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key bindings don't copy across to a new character .. no option to save them as a file Like you can with the UI.


All of the NPC's on ALL of the planets are ALWAYS in the exact same spot ... it's been over EIGHT MONTHS !! .. they must be knackered standing still for so long :eek:

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key bindings don't copy across to a new character .. no option to save them as a file Like you can with the UI.


All of the NPC's on ALL of the planets are ALWAYS in the exact same spot ... it's been over EIGHT MONTHS !! .. they must be knackered standing still for so long :eek:


Keybindings, yes.


NPCs moving around? There are plenty that do. Don't feel this is as important as things like a better UI and some of the other things that need to be fixed.

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Being able to transfer speeders.


You pay a lot of money to learn how to ride a speeder, and then spend a lot on that speeder, and then a few levels down the line replace it with a slightly better one.


I think at minimum you should be able to send your speeder to another player in your Legacy. Your main gets Speeder Level 2, you should send your Level 1 to an alt. That seems fair. And it's not like it's a cheat; you're still spending tons of money on learning how to fly the speeder in the first place.


Heck, if I could send my old/dated speeders to another character in my Legacy, I would tolerate an increased cost for learning how to fly it as compensation.

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Being able to transfer speeders.


You pay a lot of money to learn how to ride a speeder, and then spend a lot on that speeder, and then a few levels down the line replace it with a slightly better one.


I think at minimum you should be able to send your speeder to another player in your Legacy. Your main gets Speeder Level 2, you should send your Level 1 to an alt. That seems fair. And it's not like it's a cheat; you're still spending tons of money on learning how to fly the speeder in the first place.


Heck, if I could send my old/dated speeders to another character in my Legacy, I would tolerate an increased cost for learning how to fly it as compensation.


Good idea.

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this thread is amazing, it includes so very many of my bugbears about this game, and i hope at least a handful of them are acted upon.

to the OP: i wonder if you know the full extent of what you have undertaken in this project ;) looks like a logistical nightmare to maintain, and wish you all the very best in your attempt!

this is how the suggestion box should be used, and id be dissapointed if BioW doesn't take advantage of it.

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What's difficult about comparing Datacron entries in Codex to a list that tells you which Datacron is which number?


The fact that there is no list ingame that tells me which datacron has which Codex entry. That I have to go to an external website to find the Codex entry for each datacron.


Ideally, when I open the Codex log for datacrons, the log should list the entries and which datacron gives the entries. And ones that I have "aquired" should be listed.

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Legacy should be upgraded in the following way:


keep the current form for the low legacy level


(I think the xp unlocks work this way:


lvl 5, lvl 1 legacy can be unlocked with credits

lvl 5, lvl 2 legacy can be unlocked with credits



This is how I think it should be


lvl 5, lvl 1 legacy can be unlocked with credits

lvl 5, lvl 2 legacy can be unlocked with credits


lvl 30 (or something, next level) - legacy 1 unlock for xp is unlocked for all characters FREE - lvl 6 unlock can be purchased

lvl 35 (or something, next level) - legacy 2 unlock for xp is unlocked for all characters FREE - lvl 7 unlock can be purchased


lvl 50 - lvl 5 legacy unlocks for xp is unlocked for all characters FREE - lvl 10 can be purchased


and now please... make the unlocks be less of a credit sink please


These changes will allow us to actually ENJOY the game when we reroll.


Having to do the grind the first time is ok...

2nd time, still ok, but getting tired

3rd and after, im starting to think that KOTOR 3 would have been better and I think I have better things to do then GRIND AND GRIND AND GRIND to do just a few class quests.

Ultimately, when you get good legacy level, you should be able to just play the class quests to level up your character.

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It's bothering me very very much that high mod removal costs preclude changing gear whenever I want. I want my Operative to look like a real agent (you know who infiltrates various groups in various outfits) and to be able to wear different disguises. But transferring all mods to a different set of gear is sadly so expensive that we can't afford to change our outfits even if we look ridiculously out of place.


For example: Infiltrate a group of anti-Imperial rebels and terrorists, hmmm, should I be wearing my Imperial uniform with the neat little code cylinders and insignias and hope they won't notice it? Yes, because it would cost too much to put all the mods in the Balmorra Resistance Outfit, in which I would not look horribly out of place.


Break out some Imperial-hating prisoners and pose as their mercenary leader. Hmm, maybe I should don the Prisoner's Outfit to be realistic? Nope, it is too cost-prohibitive, I'll just have to hope that they are blind and stupid and that they won't recognize the stripes on my Imperial uniform. Really, I'm the worst undercover agent in the history of undercover agents.


See how mod removal costs can lead to a game-breaking experience?

Edited by CommanderKeeva
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5. Bring back the auto-queue for the next warzone option.
Completely disagree with this, the auto-queue was the single most annoying thing, especially when you are queuing with a group and someone wants to join , you have to ask everyone to leave queue and reenter queue 5 times to get it right. The way it is now makes far more sense.

Otherwise saw a bunch of really good points, I hope the Devs take them into consideration.

Edited by ChrisMattar
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Completely disagree with this, the auto-queue was the single most annoying thing, especially when you are queuing with a group and someone wants to join , you have to ask everyone to leave queue and reenter queue 5 times to get it right. The way it is now makes far more sense.

Otherwise saw a bunch of really good points, I hope the Devs take them into consideration.


Facepalm...I think everyone here means to say...that they would like a button to press to ALLOW auto-reque. Not for it just to be enabled all the time again.

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I may have said this previously. If so, I apologize. Bad mid-term memory.


The self-heal ability for Sith Inquisitors causes you to pace. That pacing counts as movement, which makes the map transparent.


Healing is a good opportunity to consult the map to see where you're going. Making it transparent during healing is a paid.


Therefore, I recommend making movement during healing exempt from the "making the map transparent while moving" rule.

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I know this is silly, but this is something that has bothered me for a while.


When you're advancing your character's story, there are many times you will have a conversation with someone over the intercom when you arrive at a new planet. The General will say something like "I see you've landed on Alderann."


However, I'll stroll over to my bridge shortly afterwards, and clearly I'm still in orbit. If I choose to leave the ship, I'll see a short clip where my ship will land on the planet.


Silly yes, but it's always struck me as an awkward moment.

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I know this is silly, but this is something that has bothered me for a while.


When you're advancing your character's story, there are many times you will have a conversation with someone over the intercom when you arrive at a new planet. The General will say something like "I see you've landed on Alderann."


However, I'll stroll over to my bridge shortly afterwards, and clearly I'm still in orbit. If I choose to leave the ship, I'll see a short clip where my ship will land on the planet.


Silly yes, but it's always struck me as an awkward moment.


Simple fix! Put the landing custscene after the dialogue sequence. Bump for the fix to hopefully be in the future!

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I certainly would love to read through the 50+ pages of suggestions but I just can't. So if this has already been mentioned I do apologize.



I find that having only two windows open allowed at a time annoy's me now and again. Not to mention that they can not be dragged anywhere on the screen. The solution is pretty self explanatory. If you need to close all your windows in a hurry because you are being attacked for example, then there should be a close all button or something similar so you don't loose too much time. Maybe hit the <Esc> key.


Dressing Room (Preview Window)

I don't know why but it would be nice to be able to zoom in and out and move up and down when viewing an item on your character. Some times the view is much too small to really get a good look. In addition I'm sure it is known that we would like to see weapons in that preview window as well.


Character Animations While Idle

Although there are some animation for your player character, it still seems (to me anyway) that they look like robots for most of the idle time. Standing up straight, hands to the side, looking forward for far too long during an idle stance. Some unique animations would be nice for that particular advanced class. Something that you could see what a Jedi would do, or what an Imperial Agent would do. I don't mean their resting state, but more of something while idle. It would also be nice to see some unique idle animations on companions as well. I think it would add to breathing more life into the virtual environment of the game.


Character Animations While Jumping

The current animations work well for non force using classes. However, I really do feel that they seem rather bland looking on Force users. Maybe several types of flips, or something now and then to mix it up, would be huge.


Restricted to Weapon Type

Early on there was a discussion about why certain classes could not use certain weapons. It was to identify what class they were more easily out in the field of battle. Now that we have a little Icon above our heads indicating what advanced class we are, I would love to see that restriction removed. At least to some degree. No a Jedi shouldn't be allowed to use ranged weapons. But could wield a single saber, double saber, or two single sabers if desired with no penalty. I'm guessing there might be some changes to the talent trees needed if this was implemented. Same would apply to ranged classes. I think having more options would peak players interest more.


Sorcerer or Sage Attacks

This is if the suggestion above about the weapon types is a no go. I will use the Sorcerer as an example. While dealing lighting attacks with both hands I've noticed how they wield their Lightsabers in their hand. Although not game braking it doesn't look proper. Since those classes really don't use their Lightsabers during combat anyway, change their grip to a reverse grip. Another way is to use only one hand for the lighting while holding the Lightsaber in the other, behind them. But the reverse grip option would improve the look so immensely either way.


I also agree with the OP's suggestions as well. Especially in respect to how the gear should appear more simplified in nature, rather than more flashy.

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I find that having only two windows open allowed at a time annoy's me now and again. Not to mention that they can not be dragged anywhere on the screen. The solution is pretty self explanatory. If you need to close all your windows in a hurry because you are being attacked for example, then there should be a close all button or something similar so you don't loose too much time. Maybe hit the <Esc> key.


There is a setting in your Interface Editor or Preferences that allows you to drag your windows around the screen. Has been there since... 1.2... I believe. And you can have more than 2 windows open at a time.


Dressing Room (Preview Window)

I don't know why but it would be nice to be able to zoom in and out and move up and down when viewing an item on your character. Some times the view is much too small to really get a good look. In addition I'm sure it is known that we would like to see weapons in that preview window as well.


I want a high res preview on my character in the dressing room window...


Sorcerer or Sage Attacks

This is if the suggestion above about the weapon types is a no go. I will use the Sorcerer as an example. While dealing lighting attacks with both hands I've noticed how they wield their Lightsabers in their hand. Although not game braking it doesn't look proper. Since those classes really don't use their Lightsabers during combat anyway, change their grip to a reverse grip. Another way is to use only one hand for the lighting while holding the Lightsaber in the other, behind them. But the reverse grip option would improve the look so immensely either way.


I would so love it if my sorceress would not have her lightsaber drawn all the time. Thing that really bugs me is that she draws her saber to cast her bubbles and then never puts it away. I have to manually put her saber away unless I want her to forever hold her lightsaber! Yes, it's cool that she has the purple-black crystal in her saber but not so cool that I want her running around with her saber and maiming everyone. And since she's a healer, she really doesn't use her saber at all, anyway, unless I'm doing dailies... and then I'm never really poking people with the glow stick anyway...

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1/I don't know if it is just me but the battle music doesn't sync very well with the game :

_ I can remember very clearly battle music played a lots during the times i was leveling my knight on Tython, it wasn't any special class missions, i was just killing some flesh riders for normal quest, and it sure felt good when the battle music played.

_I think the disappearance of battle music started to begin after Taris (Rep side),it happened more frequently at higher level. I was killing some elites on Hoth and the only music i could hear was Hoth's background music which made me really sleepy :(. There was time i couldn't hear any battle music during class missions too, for example this mission


There was no battle music from the start till after i defeated the boss.

_It happens very randomly ,sometimes there is music,sometimes there is not.


2/The looks of lightsaber's color:

_I personally don't like how the lightsaber looks differently depending on the color likes very thin for blue/red/purple , and fat for green/yellow/orange.

_I hope the dev can make color like blue/red/purple looks fatter and green/yellow/orange looks the same as blue/red/purple version plus fatter like them as well. Or even better, just make them look the same as KOTOR1 and 2.

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