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What was the latest word on faction imbalance?


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It's definitely still imbalanced in favor of the Empire. I see it when I log into the same zone on both my imp and rep. Seems like 1.3:1 on Fatman from what I can tell, but that's still better than it used to be.


But keep in mind that just as empire players are rolling alts on the Republic, the opposite is happening too.

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Umm, how exactly Bioware should adress it? Deleting random accounts that play only empire until the numbers are even?


No... How about reasons to play Republic? Right now Republic armor looks goofy while Empire armor looks pretty great. Also, (this may all balance out eventually, I dunno, I'm only on Alderaan on my Imperial) the questing and datacron gathering is a ton easier and less tedious on Empire than Republic.

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No... How about reasons to play Republic? Right now Republic armor looks goofy while Empire armor looks pretty great. Also, (this may all balance out eventually, I dunno, I'm only on Alderaan on my Imperial) the questing and datacron gathering is a ton easier and less tedious on Empire than Republic.


This is just ridiculous.

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Umm, how exactly Bioware should adress it? Deleting random accounts that play only empire until the numbers are even?


They could try making the Republic cooler I guess? *shrug* More British accents maybe? Darker colored gear? Sniper rifles and long black coats? Spikes and feathers? Make Tython and Coruscant more bearable (or smaller)? Just throwing out ideas here. :p Maybe, and this is a stretch, maybe we could have a three faction system "Good 'pubs'", "evil 'pubs with cool gear who do bad things to people and have their own capital planet of not-sucking", and "Empire". Might balance out a bit.

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Umm, how exactly Bioware should adress it? Deleting random accounts that play only empire until the numbers are even?


This is what I'd say too. Sure, Bioware CAN do some things but they would all cause more angst than any imbalance issues are causing currently.

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This is just ridiculous.


Care to explain why? Like I said, the questing and datacron farming may balance out a little bit, but it's a ton easier at the lower levels on Empire. There is a quest on DK to just roam the city talking to people, another where you just disarm bombs and throw them in a terminal. "The Thing That Czerka Found" on Tat has an entire encounter removed on the Imperial side.


As for the gear, you can't argue that Republic gear looks a ton worse than the Empire counterparts.

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Care to explain why? Like I said, the questing and datacron farming may balance out a little bit, but it's a ton easier at the lower levels on Empire. There is a quest on DK to just roam the city talking to people, another where you just disarm bombs and throw them in a terminal. "The Thing That Czerka Found" on Tat has an entire encounter removed on the Imperial side.


As for the gear, you can't argue that Republic gear looks a ton worse than the Empire counterparts.


Courscant is far better organized than Dromund Kaas so no, early leveling isn't easier for Imps nor are the datacrons. About the same actually in my experience (and I have 50's on both sides). Also, once you know the questlines I find I can run a Repub through Taris far faster than I can get an Imp through Balmorra which Imps do at the same level that repubs do Taris.

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Courscant is far better organized than Dromund Kaas so no, early leveling isn't easier for Imps nor are the datacrons. About the same actually in my experience (and I have 50's on both sides). Also, once you know the questlines I find I can run a Repub through Taris far faster than I can get an Imp through Balmorra which Imps do at the same level that repubs do Taris.


Dude... Korriban's datacrons are laying out in the open. And Coruscant isn't better organized, it's just sectioned. DK doesn't involve taking a taxi around, killing "X of bad guy Y in this specific little area" to get bonus quest credit. The most complicated thing about DK compared to Coruscant was that DK's taxi through the city isn't actually connected to the spaceport.

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Care to explain why?....As for the gear, you can't argue that Republic gear looks a ton worse than the Empire counterparts.


I have 4 L50 Imperial toons, and 2 Republic ones. Just to put my reply in perspective:


The only glaring imbalance I saw between Republic and Imperial is in the Black Hole area. The Imp version is far easier to complete because the area is smaller (takes less time to navigate), missions don't require you to kill as many silver NPCs, and the Imp version has more instanced missions.


As for gear, I think most of the end game gear is pretty disgusting in this game. The Republic has better looking gear overall, and seems to have more and better looking moddable armor choices.

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Dude... Korriban's datacrons are laying out in the open. And Coruscant isn't better organized, it's just sectioned. DK doesn't involve taking a taxi around, killing "X of bad guy Y in this specific little area" to get bonus quest credit. The most complicated thing about DK compared to Coruscant was that DK's taxi through the city isn't actually connected to the spaceport.


Agree with you completely. Though it just occurred to me, this is not a conversation that anyone can have objectively. 'Pubbies are going to defend their mind-numbing quests and their hideous gear to the death, and there's not a thing you can say to convince them otherwise. That is faction loyalty, don't break it for them or it'll be even more imbalanced our way. We actually do need this guys to stay blind to reality so there's occasionally someone to kill.

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I have leveled 2 characters on pub side to 50. Have another I am working on that is 40. I started leveling a BH last week who is level 37 now. Leveling on the Empire side is way more bearable than on the Republic side. Taris? The planet that I hated so much that I PvPed until I was past the max level to do it on the pub side, was very enjoyable on the imp side. Matter of fact, I didn't get bored once or have a feeling of dread while leveling on the imp side.


And as far as the armor? The armor on the pub side is absolutely horrible. The only armor set that I can stomach on the pub side is the Venerable Elder Blade armor and it's variants. The rest is garbage. The imp side does have some things that are garbage. But for the most part, I will take imp armor over pub one any day of the year. Whoever the genius was that thought that "good guys DON"T wear black" needs to be fired.

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Agree with you completely. Though it just occurred to me, this is not a conversation that anyone can have objectively. 'Pubbies are going to defend their mind-numbing quests and their hideous gear to the death, and there's not a thing you can say to convince them otherwise. That is faction loyalty, don't break it for them or it'll be even more imbalanced our way. We actually do need this guys to stay blind to reality so there's occasionally someone to kill.


The weird thing about opinions is that your opinion does not make mine wrong and vice versa. Your post here literally looks like propaganda. I don't like the emo goth dresses and spikey-basement-slave-wear. I am glad that you do though.

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Hrm. I play both sides and, while each has their ups and downs, they are incredibly balanced. That guy who thought imp gear looks better? I disagree conpletely. Each side has gear with poor art and gear that looks incredible, but overall I prefer Republic aesthetics and gear. If you're talking server population, I play on The Bastion and it feels pretty balanced but it's certainly possible that there are server imbalances. The best solution to this would prob be forced mergers.
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