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  1. oh cool I didn't know are there anymore?
  2. Hey I was just wondering who plays swtor in arizona. I feel like the only guy who plays here in this state lol. I know im not but I can't find anyone else who does play here. If you don't play in arizona feel free to post the state you play in and say if you know anyone else you plays in that state!!!!
  3. They should add player space combat pvp! that would be so awsome
  4. I feel the same way who even goes to the galaxy trade not me. Why? Because I have all my stuff in my profession thanks for making this post mabe Bioware will see this and do something diffrent. In the end i know bioware will make the best decision for the players not whats easy!
  5. **** the people who give bioware an F. I give them A+++! Thanks Bioware for everything. I just got in!
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