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Top 3 things you would like changed, fixed or added?


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#1 - 3D space combat. Preferably something that ties in with guild capital ships.

#2 - Mini games like pazzak and swoop racing that can be played both against npc's and also against other players.

#3 - More class stories. something like every two-three weeks release a quest chain for every class. they don't have to be very long but they would be steady story content updates.

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Still on first playthrough.


1. Stop making the game compete with the GTN. Why am I bothering spending lots of time learning to craft 'fancy' stuff when it drops so easily from FP, mobs or can be bought with commendations. If you want people to invest in crafting the returns should increase


2. Make it more rewarding to explore the worlds - sandbox like others have suggested

3. Orbital stations are terrible remove these or enable fast travel to/from ship

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* More immersion: planets that feel more alive (weather, day/night, critters), companions that interact and walk around more and NPC's that do more then stand in one place the whole time, events, minigames etc.

* Content! More planets and story :D

* decreasing the removal costs of mods by a minimum of 80% at high level.

Edited by Gokkus
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1 - Space combat needs to be off the rails and more free roaming.


2 - Guild capital ships


3 - Speeder Bikes that look like the taxi speeders that are not all broken and busted (event speeder I'm looking at you)



Edit - I know its only supposed to be 3 but I just remembered this 1 - A Barbers shop so we can change our appearance and get a hair cut :)

Edited by AdmiralMalice
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1. The ability to customize you character's armor and appearance. This could be done by visiting a shop with npcs in it capable of making the changes or by creating a new crew skill that lets the player learn new ways to customize each aspect of a character's body and can change the color of armors.


2. Higher end weapon drops other than from Ops. It would be nice if just tier 1 of the Black Hole weapons were made available via the comm vendor since not everybody can play ops.


3. More color crystals and the ability to learn all of their recipes. It would be nice to see different shade of all of the current colors out there plus adding in colors that aren't in game yet like teal, silver, dark red, dark blue, etc.

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Only 3?


... I can come up with quite a few things I think they should add RIGHT NOW!



Chat bubbles!*

Player re-imageing!

Fix the miralukan hats!*

"Off the rails" space combat.

Able to sit in all chairs in game!

Fix the problems with hair clipping!

Same Gender Romance and Flirt options!*

The ability to use your alt characters AS COMPANIONS!

The ability to use your alts companions on other alts Once both are 50!


Giving a bonus to XP that allows us to skip side quests while leveling if we've leveled more than one toon for a faction!


*To be fair, these are issues that devs have said at various times will "eventualy" Make it into the game, some sooner than others.


...Narrowing the above down to just 3 That's extreamly tough, as I feel ALL of the above need to be added in RIGHT NOW, and I feel very strongly about all of them.


If, however I must chose only 3, I will go with . . .

1. Character re-imaging. (This should have been in at launch! There's ZERO excuse for a game in 2012 to not launch with this, and for it to be pushing 2013 and still no word! As a side note, the system could also use an overhaul on how it works or at least more options!)


2. Same Gender Romance. (This was, if memory serves during beta was said to be in line to be put in the game near a year after launch. We have not heard a word on this since. Even if your company (your company that is known for this) just admited that you're not going to do it, anything would be better than dead silence on the issue!)


3.Voiced emotes. (This WAS IN BETA during the first round of mass beta testing, but was mysteriously removed. I remember being impressed with the fact that when my character cried or laughed and such, that they made a sound. The next round of testing, it was removed. It's a stupid easy fix that would please a lot of RPers!)


This is a really interesting feedback thread! Thanks to those of you posting your top 3's - keep them coming!


... Some advice?


You see this thread? I just read through all of it. Nearly every suggestion is extreamly good, and has been asked for since BEFORE LAUNCH! So . . .



Edited by Botea
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1. Consolidate some of the abilities that Smugglers and Imperial Agents have (they have too many and not enough room on the quick bars for all of them.)

2. Escalate the conflict between the Republic and the Empire. Right now, even on planets where the two factions can face each other, I just do not feel like there is any tension. Maybe some of the higher level planets are different.

3. Open space missions where combat is not quite so linear (even Starfox had a few of those!)

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1. Make your game. Pick a direction and stick to it. Even if many people scream for something, if you consider it conflicts too much with your vision, ignore it. People don't want to see their MMO drasticaly change overnight to something entirely different. Sure, some might actually like new changes, but others will wake up and say "this is not game I enjoyed for last few months". One such change was announced F2P, thanks to this many of us have no idea what direction will game take.

Not saying you should never change core parts of game, just be really carefull about that, and don't let 'feedback' overpower your own opinons.


2. I guess 3D space is too hard to resist. But to od it right is not that easy. If you include free roaming, there has to be good reason to do this, and moving between planets is already done in good and easy way. I can't say what is best solution, just don't rush, make sure to release it only when it's ready, as it is realy important feature for many of us, and if it were to be very far from decent at launch, it won't be too good.


3. Bunch of small fixes, like some inside that papercuts thread. Also, personally I would like to see some system for reporting really small bugs, since I feel kind of bad when I'm writing a ticket that will have to go trought all standard route for bug reports when it's about single NPC without even name that's stuck in 'idle' animation.

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open world pvp DAOC style, dynamic and fluid a reason to fight for your faction. put the Wars back in Star Wars


My toon needs to feel like it lives in the world not playing though it, like cantina games, swoop pod racing, quests to get parts and build speeders for racing cross server ques for races with leader boards, sandbox elements.


Random short lived world events controled by a dev. like spawning an attack on a reb or imp facaility or spawning a krayt dragon on tat.


options and diverse game game play, nothing would be cooler than logging in and having to decide what I want to do from all the options we have, and I am not talkig about more flashpoints and op's, I mean different things, non combat as well as combat, come on guys break the mmo mold a bit think out side the box..:)

Edited by kevlarto
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1. Ability to use a different weapon visual (within reason) for example single bladed saber for assassins or a blaster rifle for bountyhunters. Essentially more open customizability for our characters.


2. More sandbox features, especially an open-world pvp planet is needed.


3. Reworked space with pvp mixed in, somehing like the starwars battleground space content.


(4. Better ambiance on all planets. I want to see star destroyers in low orbit bombing the crap out of a republic base. Armies of stormtroopers charging rebel positions. And not to forget, consistent music playing!!!)

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1.Tooptips show if I allerady know a Schamaitic or mount on loot instaad of looking thu my book.

2. Timer when PVP will unflags me once i get flaged .

3 Way to turn off PVP So i don't get Flaged by mistake.

4. Beable to trade loot between toons in groups incase someone hits need by msitake 30 timer .

5 Merchant buy back incase we buy the wrong thing from a merchant say a 30 min timer.




Sorry it was two over but i had 5 top , three wasnt enough . :) .

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1. Sort by price-per-unit in the GTN.

2. Make it so your own debuffs on an enemy stand out from everyone else's. (So that when there are other Agents in your operation, for example, you can tell when YOUR Corrosive Dart falls off.)

3. Make it so that you can tell from the tooltip whether you're learned a schematic you're looking at, and "usable by me" selection in GTN search filters out schematics you already know.

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  • Some form of sandbox
    Whether it be player housing or guild ships a feature like this will help add something that this game is missing.
  • More PvP depth
    Ranked warzones are failing right now, queue times are terrible and you face the same people day in and day out. Adding more warzones (I know one is coming), or adding a new huttball map or new feature like small or larger warzone scales. Also Open world PvP, give some sort of incentive to do this. Put PvP mission terminals and vendors in outlaws den or on Ilum give players a reason to get off the fleet.
  • More character customization
    This is pretty straight forward. More character options post creation a so called barber shop. More armor customization...even if its just the ability to change the color anything. To many of the same themes out there no one feels unique.

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1. Paid Transfers! I want to merge my legacy!

2. Side-kicking System! We need a way to bring in new players and play WITH them without having to start a class we've already played through. New players want to play WITH their friends who have established characters!

3. Ability to change physical appearance! IN-GAME Hairstyles, body types and maybe some costume pieces with more skin showing?


Above all else, where's all that "new and improved" communication with the players?

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1. More companion quests. Seems every companion but the first you receive gets shafted in this regard.


2. Multiplayer mini-games. Pazaak, Sabaac, Swoop racing. Things that are fun with a group, but not super time consuming. Also, a reason to use those casinos on Nar Shadda.


3. Ship Customization. At basic, being able to change a theme for the inside of your ship would be nice (If not total customization). Maybe trophy slots on the walls for things you've completed in game.


(If I had to add a 4th option as well.... More romance options would be nice. Or the ability to turn or redeem specific characters for all force-sensitive classes, like Jaesa. Ashara, as a great example...

Edited by MaverickBenGali
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