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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Lower the cost of War Hero and other Higher end gear.


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Suck it up. Everyone else earned their War Hero gear and you can too! Why do you think you're special and should be allowed to bypass the hardships that everyone else in the game had to endure? We got through it and so can you!


The "Gimme Gimme Now!" sense of entitlement among people today is hilarious.


Did I cover everything?


Said the guy who "earned" his war hero gear when everyone else was, so he wasn't facing people who out-geared him.

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I say just reduce the cost of augmenting gear


That way, people will be more willing to augment recruit and bm gear which will significantly close the gear gap. Fully augmented BM gear is nearly as good as WH


This sounds way better than reducing the cost of WH. As it stands on my server, you're spending over 1.5m to get augment slots on each of your items. Throw in then the cost of buying the augments, the cost can get ridiculous.


Of course you can just augment the stuff yourself, but then you're falling into the old trap of forcing people into certain crafts, which means you're recreating the whole situation with biochem all over again (well it's not as bad as that, but I don't think they had planned to force everyone to pick certain crafts).

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I worked on some formulas for this and came up with this for unranked queueing.

All unranked 6 wz a day doing weeklys and dailys every day and exchanging every wz com to ranked.

50% win = 385 Warzones or 64 days

100% win = 323 Warzones or 53 days

*0% wins = 754 Warzones for 125 days


All unranked 12 wz a day doing weeklys and dailys every day and exchanging every wz com to ranked.

50% win = 557 Warzones or 46 days

100% win = 436 Warzones or 36 days

*0% win = 1097 Warzones or 91 days


going ranked queue will make it go a _lot_ faster.


wz a day 50% win..............all win..............all lose..............Gain


















*you get no dailies or weeklies done by losing, that's factored in.

Edited by Ybini
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Said the guy who "earned" his war hero gear when everyone else was, so he wasn't facing people who out-geared him.


Actually, I just rerolled and took a character from recruit to War Hero. So your tears of entitlement are extra salty.

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Actually, I just rerolled and took a character from recruit to War Hero. So your tears of entitlement are extra salty.


In your premade against pugs

By legacy-mailing gear to your alt

Or just lying.


Or you are telling the truth and are a special snowflake who actually has the time and patience to slog out the grind. Good for you. Not everyone is you. Some of us have, you know, jobs/lives/families.


Also, not sure where I said I was entitled. You really like throwing that word around to make yourself feel better about having an advantage. In fact I think gear grinds are necessary in MMOs to keep people playing and chasing the carrot. But I also think the gap needs to be a lot smaller.

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Go play ranked instead.

You get more ranked comms by losing than you do by winning a normal anyway.


Loosing in recruit against full WH teams is fun, waiting 40 minutes to get into RWZ is double fun.

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When the next set of PvP gear becomes available, you will probably gather the current War Hero set in about a week. Just don't PvP until then :rolleyes:


Do you see me complaining about Battlemaster gear? I hit Valor 60 back when Warzones gave pitiful ammount of it, didn't exploit Ilum and grinded the BM tokens bag by bag after bag and so on and so on. Now everyone gets in a casual week what took me months. But its ok :D


For the low low price of only 35000 cartel coins a piece!


Though they could set it up where you pay a fee for 20% more pvp comms. And yes that is p2w, but so is limited war zone vs unlimited.

Either way P2W will come at some point when the bottoms line doesn't add up for the stockholders.

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It's pretty easy to cheat the system by farming ranked warzone comms. Get two 8 man teams, queue at the same time, use ventrilo...If your queues don't pop at the exact same time, leave queue and try again. You'll always go against each other. Farm it out and fully WH all your characters in a few days.


Is it lame? Yeah, but this game is lame, that's why I'm switching over to GW2 where it's not a massive gear grind every couple months.

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They need to do something about the gear, right now fresh 50s going into PvP is just a disgrace, you die so easily to people in fully augmented WH all the time and there's no enjoyment whatsoever.


What would a fresh 50 do going into a warzone against someone in fully augmented BH gear ? Seriously aurgement is completly bad. You can not expect to have someone that just started playing be as good as someone that has been playing from launch no matter how you break it down. The player that has been playing longer will win. They will know the class they will know all the tricks and tactics. People saying the gear is what makes the difference just dont see it.

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What would a fresh 50 do going into a warzone against someone in fully augmented BH gear ? Seriously aurgement is completly bad. You can not expect to have someone that just started playing be as good as someone that has been playing from launch no matter how you break it down. The player that has been playing longer will win. They will know the class they will know all the tricks and tactics. People saying the gear is what makes the difference just dont see it.


And people who make this argument don't see that the experienced guy shouldn't need gear to beat the fresh 50, but they always seem to want the advantage anyway.

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Nope. You guys should honestly earn your gear the same way I did. By gettting stomped into the ground for about 40-80 comms a game. Sometimes I won so that was good, but still. Grind for it. If there were no gear grinds there would be no point on Level 50 PVP. Do you do Level 50 PVP to have fun? Hmm lets see? 19k WH/Augmented vs. 17k Battlemaster? Or a 13k Recruit? Nah. You do it for gear.
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This is my story, in a nice list format. :)


  1. Hit level 50, start grinding for Centurion/Champion tier.
  2. By the time I hit Valor 60, I had a ful Champion set.
  3. Worked on Battlemaster set, and then got another set since it was announced that without the original mods, you wouldnt get the expertise upgrade in 1.2.
  4. Got a full Battlemaster set, I think I was 74, so I grinded my way up to Valor 80 Conqueror cause I was still having fun.
  5. War Hero is released, and it's an even longer grind than Battlemaster was. And the pride of having Battlemaster is null and void, since now Battlemaster is easy as hell to get, with like 12,000 WZ comms total.
  6. Start grinding War Hero gear, and realize it will become just as cheap and easy to get as Battlemaster, once Champion War Hero is released.
  7. Took a break and came back two months later.
  8. Noticed all of the glaring and boring flaws of having a gear grind, stun fest PvP game.


It's pretty easy to cheat the system by farming ranked warzone comms. Get two 8 man teams, queue at the same time, use ventrilo...If your queues don't pop at the exact same time, leave queue and try again. You'll always go against each other. Farm it out and fully WH all your characters in a few days.


Is it lame? Yeah, but this game is lame, that's why I'm switching over to GW2 where it's not a massive gear grind every couple months.


^This. A hundred times, this. I see no point in having to gear grind just to stay competitive, when in a few short months that gear will become obsolete, and you will have to grind all over again. This is so you will continue to pay your sub, for a buggy game, that will never get fixed. Which is my biggest gripe, bugs that never get fixed, but thats for another post. That, and being stunned, killed, and then having your resolve bar run down while you're in the spawn room for like 30 seconds, only to walk out and get stunned again, is not fun, it's stupid.


TL;DR: The Buggy, stun fest, gear grind that is PvP in this game, is not fun. I'm glad I took a break from the game so I could see this.

Edit to add:


Do you do Level 50 PVP to have fun? Hmm lets see? 19k WH/Augmented vs. 17k Battlemaster? Or a 13k Recruit? Nah. You do it for gear.


Not sure, if serious... Dumbest thing I've ever heard. You play games for fun, not to grind like it's a job. PvP is to improve and to prove your skill. Not how well you can do with a gear crutch. I hope this was a joke. Otherwise there is no competitive spirit in PvP.


And people who make this argument don't see that the experienced guy shouldn't need gear to beat the fresh 50, but they always seem to want the advantage anyway.


^This guy gets it. :)

Edited by Katsuragisama
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There is a huge gap from recruit to warhero, but you can't focus on that, because there is this little thing called battlemaster in the middle, and it is quite easy to get... And whereas recruit to battlemaster is a huge improvement, moving up to warhero is somewhat minor in comparison. There are also dailies that you can do as a 50, and they pay you a ton of credits and should allow you to fully augment your battlemaster gear with lvl 49 blue augments by running them completely just 2 or 3 times (38k for MK-6 augment kit, 30k to install, and about 8k for the augment equals about 72k per slot, or just about 1m credits total)


Within a week or or two you should be doing fine, and I know that the pugs I join are pulling along recruit geared folks and winning often, so it shouldn't just be constant death all the time.



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This sounds way better than reducing the cost of WH. As it stands on my server, you're spending over 1.5m to get augment slots on each of your items. Throw in then the cost of buying the augments, the cost can get ridiculous.


1.5 million and you didn't factor in augments?


People must be charging 120k per MK-6 on your server.


That being said.. if you are too broke to afford all the augments, at least buy the high level green augments... you'll get 90% of the stats for 5% of the cost. Then buy the good ones as you can afford them.

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Just take and raise the cap of warzone comms you can get to be enough to buy full BM gear. That way, you can work on it in Sub-50 PvP that people seem to like as being a "level playing field"(which is false BTW. where your level 20 PvP armor in when you are level 45 and tell me how you do to other level 45s)


Then lower the price to augment.


Then you have recruit for people wanting to get into PvP after not doing it much or at all until 50, and the ones doing it before 50 can do so with the purpose of preparing for 50; then people will augment that gear.


The gap shrinks a bit, yet there is still reason to work for War Hero like many have.

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Nope. You guys should honestly earn your gear the same way I did. By gettting stomped into the ground for about 40-80 comms a game. Sometimes I won so that was good, but still. Grind for it. If there were no gear grinds there would be no point on Level 50 PVP. Do you do Level 50 PVP to have fun? Hmm lets see? 19k WH/Augmented vs. 17k Battlemaster? Or a 13k Recruit? Nah. You do it for gear.


Well, heres the problem with this. The 'first-round' of folks that did the grind had only time to sacrifice. Everyone else didnt have the gear either, as WH was so new.


The 'second-round' folks now have to contend with not only the time to get the gear (like the first folks), but they have to contend with the first-round folks that are totally decked out in augmented orange WH gear.


I wouldnt exactly call that the same thing the folks from launch had to contend with (myself included).

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I took my marauder from recruit to 1300 expertise, it was difficult at the beginning since I sometimes had trouble even getting the 2.5k hit medal, and I did join some PUG ranked groups to get our asses kicked. Even though I couldn't do much damage, all my other abilities work like CC, buffs.


In the end, I felt the journey was definitely worth it since I learned how to play my class while gearing up.

Edited by anwg
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I wait for solo ranked. To be honest it's the only thing i'd want now in the SWTOR. I only pvp. BUT i don't think they should award ranked comms. Also i think it should have a minimum expertise requirement to participate in one. 1000 is absolute minimum. Edited by Givemedanger
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I wait for solo ranked. To be honest it's the only thing i'd want now in the SWTOR. I only pvp. BUT i don't think they should award ranked comms. Also i think it should have a minimum expertise requirement to participate in one. 1000 is absolute minimum.


Of course it should award ranked comms... it is ranked after all.


A min expertise would be nice.

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In your premade against pugs

By legacy-mailing gear to your alt

Or just lying.


Or you are telling the truth and are a special snowflake who actually has the time and patience to slog out the grind. Good for you. Not everyone is you. Some of us have, you know, jobs/lives/families.


Also, not sure where I said I was entitled. You really like throwing that word around to make yourself feel better about having an advantage. In fact I think gear grinds are necessary in MMOs to keep people playing and chasing the carrot. But I also think the gap needs to be a lot smaller.


I've done the fresh reroll and am also a casual to above casual pvper who also runs their own fulltime business and has an active social life with their longtime girlfriend, friends, family, etc. My playtime only ranges from a 1-4 hours a day. It really wasn't that difficult of a grind and I certainly took my licks for the few nights I had to wear Recruit Gear. However, the difference between you and I is that I don't think I'm entitled to the same rewards as other players who put in a greater effort.


Everyone else has earned their gear. Some of us have twice over. In many ways, it was a much harder grind before the multiple changes to accommodate the casuals (the next patch will also include further changes to help the casuals by lowering the prices on swapping mods/enhancements/etc). So stop your delusional sense of entitlement waterworks about how you should have the same rewards as another player who probably puts in twice the amount of your time and effort. It isn't anywhere close to as difficult as it used to be and coupled with the fact that Augmented BM is competitive with Augmented WH makes it far more bearable than gear gaps in the past.


Everyone else had to endure much worse gear grinds to earn what they have now. In the amount of time you're probably going to spend crying about how you expect to have all the effort every other player has put in to simply be just handed to you, you could already have an alt geared in Battlemaster and ready to go. ;)

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