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Do lots of players actually do space missions?


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To address another point brought up in the OP, it's important to note that we are working to bring more Space Combat in addition to the many other types of content that players enjoy (including things like the new Operation, Terror from Beyond, and the new Warzone we talked about at Gamescom).


I would still ike to get an answer on weather or not the current space design is what BW intends to continue with or weather it is simply a place holder for something else. I can't see that BW views the current ste-up as Star Wars worthy. And if you guys do, then this is not good at all. This is Star Wars. Anything less than a free flight is sacrelige! Please tell us that this rail shooter is NOT your end design!

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To address the question in the title of this thread, I talked to Jonathan Crow, a Gameplay Telemetry Analyst here. The data that we have shows that nearly half of all currently active players have played at least one Space Combat Mission in the past 30 days.


To address another point brought up in the OP, it's important to note that we are working to bring more Space Combat in addition to the many other types of content that players enjoy (including things like the new Operation, Terror from Beyond, and the new Warzone we talked about at Gamescom).


It kinda sounds like a lot but I suspect its not. one space mission in last 30 days would included me and I do not enjoy space missions but to kill 10 minutes while waiting on someone I may play 1. I would enjoy 3D space however.

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I have tried the space combat missions but really do not like them because their just is nothing to do but keep firing at the things on the screen and only have minimal ability to move the ship.


The fact is when the developers designed space combat and chose the rail system was just a really bad decision.


When engaging in a space battle the player should be able to go anywhere they want within that specific area of space. They should also be some random encounters as well that really need to be built into the game.


If Bioware want to bring back more fans who have left the game, and I hope that they do some kind of data collection survey to support this I think that the data would show that this is something the player base really wants.


The space missions and battles currently in the game that the players can join in with other players will never reach its full potential as it is right now.


Their also could be role specific non combat related space missions/quests which each player class can go on for example a Smuggler has to transport a shipment of goods to a specific planet or the trooper has to go and pick up a very important person and get them to another planet for a top secret negotiation or mission.

Edited by erichcs
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someone posted something along the lines of: "until they take it off the rails i wont play space missions"


idk about you guys but i loved star fox and i love space missions in swtor.


You are by far and large the minority, assuming you aren't trolling. In my entire time playing this game, I have yet to speak to a single person who actually enjoys the space missions.

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I don't get all the hubbub about free roaming 3d space thing.


Sims are bloody hard. They're not your casual gamers cup of tea. It's about as niche as you get. Most people give up on simulators before they figure out pitcs roll and yaw, nvm ever bothering to navigate a void without topographical features to go by to find an objective.

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You are by far and large the minority, assuming you aren't trolling. In my entire time playing this game, I have yet to speak to a single person who actually enjoys the space missions.


im not trolling, i enjoy the set pieces and overall presentation of space missions.

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personally I do all the missions every day that I have the time on my main, and I do them on my alts at every opportunity, my alts all have their hotbar abilities for the flight missions. I enjoy them, there are missions that tick me off and I don't play those, otherwise I love getting in there and shooting things trying to get the bonuses done.
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I used to play a lot of space missions, but now I only play occasionally (though it would be safe to say more than once every 30 days).


There are a couple of things going in:


1) Sameness- I can approach a level-appropriate mission multiple ways. I can open with different abilities, use different companions, and just generally try different things.


In space, that option just doesn't really exist. I mean, I guess that I could use more missiles here instead of there or whatever, but it just doesn't really change anything.


The ships will appear where they appear when they are supposed to, and I will know where and when that is and already have my blasters pointed in the right direction.


I never studied videos that people posted or anything, it's just a matter of repetition, and space missions are nothing if not repetetive.


2) Ships- The bottom line is that I really dislike the look of some of the ships, so that is a turn-off to me.


I have played both trooper and BH to 50, and like the general playstyle, but I do not like either of those ships. I have tried smuggler a few times, and love the ship, but am not really comfortable with the way the class plays. The Sith ship looks pretty good from what I have seen in pictures, but I am not in a particular hurry to play a Sith.


If I could better match up ships that I like with classes that I also like, then I would be more likely to spend some time in space missions.


I am not asking for my trooper to be able to fly a Fury, necessarily. Opening up all of the Republic ships for all the Republic classes, and Imperial ships for Imperial classes, that would be something.


Even if it was just a matter of creating a second ship for every class and letting players choose whatever is available now or the second ship, it would still be something (and I struggle to imagine a ship design that I would not select over the Mantis).


I promise not to complain if every shipboard conversation has a generic 'starry-sky-through-viewport' or 'ship equipment with flashing lights' background.

Edited by Mithros
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It kinda sounds like a lot but I suspect its not. one space mission in last 30 days would included me and I do not enjoy space missions but to kill 10 minutes while waiting on someone I may play 1. I would enjoy 3D space however.


Anything that only gets used once a month is considered by most to be useless.

Edited by blakmojo
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someone posted something along the lines of: "until they take it off the rails i wont play space missions"


idk about you guys but i loved star fox and i love space missions in swtor.


I liked Star Fox as well, but from what I've played of TOR's space missions, they don't really compare. The mechanics used in Star Fox don't really translate well to a Star Wars setting, so we really only get the bare bones of it.


If it was similar in nature to say, Rogue Squadron, I'd definitely play it. I loved the hell out of those games.

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One Space Combat Mission in the past 30 days. I wonder how many of those happened to be the Cartel Listening Station mission over the couple of days the bug was active during the Chevin event.


^This lol.. got to love statistic and how useless they are sometimes.

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One Space Combat Mission in the past 30 days. I wonder how many of those happened to be the Cartel Listening Station mission over the couple of days the bug was active during the Chevin event.


I think it's safe to assume that number is around 98%. To get a useful statistic... ask the statistic of how many players did them during -say- june, not including first-time players that do 5 of them or so.


You seem to think that part of your job is to try to stay positive and spin the truth around. But in my opinion, you fail to see that players react badly towards that sort of disregard of their disapointement towerds space: it only makes the players feel sader, cause you fail to acknowledge their feelings.

Edited by Yogol
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the timers drive me posativly insane with the space system a good chunck of missions i can finish with 1-2 minutes to spare but i have ti fly around needlessly waiting for the stupid timer.


Got to kinda agree with this one.

I like space missions, in theory, but after doing them over dozen times each, it gets old, and having to spend minute or two after finishing the mission waiting for the flight to end gets old.

Also, i dislike the fact that i often spend more than half of the flight time waiting for my ship to get in range of something to shoot.

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One simple thing bioware could do to make the space missions more popular. (I don't know why I come up with these things, they never send me a pay check) The space missions are basically an arcade game. If you want lots of people to play them, put in a high score list at the end. top fifty scores for that mission. IMPORTANT: Reset the high scores list after each patch. One for each mission for each server. Then you would have a lot more people doing them. Look, don't question it, just do it. Walla, popular feature achieved. Edited by Pcolapat
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Yes, no bad point. Could be some kind of a rooster displaying top imp / top rep pilots. This would be great. I love the space missions, even after a lot of repetition. And yes, I played X-wing, Tie fighter, Wing Commander etc etc...


Especially the X-Wing/Tie Fighter Games were interesting... but did not feel like Star Wars space battles. Overall they were much too slow (more speed simply was not possible back in those days) . The missions suggested carefull, planning & exact targeting & slow flight speed. All not very Star Wars-like:p, I would say. Most times I felt more like a submerged submarine in stealth mode.


Beside the rooster: add more (really lots of!) secondary targets that are really hard to achieve all together. This way you wont make the casual space player too frustated but keep the interested player challenged.


And: when do we see space battles that are linked to Flashpoint? The Battle of endor suggests such a style of mission. Players on the ground must progess and achieve goals that interact with the space mission (remove the shield generator). Players in space will destroy incoming reinforcemants and open up new parts of the map. you know what I mean...:)

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You are by far and large the minority, assuming you aren't trolling. In my entire time playing this game, I have yet to speak to a single person who actually enjoys the space missions.


Strangely, I don't know anyone who enjoys PVP. I have a guild full of people who do not waste a second with PVP. Does that mean it should be stripped from the game?

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If they really wanted space missions to be an attraction to this game, they'd have made it like XWing vs TIE Fighter. That was a space based flight sim, and we used to have tons of fun back in 1995 flying missions on the internet using our 14.4 & 28.8 modems.


With broadband this would be outstanding.

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Bioware, do not add to this space game... You need to take it down, throw it in the trash and build one worth playing! Jesus, Its blatently obvious most people think its a poor, boring, 1990's rail shooter. REBUILD, not add to!


This. Get rid of it. Or at least don't add to it and build something worthy.

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Bioware, do not add to this space game... You need to take it down, throw it in the trash and build one worth playing! Jesus, Its blatently obvious most people think its a poor, boring, 1990's rail shooter. REBUILD, not add to!


I also agree with this. It's a waste of resources to create more missions with the same stupid rail system. Just get us a proper space combat system.

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