 3 different opponents in battlemaster and warhero gear)


So I come back and same jugger leaps at me again and tries to stand on me again, just like last time (clearly his goto move that gives him that special feeling)


Step back, hit 9, stunned jugger.

cycle of 6 attacks later we have a dead jugger (in full battle master and over 20k hps so probably partial WH gear or at least mods added)


He comes back, leaps across area and AGAIN TRIES TO STAND ON ME

Again he dies


*Seriously, im in full recruit gear and this guy not even getting me to 50% health*


3 more times he does exact same routine, 3 more times he hits the gate


At the end after being pretty much spanked by a non geared commando with a hybred build, he returns and you could tell he was avoiding me now like the plague. So I went on the hunt and sent him packing another 3 times before the match ended :)


LOL, thats as close I came to having a rival but it just made me laugh for couple reasons:


1) Im totally not geared and had been getting spanked all day (hey Ill get my gear and even the feild on this guy with in a week or so) it was funny to see my baby 50 trooper dominating this battlemaster + geared guy so badly


2) I had just wrote earlier in the day on a different thread here how when someone consistantly tries to run through me (or stand on me), how thats a signal/indication im facing a unexperienced or untalented player. I wish I had video cause this guy makes my case for me! Terrible PVPer who tries to exploit line of sight to get his only advantage! If we ever do get collusion, this guy will be virtual version of road kill


I was laughing so hard as I was telling my guildies the play by play on voice chat.


PS: Normally the only rivals I have is when Im on my imp and I recognize some door knob Republic player that was mouthing off or ninja'ing (and other crap like that) while I was playing one of my 6 rep characters. Ill totally go out of my way to kill those players if I can.

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this dude's mara named skywolker on the fatman got a hard on for my alt sage in there maybe they were premade or something but I saw him like 6 times in a row, ***** his face on voidstar and after that made it his personal mission to take me out of the rest of the wzs that day.

haven't seen him ever since.


gg we still won.

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It seems i have discovered my rival, the rest of my republic friends. I did same faction Voidstar last night and a lot of my mates were playing, and on TS too. They told me on other team that before the game started the whole chat was basically "..... must die. Period". Ohh the curse of being a healer.
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Shortly after hitting 50, I kept noticing this hybrid tank/balance assassin killing me (I'm sage dps).

No big deal right? On smallish servers you come across the same people often, so there is going to be a lot of killing/dying to the same people.

But this guys stood out for some reason. I don't know if he would target me deliberately, don't know if I'd take that as a compliment or an insult, but it certainly felt like something different.

I'd die to him a lot while chasing objectives, and often felt that when he fell to me, it was because of the same reason. We'd come across each other a lot in games, lots of deaths on both sides, but rarely in direct conflict.


Until one day in Outlaws Den when 2 guilds ended up in conflict over a lowbie ganked xD They ended up hosting sort of an arena event, and I got collected in passing to support the rep guild. Fair games, 2v2, 4v4, 6v6. Reps lost every match. Hard. (After asking around for people's kill-counts, I maintain that they must have been using their stealth to sneak in extras mid-battle, BUT HEY, no proof). Then we got into 1v1's, I managed to cleanly beat every single person they threw at me, including a BM geared mara, EXCEPT THIS ASSASSIN. We had 3 bouts, all of them ridiculously close fights. After losing twice, I requested we take the duel somewhere more isolated so that I'd stop dropping my attacks on bystanders whenever he dropped into stealth (because I was derpy like that, yeah) and I managed to win that one, but once again it was so close. From the look of him, he was close to 50/50 battlemaster/warhero, but I had full BM with at least 1 piece of WH, so not a significant difference.

After that, what might had been a rivalry became an obvious one.


The thing is, there are people who focused me more often. There were people who killed me more easily. There were people who would constantly try and fail to kill me. But my clear rival, was this guy. I believe because we were that similar. Both consular/inquisitor classes. Both pretty good at PvP. Both progressed through the gear at around the same time and at the same speed. Even a similar spec (but yeah, pretty sure he was hybrid balance, not full balance).


And when I finally did catch up to him, both of us wearing full WH, he goes off the radar completely. And this new Marauder starts showing up with a horribly familiar legacy name...

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Just ran into Omo today at Outlaw's Den and this time i got the jump on her and raced her down in damage ... I must've gotten her low enough bc she vanished, mezzed me and then didn't come out to finish me off. I'll take that as its better than losing haha.


Is the name spelled Ommo 2 M's? If so I ran into this person In the Outlaws Den today...We engaged about the same time she ended up vanishing and taking off...She was doing well until my second smash rotation then she vanished and booked....


Outlaws Den on The Bastion is pretty hoppin...I like hanging out there...Had a pretty good beef with a PT/Pyro as well in there today. Sent me to the cloner once so I went back and returned the favor. Cheers to the folks that go there it keeps the game fun while waiting on WZ pops.


My Rage Jugg holds his own.... in there everyone is a rival...Win some lose some.


Side Note: They seriously need to consider putting some PvP terminals in the Den!

Edited by Soljin
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My rival is anybody that is playing the class I am playing that warzone::D

It ussually makes me play better having the competition,although there are a few players I will single out and hunt every time I see them because they are good players,they should take it as a compliment :p

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Is the name spelled Ommo 2 M's? If so I ran into this person In the Outlaws Den today...We engaged about the same time she ended up vanishing and taking off...She was doing well until my second smash rotation then she vanished and booked....


Outlaws Den on The Bastion is pretty hoppin...I like hanging out there...Had a pretty good beef with a PT/Pyro as well in there today. Sent me to the cloner once so I went back and returned the favor. Cheers to the folks that go there it keeps the game fun while waiting on WZ pops.


My Rage Jugg holds his own.... in there everyone is a rival...Win some lose some.


Side Note: They seriously need to consider putting some PvP terminals in the Den!


I think its just Omo (slave girl outfit / twilek i think) but she could have multiple chars to mess w/ us? haha ... I'm rage juggy too - PM me your name so i dont attack you :p

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