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6 Weeks for new Content!


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^ This. Heck the features that they have had to stop everything and add in are features that most MMO's have at launch.


Would you care to list the MMOs that have had group finder and UI Customization (of the level we got here or greater) at launch? It's actually pretty short.


Let's just take group finder:


WoW: No

EQ2: No

LotRO: No


DDO: Yes

GW2: No

AoC: No

Rift: No




So... out of 10 games listed here, with a wide range of release dates both Pre-and Post WoW LFG-tool... only 2 had LFG at launch... one on each side of WoW's implementation. Your assessment that "most MMO's have [these features] at launch" is incorrect. Yes, these features have become standard in modern MMOs, but they are not a standard launch feature.


The numbers are a bit better on UI customization, sure, and I will agree that should have been in at launch. That said, sometimes things have to be sacrificed in pre-launch development in order to minimize bugs and provide a clean(er) launch experience.


I'm tired of everyone saying content delivery is atrociously slow. Compare the amount of new content that has been added in the 9 months since launch to the amount of content Blizzard has added to WoW in the 21 months since Cata launch, and you'll see TOR isn't really that slow.


Would be nice if people would start looking at the facts, instead of making up these crazy accusations. I could make a political analogy here, but I'll refrain.

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If you suggested having a BBQ every tuesday, i'd still say it's too much.


Let's say that BW is filled with dummys and they take your advice. What you'll end up with is sub-par content MUCH worse than the last world event (acquisitions race) every week.


I'd much rather they take even TWO months to come out with content, even THREE. Why?


Content longevity + difficulty = time, and vice versa. Each should go hand in hand. If they take 6 weeks for new content, they need to make it long and difficult enough for people to actually take 6-7 weeks to finish it. (good gamers should take atleast 3-4, which can be made sure by certain daily limitations to progress).

Sadly, with today's generation everyone wants everything now and for it to be easy to attain so that they can cry on the forums at how easy it is and ask for it to be harder and then cry over how hard it is.


MMO gaming in general has been run into the ground because of Publishers desire to make a quick buck and copy WoW's model or just to rush out a game before it's ready and milk whatever they can get.

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I'm gonna pitch the HELL out of the next big action drama TV series coming to you this Fall!


this is what should happen ... every tuesday when the servers are taken down for maintence a new content patch should be added every tuesday along with massive bug fixes there so called "STRIKE TEAM" still hasnt dealt with ... new content will be added every tuesday for the next year just to take down world of warcraft with this ..you devs may say you cant do this .. yes you CAN ...your devs need to be workin around the clock eat sleep and work at there desk i dont care if they lose there homes and familes but content that should have already been in game will finally be in the damm game ... get out chains and lock your dev team to there pc's and demand CONTENT ...

Sounds like might watch something like that. Who would the love interest be?

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Sadly, with today's generation everyone wants everything now and for it to be easy to attain so that they can cry on the forums at how easy it is and ask for it to be harder and then cry over how hard it is.


MMO gaming in general has been run into the ground because of Publishers desire to make a quick buck and copy WoW's model or just to rush out a game before it's ready and milk whatever they can get.

I agree completely. Except about the crying. Everyone knows that only wimps cry!

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I think that the decision to change the business model was made LOOOOONG ago and they were told to hold any major updates so they could release it in a way that looked like it was being made every 6 weeks. At least I hope they have stuff waiting in the wings ready to drop just at the point where people hit the unsub button and blamo theres 2 more operations to do heh i know i know pipe dreams..
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So, its the communities fault right? The community is the reason that this game went downhill fast. Ever stop to think that if you built a good game then people would support it? Other games can do features and content, at the same time. They do both with much better quality.....and guess what..... have not even half the staff or budget that ToR had.


Im sorry that you want to blame the consumers. Its not the consumers fault that EA/BW have ****** management and ****** developers.


The story is great.... mission accomplished. MMO it is not. If all they can do is story then they should have just made it an offline single player game. They would have made much more money.


You must be new to the genre, the genre lives and breathes on hype, trolls, blogs, fanbois, hyperbole, and e-thug forum warriors. Quality has little to do with or WoW would have died a massive death in 2005 ....welcome to mmo's, enjoy your stay.

Edited by TKMaster
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Hold on, every Tuesday? You expect them to code, test and implement new content every Tuesday? Are these Bioware drones ever supposed to sleep or see their families or their friends? When exactly are they supposed to eat or take part in their own hobbies? Remember these people are people just like you and I. They can't work day and night all hours until they drop. I find it hard to believe you'd be okay if your boss demanded you produce months worth of work every single week.


When have they tested patches or content before release? If they tested patches then the things they tried to fix wouldn't break something else.

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nope they need to move into the headquarters sleep should not be a option there should have been massive end game content already out for this game why else are people dumpin this game faster then they can click unsub ... this game is goin free to play cause bioware failed to keep the mmo community happy ... keepin players happy through content and gee here's a grand idea END GAME content .. people would stay and build on the game itself ..


gw2 is coming wow exp this game will be nothing but 10 year olds playin cause its free and mommy wont let them use her credit card for wow


ea invested millions in this game and you would think content and keepin the player base happy would be the top of the agenda but alas it hasnt cause they sat back and took a huge loss in all the money they invested in this game and announced well were goin free to play cause we have no clue how to run a mmo


You sound like a ten year old, new content every week? you seriously know nothing about content development do you?

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You must be new to the genre, the genre lives and breathes on hype, trolls, blogs, fanbois, hyperbole, and e-thug forum warriors. Quality has little to do with or WoW would have died a massive death in 2005 ....welcome to mmo's, enjoy your stay.



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BW is doing a good job with patching tbh. They are still bug fixing regularly and releasing new content plus mini events.


How long did people have to wait between wow patches? About 6 months? and even then their new content since about 2009 has been poor.

Edited by NasherUK
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OK there gonna be lettin out new content every 6 weeks


Their promise that there will be new content every 6 weeks is as true as James Ohlen's promise that the new content will be "rolling month after month" or Javeth Gonzales' promise that the Community Team will be active on forums.


Asking for an update every Tuesday is a bit... unrealistic. Let's wait until we get ANY update first.

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welll gee i know that they ran this game that i love into the ground and they keep toyin with our emotions with small videos of upcoming content .... content is takin way to long to be rolled out into the game there is no end game content its all a grind fest for armor/gear to do the ops/flashpoints ..


instead of beatin on my issue you as a player in the community should be standin tall with us other paid sub's unless you *****ed out and left already and are just trolling.


look this game can still be something to hold onto they just need to dump some serious content onto us thats what we have been settin our hair on fire for the past 5 months and longer for ...there's only so many times ya can run the same daily missions over and over and space missions and the same ops/fp's there is no brass ring there is nothing to find after lvl 50 to do right now alot of the lvl 50 content is just being used as a chat service to be social with there guild and friends ...


there is alot of heavy games about to drop soon and swtor will bea ghost town if they dont get off there arse and give us CONTENT


They didn't run anything into the ground. If you look back at every MMORPG ever released and compared them in timeline, you would find a very different situation then you are portraying now.


Game has not changed, the player base has.

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Their promise that there will be new content every 6 weeks is as true as James Ohlen's promise that the new content will be "rolling month after month" or Javeth Gonzales' promise that the Community Team will be active on forums.


Asking for an update every Tuesday is a bit... unrealistic. Let's wait until we get ANY update first.


Had they not had to make the changes that were caused by the impatient "experts" on gaming that bailed before the game got out of the gate, they would have had the ability to focus on the original game plan and done exactly as stated. They swamped the game, swamped the boards complaining about queue times. Severs were expanded, leaving a rift as those same complainers bailed. There was no lie, the same fan base that is complaining about it are basically the one's that caused it.

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My gosh, this thread is either gonna get locked or flamed to hell and back once the kids get out of school. WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY too much reason, comon sense, and truth for this forum.


It's the summer holidays at the moment isn't it? :p

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OK there gonna be lettin out new content every 6 weeks .... this should not be the case this game is bleeding paid accounts like a trama patient ..this game has been ran to the ground through poor implemention of content and addtions to the game ... less then 2 years alive this game is goin free to play and half the servers have been shut down ..and were supposed to wait for content still ..


ummm NO!!!! ...


this is what should happen ... every tuesday when the servers are taken down for maintence a new content patch should be added every tuesday along with massive bug fixes there so called "strike team" still hasnt dealt with ... new content should be added every tuesday for the next year just to catch up to all the hype and promises bioware/ea made about this game the so called were gonna take down world of warcraft with this ..you devs may say you cant do this .. yes you can and yes you owe it to us who have paid for this game since launch ...your devs need to be workin around the clock eat sleep and work at there desk i dont care if they lose there homes and familes but content that should have already been in game will finally be in the damm game ... i am sick of seeing these tease videos more to come crap ... get out chains and lock your dev team to there pc's and demand CONTENT ...



Bioware couldn't roll out content month after month like they said. You seriously expect them to give content on a weeky basis?


The only way this will happen is if the weekly content they roll out is pants.

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Had they not had to make the changes that were caused by the impatient "experts" on gaming that bailed before the game got out of the gate, they would have had the ability to focus on the original game plan and done exactly as stated. They swamped the game, swamped the boards complaining about queue times. Severs were expanded, leaving a rift as those same complainers bailed. There was no lie, the same fan base that is complaining about it are basically the one's that caused it.


I'm confused. Are players to take blame for all this because they demand quality or should developers be professionals and know better how to provide it?

Edited by vandana_
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Would you care to list the MMOs that have had group finder and UI Customization (of the level we got here or greater) at launch? It's actually pretty short.


Let's just take group finder:


WoW: No

EQ2: No

LotRO: No


DDO: Yes

GW2: No

AoC: No

Rift: No




So... out of 10 games listed here, with a wide range of release dates both Pre-and Post WoW LFG-tool... only 2 had LFG at launch... one on each side of WoW's implementation. Your assessment that "most MMO's have [these features] at launch" is incorrect. Yes, these features have become standard in modern MMOs, but they are not a standard launch feature.


The numbers are a bit better on UI customization, sure, and I will agree that should have been in at launch. That said, sometimes things have to be sacrificed in pre-launch development in order to minimize bugs and provide a clean(er) launch experience.


I'm tired of everyone saying content delivery is atrociously slow. Compare the amount of new content that has been added in the 9 months since launch to the amount of content Blizzard has added to WoW in the 21 months since Cata launch, and you'll see TOR isn't really that slow.


Would be nice if people would start looking at the facts, instead of making up these crazy accusations. I could make a political analogy here, but I'll refrain.


It should also be noted the Group Finder was near the top of their list during beta, though the community kicked and screamed about how it would destroy the playing community, so it was dropped from launch.


Sure EA/Bioware have made mistakes in the game, though the community needs to also take some responsibilty as well.

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It should also be noted the Group Finder was near the top of their list during beta, though the community kicked and screamed about how it would destroy the playing community, so it was dropped from launch.


Sure EA/Bioware have made mistakes in the game, though the community needs to also take some responsibilty as well.


it should also be noted that no MMO has ever launched with a group finder. in fact Group finder is still a relatively new function (speaking of the WoW version of course)


WoW added thiers in 2009 during wrath of the Lich King.


There are currently only 3 MMOs with one now.






None of those had it in at launch.

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^ This. Heck the features that they have had to stop everything and add in are features that most MMO's have at launch.


quick name 5 MMOs that had a group finder like WoW's in at launch?


Then name 5 MMOs that even have a group finder like WoWs in game at all

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OK there gonna be lettin out new content every 6 weeks .... this should not be the case this game is bleeding paid accounts like a trama patient ..this game has been ran to the ground through poor implemention of content and addtions to the game ... less then 2 years alive this game is goin free to play and half the servers have been shut down ..and were supposed to wait for content still ..


ummm NO!!!! ...


this is what should happen ... every tuesday when the servers are taken down for maintence a new content patch should be added every tuesday along with massive bug fixes there so called "strike team" still hasnt dealt with ... new content should be added every tuesday for the next year just to catch up to all the hype and promises bioware/ea made about this game the so called were gonna take down world of warcraft with this ..you devs may say you cant do this .. yes you can and yes you owe it to us who have paid for this game since launch ...your devs need to be workin around the clock eat sleep and work at there desk i dont care if they lose there homes and familes but content that should have already been in game will finally be in the damm game ... i am sick of seeing these tease videos more to come crap ... get out chains and lock your dev team to there pc's and demand CONTENT ...


I'm sorry, but this is completely unrealistic to anyone who has ever done any kind of significant program or application development.


No one can develop new content at the rate that players can consume that new content. No one.


You would have to be paying a $60/month subscription rate to even be close to affording the enormous development team to be able to produce content on such a schedule.

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OK there gonna be lettin out new content every 6 weeks .... this should not be the case this game is bleeding paid accounts like a trama patient ..this game has been ran to the ground through poor implemention of content and addtions to the game ... less then 2 years alive this game is goin free to play and half the servers have been shut down ..and were supposed to wait for content still ..


ummm NO!!!! ...


this is what should happen ... every tuesday when the servers are taken down for maintence a new content patch should be added every tuesday along with massive bug fixes there so called "strike team" still hasnt dealt with ... new content should be added every tuesday for the next year just to catch up to all the hype and promises bioware/ea made about this game the so called were gonna take down world of warcraft with this ..you devs may say you cant do this .. yes you can and yes you owe it to us who have paid for this game since launch ...your devs need to be workin around the clock eat sleep and work at there desk i dont care if they lose there homes and familes but content that should have already been in game will finally be in the damm game ... i am sick of seeing these tease videos more to come crap ... get out chains and lock your dev team to there pc's and demand CONTENT ...

You do realize a LOT of major issues were going inside BioWare right? From firings to top people leaving etc. The game lost all direction. So how were they supposed to produce content when the company was in chaos. They now have the structure in place and back to business as usual. We all know the new direction for the game which is a HUGE change. So that means things changed likely from what the programmers may have been working on to doing other things.


So what they have been showing now is the new content actually coming and yes it is coming soon. I would bet sometime in Sept. Maybe early to mid. If this chaos never happened and things were smooth in the office, then I am sure there would have been a lot of content out by now. But things happen. Get over it.


I will say I actually am glad there was this long break because I was able to level a few alts and see different story lines and decide if I want to keep my sorc still my main or not.

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I like this game, im a star wars fan as well and I like it. i played star wars galaxies before for 8 years and I will play this till the next star wars mmo comes out. If your not happy then leave nobody makes you stay. If you want to play the next big title then go fill your boots but I do wish folk try and say we all dislike the game because we dont. Sure world pvp could be sorted better but on the whole its a fun game.
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