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Groupfinder still broken

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Dear Bioware,


You did something to our groupfinder a couple of patches back. If my memory serves me well, it was at the same time The Minefield stopped working correctly. Since then, we have seen you fix the minefield, introduced a World Event, and also released a patch to fix said world event.


But the Group finder is still broken.


You have noted that there is a problem with it, it says so on your Known Issues page, and you know the exact time when it happened. You have also been flooded by tickets about missing Black Hole Commendations on a daily basis, up until the point of you having several days backlog resulting in unsatisfied customers.


Your Customer Service have shown an almost unprecedented range of skill in handling this issue, ranging from quick and expedient granting of the BH Comms, via a standardized reply requesting more information that might very well already be in the sent ticket, and in the other extreme shifting blame to the customer by stating that I was not able to "do the daily random HM more than once per day" as if I was a little child needing a teliing-to and not a reasonable intelligent man who have played this game daily since release.


I have now a friend who I loved to play with who have canceled his sub after being manhandled by CC, but this was really just the drop that made his cup overflow as he was really disappointed by how you destroyed WZ play with patch 1.2, but still it lessens my enjoyment as I am losing my gaming partner.


Would you be so kind to fix the Group finder for Pre-made groups, and inform all your CC agents of the known issue so that I wont get anymore "reset your UI"-answers when I dont get my BH comms and my questlog fills up with all the HM FP missions just by activating the que and get endless nags of quick travel?



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what is this problem everyone is talking about?


I do a hardmode flashpoint every day and i never have problems with gorupfinder or gettinng my rewards


It seems to occur when you queue for flashpoints using the group finder in a full 4 man pre-made group. Queuing with less than 4 people doesn't cause this issue. I've been one of the lucky ones to have my comms refunded when I've put tickets in with minimal fuss but I know of others that haven't had them all refunded, or not had them refunded at all because their ticket information wasn't clear enough, or because CS didn't bother to read the full ticket.


It does get on my nerves somewhat though that they have known about this for a few patches like op said, yet they don't seem to be treating this as a high priority problem. It's like they learned from their launch day mistakes for a few months but now with the months going on they're like ' hey guys, let's go back to our old bending customers over ways - it'll be fun and lose a few more of the rapidly declining population so we can have everyone on one consolidated server'


You think it's bad now? Wait till false promises of more content more regularly fail to deliver when the f2p model comes in. If you'd spoken to me a couple of months ago just as the server transfers were hitting the news, I'd have sung the games praises. Now I'm just as butt-hurt as everyone else on here because pretty much my entire guild is quitting due to lack of interesting content, some are quitting due to f2p, World events are cool and all, and are a nice touch, but ffs fix the outstanding bugs before ramming half baked content down our throats. That was peoples argument back at launch, To this date, that is STILL the peoples argument. I get that you (Bioware) want to do some damage control and stabilize the rapidly declining numbers, and I get that you're hearing a lot of guys on here crying about wanting more content and events like the rakghoul event, but your QA team/ bug bashing team (if they haven't been paid off also) need to sort out the GAME BREAKING bugs first before giving us more unoptimized badly coded quests.


IB4 some white knight comes in with ' But be grateful that they are listening to us and giving us content at all' No. I'm grateful for proper testing before rushed releases of big patches. Rated Wz's were meant to come in in 1.2 but instead were pushed back. 1.3 comes and panicking that everyone will quit, they rush the release of Rwz's in a horrible state (unable to queue due to 'offline' people anyone? )


I've stood by Bioware from the launch of this game, echoing shouts of 'but this is a young mmo still guys' but enough is enough. Put your money where your mouth is Bioware and give us the game we deserve or you might as well pull the plug just now and save us all the pain and suffering.

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what is this problem everyone is talking about?


I do a hardmode flashpoint every day and i never have problems with gorupfinder or gettinng my rewards


The problem goes like this:


4 persons in a group queues for a Random HM FP


After Quick Travel to location, all HM FP quests fills up your questlog if you dont already have them, not just the one you were randomly selected to do.


Now, as one ofter the other enters the FP location, all the others who have arrived there gets a popup about "travel now?", but if you select that you want to travel, despite already having arrived, nothing happens.


If anyone dies and exits the FP and the reenters, the popup will come again to those who did not exit.


When FP is cleared, you will not get your BH Commendations.


There is a workaround to this.... all you have to do is continue doing random flashpoints until you hit the one that will give you commendations, hoping you get a new one each time you queue. Keep it up and you will eventually hit the right one, but it will VERY rarely be the one you do first.


Another way is to enter the queue with 3 or less people and taking on one or more randoms.


So, let's hope BW fix this before all the guildies leave.


EDIT: BW have their info on display here: http://www.swtor.com/support/helpcenter/6560

Edited by Mixxathon
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How about this one:

Full 8 in ops, all have their GF set for "daily reward available" for Story Mode Ops. As leader, I queue the group, and we travel to KP. Partway through, one of our members needs to drop due to an issue IRL, so I use the GF to find a replacement. Almost instantly, a replacement joins our group... AND a window pops up offering to match us with a DIFFERENT replacement person as if we were queued as 7 from the start. We all close the window and finish the op with the guy who automatically popped into our group. No BH comms. File a ticket, a couple days later they say they "cannot verify that we were eligible". Result, over an hour wasted for 7 of us who don't need the SM gear, just the BH comms.



4 of us queue for LI HM, one has to drop when we are on 2nd boss... I ask GF for replacement. In order to get 4th, it asks us to "travel to our destination". We do, the 4th guy is added to group... and we are in a -totally reset- LI HM instance. Couldn't get past the first boss since the new guy doesn't listen and we are too frustrated to bang our heads against it AGAIN. Result, almost 2 hours (and lots of repair money) wasted.

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How about this one:

Full 8 in ops, all have their GF set for "daily reward available" for Story Mode Ops. As leader, I queue the group, and we travel to KP. Partway through, one of our members needs to drop due to an issue IRL, so I use the GF to find a replacement. Almost instantly, a replacement joins our group... AND a window pops up offering to match us with a DIFFERENT replacement person as if we were queued as 7 from the start. We all close the window and finish the op with the guy who automatically popped into our group. No BH comms. File a ticket, a couple days later they say they "cannot verify that we were eligible". Result, over an hour wasted for 7 of us who don't need the SM gear, just the BH comms.



4 of us queue for LI HM, one has to drop when we are on 2nd boss... I ask GF for replacement. In order to get 4th, it asks us to "travel to our destination". We do, the 4th guy is added to group... and we are in a -totally reset- LI HM instance. Couldn't get past the first boss since the new guy doesn't listen and we are too frustrated to bang our heads against it AGAIN. Result, almost 2 hours (and lots of repair money) wasted.


That bug is working as intended. However, you should send us more bug reports so that we can direct them into the spam folder of our email. There's a fix in the works and after it's "tested" we will hold onto it for a few weeks while telling you that it'll be out "soon." At the time of the patch (2013), we will break something else. Thank you all for your patience. Keep an eye on the SWTOR Twitter, Facebook, DevTracker, and Patch Notes so that you are aware that we haven't fixed anything but new content and patches will be coming "soon." Have we told you about the new Legacy stuff yet?!?!?!?!


So, let's hope BW fix this before all the guildies leave.


Too late for me, the guild of over active 60 people when I joined has literally dissolved last night when the 5 remaining subscribed guild members joined a new guild.

Edited by JWillets
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She actually wants us to believe they test stuff! LOLOLOLOLOLOL!


What a hoot!


At one point, I really did believe that they tested stuff. I did lol. But then that patch came out where the probe droids were supposed to spawn more consistently, but instead they stopped spawning altogether. All it would've taken was 1 person to try out the "fix" and they would've realized that they broke it. It wasn't like they tried fixing the minefield in EC and now there's an issue in Hammer Station or something. It's essentially bringing your car to the mechanic because it's having a hard time starting. He "fixes" it, and now it doesn't start at all.


So now everytime I see them say that they're "testing" something, I imagine some heavily overweight guy sitting in an office touching himself inappropriately to cat pictures on Reddit. 8 hours later, he clocks out and reports to his boss (an orangatang in an office throwing bananas) that he tested the latest patch or whatever.

Edited by JWillets
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We do have a fix in the works for this, but it needed some extra time in testing. We're working on getting it out as quickly as we can, and we apologize for the inconvenience in the meantime. Thanks for your patience!


Group finder has never worked right (keeps marking non-healers as healers and doesn't consistently award BH comms on completion) and its not acceptable that full pre-made groups that were working have now been broken for 2 weeks.


This is one of TORs major problems, none of your systems are complete or fully functional. Your QA group needs to gets its crap together.

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Ok, on a positive note, it feels nice to know that my post reached someone from BW and not just the usual crowd from the Negaverse. Looking forward to actually getting some conformation on an eventual, possible, launchdate for the fix - knowing full well that the fix will have been tested and is considered foolproof.


And on a sidenote; For those of you feeling the need to complain about the patch and it introducing new bugs BEFORE the patch has launched, try focusing your awesomepowers on something actually useful, like next weeks lottery numbers or perhaps a cure for some today uncureable discese. That way, we might have a chance of a better climate here on the official forum.


Turn Negativism into Positivism dammit! :)

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The way my group of 4 has been dealing with this issue is to run Lost Island exclusively - it does not suffer from the same problem (though see another post in this thread about other problems if a replacement is needed). We queue for LI as a full group and each gets the 5 daily BH comms.
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*Always solo queue'ing and always triple checking that I'm set to DPS only, so why is it that I keep ending up in FP'es as a Healer? The outcome is that I have to drop out, which results in a GF lock-out.


*I too have on numerous occassions had to contact CS over BH comms and I can confirm that they don't seem to have a policy for handling this matter. What's up with stupid questions such as "and when did this take place" to which I reply "when I sent the ticket" and they ask "can you be more specific".Really, they think I'm keeping a diary over my trials and tribulations in a game? Just check your logs already. On that note, they couldnt even tell me if I had recieved the +10 datacron. CS really needs access to more information.


*Why am I more or less always getting Directive 7? Is the weighting on that FP 90 % or something?

Edited by MidichIorian
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Looks like they have given up on fixing the group finder. Almost 4 weeks since the problems started our guild is trying to stay together but I dont give it much hope with HM Denova also bugged. We died on the first boss and got locked out of the Operation. planned it for 3 days had people make sure they had the time to do it and we get 45 minutes of play and 30 minutes of bug time.

I spend almost half the time writing bug reports now. The last patch is going to kill the game if it this doesn't get fixed soon.

Its a waste of time better to go Free to play and spend the time leveling than try and do any of the level 50 content.

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Well hey its fixed now, at least it works for me and my guild but hey, i dont program this game and i'm pretty sure most of us dont, if these people complaining can do a better job, do it. Dont just sit there and complain on the forums.
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Well hey its fixed now, at least it works for me and my guild but hey, i dont program this game and i'm pretty sure most of us dont, if these people complaining can do a better job, do it. Dont just sit there and complain on the forums.



roflmao, what kind of fandrone logic is that ?


You buy a new tv and you can only tune 2 different channels, so it doesn't work as it's supposed to, you can't complain because you personally don't know how to build tvs ? Thanks for laugh... :D

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roflmao, what kind of fandrone logic is that ?


You buy a new tv and you can only tune 2 different channels, so it doesn't work as it's supposed to, you can't complain because you personally don't know how to build tvs ? Thanks for laugh... :D



As paying customers we have every right to express our displeasure.


And since they obviously do no testing whatsoever, it has now become our obligation to tell them when they've screwed up because they would never have known otherwise.

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Well hey its fixed now, at least it works for me and my guild but hey, i dont program this game and i'm pretty sure most of us dont, if these people complaining can do a better job, do it. Dont just sit there and complain on the forums.


So your logic is that someone can't complain about something if they can't do that "something" better.

So, you want us to become gaming programmers and turn into a successful career before we can complain about games.

Furthermore, following your logic:

-I can't complain about car problems if I can't design and build a car?

-I can't complain about a flight if I can't design, build and pilot an airplane?

-I can't complain about a movie if I'm not a proficient actor, or a good movie director?

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Well hey its fixed now, at least it works for me and my guild but hey, i dont program this game and i'm pretty sure most of us dont, if these people complaining can do a better job, do it. Dont just sit there and complain on the forums.


When was it fixed? I used group finder just before the last maintenance.


By the way, I have NEVER gotten a BH daily reward using group finder. I just thought it was a broken feature that would get fixed some time in the future.

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