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Would you trade it now?


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When the game was still developing I posted a thread asking if you would trade The Old Republic for a KOTOR 3. The majority said that the game would be many KOTORs in one, so no. Now that we've had the game for awhile I'm going to ask again and see what has changed. So, would you?
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Heck, I wish they'd release a single player version of SWTOR so I could just play the class quests. The story is the best part anyways. Oh wait, they are doing that. Which is why I've unsubbed. I'll come back for F2P, finish the stories and then uninstall.


Stories aren't done so you know, they are at an interlude...we have only done 3 chapters. So I don't see how anyone could 'finish' the class stories, if they aren't done yet.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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Stories aren't done so you know, they are at an interlude...we have only done 3 chapters. So I don't see how anyone could 'finish' the class stories, if they aren't done yet.



I'll finish what's there and then wait for the new set (if they ever release a new set) to go F2P before reinstalling and playing those.


There's really no reason to sub anymore.

Edited by Galbatorrix
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I'll finish what's there and then wait for the new set (if they ever release a new set) to go F2P before reinstalling and playing those.


There's really no reason to sub anymore.


Who says just because 1-50 is F2P means that every story update after is the same way? More then likely, F2P players will need to pay for story after 50 to continue on.

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Who says just because 1-50 is F2P means that every story update after is the same way? More then likely, F2P players will need to pay for story after 50 to continue on.



"more than likely"


Yeah, keep telling yourself that. I bet you said "more than likely, this game will not go F2P anytime soon" as well at some point, didn't you?


Besides, if the trooper story line is anything to go by, I'll get bored and quit before ever finishing all 8 anyway. So, no worries.

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Come to think... not really.


I`d rather see THIS game not fail.


At it`s best, it would have been an inferior Mass Effect, set in SW universe, with some 5-7 days worth of playing, then run your car over the disks and call it a day.


Disclaimer: totally subjective point of view, based on perception of a fictional product.

Edited by Styxx
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Who says just because 1-50 is F2P means that every story update after is the same way? More then likely, F2P players will need to pay for story after 50 to continue on.


I spacebar them all as it is...story won't sell this game to the F2P folk.


To answer the OP...no way. I hate single player games. I'll take the crappy game we have now that I can play with friends over a single player game any day.

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KOTOR 1 & 2 were fun, and of course they were a little more detailed in story because they were only for one character a LS or DS Jedi.


SWTOR allows you to play force wielders, troopers, bounty hunters, agents, etc. solo or with others. I think we have a clear winner.


To each their own, but I feel bad for those that didn't take their time to enjoy the story on their first 1 or 2 play throughs.


MMORPG all the way.

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So you think that it didnt failed already ?
People are still playing and new content is coming. Doesn't look like a fail to me.


All I see is a bunch of people complaining and hoping that this would have dethroned WoW and it didn't.

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Stories aren't done so you know, they are at an interlude...we have only done 3 chapters. So I don't see how anyone could 'finish' the class stories, if they aren't done yet.


Maybe their problem was using the term "Interlude"... the kids don't know what the word means.

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I would gladly trade ToR for Kotor 3.


As it is, it's a MMO with a *decent* single player story, thats right, decent. None of the stories are very good, none of them are completely irredeemably bad either, but yes, given the opportunity to focus on the story and single player aspects, Kotor 3 would be a much better game than SWToR.


It really isn't a contest. A MMO with a focus on single player aspects, or a single player game with a focus on single player aspects, the decision is fairly clear. Any gamer worth their salt would take Kotor 3 over SWToR.

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It may have failed to live up to someone's overly eager expectations, but it hasn't failed on its basic merits.


In your opinion.


In the opinion of more than 50% of the people that purchased the box for this game, it has failed, on basic merits, and in every other way possible.


I'm on their side. :)

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So you think that it didnt failed already ?


It failed in it`s overambitious journey towards taking that mythical big chunk of WOW`s market.


For me, it hasn`t failed yet, because I still have friends that play it, or it hasn`t brought in P2W yet.


When I`ll no longer have fun playing it (and this is entirely subjective and down to the player - for me, it`s fun to take my ridiculously geared toons and boost Guildies, as one of my activities :) ), or I will run out of stuff to do, or, simply, wake up one morning facing the bed... then I`ll deem it fail.


Right now, I`m waiting to see what the next patch will bring and how F2P will be tackled.

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It failed period.


- They sold over 2 million and yet only a 4th of those sales were retained as constant subs.


- They heavily over promised and severely under delivered. I mean, monthly content? Yeah, that happened.


- It went F2P faster than any MMO....ever.


- It copied WOW almost completely. Other than Story and companions, it really is WOW in space.


- It's Starwars. Which is the most epic of the fails. It had a BUILT-IN fan base and yet Bioware still couldn't keep people interested for long.

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In your opinion.


In the opinion of more than 50% of the people that purchased the box for this game, it has failed, on basic merits, and in every other way possible.


I'm on their side. :)


In the initial outlook of the developers, which is not my opinion.


They said the game could survive and be sustainable at 500,000 subscribers.


Failure means to drop below 500,000 subscribers.


I could care less what "most people" think. I care about what was actually said. And your need to "force" a failure says a lot about you and those others, IMHO.

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