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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

The Grand Acquisitions Race


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For a short time only, The Chevin Conglomerate is offering great riches to anyone who brings them rare and unique items. Scattered across all parts of the galaxy, these items must be retrieved before the Chevin return to their home in the furthest reaches of the Outer Rim! Be cautious as some within both the Republic and Imperial governments wonder if there is something more sinister driving the Chevin and their quest to acquire these goods…


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A Suggestion Bioware, i dont know if you plan to do it or not, but some more Rewards in the Event Vendors Shop would be VERY accepted right now, most people are dissapointed by the contents of the shop, maybe more weapons that covers everyones needs? Wookiee melee weapons perhaps? and maybe a faster mount? these are just suggestions:rak_01:
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Yea there are quite a few people last night/this morning upset when they realized the weapons are for Agents and Vanguards... It does feel like alot of classes are excluded from the event rewards. Hopefully more rewards come out.


Edit: I guess I should say Im loving the event and Ive done it already on 4 charaters. 3 Repub and 1 Imp but they are all Jedi/Sith and one GS. Not a single one can use the weapons. Armor for Troopers wouldnt help... Also Im dying to finish this up. I was hoping the last 3 would unlock with the reset but no luck.

Edited by Kazaganthis
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Yea there are quite a few people last night/this morning upset when they realized the weapons are for Agents and Vanguards... It does feel like alot of classes are excluded from the event rewards. Hopefully more rewards come out.


Maybe they should add something like "Ancient Sith Troopers armor" for all the nostalgic Kotor fans, and "Ancient Republic Troopers Armor" for the Republic side, so both factions get their fair share of Kotor Nostalgia

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The Lobelot 250 token pet, I've seen in General chat someone say they got it in a Smuggler crate on Nar Shadaa rather than having to spend tokens on it.


Can anyone(Dev/Comm member/Anyone who actually got it out of there) confirm this? And/or are there outher pets in those crates?

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Well all I can say is that the treasure hunt had better get more exciting than this first day which has been really boring so far. Got the first 6 in a couple of hours of going back and forth between planets and I the rewards aren't very good. This isn't even a "world event" to be honest, its just a quest line and some exploration objectives so far.


But, I anticipate the rest of the event and the 'twist'. Where is the whole "far reaches of the galaxy" thing? So far its just been Coruscant and Nar Shaddaa.

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The waits for quests are painful on the home worlds. If you're going to do a limited time event, and have super-sized servers, you have got to make sure people don't sit around in line. People will quit hurrying up to join an event if all that means is hurry up and wait in line.


Though this event is fun, the way it is single threaded hurts... Just my two cents.

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Bioware it's nice to see you cater to 3 classes instead of supporting all of them. This event was a waste of my time as I don't play a sniper, operative, or vanguard. The rewards need to be upgraded and have more use aside from being more suited towards imperial agents and a vanguard. It's like you favour these three classes and publicly choose to hold the others back. Not a good stance to take considering the majority of the player base doesn't only play these three classes.
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The most fun about this treasure hunt so far has been that I accidentally ran into a republic player while my groupmade had forced me to be PvP flagged, so I got a kill :p


Things BioWare needs to work on is:

1. Understanding that "check back later" is not fun gameplay - if it's not ready, dont put it in the game! (I totally take this back if I log on tomorrow to a full scale invasion or something - but not much less will do)

2. The rewards are terrible for level 50 players. Really terrible. There isn't one item I would buy apart from a vanity pet and yet another speeder (neither of which I really need or want) - certainly nothing that warrants the hours this takes to work out and do.

Edited by Asavrede
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Bioware it's nice to see you cater to 3 classes instead of supporting all of them. This event was a waste of my time as I don't play a sniper, operative, or vanguard. The rewards need to be upgraded and have more use aside from being more suited towards imperial agents and a vanguard. It's like you favour these three classes and publicly choose to hold the others back. Not a good stance to take considering the majority of the player base doesn't only play these three classes.


Or perhaps they will introduce more as the event goes on...

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this event is stupid i play a bounty hunter there is no weapons for that class ...ya know why have a event if its only class catered ...there should be items for all classes or dont do the event at all


yet another horrible attempt to get the players together no wonder your goin free to play

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I don't think this event is that good the one HUGE problem dragging it down is that u have to wait next to a droid all day just to do one quest after waiting for two hours i just gave up. Im not going to try and play this event anymore as its just become a huge waste of time. :mad::mad::mad::mad:
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As much people do, I'd like to see more weapons in the shop, including weapons for all classes, and possibiliy as fun as wookiee's bows. For example you could make the bow usuable for all troopers/bounty hunters/agents/smugglers and add particular lightsabers for Jedi/Sith like curve lightsaber (Dooku's one), lightsaber pike or even (and that would be AWESOME) lightwipe :t_eek: Edited by Ashlack
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