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Worst Star Wars MOVIE moment of all time


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I know he knew. Just a little fact.


1. Destroying the ship with the guidance of the Force was similar to Luke blowing up the Death Star. The best Rebel pilots couldn't hit that mark then Luke does it. The line was bad, I completely agree on that.

2. The most likely reason for this is that two control ships could provide conflicting programming for the droids that could hamper their combat performance. Putting the control system on the ground makes it vulnerable to attack. having it on a battleship makes it much more difficult to destroy. The attack on the battleship is very similar to the rebel attack on the Death Star.


1. The big difference to me is Luke knew what he was doing, and the force helped him achieve his goals, Luke didn't accidentally get in an X-wing, accidentally take off, accidentally fly into the death star trench and then accidentally shoot his photon torpedoes into the thermal exhaust port while accidentally avoiding incoming TIEs.

2.The Vuutun Pallaa (the control ship at naboo), like most federation warships was just a freighter with armoring and weapons placements awkwardly grafted onto it, hardly something even remotely approaching a death star esque threat level. Considering the rather large target of being the control station for the whole invasion force on its back, it is really ridiculous that the incredibly cautious and paranoid Nemoidians didn't have a single ship protecting it.

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1. The big difference to me is Luke knew what he was doing, and the force helped him achieve his goals, Luke didn't accidentally get in an X-wing, accidentally take off, accidentally fly into the death star trench and then accidentally shoot his photon torpedoes into the thermal exhaust port while accidentally avoiding incoming TIEs.

2.The Vuutun Pallaa (the control ship at naboo), like most federation warships was just a freighter with armoring and weapons placements awkwardly grafted onto it, hardly something even remotely approaching a death star esque threat level. Considering the rather large target of being the control station for the whole invasion force on its back, it is really ridiculous that the incredibly cautious and paranoid Nemoidians didn't have a single ship protecting it.


I agree with all of your points, I'm just making the connection. Most of the events of the PT can be connected to the OT. The space battle in EP 1 is akin to the Death Star Assault in EP 4. Anakin gets his hand cut off in EP 2, same thing with Luke in EP 5 etc.


The logic flaws in the PT are Lucas' faults.

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I agree with all of your points, I'm just making the connection. Most of the events of the PT can be connected to the OT. The space battle in EP 1 is akin to the Death Star Assault in EP 4. Anakin gets his hand cut off in EP 2, same thing with Luke in EP 5 etc.


The logic flaws in the PT are Lucas' faults.


Yup. You can tell that the ideas were there, and if executed right would have been great moments instead of ones that left us cringing and shaking our heads. Which, I guess is the real tragedy of the prequels, that it had so much potential, and failed to live up to it.

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Yup. You can tell that the ideas were there, and if executed right would have been great moments instead of ones that left us cringing and shaking our heads. Which, I guess is the real tragedy of the prequels, that it had so much potential, and failed to live up to it.


And that follows the old saying, you can't beat the original. Many sequels and prequels fail hard, but the ones that do do great, do really really good.

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Probably the scene in AotC when Anakin is whining to Padme about how overly critical Obi-Wan is and how he doesn't understand. Only because the delivery was horrible. It screamed 'high school play' like nothing else can. That's one of the big reasons AotC is in the #6 position of my ranking of the six films. The awesome battle at the end just couldn't make up for it. Edited by Serinthia
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Vader's Frankenstein step with NOOOO, followed by Hayden surfing on the Naboo Fatassed Cow things, Padme combing etc... these are all horrible moments, but what irked me the most is that they blew the most important moment of the entire saga, which is Anakin's downfall.


Anakin fights years with his good old Jedi pals, he hates the Sith who killed Qui-Gonn and who took his hand etc. and from one moment to the next he switches sides and kills innocent younglings? So totally unbelieveable.


The only redemption of the prequels is that without them, there wouldn't be those awesome Robot Chicken spoofs...:D

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Vader's Frankenstein step with NOOOO, followed by Hayden surfing on the Naboo Fatassed Cow things, Padme combing etc... these are all horrible moments, but what irked me the most is that they blew the most important moment of the entire saga, which is Anakin's downfall.


Anakin fights years with his good old Jedi pals, he hates the Sith who killed Qui-Gonn and who took his hand etc. and from one moment to the next he switches sides and kills innocent younglings? So totally unbelieveable.


The only redemption of the prequels is that without them, there wouldn't be those awesome Robot Chicken spoofs...:D


They spoof more out of the OT than the PT, same for Family Guy.

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Do you think the problem is that Hayden Christensen can't act? I appreciate that the dialog in all the Start Wars movies is challenging, but I cringed every time he opened his mouth.


Hayden is a good actor, but an actor can't be good in a movie unless his director is good.

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Hayden is a good actor, but an actor can't be good in a movie unless his director is good.


No he's not. He's not a terrible actor, but calling him a "good" actor is giving him way too much credit.


And yes, a good actor CAN be good in a movie even if his director sucks. It happens all the time. Look at Ewan McGregor.

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Do you think the problem is that Hayden Christensen can't act? I appreciate that the dialog in all the Start Wars movies is challenging, but I cringed every time he opened his mouth.


That's exactly what I think. In AotC he couldn't act. I think he must've taken lessons before RotS though because he was doing better (not great, but better) in the last film.


But, no, in AotC, Hayden couldn't act.

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"She's lost the will to live." Completely ruined Padmé's character in a single sentence. She has two kids, then bails? Bah.


the man she loves has just killed about 30 ten year olds, practically wiped out the republic which shes spent her whole life trying to save, wiped out the jedi order, fell to the darkside and just for good measure he last memory of him is getting choked out by him


yeah i kinda get how she feels

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the man she loves has just killed about 30 ten year olds, practically wiped out the republic which shes spent her whole life trying to save, wiped out the jedi order, fell to the darkside and just for good measure he last memory of him is getting choked out by him


yeah i kinda get how she feels


Except she also just had two kids.

While she may have been shocked and horrified by what he had done, maternal instict should have kicked in at some point.

Knowing that Anakin had just killed a bunch of kids, knowing the monster he was becoming, don't you think she should have thought about the future the twins would face?

Sure, she probably trusted Kenobi, Yoda and Bail to handle things, but it was pretty selfish to decide that protecting the kids wasn't worth living for.


The safety of those two should have given her "the will to live".

Instead, she decides to name them and then "give up".

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As far as worst movie moment goes:

I could restate Qui Gon saving Jar Jar, among other things.


But one that has always stuck with me as a monumentally bad moment is when Luke leaves Dagobah in his X-Wing.

Yoda and Obi-Wan know that Luke is heading to Bespin to face Vader.

They know he is going there to "save his friends".


Now, Yoda stated when he met Luke that he had "watched this one a long time." That's how he knew he was impatient.

Doubtless he was doing the same with Leia.

He knew what she looked like.


When he looked into the future of Luke's friends (which included Leia) he stated that the future was cloudy.

But he surely would have recognized that Leai was one of the ones Luke wanted to save.

He even told Luke that he "could" save them, but he would destroy everything they had worked for.

So he admitted there was the possiblity Leia was in mortal danger. That she needed "saving".


So as Luke is lifting off, and Obi-Wan tells him Luke was their last hope, Yoda casually tosses out "No, there is another."

Meaning Leia.

Who, incidentally, Luke was heading off to save.


Did he not think that this was important???

How did he expect them to utilize this "other hope" if Luke failed, which could have ended with one or both of them dying?

Or possibly Luke turning to the dark side and now Leia has to fight Luke and Vaderand Palpatine (assuming Luke and Vader hadn't already killed Palpy).


Why didn't Yoda insist on going?

Surely he was small enough to sit on Luke's lap until they at least got to a station and could transfer to a bigger ship?


But it's kind of like locking your keys in your car and saying "oh, it's ok, I have a spare", when the spare is in the trunk...

Edited by TheChervil
I accidentally a few words
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No he's not. He's not a terrible actor, but calling him a "good" actor is giving him way too much credit.


And yes, a good actor CAN be good in a movie even if his director sucks. It happens all the time. Look at Ewan McGregor.


Hayden imo will forever go down in history to me as the man who despoiled Darth Vader. Like every kid growing up in the 80's I found Vader to be a pretty cool character but ever since Haydenkin i will no longer view Darth Vader as one of the best scifi villains of all time. Even Baron Harkonnen and Erasmus from Dune deserve more that honor now.


Oh and Ewan Mcgregor is almost as bad. he was equally whiny in 3.


::Princess leia voice:: "Help me Anakin you are my only hope" Seriously aren't Jedi Master suppose to be immune to fear and panic?

Edited by AhsokaTanorules
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Except she also just had two kids.

While she may have been shocked and horrified by what he had done, maternal instict should have kicked in at some point.

Knowing that Anakin had just killed a bunch of kids, knowing the monster he was becoming, don't you think she should have thought about the future the twins would face?

Sure, she probably trusted Kenobi, Yoda and Bail to handle things, but it was pretty selfish to decide that protecting the kids wasn't worth living for.


The safety of those two should have given her "the will to live".

Instead, she decides to name them and then "give up".


I think ill-fitting death here fits with the overall biggest issue that I have with the prequels, in which so much time is devoted to telling the immediate story that over arcing elements relating to the story as a whole have to be rushed headlong through without any real sense of progression or development.


Ultimately the storyline of the entire Rise of The Sith film could have been broken into 3 pieces and comprised the entire prequel trilogy in order to allow the right pacing and depth for his fall, esepcially noticeable given how throwaway much of the second film was.




As for my worst moment, it is a bit of a cheat not breaking it down into a single one item, but I would have to say ultimately its the prequel's insistence at at absolute inclusiveness, from C3-PO and R2 to Chewbacca's cameo. Chop half the OT characters from the prequels and make them their own.

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Hence the name Bail Organa. He was necessary because Padme bailed.




But one that has always stuck with me as a monumentally bad moment is when Luke leaves Dagobah in his X-Wing.

Yoda and Obi-Wan know that Luke is heading to Bespin to face Vader.

They know he is going there to "save his friends".


Now, Yoda stated when he met Luke that he had "watched this one a long time." That's how he knew he was impatient.

Doubtless he was doing the same with Leia.

He knew what she looked like.


When he looked into the future of Luke's friends (which included Leia) he stated that the future was cloudy.

But he surely would have recognized that Leai was one of the ones Luke wanted to save.

He even told Luke that he "could" save them, but he would destroy everything they had worked for.

So he admitted there was the possiblity Leia was in mortal danger. That she needed "saving".


So as Luke is lifting off, and Obi-Wan tells him Luke was their last hope, Yoda casually tosses out "No, there is another."

Meaning Leia.

Who, incidentally, Luke was heading off to save.


Did he not think that this was important???

How did he expect them to utilize this "other hope" if Luke failed, which could have ended with one or both of them dying?

Or possibly Luke turning to the dark side and now Leia has to fight Luke and Vaderand Palpatine (assuming Luke and Vader hadn't already killed Palpy).


Why didn't Yoda insist on going?

Surely he was small enough to sit on Luke's lap until they at least got to a station and could transfer to a bigger ship?


But it's kind of like locking your keys in your car and saying "oh, it's ok, I have a spare", when the spare is in the trunk...


Mind blown. You just ruined my childhood. :p


I won't try to pick anything out of the prequels because they didn't make a huge impression on me; I recall the dialogue being aggressively bad, but no details. I think Luke's entry into Jabba's palace in RotJ qualified as some of the dullest screen time for me in the original trilogy. I can't put my finger on what's wrong with it, it just seemed uncommonly uninteresting until the rancor came out to play.

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But one that has always stuck with me as a monumentally bad moment is when Luke leaves Dagobah in his X-Wing.

Yoda and Obi-Wan know that Luke is heading to Bespin to face Vader.

They know he is going there to "save his friends".


Now, Yoda stated when he met Luke that he had "watched this one a long time." That's how he knew he was impatient.

Doubtless he was doing the same with Leia.

He knew what she looked like.


When he looked into the future of Luke's friends (which included Leia) he stated that the future was cloudy.

But he surely would have recognized that Leai was one of the ones Luke wanted to save.

He even told Luke that he "could" save them, but he would destroy everything they had worked for.

So he admitted there was the possiblity Leia was in mortal danger. That she needed "saving".


So as Luke is lifting off, and Obi-Wan tells him Luke was their last hope, Yoda casually tosses out "No, there is another."

Meaning Leia.

Who, incidentally, Luke was heading off to save.


Did he not think that this was important???

How did he expect them to utilize this "other hope" if Luke failed, which could have ended with one or both of them dying?

Or possibly Luke turning to the dark side and now Leia has to fight Luke and Vaderand Palpatine (assuming Luke and Vader hadn't already killed Palpy).


Why didn't Yoda insist on going?

Surely he was small enough to sit on Luke's lap until they at least got to a station and could transfer to a bigger ship?


But it's kind of like locking your keys in your car and saying "oh, it's ok, I have a spare", when the spare is in the trunk...


Luke's sister was originally a princess from another galaxy that wasn't Leia, I think this is why the dialogue is that way. I think she was supposed to appear in Episode 7 but Lucas decided that he was going to end it at 6 (or 3 lol) and just made Leia Luke's sister. I'll go look for the source it has been a long time since I read that.

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Luke's sister was originally a princess from another galaxy that wasn't Leia, I think this is why the dialogue is that way. I think she was supposed to appear in Episode 7 but Lucas decided that he was going to end it at 6 (or 3 lol) and just made Leia Luke's sister. I'll go look for the source it has been a long time since I read that.


This is true. It's common knowledge that they weren't originally brother and sister. Hence the kiss.

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This is true. It's common knowledge that they weren't originally brother and sister. Hence the kiss.


I knew that was common knowledge but I don't know if him having a princess sister from another galaxy is or not. This is what I found with a quick google search:http://robwrite.hubpages.com/hub/The-Original-Conception-of-the-Star-Wars-Trilogy , it is a really interesting read I recommend every fan looking at the link.


"Leia/Luke's sister: In the theatrical version of Jedi, we find out that Leia is Luke's sister. That was not the original plan. Lucas had originally planned to do a Nine film franchise. He planned to do three prequels (which he eventually did) followed by three sequels, taking place years after Jedi. The final three installments were supposed to be about Luke training a new generation of Jedi knights, including Han and Leia's children. (Originally, Leia was supposed to announce she was pregnant at the end of Jedi after Han's planned death.) During these films; Luke was supposed to meet a woman who would turn out to be his long lost sister. (Which is what Yoda meant by his comment in Empire about there being "another". As well as his line "There is another Skywalker" at the beginning of Jedi.)


The studio, however, wasn't convinced that the audience would accept waiting until the 7th or 8th fim to find out who Luke's sister was. They put doubts in Lucas' head and he started to wonder if he should wrap up all the subplots from the original trilogy. His doubts won out and he chose to quickly tie up the sister subplot by making Leia Luke's sister."

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