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  1. I just said in guild chat I had to hit the forums. I wanted to see if the rage monkeys that were screaming about transfers and screaming about this and that and the other were now here screaming about queues.
  2. Honestly I have no idea where she got that....we don't even have magazines in our house lol
  3. Update: I shouldn't have posted this topic. Now she's holding it ransom!!! (I'm realizing by the note that I should probably not picked on her about cafe world not being a 'real game') http://a4.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/394008_10151056525555394_867430393_21992362_940055073_n.jpg
  4. What's worse is my facebook 'friends' are helping plot even more evil things to do to it!! I think I feel a case of the flu coming....*cough cough* I think I have to go home early.
  5. I actually had to give specific instructions DO NOT WRAP THIS ITEM....I need the key!! lol
  6. So I get this sent to me today. Shows how evil my wife is. Sick sense of humor!! http://a1.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/403062_10151056270155394_867430393_21991223_1935550520_n.jpg Update: I shouldn't have posted this topic. Now she's holding it ransom!!! (I'm realizing by the note that I should probably not picked on her about cafe world not being a 'real game') http://a4.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/394008_10151056525555394_867430393_21992362_940055073_n.jpg Lord Aldraas - Sairen / Paine
  7. My preference would have been to hit up Jung Ma and go with an RP-PVP play through. I think it would be a lot more exciting and add a challenge to the game. The problem with PVP servers, RP based or not, is griefing. That's why a lot of people don't want to go to an PVP server. Whether you're immersed in the world or not, there is a time where everyone wants to hop on for an hour or two, not talk to anyone, zone out and do some missions. On the higher level worlds you'll pretty much always need to be looking over your shoulder for that other guy that may or may not jump you. (Which personally I think would be awesome). On any PVP server though you're going to have to face the lvl 50 gank squad that is just about to cause some level 30's problems. I'm playing on Lord Aldraas simply because I have a couple of rl friends who want the option to PVP vs not. I figure I'll just leave myself open PVP (if possible...) and simulate the experience
  8. While not an option for EVERYONE - a suggestion I can provide if you have a computer based job and your work firewall doesn't block everything. http://www.logmein.com or http://www.teamviewer.com I generally have to pass files back and forth between home and work so I have these tools setup anyways. So generally, an hour before I leave work, I remote login to my home desktop, queue up the game, come home, have my dinner and bam games ready to play I know it's not going to be a 100% solution for everyone, but perhaps may be an option for some who find they pains of working get in the way of game time (I understand I do lol)
  9. They're pretty much already aware on on-board with most of your suggestions. http://www.swtor.com/blog/what%E2%80%99s-next-old-republic EDIT: DOH! Ninjad!
  10. Hey Everyone, Originally coming from Starsider, I used to play Paine Agarpo - Armorsmith then Jedi. I've joined up with some of the old guilds I recognized, but I'm just not getting the feel for the server yet. The guild I was interested in appears to be solely hardcore PVP. Starsider was a home for 5+ years, and I was able to get involved in a lot of RP, PVP, PvE and I'm looking for a community that will hopefully transpire into something similar. I'm leaning towards swapping to Jung Ma as it's the only PVP-RP East server and I think the locked in open PVP may add some challenge and excitement to the game. Dedicated PVP servers tend to have a lot of elitism as well though...I also have some friends coming along who share a similar thought process. I know a lot of what makes a server a 'home' is the guild you get into as well. So based on how the communities are developing so far (still early I realize) is Jung Ma a worthy place to go, or is there another RP-PVE server that we should look into. I know the questions are broad - so just looking for some feedback. Thanks!
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