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No content to counter GW2 launch?


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I'm just wondering why there has not been any announcements or plans for some content to counter the GW2 launch? Even "the other MMO" is releasing a patch with features from their upcoming expansion in it on the day that GW2 launches, yet here we are a week out and nothing is being said about anything coming up. I have talked to some people and they seem to think that there will be some sort of patch with content before next week, but to me that doesn't make any sense.. why not say whats coming out to keep people from buying the competition's game and stay here?


To be honest, I am quite disappointed in the team that is developing this game. The game is great (although some things need to be fixed, and ARE being fixed at a snail's pace), and it has so much potential but they seem to be taking their sweet time with releasing improvements to the overall game.. not just content but quality of life improvements as well. And after watching some videos from interviews from GamesCom it irritates the hell out of me that it SOUNDS like they are planning to spread out a bunch of new features instead of including them all together. New Op next month.. then HK..then space..then WZ.


I don't think I would be sticking it out with this game if it wasn't a Star Wars game and for the people who I play with in the game. BioWare all I'm asking is to show you care about the game and the player base/fans and not doing anything at the launch of another MMO that has been talked about way too much isnt showing that you care at all.. eventually even die hard fans like myself are going to have a hard time convincing themselves to stick around just for the sake of it being a SW game.


Sorry for the long rant.. i really only wanted to ask about why there was no content but lack of sleep and utter disappointment from the event from last week and the lack of anything meaningful (except the GF fix) in the patch for today just has me a bit more perturbed than usual today.

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I'm pretty sure it's because Bioware is aware that people will try out GW2 either way, not forgetting to mention people having preordered it. they won't 'win' the battle with releasing new stuff. GW2 is apparently the 'most anticipated MMO ever', so the only chance they have is releasing content when the first couple of weeks and the 'oh yay this is new and exciting and totally awesome' has changed into 'oh well.. this is really not all that exciting anymore'
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.. why not say whats coming out to keep people from buying the competition's game and stay here?


New Op next month.. then HK..then space..then WZ.


I'm as disappointed as anybody with this last event and the pace of new content coming out...but BW did say the new op is coming next month, followed by everything else you listed, although you did miss Makeb.


The real question is if that is enough to keep a significant number of people from moving on, which I doubt at this point. Over half of my raid group, and 30-40% of my guild, is planning to be playing "something else" next week. From other reports I've heard from other guilds, in these forums or in game, I've found no evidence that those numbers are unique.

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I'm pretty sure it's because Bioware is aware that people will try out GW2 either way, not forgetting to mention people having preordered it. they won't 'win' the battle with releasing new stuff. GW2 is apparently the 'most anticipated MMO ever', so the only chance they have is releasing content when the first couple of weeks and the 'oh yay this is new and exciting and totally awesome' has changed into 'oh well.. this is really not all that exciting anymore'


I agree with amnie.


Besides, once the glow wears off of GW2 it will join the pile of consumed and discarded for many. It is GW2s turn to "disappoint" and get beaten like an unloved animal. Which actually will time pretty nicely with the conversion to Freemium and new content coming right behind that.

Edited by Andryah
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The peeps that have bolted for GW2 are pretty much gone already so it's not that big a deal. I'm sure the PvP servers will notice a small decrease in their populations upon GW2 launch, but whatever. PvP endgame for SWTOR is pretty stagnant and I don't blame peeps for trying out something else.


That said, when SWTOR goes F2P, players will be coming back in floods. I played GW1. It was really enjoyable for 2-3 months. Then it got pretty dull. I will be playing GW2 like every other PvPer, but I imagine the outcome will be the same. It will be a blast for a couple months and then peeps will tire of it just in time to come back to SWTOR for F2P.

Edited by DarthOvertone
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I would say timing.

Not every company will meet the deadlines set buy others. They are trying to make quality content instead of rushing things out prematurely just to meet others release dates. If they rush things out in order to put content out around that same time as others will only hurt them. Running a company like that is not smart. They need to have a pace in which they produce quality content for us. Not a pace to put things out when ever a new game comes out. For one, they will not know the release date of a new game until the other company mentions it, then what if another game gets mentioned to come out soon. You would have to try and produce something for it as well. You would be letting other companies dictate your schedule.

So its all about timing. SWTOR had its content in the works and will finish it when they are think its ready. They should not push it out early when its may not be done to a good quality just because some other new game is coming out or releasing content. Companies that do that end up hurting themselves by releasing bad product.


Thats my opinion. :cool:

Edited by WarbNull
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#1. We just had an event to remind subscribers of their commitments to this game.


#2. First rule of business is to avoid acknowledging the existence of your competitors, especially if you are in a more dominant position (currently SWTOR has the second largest subscription base of MMOs, even with all the bad news of late).


#3. BW is probably aware that many people will try GW2 and there isn't much they can do to stop it. I'd be aiming for an event and major content updates in about a month or two months to re-entice subscribers who may have begun to sour on their experiences.


- Arcada

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I don't think a broken patch that damages more stuff than it fixes would do anything at this point. The people who've moved on have left already, and they will probably not come back. The only thing BW can do is try to hold on to the players they have.
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Meh, they'll let whoever wants go get their fill of GW2 and then next month when the new Op comes, plenty will return.


Those that don't never would have stayed.


Yeah right, because it makes perfect sense from the business point of view to let your customers go to competition to test their loyalty to your product which is 6 months old and they are bored with it to death.

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Yeah right, because it makes perfect sense from the business point of view to let your customers go to competition to test their loyalty to your product which is 6 months old and they are bored with it to death.


If you love someone, set them free. If they come back they’re yours; if they don’t they never were.

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If you love someone, set them free. If they come back they’re yours; if they don’t they never were.


The big difference is....BioWare does not need to set us free. We allready have that choice as a consumer.


GW2 will affect many other MMO's. Not as much as a sub base one would as they have no sub model. So you can still stay subbed to one MMO and play it too. However, for myself, I cannot justify a sub if I am not going to be playing it very often.

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I'GW2 is apparently the 'most anticipated MMO ever', so the only chance they have is releasing content when the first couple of weeks and the 'oh yay this is new and exciting and totally awesome' has changed into 'oh well.. this is really not all that exciting anymore'

Hey, a year ago, SWTOR was that.


And exactly... People will play this game again in a few weeks when they are disappointed and realize that GW2 was over-hyped like EVERY OTHER MMO IS.

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