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I'd like the dev's give us an outline of why we should stay


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Out of all posts on this entire forum, maybe 30-40% are legitimate constructive threads and the other chunk of it are stupid posts of why people are leaving the game, QQ, etc. If you don't enjoy the game then do the entire community a favor and just leave. /rant


Over 1.7 million players did just that. :(


That's why SWTOR is in the mess it is in and is going F2P/cashshop.

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Wait, I'm a little confused... what's so bad about paying 100k? That doesn't seem unreasonable. Or is this just going right over my head? :(


It's like buying a car 32k just to own it ( legacy unlock ) then you want the keys that's an extra 10k. its not fun just to farm credits for stuff you already own per say unlocked.

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It's like buying a car 32k just to own it ( legacy unlock ) then you want the keys that's an extra 10k. its not fun just to farm credits for stuff you already own per say unlocked.


You're misrepresenting this situation.


There are some unlocks which unlock just because you reach a certain legacy level.


There are other unlocks which unlock only when you've reached a certain legacy level AND paid a particular fee.


Confusing the two types of unlocks for each other is not helpful or constructive.

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When was the last time you saw a dev actually fix something, instead of introducing something new that inadvertently broke something else?

And the devs are supposed to be communicating with community relations, who are then supposed to be on the forums talking with us, according to what they were posting just a week or two ago. Where did all of this great communication that was promised disappear to?

Finally, if I pay for an MMO, it's supposed to be an MMO and yes community communication and game development are part of what I'm paying for. I'm sorry you think so little of yourself you feel it's alright for the EA/BW team to spit on you while they collect your money, but I'm a little (or perhaps a lot) older than you and expect customer service when I'm the customer. If EA/BW can't or won't provide it, I definitely won't stay.

As for legacy, wahoo, they introduced yet another grind to the game instead of real content or real fixes. I was less-than-impressed.


You need to manage your expectations. You also need to read your user agreement. Means of communications are not guarenteed for your sub fee. Also, you are not paying for development. Period. You are paying for "use of a product or service". The company can "choose" to take any revenue from the product they are offering to reinvest in that product (in this case develop new content) but you are not entitled to demand that they do so. You can stop supporting the product if it nolonger meets your needs. You don't understand how the market place or buisnesses operate as many here also seem to fail to understand.

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You need to manage your expectations. You also need to read your user agreement. Means of communications are not guarenteed for your sub fee. Also, you are not paying for development. Period. You are paying for "use of a product or service". The company can "choose" to take any revenue from the product they are offering to reinvest in that product (in this case develop new content) but you are not entitled to demand that they do so. You can stop supporting the product if it nolonger meets your needs. You don't understand how the market place or buisnesses operate as many here also seem to fail to understand.


Everyone on these forums seems to think their fee gives them a right to certain things. They come here and demand a response. A lot of these folks are in for a rude awakening someday.


Not only do they not have the rights they think they have, they don't pay for anything they think they do. We are paying for a game license. That's it. We don't have a right to anything else.


It's up to the consumer to decide if their time and money is worth the product they are receiving.

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We are in he entitlement age


We are customers. I think the OP has every right to ask this and I wish Bioware would try to retain more of us by shedding some light on what we can expect, from them and from development.

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Everyone on these forums seems to think their fee gives them a right to certain things. They come here and demand a response. A lot of these folks are in for a rude awakening someday.


Not only do they not have the rights they think they have, they don't pay for anything they think they do. We are paying for a game license. That's it. We don't have a right to anything else.


It's up to the consumer to decide if their time and money is worth the product they are receiving.


And all that is being asked is what he, as a customer, can expect. It's a very reasonable request. Bioware sells a service, we pay for it, we'd like to know if our service can be expected to improve, stay the same, or get worse. He's simply asking Bioware why they feel he should continue to pay...that beats just quitting any day imo. The OP has resubbed several times - I think he's worth trying to retain.

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And all that is being asked is what he, as a customer, can expect. It's a very reasonable request. Bioware sells a service, we pay for it, we'd like to know if our service can be expected to improve, stay the same, or get worse. He's simply asking Bioware why they feel he should continue to pay...that beats just quitting any day imo. The OP has resubbed several times - I think he's worth trying to retain.


It might be a "reasonable" request but its not some inherit right or something he is entitled to. The level of support and communication IS what it IS. It will most likely not change over the course of this game's lifespan from cradle to grave.


Asking developers straight up on the forums for an outline or reason to stay is not something that should be expected. Nor will it ever be given. The devs might pop in from time to time to detail some upcoming changes but its not an "on demand" service. Its not even a good forum topic. Its generally destructive to the conversation.


The consumer needs to decide that the product (and communication) meets their needs. If it does not, they have the very valid option of cancelling their sub and walking away. Its not the developer's responsibility to respond to requests.

Edited by Arkerus
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Huh?! Please begin at the start of this thread:

"I'd like the dev's give us an outline of why we should stay"

THAT is the topic, and I too would like an outline.




Why do you need one?


I'm being honest here. When you log into TOR, do you smile? Are you thinking bout having fun, finishing a quest, running a flashpoint with friends?


If not then I don't know what to tell you really. I don't spend money on MMOs that no longer make me happy.


TOR makes me happy, and that's why I'm here.

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Why do you need one?


I'm being honest here. When you log into TOR, do you smile? Are you thinking bout having fun, finishing a quest, running a flashpoint with friends?


If not then I don't know what to tell you really. I don't spend money on MMOs that no longer make me happy.


TOR makes me happy, and that's why I'm here.

Why would "I" like one? Because I'd like to believe they'll improve it. Because I'm tired of seeing friends quit weekly. Because I want to give players who are bored or frustrated hope and a reason to stick around.


Yes, I enjoy the game. No, I don't "smile"...that's just creepy dude, seriously. I enjoy the people I play with more than anything about this game.

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Why would "I" like one? Because I'd like to believe they'll improve it. Because I'm tired of seeing friends quit weekly. Because I want to give players who are bored or frustrated hope and a reason to stick around.


An "outline" guarentees SWTOR will improve?

An "outline" guarentees noone will leave the game?

An "outline" will guarentee that noone is boared or frustrated?

An "outline will gurentee that noone will be without hope?


Sorry all your friends are leaving but, and "outline" won't fix anything. Results on the other hand may. All of us need to wait and see or leave. Only two choices really. It's up to the individual to determine how long they will wait. Again, I use the fun meter. I am willing to "wait and see" as long as I am having fun. I also have limited my expectations concerning SWTOR.

Edited by Urael
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an "outline" guarentees swtor will improve?

An "outline" guarentees noone will leave the game?

An "outline" will guarentee that noone is boared or frustrated?

An "outline will gurentee that noone will be without hope?


Sorry all your friends are leaving but, and "outline" won't fix anything. Results on the other hand may. All of us need to wait and see or leave. Only two choices really. It's up to the individual to determine how long they will wait. Again, i use the fun meter. I am willing to "wait and see" as long as i am having fun. I also have limited my expectations concerning swtor.


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It works like this. The first perk costs 20k then it unlocks from 2 percent to 4 percent you pay 30k, then 50k to unlock legacy WZ extra EXP boost then for the final perk to unlock it costs 100k. That's combined nearly 200k just to unlock a small perk to give us an experience boost.


Who has that kind of credits. They nerfed the amount of credits losing team gets. Unless you are on a 50 and like to grind. It's not fun. I just like roll alt's and play the game. I can't get credits easily.


lol, 200k is not a lot of money in this game


I don't do dailies nor pvp and I am sitting around 8 million credits.


The prices are just fine. You just feel entitled to everything because you spent $50.

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I'm struggling to understand what they want Bioware to say.


The OP starts off by asking for a reason to stay, then complains about the cost of legacy. OP are you saying if they make legacy unlocks free when you reach the level you will stay?


Bioware have told us recently what is 'coming' but no MMO game will provide you with dates. If nothing is provided in the way of new 'stuff' by 25th September you will know that Bioware have failed at their first hurdle in the 6 week delivery of content.


The reason I'm staying is that I have yet to complete all stories, and whilst I can do that with F2P I am staying subscribed to collect the cartel points available at F2P launch until I see the terms of the F2P model.


Edit - Another good post by Soluss above +1 from me

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Once more second verse same as the first ..... :rolleyes:


Your sub price does not entitle you to anything other that access to the game, where in you accept the standard agreements on what that entails. Thats it. Period. Nothing more. Anything else is a perk. These forums for instance are a perk.


I would rather have the Devs fixing things and making new content that spending all their time on the forums. The Community Team will compile lists and attempt to get answers to our questions. I admit I would like more communication but at this point I will take what I can get. :cool:


Except the Devs aren't fixing things, and the concept "your sub only gets you access" is not even remotely going to keep people paying the sub.


People like you seem to fail to understand the logical argument here:


IF I do not feel I am getting $15 value

AND I say I need more value for my money

AND the Company says "your $15 only gets you access"

THEN the Company will no longer get my money.


Enough people do that and the game is shut down. Explain to me where in that line of reasoning anything you said will convince anyone unhappy with the level of progress in the game to keep paying.

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actually the 15$ a month we have all paid for the past 8 months says other wise. if they cant deliver on the content they can atleast take a few minutes out of their day to answer a few questions.

and you can not say rated warzones and group finder are content. they should have been released with the actual box.


I cannot seem to find anything about that in the text on the box.

Do you mean that they should have included more than they said they included... just trying to figure out how you think.

Could it be You who think it should be included from the start, and because You know that the universe rotates around your person, anything You think should actually be Reality and if it is not, something is Wrong with Reality, as opposed to you posessing some form of super-inflated ego? Which is it? You really need to give me a hint :)

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"Your sub price does not entitle you to anything other that access to the game, where in you accept the standard agreements on what that entails. Thats it. Period. Nothing more. Anything else is a perk. These forums for instance are a perk."


With the advent of F2P, this ideology is gone , wave by-by. My sub entitles me to more than just access( Free players get access too).Proof go look at the list of sub vs F2P. The developers SHOULD value me, the 15.00/month player over the free player , I am and have been willing to pay my sub(an up-front fee) in good faith. They don't need to worry or wonder what I'll purchase in their store, they already recieve money from me every month.


I sometime wonder if the people behind this game get it at all. Had they released a game ala Civ, or KotOR 1, where i took purchase of the game and played, well then their just a gamming company, by making this an MMo they have entered the service industry and now need to convince paying customers why they should continue to spend their money here vs the compitition.They are not doing a very good job.

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I don't think that's too much to ask. I mean you are putting extra EXP boosts in legacy. Yet you set the price at 100k? and that's just for PVP WZ Experience. Here's what I think happened. When you go free to play. Everything we used to get in legacy. Your now going charge us money for. Kinda how GW2 charges for extra experience and what not.


When you released legacy you didn't know you were going free to play. So you put the prices to suppress our progression. I mean really 100k for legacy perks. That I UNLOCKED. So I got all way to 25 legacy just to unlock the option to BUY IT?..wat..


I mean we're not asking for the world. Just tell us SOMETHING. I mean really.


If you can't find a reason without asking the devs to play this game, then you shouldn't be playing in the first place.


Bang on money Nell


Listen I take EA (Bioware no longer exists) to task on this game almost daily it seems ...


But to suggest the devs have to come here and try and upsell the game to current subscribers is beyond idiotic.


Only that person knows if this game worth it or not to them and no empty promises and sale pitchs should change that.


While there is a ton of mistakes made in this game that quite frankly drive me crazy because it EA had even looked at the MMORPG genre pre dating WOW, most if not all of these mistakes could have been (and should have been) avoided! But for me they are not yet to the point of cancelling


I know where my line in the sand is and when EA crosses it, ill leave!


I WONT come asking for them to upsell the game to me and convince me to stay as OP doing!


Ill simply cancel (and yes ill post my farewell reasons on the general forum as final feedback).


Devs should give us a outline of what they have planned yes

But not a outline of why we should stay!

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I would actually really like to see one post from anyone at Bioware addressing the community's concerns about the current state and the future of The Old Republic.


I don't think it's an unreasonable request. Ignoring a lot of the pointless flaming threads, there are legitimate concerns and people are unsubscribing because of the lack of communicated direction.


I know someone is clearly making the call that as little official word as possible is more profitable than telling people the truth (especially if the truth is not what people want to hear), and we're not entitled to know anything. I just think it would be a great show of faith to the current subscribers.

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I would actually really like to see one post from anyone at Bioware addressing the community's concerns about the current state and the future of The Old Republic.


I don't think it's an unreasonable request. Ignoring a lot of the pointless flaming threads, there are legitimate concerns and people are unsubscribing because of the lack of communicated direction.


I know someone is clearly making the call that as little official word as possible is more profitable than telling people the truth (especially if the truth is not what people want to hear), and we're not entitled to know anything. I just think it would be a great show of faith to the current subscribers.


How exactly would they go about addressing "community's concerns about the current state and the future of The Old Republic"? If you're talking about bugs & features and such, the devs have actually been pretty active lately in responding about whether or not something is in the works.


If you're talking about the doom & gloom crowd who say SWTOR will shut down on day X, well what do you expect the devs to respond with "No it won't"?

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How exactly would they go about addressing "community's concerns about the current state and the future of The Old Republic"? If you're talking about bugs & features and such, the devs have actually been pretty active lately in responding about whether or not something is in the works.


If you're talking about the doom & gloom crowd who say SWTOR will shut down on day X, well what do you expect the devs to respond with "No it won't"?


Quite simply, to let us know what the strategy is, both for the immediate future and in the long term.


Subs are bleeding, people believe that EA are putting the game on to maintenance mode with limited financial backing, promises have been made in the past that haven't been delivered so now everything is just "we're working on it" with no actual signs of delivery.


Address these concerns. Apologise for what's happened, and give us realistic information about what's going to happen in the future so that the right people stay and support it. It sounds like business suicide, as the truth will drive people away, but they're going to go anyway it's just a matter of when.

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It works like this. The first perk costs 20k then it unlocks from 2 percent to 4 percent you pay 30k, then 50k to unlock legacy WZ extra EXP boost then for the final perk to unlock it costs 100k. That's combined nearly 200k just to unlock a small perk to give us an experience boost.


Who has that kind of credits. They nerfed the amount of credits losing team gets. Unless you are on a 50 and like to grind. It's not fun. I just like roll alt's and play the game. I can't get credits easily.


One day of dailies on Belsavis, Space, and Black Hole will be more than $150K. It's hardly a grind.

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