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What is the planet that you hate?


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I'm on the Hate Taris Team. Taris wasn't as bad for me on the Imp side, but I DESPISE it for the Pubs. AWFUL. Rakghouls aren't scary. They're more like anthropomorphic cockroaches than zombies. Plus, Taris has all these obnoxious dead end areas deep in craters/holes and below pipes/wreckage that make getting around more difficult than it should be.


Also hate the end of Belsavis (the maze tomb thing is annoying). Belsavis gets boring quickly, too.


I am not a fan of Hoth (BORING ICE FOREVER and huge maps with a lot of quests) or Tatooine (BORING SAND FOREVER) plus Sand People and Jawa massacres aren't cool in general.


Really like Nar Shaddaa, Balmorra, Voss, and Dromund Kaas.

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Biggest ways to improve Taris IMO.


1) Have wreckage falling to the ground. Including very large structures. Would definitely add to the Ooh Aah factor.

2) Remove most of the dead ends. Create paths, holes through almost all walls and obstacles. Also add derelict swoops that people can grab to travel around (they blow up or break down when you get off).

3) Phase the planet. You should do this for all planets. You can't repeat the initial quests, so it's silly to leave it exactly the same after the first visit. Instead, phase it after the player leaves the first time to show progress.


All three would vastly improve the experience IMO.

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Coruscant. Way too spread out, the missions are all tedious and boring, and doing it feels more like a chore than a game - the polar opposite of dromund kaas, which is such an awesome planet I have fun every time I go through it and get excited about the character I'm leveling.
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Hate how travelling works there. Espscially later on, you miss one teleporter, which are always sort of hidden, and your looking at a nice long speeder ride. You cant take 2 steps without being attacked by mobs and even on the roads you´d best stay in the middle because you could be blasted off quite easily.

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Tatooine and Alderaan tie for my most hated planets due to the obscene amount of time the load screen(s) take to load the planets.


I can get up, make coffee, take a bio break, wash my hands, make a sandwich, fix my coffee, eat my sandwich, start drinking my coffee and still be waiting for the planet to load. You think I'm joking? I assure you I am not.


I wish to hell I could just skip those stupid planets. Damn linear character progression.

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Tattooine: because I've been there in every film, comic, game and lego set I've ever played, over a 30 year period. Sand=yay.


Taris: Because I loved it so much in KotOR, and now its just an annoying swamp of badly designed rail tracks.


Alderaan: Boring

Edited by RyanRhino
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Good grief, I'd forgotten Coruscant. Self-defence mechanism. "Ooh, look, you've managed to beat the Migrant Merchant Guild Gang in their rabbit warren of an underground dystopian shopping centre. Well done. As a reward, fly to this totally different part of the planet, and help fight the Black Sun gang in their rabbit warren of an underground dystopian shopping centre... what, you've beaten them too? Well, yay you! Guess what, now you have to go and do something totally different... there's this bunch of vigilantes who've taken over an area of the city... and turned into a violent criminal gang (with a very silly name). Go to their rabbit warren of an underground dystopian shopping centre and Dirty Kick them right in the justicars to teach them a lesson.


Only in a zone like Coruscant would the final phase being "Go down into the sewers and fight through legions of deranged droids" be considered a pleasant break from the monotony.

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I think Taris is winning. lol.


I'm casting a second vote for Imperial Balmorra. Truly... I don't hate much of anything but...


Strangely, I have done the Balmorra Bonus series twice now on the Imp side. Not sure why... I think it is simply something I have to do. It's like going to the dentist.

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Good grief, I'd forgotten Coruscant. Self-defence mechanism. "Ooh, look, you've managed to beat the Migrant Merchant Guild Gang in their rabbit warren of an underground dystopian shopping centre. Well done. As a reward, fly to this totally different part of the planet, and help fight the Black Sun gang in their rabbit warren of an underground dystopian shopping centre... what, you've beaten them too? Well, yay you! Guess what, now you have to go and do something totally different... there's this bunch of vigilantes who've taken over an area of the city... and turned into a violent criminal gang (with a very silly name). Go to their rabbit warren of an underground dystopian shopping centre and Dirty Kick them right in the justicars to teach them a lesson.


Only in a zone like Coruscant would the final phase being "Go down into the sewers and fight through legions of deranged droids" be considered a pleasant break from the monotony.



I wouldn't say I actually hate any other planet than Coruscant. Corellia is annoying because there's never a direct path to anywhere, and it goes on for far too long especially if you try to do all the side quests, but I don't hate it as such, it's just very very tedious.


OT: I love Alderaan the best, that place is beautiful. I'm always slow getting through it, not because of the mountains getting in the way, but because I keep stopping to admire the view :)

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Corellia. The map lies.


The Map always lies to me, especially when it is supposed to show where I need to go to on the speeder flight path "Oh so sorry, I am going to make you waste some credits by telling you to go to the wrong location, wrong location highlighted in green".

Edited by Tuscad
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Yes! The biggest problem with any of the planets is how the map lays them out. There are times the map shows I can cross this "road" but it turns out it's, oh a wall.


Taris quests are unoriginal and repetitive on the pub side. Like what everyone alludes to, we're not doing anything grand, just pest control.

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I despise Taris, utterly and completely. Belsavis is a close second. Voss thirdly, but not because of the planet itself. The people of Voss make me want to kick kittens. If I never had to listen to their mystical doublespeak ever again, it'd be too soon thx.
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