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Developers favor Empire...?


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I personally feel the developers don't care either way, and just develop around the concepts and ideas they are told to develop around. It's the projector director and the higher ups that make these decisions regarding what's in the game and what the game is about. Hell, even the story writers write their stories based on what project director wants. Edited by cool-dude
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I don't think anyone else noticed, but during the Great Acquisitions Race, the Empire had the toughest puzzle mission, considering it was bugged and allowed multiple players to click at once making it near impossible to complete unless you happened upon the room when no one else was there... and to top it all off it didn't even award the 5 tokens that it was supposed to.


So, don't give me this Imperial favoritism drivel.

I'm sure there will be plenty of goody-two-shoes stuff for you to buy.




Except for the fact that you forgot the awesome bug in which you could run the Space Mission Cartel Listening Post that would instantly give Imperial players all the Race items.

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Except for the fact that you forgot the awesome bug in which you could run the Space Mission Cartel Listening Post that would instantly give Imperial players all the Race items.


Oh, and the speeder quest on the republic side, which was very hard to solo for a level 20-ish character without help and/or lots of luck. There were more mobs that aggro'd when passed and a longer mob-infested distance to cover than on the imperial version of it. If you solo'd it and cleared the path of mobs, the first would have respawned by the time you passed that area on the speeder. Very annoying.

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if the devs favored the Empire, we wouldn't have lost so many key figures



Malgus, Kilran, Voice of the Emperor, so many Council members and important Darths (angral and the likes)



The only planet we win as Empire is Taris which honestly, no one cares about.... Even Correllia is brought back to the Republic...


I'd like to be able to bring Satele Shan's head to the council.. really make a dent in the republic and have it stick, like the sacking...

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I agree. I made a thread about this in the Suggestion Box shortly after the announcement and was kind of saddened at the lack of support for some kind of advertisement of Republic-themed stuff. I definitely feel a more Empire-centric preference from the developers in terms of advertisement and a few in-game differences (the Imperial Trooper armour is way cooler than the Republic Officer set).
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Honestly I get the completely opposite impression. All these arguments about the Devs favoring the Empire revolve around dumb little cosmetic stuff and a warehouse full of CE figures they couldn't move. But look at the actual meat of the game, the story:



In each Republic class story (except possibly Smuggler, haven't played it), you fight against the Sith Empire as your primary antagonists (The Emperor, the First Son, Havoc Squad). If you're an Imperial player? Well, you ALSO get to fight against the Sith Empire as your primary antagonists!


The Big Bads of the Empire stories are: 2 Dark Council members, a corrupted Jedi, and the neutral Star Cabal. Not one of those antagonists is a straight-up, legitimate general or Jedi that the Republic would really be sorry to lose. Saresh is frankly a better Chancellor than Janarus anyway, so even that's not a huge loss.


Then of course there's the Battle for Ilum/False Emperor series, where the Republic fights against a hero of the Empire, and what do you know the Imperial players ALSO fight against a hero of the Empire.


Is anyone at this point holding their breath that say, Satele Shan will become an antagonist in a future FP? Certainly not the next one, because we already know it's the Dread Masters, so us Imps can cut down another huge asset to the war, just because.



Compared to that, I don't see how some cash shop fodder means the Devs favor the Imps.

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Hmm my list for the cartel store repub / imp.


1. a double bladed light saber modeled after Satele Shans.

2. the ability to purchase purple crystals (no better or worse than end game / CE edition ones either pvp or Pve)

3. cool pets like a mini Rancor.

4. the ability to unlock a skin for your toon like an assasin droid or the ability to play a droid from lvl 1.

5. aditional slots for new charaters esp when they make new aliens / classes to play.

6. the ability to customize the appearance of your ship.

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Devs favoring Empire didn't start with some cash shop fluff... this is on-going from early entry.



Ahhh yes, consulars get to hunt down their own sick masters... troopers get to hunt down their own havok squad... smuggs get to chase down their own ship... seems only the knights are actually fighting a rogue sith.


I can't comment much on how lame the Sith Act one stories are, hopefully better than Pubs, maybe not, but at least you get to kill everyone, good or bad....


sorry Sith don't get some great Jedi to eliminate... seems they were all killed in the CG Trailers.



Lest we forget, Sith cast lightning, Jedi toss pebbles. Old news, but still relevant to the impressions of Devs favoring Empire.


So yes, i'll agree cash shop fluff is a small bone to pick at, but it's piled on a bigger pile of bones.

Edited by AllisonBerryman
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I would be thrilled if they put some non-form fitting clothes in the game (not the shop unless they are low level and I can easily afford them with my free coins). Seriously all there is in this game is tights or dresses. I feel like my Shadow has something to tell his parents every time I get a new piece of gear.


None of the Jedi's in the movies were running around in jeggings so why is my Shadow? They all wore clothes similar to a gi. Something similar to that should be available for the Jedis. If they can put big puffy shoulder things on everything they can make the pants not look like something a figure skater would wear.


So true.. I wish there were options to just make my Jedi look closer to this:



Than to this:



or this:


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If you want actual STAR WARS outfits you wont get that here.LUCASARTS make star wars games

were you actually look like you belong in the star wars universe.Lik 1313 coming out soon.


Biowares take on "jedi" http://redsquadron.org/images/cipher/consular_1dot2_armor_all.png

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Have you seen the Red Light District on Nar Shaddaa? Now compare that to the Duros District.

The Red Light District (Republic only) is clearly superior to the Duros district yet at the same time, Imperials have an extra Heroic World Boss - "The Grandfather" on Balmorra.


BOTH sides have something the other sides does not, Gunslingers can dual wield and Inquisitor's can use Force Lightning (instead of Pebble Throw).

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Gunslingers are also tied down to their cover mechanics... retarded in my opinion, for a toon using pistols to be tied to a turret. instead of closing range.


I have not played a mercenary, so I could be wrong... but it seems merc duel wield, and are not tied to cover/turret mechanics.


My 2nd toon named Sundance.. made it to level 22, before I got tired of dropping into cover... now Sundance is a mail mule GTN camped on Corrusent.

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Gunslingers are also tied down to their cover mechanics... retarded in my opinion, for a toon using pistols to be tied to a turret. instead of closing range.


I have not played a mercenary, so I could be wrong... but it seems merc duel wield, and are not tied to cover/turret mechanics.


My 2nd toon named Sundance.. made it to level 22, before I got tired of dropping into cover... now Sundance is a mail mule GTN camped on Corrusent.


Trooper = BH (Commando = Merc Vanguard = Powertech) Smuggler = Agent (gunslinger = sniper, scoundral = operative).

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If they favor the Empire? Totally! Just look at end game gear for the Jedi Knight, be it War Hero or Campaign. It's disgusting! A total lack of taste! It gives me the creeps every time I put on that War Hero chest and helmet on my character. The gear designer who designed that must have been on drugs! Plus, the ones who approved it were out of their mind! Also, why it has to be always (or almost always) brown! I know typical Jedi garments are brown but it's more shocking the new gear design than using other colors on a more visually regular gear! Let's us wear white, grey, blue or whatever!


Even outside of the game itself, as many of you pointed out, all promotional stuff has a strong Empire flavor. The available statues are both from the empire (Darth Malgus and the bounty hunter girl). I would have bought the collectors edition if there were an option with a Jedi statue (the one who's killed on the "deceived" movie).


The developers who publicly stated what side they play, the majority play Empire. I understand that IRL you can't be the bad guy and in game you want to be one but neglecting the Republic side the way things are now is really disappointing.

Edited by BrunoLogan
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its been known that empire is favored.


its not just with the game, its all media. CE got a statue of malgus. they ran a contest for a $600 life size malgus statue. sideshow is now advertising ANOTHER MALGUS statuette.




all this malgus stuff they must not care about him that much because they killed him off in a regular flash point.



but yeah everything to the bounty hunter and gear and everything has been empire favored from the start

Edited by Ricktur
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Trooper = BH (Commando = Merc Vanguard = Powertech) Smuggler = Agent (gunslinger = sniper, scoundral = operative).


yes I realize that gunslingers mirror is not merc... I have not played sniper either, don't know how it actually is in game, but it seems sniper would be far better shooting a sniper rifle, than 2 pistols from behind cover.


does gunslinger actually have a mirror class, if the weapons are differant. point of referance, how many mercs chose a rifle instead of pistols. I don't know how successful that is, but for BW to call it mirror classes is a word play, rather than actual mirrored mechanics.


just more proof, I would argue, to support BW favoring Empire.

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yes I realize that gunslingers mirror is not merc... I have not played sniper either, don't know how it actually is in game, but it seems sniper would be far better shooting a sniper rifle, than 2 pistols from behind cover.


does gunslinger actually have a mirror class, if the weapons are differant. point of referance, how many mercs chose a rifle instead of pistols. I don't know how successful that is, but for BW to call it mirror classes is a word play, rather than actual mirrored mechanics.


just more proof, I would argue, to support BW favoring Empire.


They are 100% mirrored, the only different is cosmetic, barring a couple of issues (like BH Heat vs Trooper ammo)

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Based on what?




Probably end game gear designs.


They seem to have a reasonable clear artisic vision for Empire gear, but Republic gear it seems like they are lost (or maybe it's the same vision for both [stick blades/wings on it], but it just doesn't work well for the Republic stuff).

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I personally feel the developers don't care either way, and just develop around the concepts and ideas they are told to develop around. It's the projector director and the higher ups that make these decisions regarding what's in the game and what the game is about. Hell, even the story writers write their stories based on what project director wants.


Someone shake this person till the coins drops and the the fun buzzer becomes active.... you have learn to lighten up this sensible thought process is just not relevant here :)

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Don't get me wrong...I love this game...I have been a member of the community since Oct. '08...have played the game since Beta...have 14 characters spread over 2 servers...it is the only MMO I have, or will, ever play...but dang...the high lvl Jedi gear just...is...ugly...in who's universe to those...things on a jedi's Black Hole Gear's shoulders...?most of my jedi, both knights and consulars, wear lvl 20 chest pieces...since all of the other stuf just...is...ugly...



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