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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

CE Arrived - Wife is evil :(


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So I get this sent to me today. Shows how evil my wife is. Sick sense of humor!!






I shouldn't have posted this topic. Now she's holding it ransom!!!

(I'm realizing by the note that I should probably not picked on her about cafe world not being a 'real game')




Lord Aldraas - Sairen / Paine

Edited by Gritten
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Haha, oh goodness I lol'd here at work, I'm glad no one was around to hear it. Man, that's pretty cruel, but you're doing your own part by spending time on these forums instead of distracting yourself until the end of the work day!


Soon, friend. Soon.

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Woman after my own heart. lol


I know how you feel. My mother let me pick out my big gift: A Razer Naga mouse. Then she wrapped it, put it under the tree, and won't let me touch it till Christmas day.


She had a smile on her face, too. Pure evil.

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