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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Event is over, what was your haul?


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Thank you BW devs. For me I got something for each of my 5 toons. My marauder and sage got full sand people outfits. My trooper and sniper got weapons(2 for the sniper). Finally my bounty hunter got the wrist/belt as I didnt have orange gear there yet and the speeder along with a 50 blaster rifle for the mods. Great event in my opinion. How did you all do?


And I thought I had done well. lol. Nice hauls!


Ok, I got the full set of Sandpeep gear for my respeced Shadow, 1 level 50 bowcaster for my Trooper, 1 level 34 bowcaster for my Operative, 1 broken down speeder for my level 14 Sentinel (love that speeder legacy perk), and 4 more adhoc pieces of armor for various toons.


After all that, I still have 77 comms left over. :D Yup, I enjoyed the event. The only aspect I did not enjoy was hunting down the Apparatus and yet I managed to do it 3 times. lol


BTW, my level 20 Opertaive managed to get through the event with out much problem. The only tricky part was navigating through the Nar bonus area.

Edited by Rafaman
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And I thought I had done well. lol. Nice hauls!


Ok, I got the full set of Sandpeep gear for my respeced Shadow, 1 level 50 bowcaster for my Trooper, 1 level 34 bowcaster for my Operative, 1 broken down speeder for my level 14 Sentinel (love that speeder legacy perk), and 4 more adhoc pieces of armor for various toons.


After all that, I still have 77 comms left over. :D Yup, I enjoyed the event. The only aspect I did not enjoy was hunting down the Apparatus and yet I managed to do it 3 times. lol


Three times? I did it on SEVEN toons XD

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I only had one character, a Jedi Knight. The prize I wanted the most was the Lobelot. After finishing all the quests I was still about 100 tokens short for the lobelot. Grinding crates didn't seem like a lot of fun to me (this event really could have used at least one repeatable daily quest to get tokens) so I went and created my first alt, a Sith Inquisitor, and powered through to completion of the event a second time.


Finishing most of the quests wasn't hard, but the Rakata Utensils were in an area that was almost ten levels higher than my character was. So it involved a lot of running while making Zoidberg noises (woopwooopwoopwoopwooop!) and dying in strategic places, but I finally finished!


So for my haul, I got:

-SIS Freelance title for my Jedi Knight

-Imperial Loyalist for my Sith Inquisitor

-Bought a Lobelot for my main (no luck with crates unfortunately)

-Still have enough tokens left over for a bowcaster or two that I'll save for when I make more alts. (will have to do some research on what the difference is between the bowcasters)

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Got one of everything just for kicks coz I'm a jedi. This event really did suck if you didnt have sniper or vanguard alts. Bit of a joke for us solid force users. Still got over 1000 tokens and a **** load of sparkle powder. I got a pet from the crates and after equipping it I then picked up another on (which of course is useless coz its BoP). Btw after farming 2000 tokens I realized it is impossible to get more than 1 extra pet from crates after you've equipped one because its Unique. Anyone who says they got 3 from crates is lying lol. Edited by Marcus__
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I bought all six of the bowcasters to use on low level / future alts and the pet for my Jedi Shadow. The only grinding I did for the crates was when I was searching for the apparatus parts. I occasionally picked up another crate if I ran across one, but the tokens I spent were mainly from what I received from finding the items and finishing the event.
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In short, the event wasn't meant for players like you. That's not your fault, nor is it the fault of the game itself. The only complaint I have, personally, was the abrupt end. I simply hope that they finish the storyline. Also, the transparent, "We can't get the voice actors back so we're just going to get the guy to say 'Stay silent!""-cop out.


As for the rewards... they're meant to be cosmetic oddities. And they are. If that doesn't interest you, it doesn't interest you. But that doesn't mean it "failed."


So the only content in how many months isn't for a lot of players (or characters-given that you had to be level 30+ or have high-level friends to really participate). The event was tailor-made for griefing (dozens of players frantically clicking the same objects in one area? No potential for problems there!)


If the rewards were meant to be cosmetic why have the bowcasters at all? Did the Chevin buy out a clearance sale on Kashyykk? Why have gear for 2 classes and the rest can go spin?


It failed if it meant to reward players equally-I know, in 6 months pistol users might actually get an event for them-if any are still playing.

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First off we just did not get enough tokens for this event. many had to buy from crate horders to buy stuff. yes i bought a lot..


agent=speeder, bowcaster, tusken outfit, 2 red sparcles

Jugg=tusken outfit



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It's over? Thank God... maybe now they will start fixing servers.


I didn't bother with that failure of an old school style, camp your crate, MMO quest. I couldn't even make it to Nar Shaddaa.


It was such failure on such an epic level. I'm glad it's dead.

Quoted for truth.

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I did the event the first day on two toons, got enough tokens to buy the sand people armoring (minus the head piece) for my sage and low level knight. After that I gave up...decided it wasn't really fun and none of the other loot was worthwhile. Edited by NoFishing
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Thank you BW devs. For me I got something for each of my 5 toons. My marauder and sage got full sand people outfits. My trooper and sniper got weapons(2 for the sniper). Finally my bounty hunter got the wrist/belt as I didnt have orange gear there yet and the speeder along with a 50 blaster rifle for the mods. Great event in my opinion. How did you all do?


They items they offered in the vendor were nice, but I really only wanted them for my main. They weren't special enough to busts my *** on all three or four alts.

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The Scavenger Hunt event was not my cup of tea. Did the first quest and that was it. Had no desire or interest to do anything else. It was just too individual and PvE-centric for me. The Rakghoul Plague event was 100x better imo. Aside from the emails my toons received, I barely even noticed the Scavenger Hunt event was happening.
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Three bowcasters, and a full Tuskin Raider Suit. About all I could stand to farm for and only did the questline twice. First time it was more fun than tedious (even competing in the Great Clickable Race part of the GAR ;) ) then second time through I was meh, this is redious as heck so I didn't go further. I still think events should last at least two weeks to give more people an oportunity to participate. I hope the next event is more on par with the Rakghoul event (minus any griefing aspects).
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