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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

New Player Species?


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Any plans to implement new species for players?


Maybe some cool ones like jawa, gammorean, minotaurs, etc? Stuff that is less "human" with funny eyes/hair.


Maybe a tall species like a half-giant or ogre-- some size options.


Its a big galaxy, but every playable species is essentially about 6 feet tall and some basic variant of human.

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I am going off of memory, so hopefully someone else will come in with links to back this up.


Cathar is the next race to be added. I heard it will be a purchasable option after F2P launches.


I remember a post somewhere on these forums (before the announcement of F2P) that a developer said essentially "if Cathar does well, we will add more."


So, I think it depends on how many people buy the Cathar race option.

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As Blattan mentioned, the Cathar will be the next species available to players. In our Q&As, we've seen several questions about the possibilities for new species, here's what Daniel Erickson has said about the selection process in the future:


We’d like to open the selection of future species to the community as a whole with clear positives and negatives provided for each selection. That way we can go a bit further afield in our species selection.
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That's good to hear, but I'm a bit confused why adding species seems to be such a complex thing for BioWare here. I mean, playable species in SWTOR aren't really anything other than a cosmetic change. There are no racials or starting areas or specific quests or anything like that.


Is it the voice over?

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That's good to hear, but I'm a bit confused why adding species seems to be such a complex thing for BioWare here. I mean, playable species in SWTOR aren't really anything other than a cosmetic change. There are no racials or starting areas or specific quests or anything like that.


Is it the voice over?


The armor clipping is the main thing.

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It's a shame that the character race doesn't come with its own background story. From what the internet tells me, they should be at a rather "interesting" point in their people's history, just over 300 years after being nearly wiped out.


*hint hint* ;) No really, the stories are still the best part of the game, I'd happily pay money for more.

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That's good to hear, but I'm a bit confused why adding species seems to be such a complex thing for BioWare here. I mean, playable species in SWTOR aren't really anything other than a cosmetic change. There are no racials or starting areas or specific quests or anything like that.


Is it the voice over?


Fair point since every class is done by one voice actor, adding the Cathar into the mix is just cosmetic, and we've seen enough Cathar in the game (male and female) that they must have the models.

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I'm gonna agree that clipping is what is/will be a big barrier to a lot of playable species (language issue aside). Take Togruta for example -- surely one of the most requested "easy" species. Their head tails hang down their back and rest directly on the shoulders and upper chest area (unlike Twi'lek lekku). Now, imagine those combined with the pauldrons, shoulder pads, shoulder wings, puffy collars, capes, and other such "embellishments": clipping galore! It would look awful and would be a huge annoyance for many players, to the point that a lot of people wouldn't play one.


Too bad this game doesn't have a "hide shoulders" option -- that would be a quick and easy way to deal with such clipping. But call me cynical, I just can't see them re-doing most of the chest pieces in the game to get around this (see also: Twi'lek and headgear).


Though perhaps Inquisitors with Ashara as a companion would tell us that clipping isn't that bad? Or maybe tht's the real reason half the Asharas I see are in a slave girl/dancer outfit . . . :p

Edited by Gwena
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As Blattan mentioned, the Cathar will be the next species available to players. In our Q&As, we've seen several questions about the possibilities for new species, here's what Daniel Erickson has said about the selection process in the future:



Hi Allison, I hope you guys are aware that there was already a community poll about what species we would like to see the most, in fact, I remember it was featured in one of the community round ups.


Cel Cawdro's Ultimate "Community Desire for Species" Poll

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Couldn't be voiceovers.


Voices are by archetype, not species. A sith jedi shadow is exactly the same as a human or twi-lek jedi shadow.


But when you start adding things like Deshade and Wookies that *can't* speak Basic, you run into issues with voiceovers.

Edited by RazielHex
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As Blattan mentioned, the Cathar will be the next species available to players. In our Q&As, we've seen several questions about the possibilities for new species, here's what Daniel Erickson has said about the selection process in the future:



Can you give us more news on this.


Almost all high end gear is bind on pick up, so anything I get now can't be given to a new character. So with the talk of species perhaps not Cathar I would be inclined to allow my sub to run out and wait it out till the species I want to play is released. If I am going to have to play through 100 HM games or collect 400 BH comms it seems crazy to do it on my red human when I will have to do it all over again when the species I want to play comes out.


As such it would be great to know how long the wait is going to be. With all probability will it be long after free to play?

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Can you give us more news on this.


Almost all high end gear is bind on pick up, so anything I get now can't be given to a new character. So with the talk of species perhaps not Cathar I would be inclined to allow my sub to run out and wait it out till the species I want to play is released. If I am going to have to play through 100 HM games or collect 400 BH comms it seems crazy to do it on my red human when I will have to do it all over again when the species I want to play comes out.


As such it would be great to know how long the wait is going to be. With all probability will it be long after free to play?


Legacy Gear foo'.

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I'm probably one of the 5 people out there that could care less for Cathar, Wookie, Rodian, Bothan, Bith, Trandoshan, and just about every other species in Star Wars. However, I would ADORE the option to play a Droid. One of the things I admired about Star Wars from as far back as I can remember was that droids were a vibrant part of the universe. They all had personality IMO. From R2, to the silly little mouse droid on the Death Star, they were never pigeonholed into the role of "just a machine" for me.


I was partly saddened when the April Fools joke joke the Ship Droid Experience was announced, because at that moment, It seemed like I was alone in my wish to see playable droids (as they were brazenly protrayed as teh butt of the joke). But many days later when I saw the results of the big species I was pleasantly surprised to see how many people liked the idea of a playable droid. I don't care if it's a battle droid, a trashcan, or a gonk. I'd reroll my BH immediately to have a droid BH. I might even reroll my trooper, smuggler and agent also to play them as droids, because... you know... droids are epic in the Star Wars universe..

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I'm probably one of the 5 people out there that could care less for Cathar, Wookie, Rodian, Bothan, Bith, Trandoshan, and just about every other species in Star Wars. However, I would ADORE the option to play a Droid. .

Well glad to see there's someone else that have the exact same interest in droids.

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The armor clipping is the main thing.


That and the Romantic story lines that can be played out with some companions and other NPCs. That's the reason they have given as to why they stick to Human-looking species.


The thing is, many of us would be willing to go without a romantic story line if we could just play a (insert alien species name here). And it would be easy enough to block those species from getting the Romantic options, the same way they block same sex from getting them now.



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That and the Romantic story lines that can be played out with some companions and other NPCs. That's the reason they have given as to why they stick to Human-looking species.


The thing is, many of us would be willing to go without a romantic story line if we could just play a (insert alien species name here). And it would be easy enough to block those species from getting the Romantic options, the same way they block same sex from getting them now.




Yeah. I would be just fine with no relationship options at all on any species or gender. As to wookies, ogres etc I don't know all the star wars species and don't know or care the difference between a cathar and a ratonga. I figure its a big galaxy and just about anything is probably out there somewhere. The game has giant talking slugs- c'mon.

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I'm probably one of the 5 people out there that could care less for Cathar, Wookie, Rodian, Bothan, Bith, Trandoshan, and just about every other species in Star Wars. However, I would ADORE the option to play a Droid. One of the things I admired about Star Wars from as far back as I can remember was that droids were a vibrant part of the universe. They all had personality IMO. From R2, to the silly little mouse droid on the Death Star, they were never pigeonholed into the role of "just a machine" for me..


Droids have no free will.


We learn this from what happens in Zadd.

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