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I am a Newbie--Why so much hate?


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So this is my first MMO ever. I've been playing for 6wks now, very consistently. (I'm a grad student, so I have the time.) I've been doing my best to learn the terms (cc, etc) and all the unwritten etiquette of gaming.


I've also recently started grouping for flashpoints and doing PvP (still haven't done any ops yet). And that's when I started running into the hostility. So here I am writing to get some things off my chest:


1.) No, I don't know how to throw the Huttball. And insulting me for the rest of the match won't help me learn.


2.) When I make one mistake (fyi: i broke cc on something no one marked as cc'd), please don't harp on it for the rest of the flashpoint. Just explain what I did wrong. Making passive aggressive comments for the rest of the mission just reminds me of middle school girl drama.


3,) No, I did not respond to your flaming. I know you're looking for a fight, but you should really focus on the mission instead.




I'm at a loss. When I make mistakes, I apologize. I ask for clarification. I thank people who explain things. If I feel the situation calls for it, I explain that I am new.


Should I be quitting the match or FP? (Doesn't that disrupt the warzone or waste the time of 3rd parties while they queue for a replacement?)


Any advice?


How did the rest of you get through that awkward newbie stage?



TLDR: Just whining about jerks. Don't mind me.

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They're simple bullies for the most part, attacking someone else to make themselves feel big. Pop the idiots on your ignore list and be done with it. As to Huttball, if anyone has the time to be raging in the PvP /ops chat, then they're probably a worse PvP'er than you, they should be playing the damn game instead.


I would suggest, if you can, finding a guild that's suited to you so that you can run with them more often than not. Also, when it comes to CC, unless it's the Sorcerer Whirlwind, they can be kind of hard to spot for some, so just take a moment and find what ever the tank's attacking - alternatively you can take out the normal mobs as they don't need to be CC'd. Do be careful if you're using tab targeting as it has a tendency to decide that you really really really want to attack the wrongest mob.


Welcome to the game and I'm sorry that you've run into the most shameful part of our community. I hope they haven't soured your experience of the game too much.

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Hello, this is my first MMO aswell and I've been playing since launch, at first I had no idea what I was doing but then I slowly learned the terms and what my abilities actually do.


I don't know too much about flashpoints since pvp is more my thing, for throwing the huttball you'll want to open your powers tab, go to general and move the 'throw huttball' ability onto your quickbar and set a keybind to it (if you're not a clicker) I usually use 'H'.


You can set keybinds in the preferences menu, if you didn't know. But don't worry about things in pvp as you play and get more experience you'll get better, when I first started I didn't even know what an interrupt was.


Sometimes joining a guild can help, if it has nice members who understand that you are new and give you a few pointers or even group up with you to help explain things/ run you through a few pvp matches to help you get the feel of it better.


Hope this was somewhat helpful,


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My first MMO as well but I've been playing this one a little longer now than You. Unfortunately, there are some people who really are just rude. Fortunately though, at least in my experience the rude ones who need to try and build their own self-esteem through trying to rip others down for a mistake in a video game are in the minority. As soon as encounter one, I do not give them the attention they are so desperately crave, as that equates to rewarding their poor behavior which only encourages the same behavior in the future. I simply put these types of people on ignore. In months of playing this game I have maybe 5 people on ignore, so I definitely don't think those types of people in any way constitute a large portion of this game's community. If your server is different, while losing the time investment stinks, I would suggest trying to find a new one. Edited by onstorm
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I've complained about the Huttball throw for a long time and they just are too lazy to fix it. You don't even gain the ability until you actually pick up the ball for the 1st time. If your bars are full, you won't see it. If you have an open slot, you will have to look for it on your bar. Or open your ability list and put it someplace. There's no default keybind or anything as other games have for similar abilities. It's a really big fail on the part of BioWare.
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The reason for this, in flashpoints especially is due to the group finder rewards. As soon as you put a once per day reward in for something it makes people who want that reward want to do the thing as quickly as possible with no care for anyone else grouping with them.


This is the same for PVP too. Weekly No. Wins etc...


(Not a blanket statement for everyone just the majority)


I find grouping with guildies the best way to do things. I think with PVP just ignore is the best way forward, most get more frustrated and hate leads to power... or however the saying goes :p

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I've complained about the Huttball throw for a long time and they just are too lazy to fix it. You don't even gain the ability until you actually pick up the ball for the 1st time. If your bars are full, you won't see it. If you have an open slot, you will have to look for it on your bar. Or open your ability list and put it someplace. There's no default keybind or anything as other games have for similar abilities. It's a really big fail on the part of BioWare.


you should receive the skill when you enter huttball the first time, i always have

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So this is my first MMO ever. I've been playing for 6wks now, very consistently. (I'm a grad student, so I have the time.) I've been doing my best to learn the terms (cc, etc) and all the unwritten etiquette of gaming.


I've also recently started grouping for flashpoints and doing PvP (still haven't done any ops yet). And that's when I started running into the hostility. So here I am writing to get some things off my chest:


1.) No, I don't know how to throw the Huttball. And insulting me for the rest of the match won't help me learn.


2.) When I make one mistake (fyi: i broke cc on something no one marked as cc'd), please don't harp on it for the rest of the flashpoint. Just explain what I did wrong. Making passive aggressive comments for the rest of the mission just reminds me of middle school girl drama.


3,) No, I did not respond to your flaming. I know you're looking for a fight, but you should really focus on the mission instead.




I'm at a loss. When I make mistakes, I apologize. I ask for clarification. I thank people who explain things. If I feel the situation calls for it, I explain that I am new.


Should I be quitting the match or FP? (Doesn't that disrupt the warzone or waste the time of 3rd parties while they queue for a replacement?)


Any advice?


How did the rest of you get through that awkward newbie stage?



TLDR: Just whining about jerks. Don't mind me.

Unfortunately there are alot of kids or should I say "WoW Kids" that come on here thinking they know everything and that they are the best at everything and your an idiot and cant do anything right, I know this because I seen them bragging about it these are the ppl to just put on your ignore list if you play the wz long enough you will run across helpful ppl like I did, these "WoW Kids" can be pretty bad so my advice is once you find one :

1: Put him on your ignore list...

2: Let the rest of the group know that you cant play with this guy for (Insert reason here) for some reason or another...

3: Apologize again to the group for the above reason...

4: Leave group (Hopefully before the match has started)..

5: Just remember his name or do like did wrote there names down and if you go into another match with him again just repeat steps 2 though 4 the ppl you play with will notice after a while the reasoning so...


Take for what its for but I have been doing this for a while and it weeded out all of the idiots and now the Warzone is all I play,it definitely makes the game 10 times more enjoyable once you weed them out trust me, just dont forget, dont let these kids rune your game ;)


Hope This Helps :D

Edited by Legolose
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I've complained about the Huttball throw for a long time and they just are too lazy to fix it. You don't even gain the ability until you actually pick up the ball for the 1st time. If your bars are full, you won't see it. If you have an open slot, you will have to look for it on your bar. Or open your ability list and put it someplace. There's no default keybind or anything as other games have for similar abilities. It's a really big fail on the part of BioWare.
There should really be a keybind for Throw huttball. I don't even have room in my toolbar on some of my charcters to put that skill there.
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If your group is giving you a hard time, ask them "Do you want me to leave?" Usually they'd rather shut up than wait for a replacement. Then add them to your ignore list when you leave the flashpoint so you won't get grouped with them again. The majority of players are nice, and are playing for fun, not galactic domination. :rolleyes:


There's a lot of things to learn about an MMO, and everyone assumes you've played WoW. :mad:

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Because it seems like you don't know what you're doing. And while that is true, the game is devided at a bitter cold war between MMO gamers and Star wars fans. (I'm the latter)

Don't worry about it, just go with the flow. And don't use AOEs when something is stunned!

But there guys do seem kinda jerkish.

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Everyone makes the mistake of breaking a cc once an awhile I do it all the time because of auto target. Some people are just rude and need to chill. As for huttball not trying to be rude but there's no excuse for not passing since you get the ability off the start unless or stun locked in a fire trap or acid.
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The hate comes from a combination of some elitism and a lot of frustration. A lot of people are at a higher level of play than you right now due to experience, and some of them aren't very good at realizing this, or they're just jerks:p the important part to remember is that it's ok to make mistakes, just remember to learn from them:).


The first thing you should do is to surf the PvP forums, read anything about how to play your class, how game mechanics work and even the "You guys suck! Stop doing xyz!" threads. If you find yourself doing that stuff, well, stop, I did a lot of that :).


Next, look up strats for the FP's you're running. MMO's involve some mechanics in fights to the point if you don't follow them you will get killed and likely wipe your group. Once again it's ok to make a mistake, just learn from it. Also at the beginning of a FP let everyone know that you're new and don't know the strat, most people will gladly help you out and explain. Guilds are by far the best way for learning, make sure to ask how they feel about training new recruits when joining one.


Lastly don't pay attention to the people who just yell and scream at you. I asked them for help after they yelled at me when I was new and made mistakes and they never respond. They're just upset and rude usually, not worth your time. Also if you are on Jung Ma look up Re'kal, I'll gladly help you in any way I can.


Good luck and have fun. It's a fun game and you'll get better, I promise:D

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If you're on Jedi Covenant, contact one of my toons listed below.

It is my self-appointed duty as an officer to help newbie members get over their newbishness. :p

Why? Possibly because I'm the 4th worst pvper ever, but mostly because I like the game, and I like seeing people enjoying it too. :rolleyes:

(If I'm helping someone, then I have a good excuse to NOT be qued for pvp);)

Edited by JacksonMo
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I dont see why threads like this even exist in the first place. There shouldnt be any need for it. We were all newbs once, not all of us played WoW, or if we did maybe we didnt play very long (3 weeks was it for me). Calm down and help your fellow player get better instead of whining at them.


Very sad indeed. :(

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Everyone makes the mistake of breaking a cc once an awhile I do it all the time because of auto target. Some people are just rude and need to chill. As for huttball not trying to be rude but there's no excuse for not passing since you get the ability off the start unless or stun locked in a fire trap or acid.


It was stated before that even though yes, you automatically get the skill it may be somewhere that you're aware of on your tabs. So would you rather have a player that's idle trying to find the action on the hotbar or skill menu and hotkey it, or someone trying to learn via taking a hands-on approach instead?


Either way, hope the OP doesn't let the actions of a few speak louder than those of the many more understanding individuals. We were all new once, somewhere.

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I really and truly understand where you're coming from! I've been playing MMOs for about 8 years or so. Unfortunately your problem infects every single one of them. I play a tank mostly, I enjoy the responsibility, and control. That being said, I've been subject to a lot of "nerd rage". Back when I played Final Fantasy XI Online, I was a Ninja, and that means counting shadows for tanking. If by some mistake, your shadows dropped..."OMGWTFAREYOUDOINGFAILTANK NERRRRD RAGE!!!!". I went through Final Fantasy XIV shortly, and asking people "Hey...how do I find this piece of gear..?" "OMG LooK It uP Ur SeFFFZZ!!!" Why they couldn't just tell me and be social is beyond me. And I played WoW for a short time...don't even get me started on making a single mistake on that game. Such as, standing in the "bad stuff" for more than 0.5 seconds, or not dodging a bosses one shot attack that comes out of no where with a 0.7 second cast time. Basically man, most people have already given you the best advice you need. Find a good guild, find good friends (trust me they'll come), and having a good attitude will go a long way. You're gonna make mistakes, those people screaming at you have made their share of them to. Ignore is your friend, and remember you're here to have fun. Because I can promise you they're not enjoying the game half as much as you will. I hope this helps, I just wanted to reach out and let you know that you are not alone by any means. We're all victims of nerd rage. Just brush it off and enjoy having friends =)
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There should really be a keybind for Throw huttball. I don't even have room in my toolbar on some of my charcters to put that skill there.


You can keybind it to whatever you want. On all my toons I have it set to H


Also you have a maximum of 4 full quick bars you can use through the user interface, I doubt you have every ability in ALL 4 quickbars used up - - or drop one of those pets or mounts off the bar to make room for the huttball.

Edited by ShawnFish
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Not sure what server you're on, but we're real friendly in my guild on The Fatman - - hit me up in-game if you're on my server.


This is my first MMO. And at first I didnt even know what CC was. But now that I've played for quite a bit Ive found myself becoming impatient with people sometimes. But I just remember that 6 months or so ago, I was in the same situation, and I do try to help out whenever I can.


And I usually help out the person who asks in GC, after the idiots tell them to look it up. I mean why play an MMO if you dont want to be social????

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It's the anonymity which enables a lot of this hateful behavior. Bullies are like that.. They will always hurt someone if they think they can get away with it, and the Internet enables them in a very big way.


There are some really big jerks in all MMOs, and this one is no exception. But I have found a lot of really good, nice, helpful people as well. It's just that the signal to noise ratio from the bullies tends to drown out the good voices.

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... I went through Final Fantasy XIV shortly, and asking people "Hey...how do I find this piece of gear..?" "OMG LooK It uP Ur SeFFFZZ!!!" Why they couldn't just tell me and be social is beyond me.



Sometimes, though, there are the new folks who won't read anything and you end up with the same question being asked a thousand times in chat. Even to the point of people "interrupting" someone answering the same question someone else asked.

So it's not always fully the answerer's fault if they get short with folks for asking the same question over and over.

(not saying it was in your case Ginkumo, just sayin')

It sounds to me as if the OP did some homework and tried to learn by doing. Some people are just mean, mean people suck.

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