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Goodbye cathar.


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I guess BW thinks only people who played KOTOR play this game. I couldn't care less about Cathar. Sure, it's great for the people who like them but what I would hope that BW stops with just throwing bread crumbs at us that barely keep our interests alive.


Let them bring out the Cathar but it's not enough to bring out one race that only a part of the community cares about. My hopes lie around the planet Makeb more than anything else.


A new ops? Pfft, more annoying boss fights for the hardcore players. One more wz? Well, I think the PvP community should have like 10 of em by now. Space missions? Well they are fun from time to time, but it better be something.


Also a new race is ok but it's not new content. The content is the same since the classes are the same as well as their stories.


So either the new planet offers new stuff that is fun to do or it's time to accept that the bread crumbs aren't enough any more. C'mon BW, I've played this game from start, didn't rush to 50 in the beginning. Got level 50 legacy, which means **** all, and can't be arsed to gear up my level 50 alts beyond columi and a few bh bits because I'm bored silly. Never finished EC and frankly I don't care.


Cathar indeed...

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It's not a KOTOR only thing.


My wife never played any SW games besides this and she thinks the Cathar its awesome, so do I, and so does a friend at work.


The problem is the customization.


If we can truly customize, adding whiskers, facial hair, manes etc. that will be cool. It would also help if we can choose the style of voice acting...


Either way, choices are what will make this fun.


If we get the "face painted" trailer video version, and we can't customize it. That won't be too much fun. I mean the quests will be the same too...so all we got are looks.

Edited by NoaFlux
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out of all the races this is the worst one kittys srsly


why not rastapuss (dont know what there really called) or rodinians i would even take bothans dogs over cathar kittys


this is the first time i have ever complained about anything in the game so just heat me up a bit no flaming please haha


THey are there for one reason: Lore, which you obviously know nothing about

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I was really excited for the Cathar!! So were some of my friends. I was hoping this would revive the game a little!! Some said they would come back just to play as the Cathar...but I doubt they will now.


The Cathar does not look as cool as I remember from past experiences. The one in the featured video looks like a human with tattoos on it. My wife noticed too and pointed out that the other ones had fur. Big let down!!


**On top of that the new planet looks like every other planet, I really hope it actually has things to walk up and down on and has nice special effects and cool creatures, We need unique!!! Maybe hills to slide down...avalanches? something...give us something...please!!



I believe that whether or not a Cathar has fur, is determined by their age. If you notice some of the older ones, and there is only a few, they have fur and long whiskers; I believe there is one in the Jedi temple on Tython. You play as a young person in their early 20s no matter what class you decide to be. However, with the younger Cathars, you will not have fur and whiskers. Perhaps this is one thing they brought up when making it a playable race.

Edited by cool-dude
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It's not a KOTOR only thing.


My wife never played any SW games besides this and she thinks the Cathar its awesome, so do I, and so does a friend at work.


The problem is the customization.


If we can truly customize, adding whiskers, facial hair, manes etc. that will be cool. It would also help if we can choose the style of voice acting...


Either way, choices are what will make this fun.


If we get the "face painted" trailer video version, and we can't customize it. That won't be too much fun. I mean the quests will be the same too...so all we got are looks.


Time to take in reality. In BW's damage control mode of going F2P imo they won't be breaking any new ground. There will be some customizations similar to the other playable species. That will will include facial hair, etc but I doubt it will reach the level of "truly customize."


As far as choose style of voice acting. I'm sure it will follow along with what is already available. A male and female VO. No other choices.

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They asked for Cathar, they get Cathar, they whine. Welcome to MMO community.


personaly i dont care either way, but to be fair when they first announced cathar there were alot of ppl complaining about it. alot of ppl did not want this race and when they had that pole on the foums i think cathar was one of the races with the lowest votes.


what alot of ppl seem to forget is just because this is an MMO does not mean everyone is going to agree or be 100% extatic for every new race. and since beta ppl have been begging BW for a more "Alien Looking" race instead of re-colored humans.


so i understand 100% where these ppl are coming from, and i say keep the rage going let BW know they cant spoon feed us a load of crap and expect us to smile. they had the info one thier Official Site and they choose a race only a minority wanted so they brought this on them selfs.


ppl need to stop acting like paying customers dont have the right to voice thier opinions or dislikes with the product, and then throw around words like "Whiny" or "Self Entitled" im sry this might be news to some, but the $15 a month we all pay gives us the right to share our opinions with the rest of the community on these forums.

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Have to agree, the cathar in the video looks AWFUL.


Lets face it, we knew they were just going to be humans, with a bit of fur. Bioware dont dare do anything too adventurous. But he looked more like a clown than a cat, or face painted at a fair.


To me, it makes no difference, i have all my 8 slots filled so no room for them. but feel sorry for those few that were excited for them, but what did you expect from bioware and their races?

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It's not a KOTOR only thing.


My wife never played any SW games besides this and she thinks the Cathar its awesome, so do I, and so does a friend at work.


The problem is the customization.


If we can truly customize, adding whiskers, facial hair, manes etc. that will be cool. It would also help if we can choose the style of voice acting...


Either way, choices are what will make this fun.


If we get the "face painted" trailer video version, and we can't customize it. That won't be too much fun. I mean the quests will be the same too...so all we got are looks.


Whoa whoa whoa ur asking to much from TOR whiskers, manes?!?! That is one polygon to many for this game believe u me:rolleyes:

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