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Would like to see some better usage of possessive apostrophes, your ship screen comes to mind, but there might be other places. I cry a bit inside when I see "Splex's ship", "Baz's ship", "Jisos's ship" and such. Edited by Jandoon
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Would like to see some better usage of possessive apostrophes, your ship screen comes to mind, but there might be other places. I cry a bit inside when I see "Splex's ship", "Baz's ship", "Jisos's ship" and such.


I just had to laugh. :)

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I would just really, really love to be able to look at my codex and be able to complete all the missing entries.

ie. all the stuff that's missing/unobtainable but still is included in the count

Edited by Budwhacked
boo boo
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Please Fix the Resolve system....it sucks to die with a full bar of resolve never having that bar used for one stun or root(not having roots under the resolve sucks), make it a diminishing returns, Its a much better system for pvp. when you spawn with a full bar of resolve that never got used its a waste!
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I would just really, really love to be able to look at my codex and be able to complete all the missing entries.

ie. all the stuff that's missing/unobtainable but still is included in the count


Definately would like to see this too.


Would prefer it if they don't include stuff you can't complete any more in the count, like old events and the like, and just have them on an additive list. If I completed one event entry for example, make it 1/1 instead of 1/10. Really minor thing, but it's always nice to be able to "max the codex" for those of us that obscess about stuff like that, and it stops new people from wondering why they can't complete their missing entries.


And as mentioned earlier, a legacy wide codex would be fun since you get to collect entries on alts you might otherwise not care about. Guess that would be something that only interests a minority, but it would be a nice touch for the completionists out there.

Edited by Jandoon
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Another one that popped into my head:


Buffs and Weapon drawing

I'd like to see buffs changed so that your weapon isn't draw. This doesn't happen on every class, but I find it odd (and annoying) that my Commando has to equip his blaster cannon to give a buff, but, say, a Consular doesn't have to ignite his/her lightsaber to do the same.


In a somewhat related thought, after clicking on an objective that gets destroyed, our weapons don't holster properly, and you're left running around with your weapon "flopping" along.

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Few of little things from my list.


1. When you get your companion give us some idea what classes they can be to help us gear them up too, Jaesa is a good example, what spec is she? Can she be others?


2. Give us something that lets us some off our guilds. A hologram over their head, marking on armor, flag hung in my ship or something.


3. Give us a vague flashpoint que timer. Will let me know if it's worth going to do my black hole daileys or just start working on other planets I really didn't do anything on yet.


4. When we finish a flashpoint can we be dropped back where we where? On. Limited playing schedule the travel and world loading kills at least 4 or 5 mins for me to get back from fleet.

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I had a Taxi improvement idea: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=523506


Also, something that REALLY bugs me is when it says "waiting on...", for loading screens, convo, finding players, etc.


Waiting on? What, do you work at a restaurant? ONLY WAITERS "WAIT ON..." ANYTHING. The rest of civilization "waits for..." things to happen.


Anyway, its a simple thing to fix. Just change one word. I suppose, at least, the game is consistent in the wording, even if consistently wrong.


Just a tip.


EDIT: I should clarify:


My understanding is that waiters and waitresses "wait on..." as the act of doing their job... waiting on a table means that they will take orders and eventually serve the table. Waiting for an order or waiting for a table is different. A waiter can wait for people at a table to order while waiting on that table as part of their duties.

Edited by Loonybin
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I would love to see the shared Legacy resources :

Item Bank


Legacy Gear


Also the lightsaber handles are all modeled poorly. One cool thing is that wow did was cool weapons. I would like something distinguishing. Like a special handle showing your PVP rank symbol or Cleared content progression symbol.. One hilt cap for each title would be great.


Lastly .. Can we. Get some cool narly guns for bounty hunters.. My BIS merc (both pvp and pve) has super tiny peashooters.. They are embarrassing. To say the least..


I want my weps to look awesome. I cleared major hurdles to get them and everyone should know it!

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Please dear god let us sit it chairs OMG neither I nor my guild are RPers BUT when I'm standing in game, mentaly I feel like I should be going somewhere or doing something .. Some times I am just chatting. Or having a guild meeting and I feel like my toon should be sitting. It relaxes my mind and reminds me that at this point in time I don't need to be grinding or rading or pvping or doing daileys.



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Few of little things from my list.


1. When you get your companion give us some idea what classes they can be to help us gear them up too, Jaesa is a good example, what spec is she? Can she be others?



Uhm... It's noted in your Codex what stats your companions use and you get a codex entry for them either right as they become part of your crew or soon before, and from that you can see how to gear them. Jaesa is the equivalent of a Jedi Shadow/Sith Assassin.

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Uhm... It's noted in your Codex what stats your companions use and you get a codex entry for them either right as they become part of your crew or soon before, and from that you can see how to gear them. Jaesa is the equivalent of a Jedi Shadow/Sith Assassin.



Here is an issue to your point.. Since Jaesa is an assasin.. Should you outfit her in + Def gear?

or should you put her in +power or should she focus on alacrity since she can cast? Also you are assuming that someone knows anything about an assasin. When I leveled my first toon a Jugg.. I didn't try any other toons info.. I knew what I wanted. I also did not know what Jaesas gear should be or how to best use her situationaly.. so you point is wrong.. and I agree with the person asking for more info from their companion aquisition.

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I don't know if these have been mentioned before or not but my list is:


Crew Skills


The RNG of gathering crewskills is annoying. Having to spend up to 25 minutes of continuous load screens or logging in and out to get the missions you need is not fun nor rewarding at all.


Artifice needs some attention. Every other crew skill has a way to make money without having to do raids so you can RE drops to get patterns. Artifice is only useful for leveling, since everything you can get from it is easily replaced by dailies or pvp rewards unless you're in a raiding guild.


The yellow and orange crystals you get from treasure hunting are also annoying. Is there anyway they can be switched to archeology and have them be color crystal crits? I've had multiple times where I have queued up all my companions for lorridan crystals and only recieved 2 of them because everything else was yellow or orange crystals.


Daily Quests


The black hole daily where you destroy munitions crates is horrible. Having 80+ people trying to get to the 15 or so crates is frustrating, to say the least. No one wants to drive around for a half hour at times looking for crates or have to camp a spawn location.


I have done a lot of daily quests in this game. With the server mergers it gets frustrating to do them when you're competing with 60+ people on occaision. I also don't like grouping with others to do dailies because they slow me down, a lot usually. I would rather spend my time having fun than grinding out dailies. I can do all the dailies by myself in about an hour and a half. With other people it's substantially longer. GW2 has introduced the idea of no tagging for mobs (at least thats where I first heard of it) if you participate in killing the mob you get xp and personal item drops. This would encourage people to work together who are in the same area with out being hassled to group up for that one specific quest and it makes it so same faction griefing is a lot harder. As it stands, I actually do not like seeing other players around because I know they are going to inconvenience me when Im grinding out dailies.

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One of the features I'd like to have is a combo-box on the Crew Skills system that would allow me to change the character I wanted to send companions on missions without the need to logout, login 8 times ! I wouldn't mind, if the loading times didn't take ages ! As they do, I'd like to be able to send all my companions to work and still be queued for WZs, FPs in 1 char, not taking 25 mins just to send every companion on every char.
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These may all be coverd. Apologies in advance:


1.) Jewelry pieces for female Sith, specifically the 3 ring necklace clip badly on any body style but #1.


2.) A method to turn off just your companion comments. Example: "Hold still" from Dorne.


3.) Separate buffs from debuffs and both from character portrait. Give each seprate set of current controls so they can be scaled / moved independently.


4.) Re-visit the level ranges used by the LFG tool. Why are level 27s being put into Athiss or 24s into Hammer station?


5.) Store keybinds with the interface data. Very aggrivating to have to reset them for each character.


6.) Ability to right-click a guild member on the list and get the function window (Invite to group, whisper at least)

Edited by Selethar
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OK. So I have read all 34 pages. But I'm going to repeat suggestions anyway because hopefully the more people that share their thoughts (even if they're the same) the greater the chance of them being actioned.


So first off.




Really, this is amazingly poor right now. I understand that 1.3 was supposed to bring more customisation options to the table with social gear, but I really don't see it. There's a whole heap of little things with character customisation that add up to it being unusable.


  • Colours - My god, how boring are the colours in this game. Would you like your shade of brown more like poo or sand? PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE let us change the colours here. Not just setting the primary colour of a chest piece, but actually changing the colours of everything. We need to fix up all the mis-matching pieces.
  • Enhancements/Mods/Armour ect. - Why does it cost money to remove these??? "Credit sink" gets thrown around a lot. That's not fun. I don't like grinding to get credits so I can change my appearance.
  • Coloured gear - There's plenty of gear that drops. No-one ends up caring about it though because once you've got some Orange gear or better it's next to useless. You really need to make everything equivalent to what is currently orange, or remove the orange type gear all together.
  • Social Points - Why is this a requirement for some gear??? I can't even GET social points on my server. Hell I've been queued non-stop for to first republic FP on my current character since level 10. I'm now at level 17 and still haven't run a FP. Get rid of social points or allow me to get some.




This is probably a bigger issue, but it's something that really irks me. The environments do not make for a fun game. Everything is far too big, far too far away. You walk through space ships that have corridors big enough to drive half a dozen trucks down. It takes you half an hour to walk from one side of the map to another. Even taxis take ages to get anywhere. I've stopped playing the game when I'm in a taxi somewhere. I'll alt-tab to my browser and do something else. Really the whole thing just feels far too big, for no good reason. It's like they've made it take ages to do anything just to keep you playing longer.


Also environmental, stop making me walk. I have a speeder, let me use it. There's no reason to disallow speeders anywhere.


Finally, stop waking me walk through all these mobs of enemies, fight them all, then turn me around and make me do it all over again. That is not fun. That is annoying and causes me to want to stop playing. Have it so once you've "triggered" a mob attack, that you won't trigger them again, unless you choose to.




There's nothing to do endgame unless you want to do Warzones or the same missions over and over again. I realise there can't be an endless supply of content, but if there isn't any single player story updates there's little difference between this game and every other MMO.




I think there should be some good API access given for 3rd party applications. Provide access to things both in-game and out of game. My keyboard has an LCD, other games provide stats on this LCD in-game, SWTOR does not. If people had access to an API they could create this for you. GTN, why do I need to log in to the game client to access the GTN (or my inventory)? I'm just taking up space on the server. I'm not even "playing" the game at times, I'm just checking what's available, picking up some bargains/necessities, logging out again. Surely this could be better done through a website.




As suggested by many people now. We need a legacy bank, better ways of transferring items, make everything bind to legacy. Also stop making us buy the same perks over and over again.




Finally. The biggest one. Make the game more fun.


Every problem I've got with the game is because it's making the game less fun for me. I'm sure there's some genius sitting in a corner office somewhere who has decided it's more important to get people playing for LONGER than it is for them to have fun while doing it. Whoever that guy (or gal) is, stop listening to them. It is NOT fun to have to save up 100,000 credits to unlock legacy perks that should be unlocked by default. It is NOT fun to play the same mission over and over again to get commendations. It is NOT fun to spend half an hour walking across an oversized jungle. Stop it.

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Ship Travel Overhaul


  • Entering your ship should spawn the player in the captains chair, automatically activating the hyperdrive.
  • The ship will appear to be traveling in hyperspace at all times, but does not arrive at any destination until the player chooses one from the galaxy map. This creates the illusion of actually traveling some distance, rather than appearing to travel from loction to location instantaneosly with the current system.
  • Docking and exiting from your ship should be done from the galaxy map, instead of requiring the player to physically activate the ship exit.
  • All the cutscenes of the ship exiting and arriving at locations should only play the first time, during class story missions that lead the player to another location.
  • Low resolution "camera-feed" style cutscenes showing launching off from starports / stations and entering atmosphere should play over the loading screens. This would maintain the feeling of travel while reducing the level of player input required to travel from location to location quickly.
  • A ui element should be added to the quick travel interface allowing the player to quick travel directly to their ship. This would still trigger the quick travel cooldown.



Spaceport and Station Overhaul


  • The seperate entry points and instanced hangers for each classes ship should be removed in favour of a single dynamic phase, taking the entering player to their own phase and spawning the entering players specific ship.
  • Automatic hanger doors just after the instance portal would mask the appearance of the players ship spawning out of thin air.
  • These changes would let artists and level designers create unique spaceports, or makeshift landing zones on each planet, like those pictured in early pre-release screenshots.
  • These changes would make orbital stations uneeded, except for special quests or class quests. Though those respective quests could be moved to the player's ship holoterminal or moved to the planets surface.

Edited by Marb
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Sorry if these are repeats, I haven't had time to go through the whole thread...


Calm down Elara

Not sure if it's the same on other healing companions, but whenever I get off my speeder, load into a new instance, or get off an elevator that has a load screen, Elara reappears in panic mode and wants to heal me even though I am at full health. I can always depend on her to yell "Hold still!" or something when I get off my speeder. It makes me think she has mental health issues.


Wait! Stop for a second!

When hovering the pointer over players, the character info should linger for a couple of seconds and then fade out like it does in that other MMO instead of instantly disappearing if I'm not pointing at the exact center of their character. If the player is moving, it's impossible to identify them unless you're a Jedi master of the mouse. I don't PVP, but I would think that trying to identify one opponent's class while targeting another would have to be nearly impossible.


...which reminds me of my three biggest annoyances of all in the game: Targeting, targeting and... targeting.


Even on inanimate objects that you need to interact with, it sometimes takes way to much time to find the "sweet spot" in order to click on it. If you're going to put a tiny control panel on something, at least give us some leeway in finding the spot to click instead of forcing us to have the skills of a neurosurgeon. It doesn't have to be the exact size of the tiny control panel; the "link" can be bigger. I can think of a few examples, one of which is a couple of the leaking holes in the radioactive waste area of the Black Hole (the right one on the far right tank in particular). I also find that some gathering nodes, especially Durasteel Shipwrecks, can only be easily clicked from one side.


As for targeting mobs, this needs major improvement. If I'm trying to target a mob that's behind another mob (or a boss), but still visible (i.e., just further away from me), I can't click on them because the foreground mob's target "footprint" seems to be like an invisible wall, blocking everything behind it. I rarely, if ever, used to use tab targeting until I started playing swtor, and tabbing through six mobs (and sometimes accidentally tabbing past mine) is very frustrating.


EDIT: Someone a few posts above me mentioned something that I wanted to bring up. I shouldn't have to fight my way through a cave or endless hallways and then fight the same mobs all over again after I've done what I needed to do just to get out. Either make more of these instanced, or give me an alternative exit. One cave that should be instanced in particular is the one on Ilum where you have to gather prototype shields. Not only do I have to fight the same mobs to get out, but I usually have to fight them multiple times because the drop rate is too random (and other players are in there as well). Just the other night I had to kill at least six of the strong droids before I got one of the type 3's to drop. Not that it is difficult, it's just tedious and boring.

Edited by Harradd
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Something that bothers me about the legacy system tree, you can't have more than two links to a character in the tree and you can't have some ties at the same time. Example: A character can not be a spouse to one character while it's the child, sibling, or rival of another. I'd like to see more dimensions to the legacy tree.
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3. Give us a vague flashpoint que timer. Will let me know if it's worth going to do my black hole daileys or just start working on other planets I really didn't do anything on yet.


I disagree:


What we need for the FP/WZ ques is a participation table, those should be shown in the appropriate window!



Operation: Queued: Tanks : 0 Healer: 2 DPS: 6 Hybrids: 3



Warzone Voidstar Player Queued : Empire 6 Republic 2

Ranked WZ: Teams Queued Empire: 3 Republic: 1

Current Matches: VoidStar:0 Huttball: 0 Alderaan:1 Denova:3

Next Match: Voidstar


I think it's far more important to know what is missing (do I have to log on an alt) to get something started than a time estimate!

Edited by GorZie
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Few of little things from my list.


3. Give us a vague flashpoint que timer. Will let me know if it's worth going to do my black hole daileys or just start working on other planets I really didn't do anything on yet.


I believe if you hover your mouse over the queue icon on the minimap it will tell you how many other players are in that queue. If it's 1 then expect to wait a while.

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I believe if you hover your mouse over the queue icon on the minimap it will tell you how many other players are in that queue. If it's 1 then expect to wait a while.


Actually, that number is the number of FPs you are queued for.

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Love the game, but there are just some random things that are either odd, quite annoying or infuriating...


MAJOR ANNOYANCE: 1) Invisible corpses in instances. "Revive me! You're standing right in front of me!" "I don't see you...". I can't count the number of times this has happened and it's incredibly annoying. It may be incredibly hard to fix though, I don't know. Just thought I'd mention it and put it at number 1 on my list.


2) When you're at a token vendor, a piece of gear may be highlighted because you have the token. However, when you try to buy it, it says "Unable to afford item". At first I thought it was bugged and highlighting items I don't have tokens for, but then realised the token was in my Cargo Hold. Maybe change the message to make it less confusing? Or make it so you can buy stuff even if your tokens are in the cargo hold (similar to how you can craft with materials that are in cargo).


3) Speaking of which, it would be nice to have an option that makes crafting materials automatically enter a pre-designated cargo hold while gathering or reverse engineering. It would be a very convenient feature that kept your inventory clear, and makes it so you don't have to waste time right clicking tons of materials into your cargo hold later on.


4) When using Vanish skills, sometimes your companion keeps you in combat (seemingly even if he has no debuffs on him which definitely isn't by design). I'm not sure why or how, but anything to fix this would be appreciated. I've often stopped using my companions just because they get me killed far too often. Companions should help you, not hinder you. If it's intentional that companions keep you in combat if you haven't cleared their DoTs as well as yours, I think you should also rethink that because again, it makes companions more of a hindrance than helpful.


5) Another /stuck command that simply kills you. /stuck works really well, but there are times when the game automatically uses it for you and then when you /stuck again, you have to wait on a cooldown for an ability you never used. Also it would be a more convenient means of travel. People already know how to kill themselves without receiving durability penalties (/stuck while dueling, /stuck while naked in combat , falling to your death etc.), you may as well just let us do it with less hassle. It sure would make questing dailies less of a chore. There's enough tedious traveling in the game as it is, especially in repeatable quests. In the Black Hole heroics for instance, Imperials can just jump off the ledge to their deaths to return back to base, without wasting Quick Travel. But Republic players have to walk all the way back out of their instance without mounts if they don't wish to waste their Quick Travel. Why not just let players kill themselves?


6) Make the collision detection for explosive barrels and such take priority over the collision detection for enemies. How many times have you struggled to click on a barrel because there's 3 enemies in the way? Or the kitable boss in Kaon, trying to click on the barrel when you're at an bad angle, with his massive hitbox blocking your cursor.. it can be a little annoying. And certainly doesn't make the fighting feel smooth, it just feels awkward.


7) This is more of a design suggestion for convenience than a bug. Perhaps you should let class buffs persist through defeat. In PvP, those who have unlocked chapter 2 on all class types have an advantage since they are guaranteed all 4 buffs while respawning. Whereas newcomers have to rely on someone else to buff them (and often you respawn on your own... and you surely don't expect players to use their buffs mid-battle (1 GCD) let alone KNOW there's a guy that needs buffing up). If it's persist-through-defeat, when you receive all 4 buffs at the start, everyone remains on an even playing field throughout the game. Also, if someone is questing and wants to do a warzone, some players may come out fully buffed, while others may have died right before the end and return to questing with no buffs at all. This would ensure everyone leaves the warzone with all their buffs in tact.


8) Crafting, and running crew missions that are green-orange difficulty could give you EXP. It would encourage crafting (which is always nice) and also give you extra options for how you wish to level up. Currently I feel like it's best to wait till you're level 50, then you can use every companion at your disposal to power-level your crafting from 0 to 400 in a few hours. But then you don't really get that full crafting experience of crafting low level items for yourself. This idea would make it so doing this is still an option, but you'd have missed a lot of free EXP by waiting so long.


9) Reduce Legacy Travel cost for Black Hole please. Simple reason: The Corellia loading screens are obscenely long (even with SSD). It feels like a kick in the teeth to be charged 150k just to subvert these loading screens.


10) Typing <t> could replace the <t> with the name of your current target. So you type "/p ATTACK <t>", and it would go through as "ATTACK Droid A"


11) Typing "/target Player" would target the player you type out.

Edited by Ashyel
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