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Same Gender Romances Still in the Works?


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I was wondering if anyone knows, or if any of the officials on the forums, know if same gender romances are still in the works. In a Q and A a while ago, it was said it was being worked on, but obviously many shake ups have occurred since then.


I, and many other fans, have long respected and appreciated Bioware's willingness to give a variety of choices in romance, including same sex love interests. After all, Juhani in KOTOR was one of, if not the first, lesbian characters in Star Wars. I really hope that, even with the transition to F2P, that this will be implemented, as I know that it would really increase re-playability, and enjoyment amongst long time fans.


This is a legitimate and respectful inquiry, and I would appreciate if everyone responding keep the same tone. Thanks!

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Personally I think that this would demean the game. You don't see same gender relationships in the movies or in the books or comics. In fact you don't see it in any Star Wars Game released to date. I think that BioWare should continue the practice of leaving same gender romance relationships out of TOR. If it is implemented it would not be a game breaker for me but I would be very disapointed and my respect for this particular Star Wars franchise would go down quite a few notches. Also as to the authors comments about KOTOR character Juhani I would have to disagree since that character couldnt even be romanced at all by the main character so using Juhani as an example would not actually count. Edited by Kyriosgundam
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Personally I think that this would demean the game. You don't see same gender relationships in the movies or in the books or comics. In fact you don't see it in any Star Wars Game released to date. I think that BioWare should continue the practice of leaving same gender romance relationships out of TOR. If it is implemented it would not be a game breaker for me but I would be very disapointed and my respect for this particular Star Wars franchise would go down quite a few notches.



Just because they haven't been 'documented' by any previous installment in the SW franchise, doesn't mean they do not exist in the SW universe.


Actually, it is impossible not to exist.

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Just because they haven't been 'documented' by any previous installment in the SW franchise, doesn't mean they do not exist in the SW universe.


Actually, it is impossible not to exist.


Pay more attention to the lore if your trying that argument on me at no point are same gender romances mentioned or even hinted at in any way, shape or form in any of the Movies, Books, Games or Comics to date. I would like BioWare to keep it that way. Leave that stuff for games like Dragon Age or Mass Effect which are console/offline PC games. This has no place in MMO's in my opinion and would in my mind as a TRUE Star Wars fan demean the franchise in a very serious way.

Edited by Kyriosgundam
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Pay more attention to the lore if your trying that argument on me at no point are same gender romances mentioned or even hinted at in any way, shape or form in any of the Movies, Books, Games or Comics to date. I would like BioWare to keep it that way. Leave that stuff for games like Dragon Age or Mass Effect which are console games. This has no place in MMO's in my opinion and would in my mind as a TRUE Star Wars fan demean the franchise in a very serious way.


Yes there are Juhani and http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Goran_Beviin.

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My guess is that this one drops pretty far to the backburner, as in "we are still working on it" will be its permanent state. They are working on increasing revenue/subs, and this simply would not be a compelling enough factor for most people to delve into-- while I don't pretend to speak for a community that I am not a part of (unless you count having a large number of friends who are within that community), I just don't see it as a reason that would bring an individual into trying a game he/she would not have already tried anyway.


In the F2P evolution of the game, content becomes far more emphasized on what will either bring people in or compel those in the game to want to micro-transaction. This usually means for the established folks new content areas (new daily areas, planets, etc.) and cosmetics (mounts, pets, orange gear) that people will be more likely to outlay money for (be it making a f2per desire to sub, or to just make them want to micro-transact).

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Hmm, I should have also said that bigoted opinions and anti-gay hatred will not be appreciated at all.


As others have already posted out, there are already same sex romances in Star Wars. Including Bioware's first Star Wars game, Knights of the Old Republic. Juhani was gay, and could only express her feelings for female Revan (ugh, spoilers, I guess? Really a bit late if you are playing TOR).


And the idea that something as normal as same sex relationships in Star Wars is demeaning is just ludicrous.

Edited by SteppeMerc
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Wait - same gender relationships are somehow demeaning?!


Only for the purpose of the game. I do not agree with that type of lifestyle however I would not use that as a reason to dislike or hate someone outright. My Beliefs teach that that type of lifestyle is wrong, however that doesnt give a someone the right to treat them badly or hate them just on that bases alone now does it? Also if I offended anyone I apologize I was only stating my opinion and stance on this matter nothing more nothing less.

Edited by Kyriosgundam
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I think the last we heard about this was at the guild summit, where they said it is coming "this year". Much has changed in recent months, but unfortunately Bioware has not said a peep about the matter since then.


People's opinions about whether same gender romance should be added aside, last we checked Bioware said they would add them and I think a simple answer like, "yes, our earlier statement holds true" or a "unfortunately, this has been delayed indefinitely" would be really, really appreciated.

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Only for the purpose of the game. I do not agree with that type of lifestyle however I would not use that as a reason to dislike or hate someone outright. My Beliefs teach that that type of lifestyle is wrong, however that doesnt give a someone the right to treat them badly or hate them just on that bases alone now does it? Also if I offended anyone I apologize I was only stating my opinion and stance on this matter nothing more nothing less.


So you would lose respect for SW:TOR because it is more tolerant to other people's beliefs?

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One, doesn't matter if Canon Revan was male,you can still make a female and the possible SGR relationship is still hinted at.

Two, Star Wars wiki is a valid source for star wars lore, infact i would say it's the most accurate and used most often.


I would have to disagree since there are times when I have been to it and its been flat wrong more times than its been right. But I wont deny that it does have its uses.

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This thread is going to have some legs on it. Probably the thread of the evening.


On topic: I'm fine with SGR. It does not break the lore (unless Lucas says it does, he is THE Loremaster). They said they would do it someday. Someday is not here yet. I'm not going ot lose sleep over it.


Rainbow armor has possibilities..... good or bad, I'm not sure yet. :)

Edited by Andryah
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This thread is going to have some legs on it. Probably the thread of the evening.


On topic: I'm fine with SGR. It does not break the lore (unless Lucas says it does, he is THE Loremaster). They said they would do it someday. Someday is not here yet. I'm not going ot lose sleep over it.


Kind of how I feel. I don't particularly feel the need for the romance arcs in a game anyway. But I will say if romance is part of the game then SGRA's must absolutely be on an equal footing as OGRA's. Period.

Edited by Cordelia
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Kind of how I feel. I don't particularly feel the need for the romance arcs in a game anyway. But I will say if romance is part of the game then SGRA's must absolutely be on an equal footing as OGRA's. Period.


Precisely the same opinion as mine.

Edited by Socialist
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My comprehension is just fine its yours that I find Disturbing. Like I said check the lore when trying your argument out on me. Also using the Star Wars Wiki doesnt count with me you can post anything you want and pass it off as Lore when its really not. Name Specifics from actual book or comic titles, Then I might be more open minded. Also as I said using Juhani is a poor example since we know Revan is male and she was referring to him when speaking. I should know I just played KOTOR again just last night.




Is it true that some of the Mandalorians in your LEGACY OF THE FORCE books are gay?




Goran Beviin and Medrit Vasur are a gay couple. Homosexual men. Call it what you like, they're in a same-sex marriage.

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Is it true that some of the Mandalorians in your LEGACY OF THE FORCE books are gay?




Goran Beviin and Medrit Vasur are a gay couple. Homosexual men. Call it what you like, they're in a same-sex marriage.


That is interesting.


Homosexual Mandalorians. The writer certainly took his inspiration from Classical Sparta, where homosexual relations between warriors was encouraged, since the love-bond between the warriors would make them stronger in the battlefield.

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Personal opinions on the issue aside and speaking only in terms of the game and what we're paying for, is this really necessary? Given Bioware's slow content updates and the lack of things to do in the game already, is adding same gender relationships really going to make the game that much more enjoyable and keep you playing? I don't mean that as a put down, I'm really asking. Personally, I wouldn't care or use the feature and consider it a waste of my subscription, but if enough of the community wants it and Bioware thinks they can make money, then put it in.
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I'm a "too each their own" type myself, so SGRA won't be game breaking for me as long as it is optional (which I believe it will be based upon how OGRA has been done...at least it never felt forced to me.) Before the game came out, I did have some concerns in that area due to the way Bioware called it optional in DA2 and it didn't always feel that way. And then there was ME3 with a poorly designed convo where a guy is getting over losing his husband and your two convo options are one that sounds like a pickup line and another that is down right rude. I guess a middle ground "I'm sorry for your loss" was too complex a concept...Hopefully if/when it's added to the game it will be better thought out than DA2 and ME3 so that those of us not interested in it can avoid it, kind of like the way the OGRA's are currently.
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Kyriosgundam, why does it exactly bother you? Other Bioware games have same gender romance in them.


The relationships are not forced, they are up to the player to choose. What harm is there in adding them? None. EA has openly come out in support of real life same gender issues.


I mostly agree with you, however the way Bioware handled certain aspects of it in DA, DA2 and ME3 sure didn't feel optional at times. They could have been done far better. As I said before, though, if it's done like the OGRA's currently in this game, then those concerns will probably go away.

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I would love SGRs to be in the game. I'm straight IRL, but SGRs make for some incredible stories that I'd love to play. I can understand them being on the backburner for some time, but not having them just feels limited in this day and age.


As for the argument made by the self-proclaimed "true" Star Wars fan...I'm a diehard Star Wars fan to the bone, and I lap up the EU like nobody's business. I'm as "true" as they come, and I see a place for them here. Your argument has nothing to do with the canon, and everything to do with your uneasiness with SGR.

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