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  • Location
    Saint Lucie
  • Interests
    Gaming, Research, Reading
  • Occupation
    Teacher at Local college
  1. I laughed for a good 30 second straight, thanks mate.I totally forgot they said they were designing these like...2 years ago? At least right? We still want these if a Community Manager is reading this.
  2. Early Access IS the Beta Unless I missed the part where there is no more Early Access and it all rolls out at once now. In which case feel free to rant.
  3. I forgot in my last post, and this is very important: BOO, the Space Hamster. http://cdn2.gamefront.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/me3-12.jpg Your company already has the rights to it.
  4. Free ones. We want free things. We don't care what it is, make it free. Or craftable. Preferable from synthweave or armormech. Also, a lightsaber display case, por ejemplo: I have 5 different CM lightsaber hilts and 5 CM crystals. I want a stand where I can arrange them in an orderly fashion with each of them turned on with the color crystal inserted so they are turned on, with full lighting effects. Preferably vertical. At least 5 in a row. Wood looking, metal looking, freaking whatever. Can have a horizontal version for staves.
  5. I was about to post a thread on the same thing. I'll happily resub for 1 month to get the unlocks ( money's tight, what can you do these days?) so that I'm subbed for May 11th, but I don't think I'll be able to continue it for more than 1 month. So do we get the Nar Shadaa room with 3 unlocks and just have access at preferred times? Or do we even get the 3 unlocks at all? Help us Eric Musco, your our only...community manager?
  6. As a Stats teacher this makes me sad for reasons I cannot even fathom. Yes, this can occur. No, it is not statistically impossible. In the immortal words of that one teacher from Billy Madison: "What you just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may god have mercy on your soul."
  7. Found this gem on one of the SW boards I frequent. No idea if it is legit or not, however it should be noted that the image used is from one of The Lost Suns issue 2. http://i.imgur.com/DyiqfWa.png
  8. Have subsequently been able to get both Irradiated and Midnight after several more kills. The achievements only popped if I was the first person to attack/agro Tunnel Lurker in my group.
  9. Have now killed him across several toons with crimson and midnight raklings out and have not gotten the achievements. Bugged, want my Lordling title.
  10. Hopefully it'll have a Sunset. And just like in Galaxies Chilly server, I'll spend the last few months just talking to people in a Tatooine cantina while playing music and "The Green Jedi" will continue elsewhere....
  11. Not sure how many of you also check out the Customer Service forums, but you may want to read this gem: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=586354 Essentially for those of us who love collecting, we have an eventual hidden cap that has not been very publicly noted anywhere that I have seen. Apologies if this has been psoted before, as I have not read the entire thread(both versions).
  12. I opened 6 packs and the only thing I got that was "Purple" was a Cyan-Blue crystal that is bugged and bound to me instantly. Take that as you will.
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