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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

The Grand Acquisitions Race


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i do enjoy this event but after jumping back and fourth between the 2 planets for an hour i was upset that their were no blasters pistols or lightsabers because it just sorta felt like a waste of time i really hope they add like wookie hand cannons for blasters and maybe a special form of lighsaber and 2 bladed lightsaber would make me and probely most other players very happy
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My main issue with this event. It is Bugged. Awesome. Have 2 more items to get, lost one of the quests to get it. Another Lead. (yes I can talk with the droid) In Shadow Town the panel that needs to be clicked to start this quest when it is available, is no longer highlighted and cannot be clicked. Sadface
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Know what's more sad, your sub payments went to fund this project/event. I'd think from a business perspective when your stock is 1/4 of what it used to be (for EA alone, and declining steadily since the release of SWTOR) you'd innovate and produce something that'd generate a return to share holders.



Edited by VedrixSorio
needed to provide reference data
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the problem im having with this event is not the lightsabers or smuggler things


its farming for the tokens...THATS a pain, i mean 250 tokens for a pet? come on, hopefully they will add more quests to this event cause im not farming 250 tokens for a pet plus more tokens for the tusken raider armor

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My main issue with this event. It is Bugged. Awesome. Have 2 more items to get, lost one of the quests to get it. Another Lead. (yes I can talk with the droid) In Shadow Town the panel that needs to be clicked to start this quest when it is available, is no longer highlighted and cannot be clicked. Sadface


Have the same problem....logged on and the mission was gone :(

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I like this event but yes, the item selection could have been bigger at the rewards vendor. And the fact that for me (a sith marauder) the only thing i could possibly want from the event is the 250 token pet.... Beyond that i just need the two last items and i have the two remaining quests in the quest log and just waiting for tomorrow for the next item... I am just doing this to have something to do in the game but from my perspective, they could have added some more decorative lightsabers (i mean the hilt selection is not great... there are only THAT many different skins...) and maybe something else besides a very very very slow speeder, i mean how many lvl 50 players are going to get that speeder when you have one thats 20% faster anyway? oh and last but not least... yaaay sandpeople looking armor that i am never ever ever wearing... if you had added sith robes / jedi robes or something else that looked more class-different for each class so noone would feel cheated, that would be awesome. So you are doing an event and not for the rewards but for the purpose of doing the even which is silly to me...
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Sorry if I missed this covered anywhere else in the thread, but can someone tell me if anyone else has lost the 'Another Lead' Mission on the Republic Side? I completed all the ones that were available, including the one just unlocked today 'A Lead.' I should still have 'A New Lead' AND 'Another Lead' with "check back later" as the progress... but Another Lead has vanished.


I tried resetting the main mission and nothing changed... I still have two items left to find and only one open mission here. Is this a bug of some sort?

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Sorry if I missed this covered anywhere else in the thread, but can someone tell me if anyone else has lost the 'Another Lead' Mission on the Republic Side? I completed all the ones that were available, including the one just unlocked today 'A Lead.' I should still have 'A New Lead' AND 'Another Lead' with "check back later" as the progress... but Another Lead has vanished.


I tried resetting the main mission and nothing changed... I still have two items left to find and only one open mission here. Is this a bug of some sort?


Its a known bug that happens to everyone on the republic side.

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Maybe I am the only one who thinks that this was just absolutely poorly designed, but it has come to the point to where I may as well just subscribe to Evercamp... err, Everquest if I wanted to sit around all day either in a group or solo and wait for a chest to close.


Seriously, it is so bad, people get into raging arguments in General chat about ninjas, thieves and the lot just because of these chests and waiting on them to close. A few people are on day two trying to get in a group or wait on a chest just to continue with the story.


Why on earth did you ever implement it this way? I can understand a grind in an MMO, I get that. Waiting on something to close to just continue on for two days is old school MMO thinking. I can't even get to Nar Shaddaa half the time - I just sit in my starship waiting to get out the door, then I finally see my ship fly down to the planet, then - nothing. I just sit and watch the planet spin.


Bioware, this was a very poor design based upon the principles of old school MMO thinking, lack of QA/QC and you have server instability being ignored. That instability has been going on for almost two weeks now. You've surpassed maintenance times to fix it.


You are slipping. Please, fix your servers and fix your way of design.

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So you are doing an event and not for the rewards but for the purpose of doing the even which is silly to me...


They had to do something. Planetside 2 beta started.


If you follow how they release content patches, updates, and events, they all fall near key dates of their competition. Diablo 3 releases, here's a content patch. OMG a RMAH on D3, here's another. Kind of funny. Oh no, SOE and NCSoft are going F2P we must as well. It seems BW and EA are playing catch up the entire time without actually adding quality to the game.


Maybe releasing something on your own accord that players want/ask for will be a step in the right direction. I have a feeling the suggestion box forum is a giant /ignore list.

Edited by VedrixSorio
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They had to do something. Planetside 2 beta started.


If you follow how they release content patches, updates, and events, they all fall near key dates of their competition. Diablo 3 releases, here's a content patch. OMG a RMAH on D3, here's another. Kind of funny. Oh no, SOE and NCSoft are going F2P we must as well. It seems BW and EA are playing catch up the entire time without actually adding quality to the game.


Maybe releasing something on your own accord that players want/ask for will be a step in the right direction. I have a feeling the suggestion box forum is a giant /ignore list.


This is Biowares first mmo. And judging from interviews with EA, it will be their last. Stick with what you know. As for the suggestioin box, a BW employee said in and interview about mass effect


"It is not our job to parent the child or determine what content is acceptable or unacceptable for our players. But on the other hand, it is not your job to dictate what content we include or don't include in our games. Game development is not a collaborative effort between developers and gamers; it is a dictatorship, where we alone determine what content goes into our game. You the player make the choice whether that content is acceptable to you (and/or your family) or not."

Edited by SikrouDeco
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Ok....so I've noticed......that 14 pages after this thread started, there still wasn't a SINGLE response from BioWare.....what gives BioWare?


As long as you post, you're paid up. Why should they worry? See the biggest misconception is BW is your buddy, they care what you think.. The forums are a user generated FAQ. It frees them up from answering your questions. Sad but true.

Edited by SikrouDeco
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Last event all those light stick wielding sissies got green-black crystals. Didnt do a lot for those of us with guns ;)


My main is a Smuggler, so yeah Ive been left out of any cool weapon stuff, so if the 3rd event doesnt have something pistol-ish, then I can understand being upset, but so far:


All jedi got the chance to swing the green-black stick, the troopers (Commando's can use the crossbow, the only skill I wasnt able to use was Hail of bolts or w/e) and IA's get some cool stuff this time.


I think a pistol version, like a smaller crossbow would have been a good move, but they didnt do it.


If you're reading this while wearing a tin foil hat, then yes, BW hates you and your smuggler/Bounty Hunter!



EDIT: And people complaining that the armor for this event is just a reskinned set thats already available. . . well the containment set was also just a reskin of the Troopers Tionese/Columi/Rakata set so, at least they're consistant :p


I recommend your smuggler to do what mine did. Get both Risha and Corso a early x-mas gift. Risha will love that sniper rifle, she looks great with it. And Corso got the Kashyyk's legacy, or what it was called. It's green and matches his armor. No need to let those pretty weapons lie in the bank waiting for alts =)

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A treasure hunt! i cant wait to get my indiana jones on!:cool:




Once you get into the event, you realize competition, or at least dirty competition*, is the least of it. 95/100 times you find a crate, no one else is within 100 meters of it. So, uh, people being more dependent on the quests than the crates for the tokens greatly eliminates "competition". So far, the only competition I've seen is in the Promenade, if that is even competition at all. Just saying...



You may not know of this for multiple reasons*, but how 'bout that line up-on there in the Kaas City Expansion District? (Personally, I ran ro the front, sat on the box, counted to 40 and got it on my first try. Much better than waiting 40x, x being how many people currently in line.)



* Different server than me (Ebon Hawk)

Different time of day

Etc., etc....

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Any know how much these tokes of enrichment are worth? No ones selling right now and to farm them out I need to know it's worth it. I'm planning on getting at least a hundred to sell if that helps.


If you wanna make good money, sell them for 1,000 a piece if you're selling 75 of them or less; Or, if you have 76 of them or more, sell them for 750 a piece. And, if you start thinking to yourself, "How am I gonna do all of that math?", just type "cal" in the Start Menu and click on "Calculator". :jawa_biggrin:

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Go to the fleet click on the holonet stations, watch the cutscene, open your quests log and travel to the POI on Naar Shaddar

I didn't even bothered with the fleet and have gone directly to Nar Shaddaa, one can't miss the quest there on the promenade.

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Stated the quests yesterday when I got home from work and finished all but the last 2. nother in my mail box so I log out for the night, Now I'm back from work day 2 open my mail click the items to see the droids and get a message come back later. Check in general chat and people say I missed a day I can do it tomarrow... *** I missed a day? how did I miss a day?
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