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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Top 3 things you would like changed, fixed or added?


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More solo content for post 50 is the main thing.


How about make the content that is there worthwhile? Non repetitive, worth doing (side missions could be localized and spontaneous), stories need more depth and pull.


Just my opinion. Adding more "flavors" and "spices" don't fix a bad pot of stew. You have to go back and simplify it. I got bored of the confusing, repetitive missions at level 20, pvp'd all the way from there. Haven't even finished class quest. Valor 75.

Edited by NoaFlux
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1. Companion Quests - I was originally excited from these only to be disappointed when only the first companion for any given class has quests of their own. I think all Companions should have quests.


2. Companion Gear Color Match


3. More Customization in our space ships.

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1. More customization - To me this entails many things. A) More orange armor sets, and reduced cost for mod swapping. There are a lot of sets in the game that I would love to use, but there are no orange versions of them, so they don't end up being as good, stat-wise. B) More races, and non-human looking/speaking ones. I would really like to play a Wookiee. :D C) The "barbershop." Let me color my own armor, change the options I originally chose, etc... D) More, and better creation options. I don't know what the obsession with the "balding" look is or why so many hairstyles have it. E) Match to chest and hide helmet for companions. It would also be nice if, when offered a companion gear award we could get that piece for ALL companions instead of having to choose. Lower the sell price if necessary. This would allow for easier switching between companions for differing gameplay.


2. Individual loot drops - I hate the whole "need/greed" dynamic. There are games out there that use individual drops in group play. Even if it's not something you can use or sell for much, it's nice to know you always have a % chance, instead of a % chance, and then a 1 in 4 (or whatever) chance.


3. Companion party mode - I know others have mentioned this. I got the idea while playing my Trooper that it would be cool to be able to actually play some missions as Havoc Squad, and have them all out there. This could be a PvE only option.

Edited by Hestis
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1. Character customization. This includes a "barbershop" feature to change hair, haircolor, facial hair, complexion and makeup for the female characters. Also a hood toggle for Jedi/Sith that makes them look more like their archetype. Ability to color clothing individually and not just match to chest as often times the best look for boots or gloves ect don't match right and look way off from what you would think is how it should match. This would also include the hood/helmet and color matching options to our companions. They are a huge part of our gameplay and story, it's sad they look like skittles unless you buy them end-game gear. Oh... give Miralukas more masks. That plain white strip of cloth on the icon for the species? PLEASE?! Maybe even let them have a little facial hair if it doesn't clash with the mask, cause I think that would really make me play one dead-on.


2. Class adjustments. I play a Guardian, however I'm not happy with the hoods or the fact I'm so squishy in AOE damage all the time. I'd like to not take so much AOE damage I need more heals than a tank in some fights. I'm sure other classes could use a quality of life increase in those small degrees. Like Shadows/Assassins needing a little more survivability solo if they're not a tank. And I think all classes need some way to soak tech/force damage passively because it seems to be the reason Shadow tanks are great at almost everything.


3. More races. Jawas I'd litterally pay for the game again for a jawa. Even if it's not the traditional class story and I have a jawa-only story, I'd accept only having droids as companions for the cop-out. Just because of how awesome it would be to have a jawa sage. Togruta, Wookie, Rodian.... all of those and more. Course with that we need more character slots and at least 4 would be awesome.

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Of course it'd be voluntary, if you don't go after bounty targets you'd never have a bounty put on you. You could ignore the system totally if you didn't want to participate. The system would reward players who want to participate and who will take the risk.


That's not what your original post stated or implied. Infact, it stated (see highlights in red):

Here are a few things:

2. Add a bounty system for all players. It should also have a decaying renown/karma system attached. The renown could be something that relates to traitorous and loyal actions against your faction. You could betray your faction or stay loyal, depending on the faction of the bounties you take.


There would be some sort of faction spread throughout the galaxy (e.g. mandalorian clan-hutt conglomerate) posting these bounties (from unknown republic/empire employers) and eventual rewards like sliced GTN credit chips (large balances) and premium content(ship housing upgrades/new companions/mount/rare custom gear/titles/etc.) Players would be given a number of randomized bounties on every planet by this faction.


Players would have the choice to take bounties on Republic or Imperial NPC from this conglomerate faction. These quests would reward the player with a renown increase/decrease and credits/random rewards. The faction of the NPC you killed would place a bounty on the player's head and make you bounty-flagged to all other players. It'd give you a bounty status, similar to being PVP flagged, which disappears when your bounty is collected (you are killed - No one could just log out and wait out a timer). Players who collect on bounty-flagged players would get a decent renown gain in the direction they are leaning (loyal/traitor).


Players with traitorous renown and an active bounty could be collected by both factions, so you'd be hunted by Republic and Imperial players. The traitorous rewards would be possibly a bit more attractive than their safer loyalist counterparts but you'd need to risk that increased PVP to get the rewards. Some players may prefer to RP loyalist and not worry as much about rewards.


Every daily/weekly NPC would be scaled to the player's level (much like the recent event bosses) so it'd bring players of every level to some lower level planets.


e.g. Renown Scale:

+1000 Loyal


- Neutral (Starting Point)


+1000 Traitor


Now, if I have the choice to NOT EVER be the hunted, and have to sign up to hunt, or be hunted, then I'm fine with it.


But let us not de-rail the thread. :cool:

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To the Community Manager, this thread will keep going until a response from the appropriate dev team is laid out. With all these new MMO's coming out, paying $15 for no new content and timely fixes (such as optimization, bug fixes) is a deal breaker and will eventually lead to even more cancelled subscriptions.
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1) Chat bubbles & more character customization i.e. Kel Dor & Nautolan species.

2) Weather Cycles, Day/Night cycles (This to me adds a lot of replay value) even on Aldaaran WZ

3) Open world PVP + new WZ every 6 months untl we have about 8


Bonus: Overhauled Space Combat, taking the current space and putting it into an arcade or something.



To the Community Manager, this thread will keep going until a response from the appropriate dev team is laid out. With all these new MMO's coming out, paying $15 for no new content and timely fixes (such as optimization, bug fixes) is a deal breaker and will eventually lead to even more cancelled subscriptions.


1) The game is going F2P anyway with a cash shop

2) The dev team is working as fast as they reasonably can to add content and fix things

3) This is a great constructive thread except when posts like yours are made.

Edited by Anti_Bodies
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something new occurred to me reading the comments: I like the idea of the "unify colors" so you can make your armor match your chest color. But sometimes I feel that the unify color isn't quite what I feel unifies it best. I would suggest keeping the unify color option but also having a drop down menu that would allow you to select a color from the possible color schemes of that item (in which case that becomes the default color regardless of chest piece and won't change unless you toggle the auto unify color option on for that item). For example say you try chest piece A and like that piece's unify color option for your helmet but you prefer chest piece B but don't like it's unify color option for your helmet. Now you'd be able to select the chest piece A color for your helmet but be able to wear your preferred chest piece B.


For generic chest pieces that have multiple color schemes (where the name is the only thing actually changed) also include the ability to manually select the color. Perhaps implement this through a special fleet vendor (for example called Republic/Imperial Quartermaster Corps Equipment Requisitions Officer) who will exchange the generic armor you have for the one with the color scheme you want provided you have the credits to purchase it (set at the vendor price of that armor piece). This would be just nice to have in cases where random loot rolls just haven't given you the armor piece with the colors you want but you have been able to get its clone whose only difference is the color scheme.

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I really like this thread, and I will contribute; However, anyone who wants to post more than three, or have more ideas in general, please follow this link:


A Thousand Papercuts:



My top 3


1. Character Housing.

2. More world exclusive interactable games/events. (Gambling on Nar Shadda, Speeder races on Tatooine, Rakghoul hunts on Taris :p etc.)

3. Guild ships, hangout spots for guilds.

Edited by LG_XxLegacyxX
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1) Get rid of the cinematics at the beginning of WZs. And those that come up for things like leaving Fleet. At least give us the ability to toggle them off!


2) Credit sinks. Money practically falls from the sky, give us somewhere to spend it.


3) In the crew skills pane, give us the ability to filter by type of mission instead of level range. If all I want to do is run companion gift missions, i don't want to go hunting for them!

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1) Hood toggle implemented, replacing the current 'headgear auto-hides' function. I'll decide if my hat's having clipping issues with my hood, thanks.


2) Lose the "You *will* look like an iconic (something or other, given how weird some of the outfits are) XYZ" bludgeoning that goes on with garment X only wearable by class Y, and so on. Not every sage or sorcerer wants to wear a dress, and certainly not every assassin.


3) Barber shop- > general character recustomisation droid.

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1- Some more lightsaber crystal colors. Made something like Dark red or dark blue, just something new and different. I'm tired of the endless amounts of Red, Blue, and Green. Orange looks a lot like yellow and isn't available on demand till 47 (I think?) And Yellow just looks.... I dunno, I don't like it that much.


2- Customizable armor choices. And not just having the option of moving mods or color matching. I'd like to change a color of a specific part of a specific piece of armor. Say I want my Commando to be wearing a full set of gear that's black with a nice red trim? I could customize my available gear to do that. I'd be fine with having to pay for this.


3- More things to do with large, ops-sized groups in the world. Besides actual Ops or world bosses. I dunno what would work, but just some more dangerous stuff to do with a lot of people.

Edited by mustardcheese
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1) A larger variety of custom blaster pistols. I want a custom pistol for every pistol graphic in the game and I want new custom blaster pistols that are scaled correctly so they don't look like unwieldy monstrosities. Most of the blaster pistols in the game right now are too fugly and/or too wide and/or too long. What is the reason for the two long scopes on that one blaster pistol? Just looks ridiculous. If I had my druthers, I'd like a blaster pistol that looks like a black Colt Commander with ivory grips. We're gunslingers, for crying out loud. How are we supposed to quick-draw pistols that are as long as our forearms with all kinds of attachments to snag on our clothing?


2) A better color unify system. I like color unify, but right now it is good only as long as you like the color your armor changes too. I like my chest armor, but when I color unify my other armor pieces to it, it changes them to red when I really want brown/tan. I would like a color unify system that would allow me to color unify any piece of armor I am wearing to any other piece of armor I am wearing. I could be entertained for hours just trying out different combinations.


3) Ship customization, both inside and outside. I would really like to decorate the inside of my ship and paint some nose art on the outside.

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1. More Ships and with a bigger interior.

2. Some Water/Ocean based worlds, like Manaan or Kamino.

3. An improved interaction system between companions! I don't want to do a romance with my companion and then when i click her/him, he/she being like it never happened.

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1. Chapters 4, 5, 6, ... of class stories


2. A combat lock flag - so that if I or my group is engaged in a combat there can be no interference from other players, friend or foe. If I choose to fight something too big for me I did it for a challenge, not to have some other player come along and blow it up because they don't want to wait for me to finish my fight.


3. A cast-iron no pvp flag, such that the only way I can be flagged for pvp is if I manually turn it on or I enter a pvp zone. At other times any action that I do that might affect a flagged player, friend or foe, should simply not affect them - damage, heals, buffs, whatever.


Yes to all of this. I often rant about people attacking my mobs.

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1. Legacy Crew Skill management, possibly with Legacy bank where the cash for and mats from missions would land to. I would like crafted items to land in crafter’s inventory or being automatically mailed to selected character – to be chosen in player’s Preferences.


2. Faction change with retention of advanced class and level but requiring to venture through class line from the very start AND extendsion of character slots per server to 16.


2.5 ;) Medical Droid in Flashpoints and Ops spawning in the place where players would enter instance at current moment (i.e. after killing boss it would move to its spot and players after dying would ress at new position.


3. Freedom to addons, so the talented and innovative players can bring the UI functionality to new level or we couldwrite our own macros. I give example of WoW addons I liked to use which had pure utilitary function and not gave unfair advantage in game: Bartender, Genie, SellGrey, Altoholic, Auctioneer suite, Market Watcher, unit frame addons.


Most of these are aimed for convenience, to avoid long reloading times when I manage crew skills or pointless reloading times after dying in Ops or FP.


Change to mirror class in opposite faction is to not be penalised by any changes in game environment – I made 8 advanced classes in one faction to support each other’s Crew Skills. Then I learned that cross-faction mail within account has been introduced. Now I hear that HK-51 will not be available if I have no character on opposite faction. That is… frustrating.

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