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Do lots of players actually do space missions?


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In a recent interview, Jeff Hickman said that there is an entire bioware team working on Hard Mode space missions. I don't know about everyone else, but I rarely ever do space missions. I might spend less than 1% of my time doing them, if that. Does bioware have data that shows players spending a lot of time doing the space missions? Does bioware think that by making them harder that it will get more people to play them on a regular basis? What is the justification for expanding this part of the game verses some other part of the game? Could development time and money be better spent on something else? I am not trying to troll here, and I think these are legitimate questions.


What do you think?

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I dont because they are simply way too hard at lvl 50. I have all the best stuff (purples) for my ship and still get wiped out on them. I used to when I was lower level but the end game space missions are simply way too hard for too little gain.
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I dont because they are simply way too hard at lvl 50. I have all the best stuff (purples) for my ship and still get wiped out on them. I used to when I was lower level but the end game space missions are simply way too hard for too little gain.


Then you're doing something wrong. With all purple 50 items for your ship, even the very last/highest Spacemission is a walk in the park.

Ever touched wasd during the flight? Do you have all the upgrades you have to buy with fleet commendations?



2Topic: I do spacemissions, and I know most of my friends and guild-mates do, too. For leveling as well as on 50. For the money, the commendations, and most importantly the fun.

It wouldn't be Star Wars without Spacemissions, and it's a welcome change from all the questing and usual fightin you have in every MMO.


I can't wait for the new space missions to come out :jawa_biggrin::csw_xwing: *pew pew* :hope_01:

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I do them quite a bit on my characters. Good source of money and experience while leveling. Relaxing short mini game to warm up with after 50 (while still a decent source of money and fleet tokens/daily commendations).
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I have actually been doing the space missions as of late. In two days time you can net enough to buy lvl 8 crafting material boxes and since the xfer and my old guild disbanding, this is a way for me to farm the mats without going into a raid. Since I mainly PvP now, I am able to farm these and get the mats for Armorings and things that are more PvE related.


My ship is in all purples without any of the fleet upgrades like EMP and things like that, I simply want the lvl 8 crafting mats, and I have no issues with any of the space quests, it takes about an hour and a little more to run through them all for the daily comms. After 2 days, 1 hour or so a day, I can have some very nice mats that I can sell on the GTN or use to get gear I'm not working towards by being in a raiding guild. I do not think they should spend much more time on these unless they are making them more diverse. There replay value becomes unenjoyable after awhile but that is the same with all aspects of end game once you've done it a few dozen times, right? Every once in a while they can be refreshing change but the state of them now is that there are only a handful of space missions with just a level increase to split them apart versus any diversity which takes away from some of my overall potential interest in them as enjoyable.


TBH, I don't think we need more but rather improvement to the concept of space missions. As many have stated, you are on rails and once you know the path, it's merely a brain dead activity with epic music

Edited by Master_Nate
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From what I am seeing, very few players actually do the space missions, though I don't have any facts to support my claim. Just that it seems most people don't care for them. It seems a giant waste of developer resources to work on this when there is so much that could be done and fixed.
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I'm on the fence about space missions to be honest. On one hand I think it's a great way to get away from the usual (run over here, kill 70 mobs for no exp., pick up random drop items, hand in for exp). On the other hand I can also see what people are talking about; with space missions being too dull because of their on the rails system. However that doesn't mean I do not enjoy them or would not do them. I only stopped because I started late. Now I'm level 50 trying do missions with some green gear and no power conversion module. So I'm getting annihilated :(. If I had a way to complete them, I would.
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I do them to help level up but not at 50.


When I'm in there I rarely see more than 4 others doing them, even during peak times on Fatman. It does seem like a misplaced use of resources. I suspect that the same could be said of many of the projects involved with this game but who knows?

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Then you're doing something wrong. With all purple 50 items for your ship, even the very last/highest Spacemission is a walk in the park.

Ever touched wasd during the flight? Do you have all the upgrades you have to buy with fleet commendations?



2Topic: I do spacemissions, and I know most of my friends and guild-mates do, too. For leveling as well as on 50. For the money, the commendations, and most importantly the fun.

It wouldn't be Star Wars without Spacemissions, and it's a welcome change from all the questing and usual fightin you have in every MMO.


I can't wait for the new space missions to come out :jawa_biggrin::csw_xwing: *pew pew* :hope_01:


You don't even need purple or anything from fleet comms. Just buy the lvl 5 ship parts from the vendor, and your good to go. Its easy.

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I'm on my 3rd character so anything I can do to help the levelling up process I'll do, since I want to spend much less time doing non-class quests on each planet. I've also unlocked the space mission legacy XP boost to the 2nd to last one. I do whatever missions are for my level any time I'm on my ship, usually in between planets.


I don't hate them or anything, they're OK, but I agree that Bioware's seemingly limited dev resources should go to other things. I don't do space missions on my level 50s.

Edited by RAVM
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Space Missions are really a hate it or love it type thing. I personally hate them and find them to be boring.


I know two people in my guild that do them alot though. It's crazy I have just about every single title in the game even the title you get from playing on the PTS and the event titles and I still haven't gotten my Flyboy Title lol.

Edited by DuckKing
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Space Missions are really a hate it or love it type thing. I personally hate them and find them to be boring.


I know two people in my guild that do them alot though. It's crazy I have just about every single title in the game even the title you get from playing on the PTS and the event titles and I still haven't gotten my Flyboy Title lol.


You also get The Hot Shot Pilot for completing the last one :D

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I want to do more of them, but I just can't get around to doing them with a mouse and keyboard. And using my controller, the sensisivity is simply too high of the game to make that work. So until BioWare fixes the insane mouse sensitivity, or better yet actually implements controller support for the space missions, I'll keep my hands off.


Would be nice though if they did, the few attempts I did make on my TV whilst just sitting back on the couch were great. It has a lot of potential, if only the controls would work.




Additionally, what would also be a plus is taking away the need to run to your spaceship for it. Make it like warzones, flashpoints and story mode ops. Just be able to start them up from anywhere.

Edited by Fornix
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You also get The Hot Shot Pilot for completing the last one :D


I'll get around to gettting my space mission titles someday but right now I'm almost about to get my conqueror title on my marauder, it's one of the few titles I feel like i'm missing...and the imperial loyalist title since I chose to turn my items over to the Chevin's lol

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I do them all daily, the coms are just to good to pass up not to mention even though it on rails and i would love an off rails full space game the onrails is still very fun todo and is skill based. I cannot wait for the new extra hard space missions. Edited by Shingara
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I actually love the space missions! My only problem with them is that they are far too static which make them become a bore rather quickly. If they were to add some dynamic qualities to them I'd be more then happy.


Now that said, I still would love to see open space come to play without getting rid of the space mini-game that is currently in place. I'd also still love to see more mini-games like pazaak and swoop racing put in. These would also open up some options in the soon to be cash shop in F2P.


My current space pros and cons:


Action oriented - dodging, thinking quick with missiles, audio during missions

Bonus objectives to find and unlock in missions as you gain equipment

Good source of exp and credits

Good side distraction from the normal PVP and PVE content

Stunning visuals



Too static

Missions and mapping seem recycled - same escort, cripple, or defend missions

No reason to revisit older missions at end game other then to farm fleet coms - maybe scale them to HM status like FPs?


Still a lot of potential for the space on rails for multi-player and even more if they add some open space aspects ;p

Imagine a space mission FP combo you complete with a group of 4 players.

Mission, cripple and board republic or empire vessel.

Mission start:

Map is open to a extent (no rails but map boundaries)

The players must take out the ships turrets, (x) amount of fighters, and the docking bay shields.

Players then must land and dock on republic or empire vessel.

-insert loading screen once docked (heck if you could manage without loading screen like in battlefront even better)

FP now begins with 4 players as they must fight their way through bosses to let's say disable and destroy the vessel from the inside and then escape.


I think this would be a really cool way to tie the two aspects of the game together in a more open space feel with a very heroic feel. SO many possibilities!

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I don't much care for them either, but clearly there is demand for it if they are working on new ones.


It's really just a vocal minority complaining that "no one" likes Space missions when in reality they are only speaking for themselves. Tons of people do them while levelling up.


At some point I'll have to sit down and do them if I want the pilot outfit anyways. If they make a few more outfits available via Fleet commendations I'm sure more people will do them as well.


So while I don't do space missions very much right now I will do them if the rewards from the new "hard mode" space missions are nice-looking pieces of Orange gear.

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