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What you'd love to pay Cartel Coins for


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I'd like the speeders, social gear and character customization that everyone's already mentioned. I'd really like some kind of housing, but I don't for a minute believe something like that is coming anytime soon... Rift video just got me dreaming. I would really like ship customizations, especially for smugglers, and the ability to actually name my ship. I also think it would be cool to have passive character perks like a boost for credits received from missions, enemies and sales to vendors; or a boost to all valor received from pvp; or an all-around boost for critical chance on crew skill missions. Make them actually useful and only let each toon use one.


I also agree with having a much wider selection of color crystals, but I think that should've been done a while ago.

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I would pay for some epic looking cosmetic items, before the game launched I thought there were gonna be Lightside and Darkside armor sets and we only got boot and gloves (lol). So I would love to see some full sets with headgear, chestpiece, leggings, etc.
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I'd pay for the following:

1. Character customization options (all NEW hairstyles, hair colors, skin colors, etc)

2. COLOR PALETTE so I could change the color on my gear and customize it myself (should work also for my companions so their gear looks original and MATCHES)

3. Vanity Mounts: Love the idea of a Taun-Taun, but I also liked the Jaggalors on Corellia (and they already have handlebar looking things coming off their backs as it is!)

4. Vanity Pets: I'm a sucker for them...

5. Social Outfits/Gear: How about being able to buy the Green Jedi robes, as an example? Different "fancy/elegant" clothes or something...and SLAVE BOY OUTFITS. ;)

6. MORE CHARACTER SLOTS on a server. (Please???)

7. Ship Customizations (vanity gear for ships would be nice and I might actually want to do something social in my ship if I could change it up to suit my own style).


What I WOULD NOT pay for:

1. New content. I'm a subscriber. I should get all new content as part of my subscription fee.

2. New mods, enhancements, etc...or "legendary" gear. I don't want this to become "pay to win".

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Given that they are now discussing charging subscribers for Makeb (I gather no decision has been made, but it's on the table), I just hope we can use our Cartel Coins for that. I don't see why I should have to shell out money for more content and have an inventory full of coins that can only be used to buy fluff and vanity items.


That said, I'd gladly pay perfectly good money for a house.

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I'd argue that dual-spec is content that pay to win and should be a free content update for subscribers.




I'd pay for:

Extra character slots

A barbershop token with new hairstyles, skin colours, and tattoos available to completely redesign my character's looks

Complete vanity legacy gear sets (including bracers and belt) for a reasonable price, with a discount for buying the whole set instead of every individual piece

Specific cool-looking top speed mounts

Legacy Bank - share credits, items and comms across all characters in your legacy? Yes please!

Different ship models/ship housing

Decorations for my ship, like plants and colour schemes

Hair dyes


What I'd not pay for:


dual spec - should be freely provided to everyone, we've paid for it's development already!

recolors of current social armor - give us new sets in the store and make recolours available through ingame credits

character transfers - this is a huge quality of play issue, make it free within reasonable limitations, like Rift - it's about customer happiness not a fluff item

male slave dancer outfit - we've been asking for this and promised this for months now, it's in development, making us pay real money on top of the subs we've already been paying for it's development would be a douche move.

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1. Boosts that increase the rate of levelling (say +10% XP) for a certain amount of time, say 1 hour.

2. Stats boosts that increase a chosen stat for a certain amount of time, say 1 hour.

3. Very fast speeders.

4. Flying mounts-I reckon $25 is worth it for one flying mount per character.

5. Exclusive high-spec armour and weapons.

6. Heals.

7. Access to certain locations which cannot be accessed otherwise.

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continuing on from my post above:

8. Datacrons (and their effects) that I can't be bothered to get.

9. Other in-game stat boosts that I can't be bothered to get.

10. Special exclusive CE stuff that provide advantage in PVP gameplay from the CE store (I am a CE owner).

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What would you love to pay Cartel Coins for? I'm not talking, "Yeah, I guess I'll burn my stipend on that hat, why not?"


I'm talking, "Shut up and take my Monopoly money!"



-Character transfers.

-A Legacy Bank, including money. No more scavenging and mailing and all that relogging. Bam, all characters can craft out of the same bank and try on all that bound-to-legacy adaptive gear in one place.

-A window of several minutes to change as many gear mods as I can. This is the next best thing to an appearance tab.

-Dual-spec. To be worth it, it would also have to remember all your UI settings from one spec to the next.

-Real vanity mounts. Taun tauns, Dewbacks, etc. Silly stuff that's fun but not all that useful. :D


A game without Cartel coins?

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Personally, I dont feel a subscriber should have to pay anything extra.


This. They should only ever sell content access, not content. Fluff and everything should only ever be attainable by playing the game regardless of wether youre f2p or sub.


Then there is other stuff like char slots, inventory limits, etc they can sell to f2pers.

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You aren't. We get Cartel Coins included in our sub, so it's not extra.


I bet you a quadzillion cartel coins that they won't give us enough to get everything in the cash shop, you will be lucky if you get enough to buy one item.... Otherwise they would just put the items in game to earn and wouldn't need to give subscribers allowances...

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What would you love to pay Cartel Coins for? I'm not talking, "Yeah, I guess I'll burn my stipend on that hat, why not?"

Since I expect to be paying a sub fee - I fully expect the answer to your question to be NOTHING! There had better not be anything I give a flip about that I don't have full access to via my sub fee.

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1. Boosts that increase the rate of levelling (say +10% XP) for a certain amount of time, say 1 hour.

2. Stats boosts that increase a chosen stat for a certain amount of time, say 1 hour.

3. Very fast speeders.

4. Flying mounts-I reckon $25 is worth it for one flying mount per character.

5. Exclusive high-spec armour and weapons.

6. Heals.

7. Access to certain locations which cannot be accessed otherwise.

Point 2 and 5 are pay to win, depends how 6 would be that too. 7 could lead to lonely zones with no one there.

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A +47 Power or Crit crystal, especially if it's white.


Level 24+ armor, mods, enhancements, etc.


Adrenals that last 30 seconds.




Vehicles that won't let you get knocked off, period.


Travel that bypasses loading screens.

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1. Some sort of "barber shop" feature, even if it's just limited to hair and scars.

2. Dual-spec, with saved action bar assignments.

3. Ability to replay your class story-line at level 50 (and scaled for level 50), with a full set of modable armor as a reward.

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A +47 Power or Crit crystal, especially if it's white.


Level 24+ armor, mods, enhancements, etc.


Adrenals that last 30 seconds.




Vehicles that won't let you get knocked off, period.


Travel that bypasses loading screens.


Way to support pay to win.



Edited by Asavar
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More character Slots so I can have even more alts.

Moddable gear that doesn't look like a blind sociopath designed it.

The ability to make Datacrons cross to all your legacy characters for each faction. (SO if you have all the Republic datacrons.. all your pub alts have them too. and vice versa for Imp.)

More hair options. Who designed the female hair? The same jerk that designed end game gear? Can I have more hair options and better ones at that?

More color options. I would like to be able to have more eye and hair colors for my character. Why can't I have green hair?

Make legacy costs CHEAPER.

Double Xp or Douple Cred potions.



More party items like fireworks and fluffies like that.

Gear that can be customized by color.

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