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So this is what I got out of it. You want a game that has a complex, challenging crafting system BUT you don't want it to be boring. Like, based on different variables of which skills your character had only a FEW people on the server could craft very rare, epic armor, weapons etc.


For planets you guys seem to want a little bit themepark thrown into a lot of sandbox with a good mix of sand and rides, NOT like we have now where no sandbox or VERY VERY little is thrown into Great America and you can't even see the sand. Did I get that right? Something to that extent?


It seems people want a completely new skilling mechanic and the whole talent tree thing is old. People seem to not want another "wow clone" they want something new, fresh, bold, adventurous, fun, addicting, exciting! and if it's done right you will want to stay in it. That's what people want right?


Dont forget thespace combat from SWG, but with better AI and slightly more challenging!

Everyone starts neutral and chooses a faction after a certain point in the game.

Droids, lots of droids, for player use.

......Player bounties?

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Alright then. What kind of crafting system do you like? I like the system in TOR but also, they should give you the ability to make it yourself to as well as companions.


The whole point of the crafting system is that it doesn't take you out of the action. Granted, there are people who love the immersion of having separate steps to simulate mixing flour, eggs and water to make pie crusts, mixing apples, cinnamon and sugar to make apple jam, then mixing it all together to make an apple pie, but in the games that have that kind of crafting, people have to set aside time - often a LOT of time - to do that. I just don't see them putting in an option like that when they've been using the Legacy system to make the game more convenient for players.


How would it be balanced vs sending companions to craft? Would it take less time to craft? Could you queue multiple items to be crafted? Would crafting continue while logged out? Would you get any kind of crafting bonus? Could you send companions out to craft while you crafted? Implementing that system in addition to the existing one doesn't really sound practical.

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How many of you here would play a game that had Star Wars Galaxies style crafting but even more complex, in depth and challenging? Where every village or town had houses somewhere that you could rent/own it. Also no holy trinity system and a complete overhaul of the quest style approach to everything and not have "kill x and bring me y"? I am just...curious.


I wish SWTOR would have turned out like that. All I do in the game now is stand around Tython with my 50 sage that I feel most attached to crafting for new Padawans and RP my butt off :p wishing TOR would have been more....different. I wish TOR was more RP friendly, especially chat bubbles and sitting in chairs :( QQ that honestly does upset me :(


Do mmoers really like difference? Or do they just say they do but then when something hits they won't like it because it's too different. Would you welcome a game that's not a wow clone and a completely fun, rejuvinating experience to the mmorpg world? Need feedback thanks!


Do we really need another post that says:


"I want SWG back."



NO. We don't.

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you know what I think would be a even better idea? not taking crappy idea's from a failure of an MMO, theres a reason SWG sucked balls and ended up in the **** gutter with the matrix online.


I'm neutral on the idea. But just because the whole of something is considered a "failure" doesn't mean that there aren't any positive things you can learn and take from it. That's shallow thinking that hinders progress.

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To put it simply; if SWG were still around I'd be paying for that every month.


For me, SWTOR is only fun until level 50, and they're going to give that away for free. I doubt the new post 50 content will suddenly be worth a subscription fee when all of the lower level content becomes free-to-play.


When SWTOR launched I tried to get my friends to play. Once the game goes free, my advice will be: Level to 50. Delete. Level another class to 50. etc. One flashpoint per week is enough to experience all of the flashpoints worth doing. Crafting, space and warzones could be disabled entirely and they wouldn't really be missing anything.


The one thing that SWTOR does well, that it does better than any other MMO, is the story from level 1 to 50, and they're giving that away for free.


Once they give away the milk there's no reason to buy this cow.

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SWG crafting was neat, if not incredibly tedious. What with erratic resource spawns, harvesters, surveying, QUALITY, factory runs, energy to supply all the buildings, Rare material drops highly contested everywhere, spawns camped, dps races.


I don't think I'd put up with all that again.

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Chat Bubbles, sitting in chairs and RP does nothing for me.


A complex dynamic world (including crafting) where when you achieve something it has significant meaning is what I want.


You gotta love how, during development, Bioware claimed that people dedicated and 'into' crafting, would be able to excel at it over guys like me who RE for the helluv it.

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Alright then. What kind of crafting system do you like? I like the system in TOR but also, they should give you the ability to make it yourself to as well as companions.


I want EQ style crafting. Allow you to take every single tradeskill and take them all to max on same toon (excepting the two class-specific tradeskills).

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How many of you here would play a game that had Star Wars Galaxies style crafting but even more complex, in depth and challenging? Where every village or town had houses somewhere that you could rent/own it. Also no holy trinity system and a complete overhaul of the quest style approach to everything and not have "kill x and bring me y"? I am just...curious.


I wish SWTOR would have turned out like that. All I do in the game now is stand around Tython with my 50 sage that I feel most attached to crafting for new Padawans and RP my butt off :p wishing TOR would have been more....different. I wish TOR was more RP friendly, especially chat bubbles and sitting in chairs :( QQ that honestly does upset me :(


Do mmoers really like difference? Or do they just say they do but then when something hits they won't like it because it's too different. Would you welcome a game that's not a wow clone and a completely fun, rejuvinating experience to the mmorpg world? Need feedback thanks!

Sorry but no thanks to your ideas. I am not a RP fan and if you make a game to be RP based you will likely not get much out of it. Also you can't blame ToR for the RP friendly. That is all based on the community. There are RP servers and if you aren't finding much of it then that is you and the communities fault.


You say your questing system will be different then going to kill x and bring me y. Ok then tell us your questing system. You don't have one do you? It sure is easy to criticize a system but awfully difficult to give your examples on how to do it then.


SWG like crafting no thanks. Don't get me wrong it is a good system but not made for the mmo's of todays. And please get over it. SWG is GONE. I loved it because it was my first real mmo, but overall there weren't many options of games and SWG was too dependent on the community. 0 content. 0 end game. Only socializing, crafting and pvping. Thank God ToR is nothing like it. I actually feel like I am playing a Star Wars game now.

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To put it simply; if SWG were still around I'd be paying for that every month.


For me, SWTOR is only fun until level 50, and they're going to give that away for free. I doubt the new post 50 content will suddenly be worth a subscription fee when all of the lower level content becomes free-to-play.


When SWTOR launched I tried to get my friends to play. Once the game goes free, my advice will be: Level to 50. Delete. Level another class to 50. etc. One flashpoint per week is enough to experience all of the flashpoints worth doing. Crafting, space and warzones could be disabled entirely and they wouldn't really be missing anything.


The one thing that SWTOR does well, that it does better than any other MMO, is the story from level 1 to 50, and they're giving that away for free.


Once they give away the milk there's no reason to buy this cow.

Ummm SWG is still out there. Go play the EMU's then.

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Sorry but no thanks to your ideas. I am not a RP fan and if you make a game to be RP based you will likely not get much out of it. Also you can't blame ToR for the RP friendly. That is all based on the community. There are RP servers and if you aren't finding much of it then that is you and the communities fault.


You say your questing system will be different then going to kill x and bring me y. Ok then tell us your questing system. You don't have one do you? It sure is easy to criticize a system but awfully difficult to give your examples on how to do it then.


SWG like crafting no thanks. Don't get me wrong it is a good system but not made for the mmo's of todays. And please get over it. SWG is GONE. I loved it because it was my first real mmo, but overall there weren't many options of games and SWG was too dependent on the community. 0 content. 0 end game. Only socializing, crafting and pvping. Thank God ToR is nothing like it. I actually feel like I am playing a Star Wars game now.


First of all....I do have all the ideas for the game gained over years of feedback from people. Why would I tell you them before they are in the game? That would just spoil the suprise.


Second of all...Who said anything about getting over SWG? I was merely using SWG crafting as an example. SWG overall blew. There were some good things, but I didn't like it. So there goes that argument. SWTOR is MUCH better.


Alright so what would you want? An all around balance between pve, pvp, and rp? Would that be good enough? Hmm..I'm trying to think of what mechanic I could think of here. Please I need feedback.

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First of all....I do have all the ideas for the game gained over years of feedback from people. Why would I tell you them before they are in the game? That would just spoil the suprise.


Second of all...Who said anything about getting over SWG? I was merely using SWG crafting as an example. SWG overall blew. There were some good things, but I didn't like it. So there goes that argument. SWTOR is MUCH better.


Alright so what would you want? An all around balance between pve, pvp, and rp? Would that be good enough? Hmm..I'm trying to think of what mechanic I could think of here. Please I need feedback.

Oh God please like you are going to even develop a game or someone is going to use your ideas.


Fair enough about the SWG thing but still a big NO for t hat crafting. It doesn't fit with this game and how exactly could you do that crafting without using your own harvesters all over the place? Sorry but I don't want people cluttering the nice ambiance with that stuff.


IMO and I am sure most will agree, PvE and PvP are the 2 biggest reasons people play mmo's. RP is such a minority. If RP was so big then there would be a lot more servers then just a couple. And you can't balance that in. It is up to the community. Why should BioWare be to blame for the lack of it? Be the one then to set up events etc. But overall I would not want to be forced to any type of RP or server and trust me, many will agree with me on this. Hence why they have separate servers for RP.


I still feel though PvE/End game is the main/majority. AoC, Warhammer, Aion and Tera were all geared for PvP as the focus and those games ended up as busts. But there will always be pvp and pve complainers. I am not hard core of a pvp'er so I don't really know what these guys want. They say WoW's pvp sucks and ToR's sucks yet I find it enjoyable the warzones/bgs.


So if a game can do an amazing end game yet have amazing pvp, then you have a winner. But please just because you may like RPing, and that is good for you, but the majority don't want RP so trying to balance that in there will not sell.


And I don't have to give ideas on what I would do because I am not the one saying they need to change things but not give ideas on what you think.

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Chat Bubbles, sitting in chairs and RP does nothing for me.


A complex dynamic world (including crafting) where when you achieve something it has significant meaning is what I want.


You did not just say you wanted "significant meaning" in a video game, did you?


Yeah, we're done here.

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Oh God please like you are going to even develop a game or someone is going to use your ideas.


Fair enough about the SWG thing but still a big NO for t hat crafting. It doesn't fit with this game and how exactly could you do that crafting without using your own harvesters all over the place? Sorry but I don't want people cluttering the nice ambiance with that stuff.


IMO and I am sure most will agree, PvE and PvP are the 2 biggest reasons people play mmo's. RP is such a minority. If RP was so big then there would be a lot more servers then just a couple. And you can't balance that in. It is up to the community. Why should BioWare be to blame for the lack of it? Be the one then to set up events etc. But overall I would not want to be forced to any type of RP or server and trust me, many will agree with me on this. Hence why they have separate servers for RP.


I still feel though PvE/End game is the main/majority. AoC, Warhammer, Aion and Tera were all geared for PvP as the focus and those games ended up as busts. But there will always be pvp and pve complainers. I am not hard core of a pvp'er so I don't really know what these guys want. They say WoW's pvp sucks and ToR's sucks yet I find it enjoyable the warzones/bgs.


So if a game can do an amazing end game yet have amazing pvp, then you have a winner. But please just because you may like RPing, and that is good for you, but the majority don't want RP so trying to balance that in there will not sell.


And I don't have to give ideas on what I would do because I am not the one saying they need to change things but not give ideas on what you think.


Hmm. That was interesting. Thanks! Need more people like you please :) I agree most people like pve/pvp than RP. PvE more than anything I think. Thanks though!

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How many of you here would play a game that had Star Wars Galaxies style crafting but even more complex, in depth and challenging? Where every village or town had houses somewhere that you could rent/own it. Also no holy trinity system and a complete overhaul of the quest style approach to everything and not have "kill x and bring me y"? I am just...curious.


I wish SWTOR would have turned out like that. All I do in the game now is stand around Tython with my 50 sage that I feel most attached to crafting for new Padawans and RP my butt off :p wishing TOR would have been more....different. I wish TOR was more RP friendly, especially chat bubbles and sitting in chairs :( QQ that honestly does upset me :(


Whilst I loved SWG, too many people look back at it with rose-tinted glasses. SWG was a game of amazing concepts and terrible implementation. If you strip back SWG and try to get at it's core concepts then you might be able to make an awesome game.


1) Crafting

Core Concept: Player input determines quality. Best gear in game is crafted.

Actual Implementation: So horrendously complicated and grindy that 99% of players couldn't get in to it. The main good thing to come out of their crafting system was a thriving economy and a choice of how to obtain gear. All gear could be bought for credits, so the choice lay in how to obtain credits. That was great, but actual crafting implementation is not viable in a mass-market MMO


2) 32 Professions

Core Concept: Allow players to play however they want, build the class they want, use the weapons they want.

Actual Implementation: The actual implementation was great! So many possible combinations that most people were unique and loved their toons. However, this also made it absolutely impossible to balance, which meant PvP sucked for 90% of all skillbox combinations.


3) PvP

Core Concept: Inspire and promote proper Galactic Civil War

Actual Implementation: They achieved it. People loved to pvp. People felt proud to win. However, the professions were impossible to balance. Time To Kill was really high so that was great, it meant lots of enjoyment from pvp, but also meant that the only way to kill someone was targetting the mind pool, resulting in imbalance. No rewards / valor / renown from pvp also meant little motivation to continue.


4) Player Housing

Core Concept: Create a living, breathing world which you feel a part of.

Actual Implementation: The houses and cities were great whilst occupied. However, people left the game and we ended up with ghost cities everywhere which killed immersion.




You may disagree with my summaries, but the implementation is ultimately what failed SWG. It was too complex and imbalanced for the vast majority of the market. The concepts were great, but if your average gamer can't understand or play it, then its doomed to mediocraty.


However, take those concepts and make them user friendly and you are on to a winner! The perfect MMO, should one ever be made, will include both sandbox and themepark features, will be accessible to all but deep enough to satisfy the hardcore gamers. It will have enough sandbox features that the community can amuse themselves between updates, but have good enough themepark features that each update becomes something to look forwards to.

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In a MMO, it is (IMO) impossible to develop a crafting system because of the inherit nature of MMOs... Things just don't break, there is no need for replacement gear and there is no way to make crafting difficult enough (and no, time sink does not = difficult) that anything done in the game shouldn't be capable of replacing it.


No quests, pure sandbox. Think pre-expansion Asheron's Call. Open skill system, open world, multiple paths for leveling, reasons for exploring... Monthly updates to the story line with live events to match, want to do them, fine, don't want to do them, fine but the story will progress based upon what happens during the events.


Honestly, all I really want in a game is a modernized version of the original AC (from a PvE perspective) with DAoC RvRvR concept beyond that. Gaming with a purpose that can be fun and doesn't feel like a bloody job.

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How many of you here would play a game that had Star Wars Galaxies style crafting but even more complex, in depth and challenging? Where every village or town had houses somewhere that you could rent/own it. Also no holy trinity system and a complete overhaul of the quest style approach to everything and not have "kill x and bring me y"? I am just...curious.


I wish SWTOR would have turned out like that. All I do in the game now is stand around Tython with my 50 sage that I feel most attached to crafting for new Padawans and RP my butt off :p wishing TOR would have been more....different. I wish TOR was more RP friendly, especially chat bubbles and sitting in chairs :( QQ that honestly does upset me :(


Do mmoers really like difference? Or do they just say they do but then when something hits they won't like it because it's too different. Would you welcome a game that's not a wow clone and a completely fun, rejuvinating experience to the mmorpg world? Need feedback thanks!


No, OP, I wouldn't. I, myself, love the crafting system here. No more standing around tables for a couple hours while you craft. As far as the holy trinity, well, that's what we are used to, and most games are designed around that - the players that can take the damage and hold aggro don't do much damage, etc. LOTRO had housing, but I stayed away from it - who needs another money sink?


As for questing - kill x and y, what would you prefer?

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How many of you here would play a game that had Star Wars Galaxies style crafting but even more complex,




And neither would the HUGE majority of players out there


For all the fabled spin created about SWG crafting, it was not popular to many but the most hard core of crafters and its design lead to HUGE economic ruin inside game as items were grossly over priced because so few pushed to the high end of crafting because of its complexe nature and design.


I suspect you didnt even play the game if you dont understand this and think a even more complexe version would at all appeal to the mainstream of players!


Im all for grind and time sinks but SWG crafting went over board and drove allot of its small player base away because of it.


There is a reason things got dumbed down like they did in WOW and other games after SWG and such niche games.


So nope, wouldnt even look at the game and I suspect no more then 50,000 would to be honest.


Now you can disagree and tell us how great sWG was and blah blah blah (IE: normal spin of falsehood and make beleive)

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