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10 races that are better than Cathar.


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People need to remember: RACES NEED TO BE NEAR-HUMAN


I believe BW said at one point that the reason many races were left out is because romance wouldn't work.


That, and non-basic languages are fine for companions, but kindof stupid for characters.

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Since Bioware is all about great character depth, creation, and excels in the understanding of character and how we relate to them, It would be foolish to assume or ask for a race that does not speak Galactic Basic. The developers for Force Unleashed 1 at one point wanted a Wookie protagonist, but because of the animalistic nature and inability to speak the players language George Lucas would not allow it. Bioware understands this too. They want characters that have as many unique, but relatable qualities. Once again, I would expect any alien type race that speaks Basic should have a chance of being playable. It is for this reason I will never expect Wookie, Jawa, or any other no Basic speaking races to be playable. This is not Star Wars Galaxies. Edited by CeadusGuy
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There is really no reason why we cant have Togruta, Nautolan and Mon Cals. They all speak basic and the models are in game already. Then again the game is only 8 months old and we ARE getting an new race "soon". You may not like it but some people do.
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The hurdle that a lot of people mention is things like romance among other things.


This is only a hurdle if you assume that they have to fit into the current range of classes.


I always envisioned a new race would come with a new class, a hero class if you will.


This solves the problem of singed Wookie Jedi as a bonus!


for example, a Wookie hero class would probabaly be a bowcaster ranged dps or a vibro weapon wielding melee tank or some such. Wookies would have to come with a new planet and a new starter area for the 1st 10 levels as well as their own set of companions, perhaps to offset their hero class status they would have less companions but hey....you get to play a wookie!


The job is bigger but resolves a lot of other problems, Wookies must come with Kashyyyk :)

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Since Bioware is all about great character depth, creation, and excels in the understanding of character and how we relate to them, It would be foolish to assume or ask for a race that does not speak Galactic Basic. The developers for Force Unleashed 1 at one point wanted a Wookie protagonist, but because of the animalistic nature and inability to speak the players language George Lucas would not allow it. Bioware understands this too. They want characters that have as many unique, but relatable qualities. Once again, I would expect any alien type race that speaks Basic should have a chance of being playable. It is for this reason I will never expect Wookie, Jawa, or any other no Basic speaking races to be playable. This is not Star Wars Galaxies.


Character depth? Satele doesn't react to Chiss, Pureblood, or Rattataki Jedi-even though you would think those races would be EXTREMELY rare in the Republic, especially as Jedi.


If I have to put up with Khem or Qyzen or Bowdaar not speaking Basic I can put up with it for a PC. Hell hearing Blizz is less irritaing than the ship droid.

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The hurdle that a lot of people mention is things like romance among other things.


This is only a hurdle if you assume that they have to fit into the current range of classes.


I always envisioned a new race would come with a new class, a hero class if you will.


This solves the problem of singed Wookie Jedi as a bonus!


for example, a Wookie hero class would probabaly be a bowcaster ranged dps or a vibro weapon wielding melee tank or some such. Wookies would have to come with a new planet and a new starter area for the 1st 10 levels as well as their own set of companions, perhaps to offset their hero class status they would have less companions but hey....you get to play a wookie!

The job is bigger but resolves a lot of other problems, Wookies must come with Kashyyyk :)


Sounds like a great idea to me, I hope they do that.

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Another hurdle: size. Jawas are too small, while wookies are too big.


Again, also remember appearance. We don't want a race in which everyone looks the same, such as jaws.


Not to be picky but there are mmos that have included species sizes other than just standard human, that shouldn't be an issue. It's funny ur saying we. Just to give a heads up, we are still playing despite a lot of areas in the game where everyone looks the same, or the fact everyone has pretty much the same pet. Ppl are on here wantin to play jawas, I don't see a problem with a bunch of jawas that look alike runnin all over the place, as far as I'm concerned it beats hanging out with the dum thundercats any day.

Edited by Beans_of_steel
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Anyone who is as annoyed as i am with the terrible choice of Cathar as the new playable race, please write the names of your top 10 species that you think would have been better choices, and perhaps with a little luck the right people will take notice and help ensure garbage like this doesnt happen again. Heres mine:


1.Wookiee, 2.Droid, 3.Mon Calamari, 4.Jawa, 5.Rodian, 6.Sullustan, 7.Trandoshan, 8.Quarren, 9.Duros, 10.Nogrhi


I understand some people like Cathar, and actually requested them, but this thread is more for those who didnt, and would like to throw other ideas out there.


What ever race they add, there will be 1001 people that complain about it. Just enjoy the game and stop complaining.

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What ever race they add, there will be 1001 people that complain about it. Just enjoy the game and stop complaining.


Lol take your own advice man, ur complaining about me complaining so how are you any better? You should just enjoy the game and stop being worried about other people complaining.

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What ever race they add, there will be 1001 people that complain about it. Just enjoy the game and stop complaining.


I kinda agree I kinda disagree. I think the number of species people want is huge, someone probably wants to play half the species in star wars lore. However the current species selection is terrible. I may want to play a Gran but if Kel'dor were playable I would be more than happy to play a Kel'dor I would build him up and would probably not even worrry about playing a Gran. However as non of my top 10 species are playable I am here moaning, posting and wondering why I am building up a Pure Blood Sith Inquisitor when all this time will be wasted if and when a better species is playable.

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Ya wow added a cat race to there game too tho a couple years bak, it also looks alot less lame, why would they even do it if trek n wow already did, and with all the options they have? Its almost as if theyre setting it up with a bad 1st choice so itd fail n theyd have an excuse to never do another species. Lets hope thats not the case, and they understand that if it does fail its cuz they picked a lame race, because to my knowledge no star wars fan in the world has ever said: "Cathar are such a cool looking alien, i hope they make them playable in Old Republic." or anything of the like.


So you've talked to all the fans in the world? Get serious.

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to my knowledge no star wars fan in the world has ever said: "Cathar are such a cool looking alien, i hope they make them playable in Old Republic." or anything of the like.


then you have apparently never been to these forums since there have been people posting that since they opened

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The game is not even a year old and people already want ****loads more. People talk as if WoW started as big as it is now. It wasn't, the first expansion came 3 years later. We are getting a new race and a new planet within the first year. Are language and height a problem? Yes, they can be circumvented even without Translation droids or subs but it will take time. They will essentially have to remake the game from start to finish to accommodate the new species, then bug test it, then release it. They have to go through every mission for every class on every planet and every piece of dialogue, including adding some new flavor text. If you think that can be done rather easily with the (supposed) staff reductions you are *********** crazy.


Cathar are plentiful, Cathar are deeply set into TOR lore, they are anthropomorphic cats, their appeal is much more vast and easier to accommodate than the odd ball species. And they can share the same 8 different model sizes. Maybe down the road into the future you can have a wookie or jawa or craw-fish or a bucket with a sponge in it, but you have to deal with the fact that (to beat a dead horse) You will have to wait.


And Op you talk like you aren't being antagonistic to the Cathar supporters but some of your posts are dismissive of points that have equal validity to your own. I want Kel Dor more than I want anything else, hell I'd kill someone if I thought I it would let me play as a Kel Dor and I thought I could get away with it or play TOR in jail. But I'm not gonna tell people to explain why they think a race of naked, hairy savages like the wookies deserve to be in the game.

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Agree, I would pay real money for the unlock aswell.


I would pay cash to unlock Kel'dor or Gran (probably both) I am just hoping that Bioware release this and add species into the cash shop. Would be nice if we could get an update on what will be in the cash shop and if new species will be included

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